307 research outputs found

    Estudio Comparativo de la Osteosíntesis vs Artroplastia en el Tratamiento de las Fracturas Complejas de Cabeza Radial. Revisión bibliográfica.

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    [ES] La articulación del codo presenta una estructura compleja, aunque morfológicamente es una articulación única realmente las superficies articulares reflejan tres articulaciones en una: la húmero-cubital que es de tipo troclear, la radio-cubital proximal que es de tipo trocoide al completarse la superficie articular del cúbito (escotadura radial) con el ligamento anular y por último la húmero-radial, una enartrosis esférica que colabora en los movimientos propios del codo. Así mismo cuenta con varios ligamentos que dan estabilidad a la articulación: el ligamento colateral radial, el ligamento colateral cubital lateral, el ligamento anular y el ligamento colateral accesorio

    Influence of the viscosity of poly(methyl methacrylate) on the cellular structure of nanocellular materials

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    Three different grades of poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) with different rheological properties are used for the production of nanocellular materials using gas dissolution foaming. The influences of both the viscosity of the different polymers and the processing parameters on the final cellular structure are studied using a wide range of saturation and foaming conditions. Foaming conditions affect similarly all cellular materials. It is found that an increase of the foaming temperature results in less dense nanocellular materials, with higher cell nucleation densities. In addition, it is demonstrated that a lower viscosity leads to cellular polymers with a lower relative density but larger cell sizes and smaller cell nucleation densities, these differences being more noticeable for the conditions in which low solubilities are reached. It is possible to produce nanocellular materials with relative densities of 0.24 combined with cell sizes of 75 nm and cell nucleation densities of 1015 nuclei cm−3 using the PMMA with the lowest viscosity. In contrast, minimum cell sizes of around 14 nm and maximum cell nucleation densities of 3.5 × 1016 nuclei cm−3 with relative densities of 0.4 are obtained with the most viscous one. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industr

    Imitadores de ictus: cuando las cosas no son lo que parecen

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    El ictus es una de las principales enfermedades en el mundo desarrollado. Teniendo en cuenta que el tratamiento fibrinolítico debe ser administrado durante un corto período de tiempo tras el episodio, el ictus constituye una emergencia médica que requiere un diagnóstico acertado precoz. Diversas enfermedades pueden ser difíciles de diferenciar del ictus, estos son los imitadores de ictus, cuya detección reviste especial importancia. En este estudio se ha realizado una revisión bibliográfica literaria acerca de los ictus y sus imitadores, buscando resumir la información de manera accesible y útil para la práctica clínica, ilustrando esta teoría con algunos casos reales. Hemos concluido que una exploración neurológica cuidadosa junto con las pruebas complementarias apropiadas permiten en la inmensa mayoría de las ocasiones obtener un diagnóstico correcto de ictus, reduciendo la confusión, lo cual implica evidentes beneficios de diverso tipo.Grado en Medicin

    Estudio Comparativo de la Osteosíntesis vs Artroplastia en el Tratamiento de las Fracturas Complejas de Cabeza Radial. Revisión bibliográfica.

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    [ES] La articulación del codo presenta una estructura compleja, aunque morfológicamente es una articulación única realmente las superficies articulares reflejan tres articulaciones en una: la húmero-cubital que es de tipo troclear, la radio-cubital proximal que es de tipo trocoide al completarse la superficie articular del cúbito (escotadura radial) con el ligamento anular y por último la húmero-radial, una enartrosis esférica que colabora en los movimientos propios del codo. Así mismo cuenta con varios ligamentos que dan estabilidad a la articulación: el ligamento colateral radial, el ligamento colateral cubital lateral, el ligamento anular y el ligamento colateral accesorio

    Connotation and persuasion in the advertising image

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    La publicidad tiene como finalidad atraer a los compradores, y para ello utiliza como medio de persuasión la imagen. Como cualquier otro signo, la imagen no sólo denota una significación, sino que en ella también encontramos connotaciones. En publicidad, estas connotaciones vienen fuertemente marcadas por todo el proceso de elaboración del anuncio. Este artículo defiende la idea de que la mejor arma de persuasión y seducción es el conjunto de connotaciones (perceptiva, cognitiva e ideológica) que encierra la imagen. El objetivo: comprender la necesidad de adquirir una actitud crítica y hermenéutica ante las "inocentes" imágenes publicitarias, que nos rodean en nuestro día a día.Advertising is intended to attract buyers; and for this purpose, advertising uses images as means of persuasion. As any other sign could, the image not only denotes significance, but we can also find connotations in it. In advertising, these connotations are severely marked by the entire announcement-making process. This article argues this idea: the best persuasion and seduction weapon is the group of connotations (perceptive, cognitive and ideological) that the image conveys. The objective: to understand the necessity of acquiring a critical and hermeneutic attitude in the presence of "innocent" advertising images that surround us in our day by day.Grupo de Investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granad

    Petitio principii in Knowledge Society

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    En el pretendido paso de la "sociedad de la información" a la "sociedad del conocimiento", se están produciendo toda una serie de cambios y exigencias que llevan a la instauración del "capitalismo del conocimiento". Así, bajo el atractivo nombre de "sociedad del conocimiento" se esconde una nueva forma de capitalismo y un cruel mecanismo de retroalimentación: el ser humano es exhortado a mantenerse flexible ante los cambios y a responsabilizarse de su empleabilidad, legitimando de este modo el nuevo orden social; sin a penas percatarse de las posibles consecuencias negativas que estas demandas pueden ocasionar: crisis de identidad y pérdida del sentido de la vida.On the intended step of the Information Society to the Knowledge Society, changes and demands are leading to the establishment of Capitalism of Knowledge. The attractive name of "Knowledge Society" conceals a new form of capitalism and a cruel feedback mechanism: the human being is exhorted to remain flexible against changes and to take responsibility for their "employment opportunity", legitimizing in this way the new social order, without almost any warning about the possible negative consequences these demands can cause: identity crisis and losses of the meaning of life.Grupo de Investigación Antropología y Filosofía (SEJ-126). Universidad de Granad

    Nanocellular Polymers with a Gradient Cellular Structure Based on Poly(methyl methacrylate)/Thermoplastic Polyurethane Blends Produced by Gas Dissolution Foaming

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    Graded structures and nanocellular polymers are two examples of advanced cellular morphologies. In this work, a methodology to obtain low-density graded nanocellular polymers based on poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA)/ thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) blends produced by gas dissolution foaming is reported. A systematic study of the effect of the processing condition is presented. Results show that the melt-blending results in a solid nanostructured material formed by nanometric TPU domains. The PMMA/ TPU foamed samples show a gradient cellular structure, with a homogeneous nanocellular core. In the core, the TPU domains act as nucleating sites, enhancing nucleation compared to pure PMMA and allowing the change from a microcellular to a nanocellular structure. Nonetheless, the outer region shows a gradient of cell sizes from nano- to micron-sized cells. This gradient structure is attributed to a non-constant pressure profile in the samples due to gas desorption before foaming. The nucleation in the PMMA/ TPU increases as the saturation pressure increases. Regarding the effect of the foaming conditions, it is proved that it is necessary to have a fine control to avoid degeneration of the cellular materials. Graded nanocellular polymers with relative densities of 0.16–0.30 and cell sizes ranging 310–480 nm (in the nanocellular core) are obtained

    Comparison of body shape descriptors for biometric recognition using MMW images

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. E. González-Sosa, R. Vera-Rodríguez, Julián Fiérrez, J. Ortega-García, "Comparison of Body Shape Descriptors for Biometric Recognition using MMW Images" in 22nd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Stockholm (Sweden), 2014, 124 - 129.The use of Millimetre wave images has been proposed recently in the biometric field to overcome certain limitations when using images acquired at visible frequencies. In this paper, several body shape-based techniques were applied to model the silhouette of images of people acquired at 94 GHz. We put forward several methods for the parameterization and classification stage with the objective of finding the best configuration in terms of biometric recognition performance. Contour coordinates, shape contexts, Fourier descriptors and silhouette landmarks were used as feature approaches and for classification we utilized Euclidean distance and a dynamic programming method. Results showed that the dynamic programming algorithm improved the performance of the system with respect to the baseline Euclidean distance and the necessity of a minimum resolution of the contour to achieve promising equal error rates. The use of the contour coordinates is the most suitable feature to use in the system regarding the performance and the computational cost involved when having at least 3 images for model training. Besides, Fourier descriptors are more robust against rotations, which may be of interest when dealing with few training images.This work has been partially supported by projects TeraSense (CSD2008-00068), Bio-Shield (TEC2012-34881), Contexts (S2009/TIC-1485) and “Cátedra UAM-Telefónica”

    Body shape-based biometric recognition using millimeter wave images

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. González-Sosa, E. ; Vera-Rodríguez, R. ; Fierrez, J. ; Ortega-García, J. "Body shape-based biometric recognition using millimeter wave images" in 47th International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Medellin, 2013, pp. 1-5Proceedings of 47th International Carnahan Conference on Security Technology, Medellin, October 2013The use of MMW images has been proposed recently in the biometric field aiming to overcome certain limitations when using images acquired at visible frequencies. In this paper, several body shape-based techniques are applied to model the silhouette of images of people acquired at 94 GHz. Three main approaches are presented: a baseline system based on the Euclidean distance, a dynamic programming method and a procedure using Shape Contexts descriptors. Results show that the dynamic time warping algorithm achieves the best results regarding the system performance (around 1.3% EER) and the computation cost. Results achieved here are also compared to previous works based on the extraction of geometric measures between several key points of the body contour. An average relative improvement of 33% EER is achieved for the work reported here.This work has been partially supported by projects TeraSense (CSD2008-00068), Bio-Shield (TEC2012-34881), Contexts (S2009/TIC-1485) and “Cátedra UAM-Telefónica”