23,831 research outputs found

    Analysis and test of the central-blue-spot infall hallmark

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    The infall of material onto a protostar, in the case of optically thick line emission, produces an asymmetry in the blue- and red-wing line emission. For an angularly resolved emission, this translates in a blue central spot in the first-order moment (intensity weighted velocity) map. An analytical expression for the first-order moment intensity as a function of the projected distance was derived, for the cases of infinite and finite infall radius. The effect of a finite angular resolution, which requires the numerical convolution with the beam, was also studied. This method was applied to existing data of several star-forming regions, namely G31.41+0.31 HMC, B335, and LDN 1287, obtaining good fits to the first-order moment intensity maps, and deriving values of the central masses onto which the infall is taking place (G31.41+0.31 HMC: 70-120 M⊙M_\odot; B335: 0.1 M⊙M_\odot; Guitar Core of LDN 1287: 4.8 M⊙M_\odot). The central-blue-spot infall hallmark appears to be a robust and reliable indicator of infall.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    High temperature behavior of Sr-doped layered cobaltites Y(Ba1-xSrx)Co2O5.5: phase stability and structural properties

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    In this article we present a neutron diffraction in-situ study of the thermal evolution and high-temperature structure of layered cobaltites Y(Ba, Sr)Co2 O5+{\delta}. Neutron thermodiffractograms and magnetic susceptibility measurements are reported in the temperature range 20 K <= T <= 570 K, as well as high resolution neutron diffraction experiments at selected temperatures. Starting from the as-synthesized samples with {\delta} ~ 0.5, we show that the room temperature phases remain stable up to 550 K, where they start loosing oxygen and transform to a vacancy-disordered "112" structure with tetragonal symmetry. Our results also show how the so-called "122" structure can be stabilized at high temperature (around 450 K) in a sample in which the addition of Sr at the Ba site had suppressed its formation. In addition, we present the structural and magnetic properties of the resulting samples with a new oxygen content {\delta} ~ 0.25 in the temperature range 20 K <= T <= 300 K

    Interplay between Zeeman interaction and spin-orbit coupling in a two-dimensional semiconductor system

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    We analyse the interplay between Dresselhaus, Bychkov-Rashba, and Zeeman interactions in a two-dimensional semiconductor quantum system under the action of a magnetic field. When a vertical magnetic field is considered, we predict that the interplay results in an effective cyclotron frequency that depends on a spin-dependent contribution. For in-plane magnetic fields, we found that the interplay induces an anisotropic effective gyromagnetic factor that depends on the orientation of the applied field as well as on the orientation of the electron momentum.Comment: 5 page

    Effective shell model Hamiltonians from density functional theory: quadrupolar and pairing correlations

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    We describe a procedure for mapping a self-consistent mean-field theory (also known as density functional theory) into a shell model Hamiltonian that includes quadrupole-quadrupole and monopole pairing interactions in a truncated space. We test our method in the deformed N=Z sd-shell nuclei Ne-20, Mg-24 and Ar-36, starting from the Hartree-Fock plus BCS approximation of the USD shell model interaction. A similar procedure is then followed using the SLy4 Skyrme energy density functional in the particle-hole channel plus a zero-range density-dependent force in the pairing channel. Using the ground-state solution of this density functional theory at the Hartree-Fock plus BCS level, an effective shell model Hamiltonian is constructed. We use this mapped Hamiltonian to extract quadrupolar and pairing correlation energies beyond the mean field approximation. The rescaling of the mass quadrupole operator in the truncated shell model space is found to be almost independent of the coupling strength used in the pairing channel of the underlying mean-field theory.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    The first detection of near-infrared CN bands in active galactic nuclei: signature of star formation

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    We present the first detection of the near-infrared CN absorption band in the nuclear spectra of active galactic nuclei (AGN). This feature is a recent star formation tracer, being particularly strong in carbon stars. The equivalent width of the CN line correlates with that of the CO at 2.3 microns, as expected in stellar populations (SP) with ages between ~ 0.2 and ~ 2 Gyr. The presence of the 1.1 microns CN band in the spectra of the sources is taken as an unambiguous evidence of the presence of young/intermediate SP close to the central source of the AGN. Near-infrared bands can be powerful age indicators for star formation connected to AGN, the understanding of which is crucial in the context of galaxy formation and AGN feedback.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letters. 4 pages, 3 figure

    The relationship between Mathematical Utility Theory and the Integrability Problem: some arguments in favour

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    The resort to utility-theoretical issues will permit us to propose a constructive procedure for deriving a homogeneous of degree one, continuous function that gives raise to a primitive demand function under suitably mild conditions. This constitutes the first elementary proof of a necessary and sufficient condition for an integrability problem to have a solution by continuous (subjective utility) functions. Such achievement reinforces the relevance of a technique that was succesfully formalized in Alcantud and RodrĂ­guez-Palmero (2001). The analysis of these two works exposes deep relationships between two apparently separate fields: mathematical utility theory and the revealed preference approach to the integrability problem.Strong Axiom of Homothetic Revelation; revealed preference; continuous homogeneous of degree one utility; integrability of demand.
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