1,021 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Understanding of Location and Illumination Changes in Egocentric Videos

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    Wearable cameras stand out as one of the most promising devices for the upcoming years, and as a consequence, the demand of computer algorithms to automatically understand the videos recorded with them is increasing quickly. An automatic understanding of these videos is not an easy task, and its mobile nature implies important challenges to be faced, such as the changing light conditions and the unrestricted locations recorded. This paper proposes an unsupervised strategy based on global features and manifold learning to endow wearable cameras with contextual information regarding the light conditions and the location captured. Results show that non-linear manifold methods can capture contextual patterns from global features without compromising large computational resources. The proposed strategy is used, as an application case, as a switching mechanism to improve the hand-detection problem in egocentric videos.Comment: Submitted for publicatio

    Egoshots, an ego-vision life-logging dataset and semantic fidelity metric to evaluate diversity in image captioning models

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    Image captioning models have been able to generate grammatically correct and human understandable sentences. However most of the captions convey limited information as the model used is trained on datasets that do not caption all possible objects existing in everyday life. Due to this lack of prior information most of the captions are biased to only a few objects present in the scene, hence limiting their usage in daily life. In this paper, we attempt to show the biased nature of the currently existing image captioning models and present a new image captioning dataset, Egoshots, consisting of 978 real life images with no captions. We further exploit the state of the art pre-trained image captioning and object recognition networks to annotate our images and show the limitations of existing works. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the quality of the generated captions, we propose a new image captioning metric, object based Semantic Fidelity (SF). Existing image captioning metrics can evaluate a caption only in the presence of their corresponding annotations; however, SF allows evaluating captions generated for images without annotations, making it highly useful for real life generated captions.Comment: 15 pages, 25 figures, Accepted at Machine Learning in Real Life (ML-IRL) ICLR 2020 Worksho

    Ecosystems Autonomous Training of Teacher Profesional Development

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    Este es un trabajo de colaboración entre universidades. Los propósitos de esta investigación son: (a) Conocer de manera directa y en profundidad las posibilidades de los programas del practicum en la realidad institucional, empresarial y laboral de su entorno social. (b) Analizar críticamente los nuevos ambientes de aprendizaje (entornos dinámicos web 2.0) y los aprendizajes informales (c) Desarrollar la capacidad de ser autónomo en la realización de tareas donde tenemos que aplicar teoría y práctica. La muestra la componen 196 estudiantes de 3º y 5º de Pedagogía. La metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa (cuestionarios, grupos de discusión, foros, blogs y entrevistas).In this paper we wanted to collaborate through a joint innovation project. The purpose of this research are: (a) To hear directly and in depth the possibilities of practicum programs in institutional reality, business and labor in their social environment. (b) critically analyze the new learning environments (dynamic environments Web 2.0) and informal learning.(c) develop the ability to be independent in carrying out tasks where we need to apply theory and practice. The sample is composed of 3 196 students and 5 of Pedagogy. The quantitative and qualitative methodology (questionnaires, discussion groups, forums, blogs and interviews)

    Tendencias en dos poblaciones de cánidos silvestres tras 14 años de seguimiento en un área protegida recientemente ampliada en la Patagonia Austral Argentina

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    El seguimiento de las poblaciones de fauna silvestre es clave para conservar la biodiversidad, así como para comprender el funcionamiento de los ecosistemas. Permite tomar decisiones de gestión adecuadas a las tendencias detectadas, siendo fundamental para comprender los procesos ecológicos que las explican. Presentamos los resultados del seguimiento realizado durante 14 años para dos cánidos patagónicos en simpatría, el zorro colorado (Pseudalopex culpaeus) y el zorro gris (Pseudalopex griseus), en el Parque Nacional Bosques Petrificados de Jaramillo (Patagonia Austral Argentina). El seguimiento se basó en estaciones de cebado para registrar huellas. Se instalaron 16 líneas cada año (6 estaciones/línea), en otoño y primavera, permaneciendo activas durante tres días consecutivos. Para el análisis de tendencias poblacionales se utilizaron regresiones de Poisson (Rtrim, software R) de forma general y a nivel de estación. La población de zorro colorado mostró una fuerte disminución general, con una tasa de descenso anual del 17%, que varió estacionalmente, siendo máxima en otoño (23%) y moderada en primavera (10%). Por el contrario, la población de zorro gris se incrementó significativamente de forma moderada, con valores similares a nivel general y estacional (~7%). Estos resultados concuerdan con la hipótesis de la “liberación” de mesodepredadores, por la que ante una disminución de competidores dominantes, como el zorro colorado, subordinados como el zorro gris, incrementan su abundancia. Igualmente, la reciente incorporación al parque de dos establecimientos ganaderos donde cesó la persecución del puma Puma concolor, que pudo recuperarse y paulatinamente excluir al zorro colorado, desencadenando lo observado para los zorros.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    El celebrado regreso de María Zambrano a ninguna parte

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    Resumen: Pocos nombres hay en las letras españolas tan manoseados por autoridades de todo signo político para inaugurar estaciones ferroviarias, instituciones, calles o barriadas como el de la filósofa María Zambrano y, a su vez, pocos autores han sido tan ignorados o mal leídos a la hora de tener en cuenta una obra que descolla por su universalidad y relevancia en la filosofía y la ensayística occidentales. El regreso a España de la autora andaluza en los años 80, tras más de cuatro décadas de exilio, corrió paralelo a un nuevo fenómeno: concebir lo cultural como un evento más de la mercantilización y de la cultura de masas. Aquella escenificación nunca interesó realmente a Zambrano, pues en sus palabras nunca se había ido de España (Varo Baena, 2006:15) y en el tiempo transcurrido fuera de su patria había aprendido a amar el destierro. La comunicación es una reflexión sobre la vuelta de Zambrano a un país que ya no era el mismo, pues no pudo volver a ser la república perdida, aquella con la que tanto ella como muchos de sus compañeros de generación se habían identificado de forma tan intensa, en el contexto de una Transición velozmente mitificada y orquestada por una élite que no dudó en encaminar la cultura hacia la mercadotecnia y el espectáculo mediático en los que terminaría degradándose. Palabras clave: María Zambrano, cultura de masas, mercantilización, regreso, transición Abstract: In recent years María Zambrano's name has been used like no other names in Spanish culture by political authorities to inaugurate railway stations, institutions, streets or neighborhoods, and at the same time her writings have been ignored or misread considering a work that excels by its universality and importance in the essay genre and Western philosophy. The return to Spain in the Andalusian author in the 80s, after more than four decades in exile, ran parallel to a new phenomenon: the cultural conception as an event more of commercialization and mass culture. Such a circus never really interested Zambrano, because in his words she "had never left Spain" and during the time spent abroad she had learned to love her exile. This communication offers a reflection on Zambrano's return to a country that was no longer the same, as it couldn't retrieve the lost Spanish Republic, that stateform in which she and many others of her generation had believed so strongly, in a new context of a rapidly mythologized Transición, led by an elite who did not hesitate to bet increasingly for a degrading marketing culture and media spectacle

    Tiempo, realidad y ficción en Anatomía de un instante de Javier Cercas

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    Že sama katalogizacija dela Anatomía de un instante (Anatomija trenutka)ni enostavna, saj ga sam Javier Cercas v uvodu predstavi kot roman, bralec pa ga dojema bolj kot esej ali kroniko. Na začetku avtor eklektično in zgodovinopisno analizira razmeroma nove zgodovinske dogodke, posebej se ustavi pri protagonistih španskega državnega udara 23. februarja 1981. Avtorjevo objektivno podajanje pa se počasi spremeni v pravi pripovedovalni glas, bolj tipičen za obliko romana. To dosega z različnimi strategijami fikcionalizacije, in sicer s t. i. »znotrajzgodovinsko referencialnostjo« (referencialidad interhistórica) in približevanjem realnosti fikciji oziroma fikcijskim tipom. Značilna je tudi retorična strategija uporabe prostega indirektnega govora. Le v končnem delu postane Cercasova uvodna namera, naj bralec knjigo bere kot roman, razumljivejša in prepričljivejša. Tako postane sam bralec udeleženec plodne in trajne refleksije o omejitvah in hibridnosti žanrov ter o globoki prepletenosti realnosti, časa in književnosti

    El atlantismo de la cultura hispana, ¿un mito o una realidad? : [abstract]

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    Combining H-FABP and GFAP increases the capacity to differentiate between CT-positive and CT-negative patients with mild traumatic brain injury

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    Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) patients may have trauma-induced brain lesions detectable using CT scans. However, most patients will be CT-negative. There is thus a need for an additional tool to detect patients at risk. Single blood biomarkers, such as S100B and GFAP, have been widely studied in mTBI patients, but to date, none seems to perform well enough. In many different diseases, combining several biomarkers into panels has become increasingly interesting for diagnoses and to enhance classification performance. The present study evaluated 13 proteins individually—H-FABP, MMP-1, MMP-3, MMP-9, VCAM, ICAM, SAA, CRP, GSTP, NKDA, PRDX1, DJ-1 and IL-10—for their capacity to differentiate between patients with and without a brain lesion according to CT results. The best performing proteins were then compared and combined with the S100B and GFAP proteins into a CT-scan triage panel. Patients diagnosed with mTBI, with a Glasgow Coma Scale score of 15 and one additional clinical symptom were enrolled at three different European sites. A blood sample was collected at hospital admission, and a CT scan was performed. Patients were divided into two two-centre cohorts and further dichotomised into CT-positive and CT-negative groups for statistical analysis. Single markers and panels were evaluated using Cohort 1. Four proteins—H-FABP, IL-10, S100B and GFAP—showed significantly higher levels in CT-positive patients. The best-performing biomarker was H-FABP, with a specificity of 32% (95% CI 23–40) and sensitivity reaching 100%. The best-performing two-marker panel for Cohort 1, subsequently validated in Cohort 2, was a combination of H-FABP and GFAP, enhancing specificity to 46% (95% CI 36–55). When adding IL-10 to this panel, specificity reached 52% (95% CI 43–61) with 100% sensitivity. These results showed that proteins combined into panels could be used to efficiently classify CT-positive and CT-negative mTBI patients

    Spaces of transition: Young people’s social practices in Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain)

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    Within the context of the growing interest in the study of young people in urban environments, the present article examines their relational spaces in a southern European city: Santa Cruz de Tenerife (Canary Islands, Spain) –with a view to identifying the places they frequent and establishing whether or not the most widely-used ones form a spatial network offering them different recreational opportunities. Combining quantitative and qualitative methods, the paper explores the social practices of young people. The information obtained reveals the significance of open public spaces and shopping malls for young people generally, although differences are seen in their practices according to age, gender and social background. The results also suggest that, in the routes they take and their stays in the aforementioned places, young people create a network of meeting spaces that owes more to the construction of their identity than to the existence of complementary formulas for recreation