3,806 research outputs found

    Subsampling inference in cube root asymptotics with an application to Manski's maximum score estimator

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    Kim and Pollard (Annals of Statistics, 18 (1990) 191?219) showed that a general class of M-estimators converge at rate n1/3 rather than at the standard rate n1/2. Many times, this situation arises when the objective function is non-smooth. The limiting distribution is the (almost surely unique) random vector that maximizes a certain Gaussian process and is difficult to analyze analytically. In this paper, we propose the use of the subsampling method for inferential purposes. The general method is then applied to Manski?s maximum score estimator and its small sample performance is highlighted via a simulation study.Publicad

    Perceived Quality of Care, Receipt of Preventive Care, and Usual Source of Health Care Among Undocumented and Other Latinos

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    Latinos are the largest minority group in the United States and experience persistent disparities in access to and quality of health care. (1) To determine the relationship between nativity/immigration status and self-reported quality of care and preventive care. (2) To assess the impact of a usual source of health care on receipt of preventive care among Latinos. Using cross-sectional data from the 2007 Pew Hispanic Center/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Hispanic Healthcare Survey, a nationally representative telephone survey of 4,013 Latino adults, we compared US-born Latinos with foreign-born Latino citizens, foreign-born Latino permanent residents and undocumented Latinos. We estimated odds ratios using separate multivariate ordered logistic models for five outcomes: blood pressure checked in the past 2 years, cholesterol checked in the past 5 years, perceived quality of medical care in the past year, perceived receipt of no health/health-care information from a doctor in the past year, and language concordance. Undocumented Latinos had the lowest percentages of insurance coverage (37% vs 77% US-born, P < 0.001), usual source of care (58% vs 79% US-born, P < 0.001), blood pressure checked (67% vs 87% US-born, P < 0.001), cholesterol checked (56% vs 83% US-born, P < 0.001), and reported excellent/good care in the past year (76% vs 80% US-born, P < 0.05). Undocumented Latinos also reported the highest percentage receiving no health/health-care information from their doctor (40% vs 20% US-born, P < 0.001) in the past year. Adjusted results showed that undocumented status was associated with lower likelihood of blood pressure checked in the previous 2 years (OR = 0.60; 95% CI, 0.43–0.84), cholesterol checked in the past 5 years (OR = 0.62; 95% CI, 0.39–0.99), and perceived receipt of excellent/good care in the past year (OR = 0.56; 95% CI, 0.39–0.77). Having a usual source of care increased the likelihood of a blood pressure check in the past 2 years and a cholesterol check in the past 5 years. In this national sample, undocumented Latinos were less likely to report receiving blood pressure and cholesterol level checks, less likely to report having received excellent/good quality of care, and more likely to receive no health/health-care information from doctors, even after adjusting for potential confounders. Our study shows that differences in nativity/immigration status should be taken into consideration when we discuss perceived quality of care among Latinos

    Charge Photoinjection in Intercalated and Covalently Bound [Re(CO)_(3)(dppz)(py)]^(+)–DNA Constructs Monitored by Time-Resolved Visible and Infrared Spectroscopy

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    The complex [Re(CO)_(3)(dppz)(py′-OR)]+ (dppz = dipyrido[3,2-a:2′,3′-c]phenazine; py′-OR = 4-functionalized pyridine) offers IR sensitivity and can oxidize DNA directly from the excited state, making it a promising probe for the study of DNA-mediated charge transport (CT). The behavior of several covalent and noncovalent Re–DNA constructs was monitored by time-resolved IR (TRIR) and UV/visible spectroscopies, as well as biochemical methods, confirming the long-range oxidation of DNA by the excited complex. Optical excitation of the complex leads to population of MLCT and at least two distinct intraligand states. Experimental observations that are consistent with charge injection from these excited states include similarity between long-time TRIR spectra and the reduced state spectrum observed by spectroelectrochemistry, the appearance of a guanine radical signal in TRIR spectra, and the eventual formation of permanent guanine oxidation products. The majority of reactivity occurs on the ultrafast time scale, although processes dependent on slower conformational motions of DNA, such as the accumulation of oxidative damage at guanine, are also observed. The ability to measure events on such disparate time scales, its superior selectivity in comparison to other spectroscopic techniques, and the ability to simultaneously monitor carbonyl ligand and DNA IR absorption bands make TRIR a valuable tool for the study of CT in DNA

    Asynchronous and Synchronous Teaching and Learning in High-School Distance Education

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    This paper presents the results of an inductive, interpretive analysis of the perspectives of 42 Canadian high school distance education (DE) teachers on asynchronous and synchronous online teaching. The paper includes a conceptual overview of the affordances and constraints of each form of teaching. Findings provided insight into the following aspects of asynchronous and synchronous online teaching: degree of use; the tools used; the contexts in which each occur; students’ preferences; and limitations. Pedagogy emerged as more important than media for both asynchronous and synchronous online teaching. Synchronous online teaching relied on teacher- rather than student-centred approaches. Asynchronous online teaching provided support for selfpaced, highly independent forms of secondary DE supplemented by synchronous online teaching for answering questions and troubleshooting

    Towards economically dynamic Special Economic Zones in emerging countries

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    Despite a massive recent proliferation of Special Economic Zones (SEZs), there is virtually no quantitative research on what drives their dynamism. The aim of this paper is to address this gap and analyse the factors influencing SEZ performance – proxied by economic growth – in emerging countries. The paper relies on two novel datasets, using night-lights data to proxy for SEZ performance and containing a wide range of SEZ policy variables and characteristics across a large number of countries. The main results of the analysis indicate that a) zone growth is difficult to sustain over time; that b) trying to upgrade the technological component or value-added of the economy through SEZ policies is often challenging; and that c) zone size matters: larger zones have an advantage in terms of growth potential. Furthermore, country context significantly determines SEZ performance. Firms look for low cost locations, but in close proximity to large cities. Proximity to large markets as well as pre-existing industrialization also increase SEZ performance. In contrast, incentives and other program specific variables are highly context-specific and not structurally correlated with SEZ performance

    Utjecaj prinosa pašnjaka i pašnog obroka na kvalitetu travnjaka, unos paše i proizvodnju mlijeka.

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    Sixty-four Holstein-Friesian cows were randomly assigned to one of four treatments (M15, M20, H15 and H20) in a 2x2 factorial design, by considering: two pre-grazing pasture mass levels (PM, kg DM/ha): medium (M-1,600) vs. high (H-2,400); and two pasture allowance levels (PA, kg DM/cow/day): low (15) vs. high (20). Two periods (PI vs. PII) were studied. Sward density and pre-grazing sward height were higher in high compared to medium pre-grazing PM swards in PI (P<0.001, 255 vs. 235 kg DM/cm/ha and P<0.001, 14.8 vs. 10.9 cm, respectively) and PII (P<0.001, 216 vs. 196 kg DM/cm/ha and P<0.001, 14.3 vs. 13.0 cm, respectively). Lower post-grazing sward height and higher pasture utilization were obtained in low compared to high PA swards in PI (P<0.001, 4.1 vs. 4.9 cm and P<0.001, 98.8 vs. 89.9 %, respectively) and PII (P<0.001, 4.3 vs. 5.0 cm and P<0.001, 97.1 vs. 89.9 %, respectively). Pasture crude protein content and pasture organic matter digestibility were higher in medium compared to high pre-grazing PM swards in PI (P<0.001, 210 vs. 176 g/kg DM and P<0.05, 846 vs. 836 g/kg DM, respectively) and PII (P<0.05, 212 vs. 192 g/kg DM and P<0.05, 828 vs. 821 g/kg DM, respectively). This was due to higher leaf and lower dead proportions in medium than in high pre-grazing PM swards. Pasture dry matter intake (PDMI) (P<0.001, 16.5 vs. 14.7 kg DM/cow/day), milk yield (MY) (P<0.01, 23.8 vs. 22.7 kg/day) and milk solids yield (MSY) (P<0.05, 1.69 vs. 1.61 kg/cow) were higher in high compared to low PA swards in PI. Higher PDMI (P<0.001, 15.7 vs. 14.1 kg DM/cow/day), MY (P<0.001, 15.4 vs. 13.6 kg/day) and MSY (P<0.01, 1.19 vs. 1.08 kg/cow) were also found in high than in low PA swards in PII. The highest (P<0.001) milk output per ha (16,983 kg/ha) and milk solids per ha (1,268 kg/ha) were found in the group of dairy cows grazing in the M20 swards.Šezdeset četiri holštaj-frizijske krave nasumično su razvrstane u četiri skupine (M15, M20, H15 i H20), uzevši u obzir 2x2 faktorijalni dizajn s obzirom na: dvije razine prinosa pašnjaka prije napasivanja (PM, kg DM/ha) - srednja (M-1600) naprema visoka (H-2400), te dvije razine pašnog obroka (PA, kg DM / krava /dan) - niski (15) naprema visoki (20). Istražena su dva razdoblja (PI naprema PII). Između travnjaka s visokim i srednjim prinosom prije napasivanja (PM), u prvom razdoblju utvrđene su razlike s obzirom na gustoću travnjaka (P<0,001; H = 255 naprema M = 235 kg DM/cm/ha) i visinu trave (P<0,001; H = 14,8 naprema M = 10,9 cm). U drugom razdoblju, statistička značajnost i razlike između navedenih skupina iznosili su P<0,001; H = 216 naprema M = 196 kg DM/cm/ha i P<0,001; H = 14,3 naprema M = 13,0 cm. Najniža visina trave i najviša iskoristivost pašnjaka nakon napasivanja utvrđene su usporedbom niskog i visokog pašnog obroka tijekom prvog razdoblja (P<0,001; niski = 4,1 naprema visoki = 4,9 cm te P<0,001; niski = 98,8 naprema visoki = 89,9%) kao i tijekom drugog razdoblja (P<0,001; niski = 4,3 naprema visoki = 5,0 cm te P<0,001; niski = 97,1 naprema visoki = 89,9%). Sadržaj sirovih proteina i probavljivost organske tvari tijekom prvog razdoblja bili su viši kod pašnjaka sa srednjim prinosom pašnjaka prije napasivanja u odnosu na pašnjake s visokom razinom prinosa prije napasivanja (P<0,001; M = 210 naprema H = 176 g/kg DM i P<0,05; M = 846 naprema H = 836 g/kg DM. Tijekom drugog razdoblja, statistička značajnost i vrijednosti navedenih pokazatelja iznosili su (P<0,05; M = 212 naprema H = 192 g/kg DM i P<0,05; M = 828 naprema H = 821 g/kg DM). Navedeno se može pripisati većem udjelu lišća i manjem udjelu uvenule mase na pašnjacima sa srednjim prinosom prije napasivanja u odnosu na pašnjake s visokim prinosom prije napasivanja. Usporedba niskog i visokog pašnog obroka tijekom prvog razdoblja, pokazala je statistički značajne razlike za unos suhe tvari pašom (P<0,001; niski = 16,5 naprema visoki = 14,7 kg DM/krava/dnevno), proizvodnju mlijeka (P<0,01; niski = 23,8 naprema. visoki = 22,7 kg/day) te proizvodnju krute tvari mlijeka (P<0,05; niski = 1,69 naprema. visoki = 1,61 kg/krava). Tijekom drugog razdoblja, viši unos suhe tvari pašom utvrđen kod visokoga pašnog obroka u odnosu na niski pašni obrok (P<0,001; visoki = 15,7 naprema niski = 14,1 kg DM/krava/dnevno), viša je bila i proizvodnja mlijeka (P<0,001; visoki = 15,4 naprema niski = 13,6 kg/day) te proizvodnja krute tvari mlijeka (P<0,01; visoki = 1,19 naprema niski = 1,08 kg/krava). Najviša proizvodnja mlijeka po hektaru (P<0,001; 16,983 kg/ha) i krute tvari mlijeka po hektaru (1,268 kg/ha) utvrđena je kod krava koje su napasivane u skupini M20 travnjaka

    Utjecaj prinosa pašnjaka i pašnog obroka na kvalitetu travnjaka, unos paše i proizvodnju mlijeka.

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    Sixty-four Holstein-Friesian cows were randomly assigned to one of four treatments (M15, M20, H15 and H20) in a 2x2 factorial design, by considering: two pre-grazing pasture mass levels (PM, kg DM/ha): medium (M-1,600) vs. high (H-2,400); and two pasture allowance levels (PA, kg DM/cow/day): low (15) vs. high (20). Two periods (PI vs. PII) were studied. Sward density and pre-grazing sward height were higher in high compared to medium pre-grazing PM swards in PI (P<0.001, 255 vs. 235 kg DM/cm/ha and P<0.001, 14.8 vs. 10.9 cm, respectively) and PII (P<0.001, 216 vs. 196 kg DM/cm/ha and P<0.001, 14.3 vs. 13.0 cm, respectively). Lower post-grazing sward height and higher pasture utilization were obtained in low compared to high PA swards in PI (P<0.001, 4.1 vs. 4.9 cm and P<0.001, 98.8 vs. 89.9 %, respectively) and PII (P<0.001, 4.3 vs. 5.0 cm and P<0.001, 97.1 vs. 89.9 %, respectively). Pasture crude protein content and pasture organic matter digestibility were higher in medium compared to high pre-grazing PM swards in PI (P<0.001, 210 vs. 176 g/kg DM and P<0.05, 846 vs. 836 g/kg DM, respectively) and PII (P<0.05, 212 vs. 192 g/kg DM and P<0.05, 828 vs. 821 g/kg DM, respectively). This was due to higher leaf and lower dead proportions in medium than in high pre-grazing PM swards. Pasture dry matter intake (PDMI) (P<0.001, 16.5 vs. 14.7 kg DM/cow/day), milk yield (MY) (P<0.01, 23.8 vs. 22.7 kg/day) and milk solids yield (MSY) (P<0.05, 1.69 vs. 1.61 kg/cow) were higher in high compared to low PA swards in PI. Higher PDMI (P<0.001, 15.7 vs. 14.1 kg DM/cow/day), MY (P<0.001, 15.4 vs. 13.6 kg/day) and MSY (P<0.01, 1.19 vs. 1.08 kg/cow) were also found in high than in low PA swards in PII. The highest (P<0.001) milk output per ha (16,983 kg/ha) and milk solids per ha (1,268 kg/ha) were found in the group of dairy cows grazing in the M20 swards.Šezdeset četiri holštaj-frizijske krave nasumično su razvrstane u četiri skupine (M15, M20, H15 i H20), uzevši u obzir 2x2 faktorijalni dizajn s obzirom na: dvije razine prinosa pašnjaka prije napasivanja (PM, kg DM/ha) - srednja (M-1600) naprema visoka (H-2400), te dvije razine pašnog obroka (PA, kg DM / krava /dan) - niski (15) naprema visoki (20). Istražena su dva razdoblja (PI naprema PII). Između travnjaka s visokim i srednjim prinosom prije napasivanja (PM), u prvom razdoblju utvrđene su razlike s obzirom na gustoću travnjaka (P<0,001; H = 255 naprema M = 235 kg DM/cm/ha) i visinu trave (P<0,001; H = 14,8 naprema M = 10,9 cm). U drugom razdoblju, statistička značajnost i razlike između navedenih skupina iznosili su P<0,001; H = 216 naprema M = 196 kg DM/cm/ha i P<0,001; H = 14,3 naprema M = 13,0 cm. Najniža visina trave i najviša iskoristivost pašnjaka nakon napasivanja utvrđene su usporedbom niskog i visokog pašnog obroka tijekom prvog razdoblja (P<0,001; niski = 4,1 naprema visoki = 4,9 cm te P<0,001; niski = 98,8 naprema visoki = 89,9%) kao i tijekom drugog razdoblja (P<0,001; niski = 4,3 naprema visoki = 5,0 cm te P<0,001; niski = 97,1 naprema visoki = 89,9%). Sadržaj sirovih proteina i probavljivost organske tvari tijekom prvog razdoblja bili su viši kod pašnjaka sa srednjim prinosom pašnjaka prije napasivanja u odnosu na pašnjake s visokom razinom prinosa prije napasivanja (P<0,001; M = 210 naprema H = 176 g/kg DM i P<0,05; M = 846 naprema H = 836 g/kg DM. Tijekom drugog razdoblja, statistička značajnost i vrijednosti navedenih pokazatelja iznosili su (P<0,05; M = 212 naprema H = 192 g/kg DM i P<0,05; M = 828 naprema H = 821 g/kg DM). Navedeno se može pripisati većem udjelu lišća i manjem udjelu uvenule mase na pašnjacima sa srednjim prinosom prije napasivanja u odnosu na pašnjake s visokim prinosom prije napasivanja. Usporedba niskog i visokog pašnog obroka tijekom prvog razdoblja, pokazala je statistički značajne razlike za unos suhe tvari pašom (P<0,001; niski = 16,5 naprema visoki = 14,7 kg DM/krava/dnevno), proizvodnju mlijeka (P<0,01; niski = 23,8 naprema. visoki = 22,7 kg/day) te proizvodnju krute tvari mlijeka (P<0,05; niski = 1,69 naprema. visoki = 1,61 kg/krava). Tijekom drugog razdoblja, viši unos suhe tvari pašom utvrđen kod visokoga pašnog obroka u odnosu na niski pašni obrok (P<0,001; visoki = 15,7 naprema niski = 14,1 kg DM/krava/dnevno), viša je bila i proizvodnja mlijeka (P<0,001; visoki = 15,4 naprema niski = 13,6 kg/day) te proizvodnja krute tvari mlijeka (P<0,01; visoki = 1,19 naprema niski = 1,08 kg/krava). Najviša proizvodnja mlijeka po hektaru (P<0,001; 16,983 kg/ha) i krute tvari mlijeka po hektaru (1,268 kg/ha) utvrđena je kod krava koje su napasivane u skupini M20 travnjaka

    Are buffers around home representative of physical activity spaces among adults?

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    Residential buffers are frequently used to assess built environment characteristics relevant to physical activity (PA), yet little is known about how well they represent the spatial areas in which individuals undertake PA. We used System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities data for 217 adults from five US states who wore an accelerometer and a GPS for three weeks to create newly defined PA-specific activity spaces. These PA spaces were based on PA occurring in bouts of ≥10min and were defined as 1) the single minimum convex polygon (MCP) containing all of a participant's PA bout minutes and 2) the combination of many MCPs constructed using each PA bout independently. Participants spent a large proportion of their PA bout time outside of 0.5, 1, and 5 mile residential buffers, and these residential buffers were a poor approximation of the spatial areas in which PA bouts occurred. The newly proposed GPS-based PA spaces can be used in future studies in place of the more general concept of activity space to better approximate built environments experienced during PA
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