332 research outputs found

    A general framework for information-work interconvertibility in the quantum regime

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    Description: In the context of quantum thermodynamics the Landauer's principle and the Szilard engine are usually presented as the paradigmatic examples of the inter-convertibility between information and work. Besides, the fluctuation-dissipation theorems (Jarzynski and Crooks equalities) take into account the quantum effects in work extraction. By means of resource theoretic tools, we aim to develop a framework that unifies all the above phenomena as manifestations of the same fundamental principle: quantum channels with energy conservation constraints.In this theoretical work we study three theorems that establish limitations to three basic processes in thermodynamics: an adiabatic process, an erasure process and a work extraction process. We propose a theoretical setting that allows us to model these three processes using a fully quantum formalism. Using this picture, we explore the fundamental limitations that affect the processes. As a conclusion, we give a general view to the origin of these limitations

    Validity and Failure of the Boltzmann Weight

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    The dynamics and thermostatistics of a classical inertial XY model, characterized by long-range interactions, are investigated on dd-dimensional lattices (d=1,2,d=1,2, and 3), through molecular dynamics. The interactions between rotators decay with the distance rijr_{ij} like~1/rijα1/r_{ij}^{\alpha} (α≥0\alpha \geq 0), where α→∞\alpha\to\infty and α=0\alpha=0 respectively correspond to the nearest-neighbor and infinite-range interactions. We verify that the momenta probability distributions are Maxwellians in the short-range regime, whereas qq-Gaussians emerge in the long-range regime. Moreover, in this latter regime, the individual energy probability distributions are characterized by long tails, corresponding to qq-exponential functions. The present investigation strongly indicates that, in the long-range regime, central properties fall out of the scope of Boltzmann-Gibbs statistical mechanics, depending on dd and α\alpha through the ratio α/d\alpha/d.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. To appear in EP

    Dimensiones de identidad social en jóvenes sordos

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    En este articulo, desde una metodologia basada fundamentalmente en el escalamiento multidimensional, se analizan los procesos de identidad social en los jóvenes sordos severos y profundos prelocutivos. Para ello, se adopta la Teoria de la Categorización-Identidad-Comparación social (CIC) propuesta por Tajfel y Turner. Esto es así, porque se estima que la pertenencia a un grupo diferenciado como el de los sordos configurará de manera relevante su Identidad Social. Igualmente se trata de comprobar si, al objeto de obtener una identidad social positiva, también se producen sesgos endogrupales dentro de una población asociada a una minusvalíaThe article analyzes processes of social identity in young deaf peopleffom a multidimensional perspective, using Tajfel and Turner's Social Categorization-Identity-Comparison Theory. Our hypothesis is that the fact of belonging to a differentiated social group, such as the deafpopulation, has a marked effect on social identity. In addition, the authors examine whether intragroup bias emerges insid a disabledpopulation as a result of attempts to obtain a positive social identityS

    La participación de las regiones en el proceso de toma de decisiones de la Unión Europea : caminos posibles para las comunidades autónomas españolas

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    La participación de las Regiones en el proceso de toma de decisiones de la Unión Europea es un tema de indudable actualidad que ha cobrado gran importancia en los últimos años. La investigación se encuentra dividida en cinco partes (El concepto de Región en la Europa comunitaria; La presencia regional en la Unión Europea; Los casos de Bélgica, Alemania y Austria como modelos avanzados de participación regional en la adopción de decisiones de la Unión Europea; Otros casos de participación regional en asuntos comunitarios; y, Las Comunidades Autónomas españolas), subdivididas a su vez en diversos capítulos. Para aproximarnos a la compleja problemática que abarca este trabajo, se ha decidido dedicar la primera parte a la definición conceptual y al análisis de la realidad que rodea a la Región europea. Una vez superado el inicio de la investigación, se exponen los medios de que disponen las Regiones, a través de su presencia en las instituciones y órganos comunitarios, y de otros medios de representación, para participar en el proceso de toma de decisiones de la Unión Europea. Tras indicar esos cauces de representación regional a nivel comunitario, se analizan los casos de las Comunidades y Regiones belgas, de los Länder alemanes y de los Länder austríacos, únicos referentes europeos aparentemente válidos, si nos ceñimos a la temática aquí estudiada, para las Comunidades Autónomas españolas. Posteriormente abordamos, con menor profundidad, otros casos de participación regional en asuntos comunitarios (las Regiones italianas, las Regiones autónomas portuguesas de Madeira y Azores, las islas Aland finlandesas, Escocia y Gales) no tan desarrollados como los analizados en la tercera parte de la investigación. La quinta parte, la más extensa y compleja, está exclusivamente dedicada al análisis de la problemática situación que, en relación con el tema de la investigación, existe en la actualidad en España. Así, analizaremos la evolución que se ha producido desde la adhesión de nuestro Estado a la Comunidad Europea hasta la actualidad; en esta línea de trabajo, se señalan una serie de fechas y hechos enormemente relevantes, tanto en el plano político como jurídico, que han generado importantes modificaciones. La investigación finaliza con una serie de propuestas encaminadas a contribuir a la búsqueda de soluciones para la contradictoria situación existente en el Estado español, donde las Comunidades Autónomas han visto limitado por parte del Gobierno central el ejercicio de unas competencias asignadas jurídicamente en el ordenamiento interno

    Depolarization channel for barcelona lidar. Implementation and preliminary measurements

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    A new depolarization channel has beenimplemented in the BarcelonaTech University(UPC) multi-wavelength lidar system. The opticaland mechanical designs are presented. The specialconfiguration of the total power channel is alsodetailed, with the relevant aspects in measurement inversion. Some preliminary measurements arepresented for Saharan dust intrusion events.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Infiltrative xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis mimicking aggressive gallbladder carcinoma: A diagnostic and therapeutic dilemma

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    Xanthogranulomatous cholecystitis (XGC) is an uncommon variant of chronic cholecystitis. The perioperative findings in aggressive cases may be indistinguishable from those of gallbladder or biliary tract carcinomas. Three patients presented mass lesions that infiltrated the hepatic hilum, provoked biliary dilatation and jaundice, and were indicative of malignancy. Surgical excision was performed following oncological principles and included extirpation of the gallbladder, extrahepatic bile duct, and hilar lymph nodes, as well as partial hepatectomy. Postoperative morbidity was minimal. Surgical pathology demonstrated XGC and absence of malignancy in all three cases. All three patients are alive and well after years of follow-up. XGC may have such an aggressive presentation that carcinoma may only be ruled out on surgical pathology. In such cases, the best option may be radical resection following oncological principles performed by expert surgeons, in order that postoperative complications may be minimized if not avoided altogether

    Current research in lidar technology used for the remote sensing of atmospheric aerosols

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    Lidars are active optical remote sensing instruments with unique capabilities for atmospheric sounding. A manifold of atmospheric variables can be profiled using different types of lidar: concentration of species, wind speed, temperature, etc. Among them, measurement of the properties of aerosol particles, whose influence in many atmospheric processes is important but is still poorly stated, stands as one of the main fields of application of current lidar systems. This paper presents a review on fundamentals, technology, methodologies and state-of-the art of the lidar systems used to obtain aerosol information. Retrieval of structural (aerosol layers profiling), optical (backscatter and extinction coefficients) and microphysical (size, shape and type) properties requires however different levels of instrumental complexity; this general outlook is structured following a classification that attends these criteria. Thus, elastic systems (detection only of emitted frequencies), Raman systems (detection also of Raman frequency-shifted spectral lines), high spectral resolution lidars, systems with depolarization measurement capabilities and multi-wavelength instruments are described, and the fundamentals in which the retrieval of aerosol parameters is based is in each case detailed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
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