2,028 research outputs found

    A novel MLSD receiver architecture for nonlinear channels

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    A new architecture for maximum likelihood sequence detec- tion (MLSD) in nonlinear dispersive channels (NLCs) is presented, and its robustness to inaccurate channel knowledge is analyzed. This architecture is developed by considering a novel orthogonal representation of the NLC, which is exploited to develop a front-end capable of obtaining uncorrelated symbol rate samples, representing a sufficient statistic for information decoding. This front-end is a special form of space-time whitened matched filter (ST-WMF), and the MLSD obtained by using this front-end (ST-WMF-MLSD) requires simple branch metrics due to the signal whitening. The ST-WMF also allows for space-time compression of the equivalent channel, which is exploited for further complexity reduction of the ST-WMF-MLSD. Simulation results show the good trade-off in performance and complexity obtained with the ST-WMF- MLSD, even in the presence of inaccurate channel knowledge.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    A novel MLSD receiver architecture for nonlinear channels

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    A new architecture for maximum likelihood sequence detec- tion (MLSD) in nonlinear dispersive channels (NLCs) is presented, and its robustness to inaccurate channel knowledge is analyzed. This architecture is developed by considering a novel orthogonal representation of the NLC, which is exploited to develop a front-end capable of obtaining uncorrelated symbol rate samples, representing a sufficient statistic for information decoding. This front-end is a special form of space-time whitened matched filter (ST-WMF), and the MLSD obtained by using this front-end (ST-WMF-MLSD) requires simple branch metrics due to the signal whitening. The ST-WMF also allows for space-time compression of the equivalent channel, which is exploited for further complexity reduction of the ST-WMF-MLSD. Simulation results show the good trade-off in performance and complexity obtained with the ST-WMF- MLSD, even in the presence of inaccurate channel knowledge.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Analysis of the start to the first hurdle in 110m hurdles at the IAAF World Athletics Championships Beijing 2015

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    The purpose of this study was to use observational analysis to evaluate the relationships between variables measured at the start of the men’s 110 hurdles event and race performance itself. Data were obtained for competitors in 2015 IAAF World Athletics Ch ampionships, in Beijing, China. The athletes’ start was quantified by reaction time and time to the first hurdle; their action over the first hurdle was quantified by the take - off distance (i.e., the distance from the last step to the first hurdle), the la nding distance, and the total distance in the air over the first hurdle. Regression analyses revealed that the combination of one measure of the start (either reaction time or time to the first hurdle) and the measure of propulsion over the first hurdle (d istance in air over the first hurdle) predicted performance (SEE = 0.23 s in the heats, SEE = 0.16 s in the semi - finals, SEE = 0.09 s in the finals). In addition, looking at performances in the finals, where all athletes with available data used a seven - st ep approach to the first hurdle, inclusion of stride length data improved the prediction somewhat (SEE = 0.07 s). The results demonstrate that a combination of a fast start, rapid acceleration, and strong drive over the first hurdle quantifiably explains a nd contributes to performance in the men’s 110 m hurdles at the highest level

    Computed tomography angiography, perforator flaps, surgeon and OsiriX

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    Desde la introducción de la transferencia cutánea basada en perforantes, la angiotomografía computerizada ha emergido como una técnica de gran valor en la planificación preoperatoria de los colgajos de perforante. Sin embargo, parece probable que el aprovechamiento de la técnica sea menor del deseable. Evaluamos, a través de la experiencia en 144 pacientes, la utilidad del visor gratuito de imágenes DICOM OsiriX para Mac en la planificación preoperatoria de los colgajos de perforante con tres objetivos: 1) ampliar los conocimientos actuales relacionados con la aplicación de la angiotomografía computerizada en la planificación preoperatoria de los colgajos de perforante, 2) evaluar la aplicación OsiriX en el post-procesamiento de imágenes en la planificación preoperatoria de colgajos de perforante y 3) evaluar el rendimiento obtenible de la angiotomografía considerando que el postprocesamiento es realizado por un cirujano (no especialista en Radiodiagnóstico). La experiencia permite afirmar que el postprocesamiento de las imágenes DICOM por el cirujano con la aplicación Osirix permite habitualmente evaluar de manera adecuada diversas estructuras y parámetros de gran interés en la cirugía de colgajos de perforante: 1) arteria principal, origen de la perforante, 2) diámetro de arteria y vena/s en el hipotético sitio de anastomosis microquirúrgica, 3) recorrido y patrón de ramificación del pedículo del colgajo, 4) disposición de la perforante en la grasa subcutánea (teórico eje de diseño del colgajo), 5) medición del grosor cutáneo en el punto de perforación de la fascia profunda por la rama perforante (teórico grosor de colgajo), 6) medición de la distancia entre el punto de perforación de la fascia profunda por la rama perforante y el origen de la arteria principal (teórica longitud máxima posible de pedículo) y 7) medición del diámetro, en el punto de perforación de la fascia profunda, de la perforante. En consecuencia, parece aconsejable que el cirujano plástico relacionado con los colgajos de perforante se involucre decididamente en el postprocesamiento de las imágenes de angiotomografía computerizada. El visor de imágenes DICOM gratuito OsiriX es una alternativa eficiente, comparable a aplicaciones más profesionales sólo disponibles en servicios de Radiología.With the advent of perforator-based skin transfer, computed tomography angiography has emerged as an invaluable tool in the preoperative planning of perforator flaps. But most likely, the exploitation of the technique is less than desirable. Through our experience with 144 patients, we evaluate the use of the free DICOM viewer OsiriX for Mac in the preoperative planning of perforator flaps with three objectives: 1) increase the present knowledge related with the preoperative planning of perforator flaps with computed tomography angiography, 2) evaluate the OsiriX application in the image post-processing of perforator flaps and 3) evaluate the performance of the procedure when performed by a surgeon (not specialized in Radiology). The experience has shown that the image post-processing performed by the surgeon with the OsiriX application usually allows an adequate evaluation of different structures and parameters of great preoperative interest in perforator flap surgery: 1) source artery, 2) diameter of artery and vein/s at the hypothetical site of microsurgical anastomoses, 3) course and branching pattern of the flap pedicle, 4) perforator course in the subcutaneous fat (theoretical flap axis), 5) measurement of the skin and fat where the perforator pierces the deep fascia (theoretical flap thickness ), 6) measurement of the distance between the point of entrance of the perforator in the subcutaneous fat to the source artery (theoretical maximal pedicle length) and 7) measurement of the perforator diameter where it pierces the deep fascia. Ultimately, in the authors’ opinion, those plastic surgeons involved in perforator flap surgery would largely benefit from incorporating the image post-processing into their routine practice. The free DICOM viewer OsiriX is an efficient alternative, comparable to the more professional software only available in Radiology service

    Dynamics of laser induced metal nanoparticle and pattern formation

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    5 págs.; 4 figs.© 2015 AIP Publishing LLC. Discontinuous metal films are converted into either almost round, isolated, and randomly distributed nanoparticles (NPs) or fringed patterns of alternate non transformed film and NPs by exposure to single pulses (20 ns pulse duration and 193 nm wavelength) of homogeneous or modulated laser beam intensity. The dynamics of NPs and pattern formation is studied by measuring in real time the transmission and reflectivity of the sample upon homogeneous beam exposure and the intensity of the diffraction orders 0 and 1 in transmission configuration upon modulated beam exposure. The results show that laser irradiation induces melting of the metal either completely or at regions around intensity maxima sites for homogeneous and modulated beam exposure, respectively, within ≤10 ns. The aggregation and/or coalescence of the initially irregular metal nanostructures is triggered upon melting and continues after solidification (estimated to occur at ≤80 ns) for more than 1 μs. The present results demonstrate that real time transmission rather than reflectivity measurements is a valuable and easy-to-use tool for following the dynamics of NPs and pattern formation. They provide insights on the heat-driven processes occurring both in liquid and solid phases and allow controlling in-situ the process through the fluence. They also evidence that there is negligible lateral heat release in discontinuous films upon laser irradiation.R.J.P., T.K., and C.E.R., respectively, acknowledge the Grant No. JCI-2012_13034 from the Juan de la Cierva program, the support of DAAD, and CONACYT-Mexico postdoctoral fellowship No. 175641. The authors gratefully thank Professor P. Leiderer from University of Konstanz for his support and the Electron Microscopy Laboratory of CENIM for helping with the SEM observations.Peer Reviewe

    Geochemical Anomalies in Soils and Surface Waters in an Area Adjacent to a Long-Used Controlled Municipal Landfill

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    Municipal landfills, even when controlled, are potential sources of soil and water pollution in surrounding areas, due to the migration of pollutants through water and air. This research assesses geochemical anomalies of heavy elements and rare earth elements in soils and surface waters in an adjacent area to a controlled municipal landfill near Madrid (Central Spain), under long-term operation. Twenty soil and eighteen water samples were collected in 2017 and 2018 and analyzed for this purpose. Spatial distribution and concentrations of heavy elements (Ag, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Tl, and Zn) and rare Earth elements (La, Ce, and Gd) are heterogeneous and significantly higher than soil background levels, but below the legal limits to consider intervention. Accumulation of heavy and rare Earth elements in soil nearest the landfill is attributed to occur via wind and wind-driven rain transport, while their accumulation in sediments is attributed to water transport through the creeks. Surface waters show large contamination by organic and inorganic compounds and influence geochemical anomalies in sediments. The water quality is below allowable concentrations for drinking water. The combined evaluation of the soil and water samples performed in the present work is proposed as a pilot study that may be applicable to similar surrounding landfill areas worldwideThe work has been partially financed by the Faculty of Sciences of the Autonomous University of Madrid

    Edaphic and geomorphic evidences of water level fluctuations in Gallocanta Lake, NE Spain

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    The pedological implications of lake water level fluctuations are complex, especially in lake margin, where topographical, hydrological, and sedimentary conditions are most variable. Lake water level fluctuations generate landscape elements, which provide insights into the processes involved in soil development and the extent of the zones affected by flooding/desiccation. Coupling information from detailed geomorphological inspections in the field, the mapping of the lakeshore, and the pedogenesis of each landscape element can provide a better understanding of these relationships, which was used to study the saline Gallocanta Lake, NE Spain, a semiarid intramontane lacustrine system that undergoes significant and rapid water level fluctuations. Geomorphic classification of the lake margin forms and environments served as a guide for soil sampling. The geomorphological survey revealed high diversity and contrast in the lake margin environment, from shores affected by coastal erosion to zones characterized by progradation/aggradation. Two soil toposequences and 11 pedons that were on different geomorphic units were studied on two margins of the lake. Following gradients in elevation, moisture, and salinity, soils showed a succession of Inceptisols to Aridisols, with Mollisols developed at intermediate positions and Aquic soils at the lake floor and southern shore. Soils had a sandy, loamy texture and a predominantly carbonatic composition, high variation in CCE (mean = 37%), texture, and coarse fragments throughout the soil profiles. Soil salinity was the highest at the lowest topographic position and in the upper soil horizons, where mean ECe = 188.6 dS m− 1 at 25 °C. In addition, the highest organic matter (6%) and gypsum (34%) content occurred at the lake floor. Soil color characteristics and concentrations, and depletions of Fe and Mn indicated redox changes associated with soil water saturation under carbonate and or saline conditions. Macro and micromorphological features of oxidized and reduced horizons indicated the alternation between palustrine (reduced) and non-palustrine (detrital, emerged, oxidized) events at different geomorphic and topographic positions, from the lake floor up to 7 m above it. Pedogenesis inferred and the littoral/submerged forms located at permanently emerged areas confirmed the past and present trend towards the desiccation of the lake. This study has improved our understanding of how soils form and develop within the context of geomorphic units, and can be used in making land-use decisions in the protected reserve and agricultural surroundings of the lake.This article is a result of the research project AGL2012-40100 funded by the MINECO and is a contribution to Andalusian Research Group P.A.I. RNM-328. We acknowledge the data provided by the Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET). E. Luna was financed by a fellowship from the Government of Aragón, Spain. The 2006 orthoimages and LIDAR data were supplied by the National Geographic Institute of Spain (Instituto Geográfico Nacional)


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    The aim of this study is threefold: 1) To identify the throwing velocity during a match; 2) to identify possible differences in throwing velocities between male and female players; 3) to determine shot velocity from different zones of the court during real competition. We analyzed the water polo world championship. In order to evaluate the precise strength production, a radar gun was used. A one-way analysis of variance was applied (ANOVA) to study differences among playing areas. In addition, a t-Test for repeated measures was employed to compare different groups. This study identifies three major zones of goal shot. We identified the highest throwing velocity zones and the zones with highest shot number. In addition, the results show that the penalty shot is the fastest shot
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