3,868 research outputs found

    Web Page Retrieval by Combining Evidence

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    The participation of the REINA Research Group in WebCLEF 2005 focused in the monolingual mixed task. Queries or topics are of two types: named and home pages. For both, we first perform a search by thematic contents; for the same query, we do a search in several elements of information from every page (title, some meta tags, anchor text) and then we combine the results. For queries about home pages, we try to detect using a method based in some keywords and their patterns of use. After, a re-rank of the results of the thematic contents retrieval is performed, based on Page-Rank and Centrality coeficients

    Multi-criteria analysis to determine the most appropriate fuel composition in an ammonia/diesel oil dual fuel engine

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    [Abstract] The possibility to employ alternative fuels is gaining special interest in the marine sector. There are several suitable candidates for traditional fossil fuels substitution. Among them, ammonia is a promising solution that allows progress on decarbonization since the ammonia molecule does not contain carbon. Hence, the present work analyzes the use of ammonia as a potential fuel for a marine engine. Particularly, a dual fuel mode ammonia/diesel oil operation is proposed. As expected, the carbon dioxide emissions are reduced as the proportion of ammonia is increased. Nevertheless, other non-desirable substances are generated such as non-reacted ammonia, NOx and N2O. Due to these opposing effects, a multi-criteria analysis is proposed to characterize the most appropriate proportion of ammonia in the fuel. The environmental damage of the different pollutants was considered. Due to the important environmental adverse effects of NOx and N2O, only a maximum 20% ammonia percentage on the fuel was obtained as the most appropriate option. A higher ammonia content leads to excessive concentrations of NOx and N2O being emitted to the environment

    Possibilities of Ammonia as Both Fuel and NOᵪ Reductant in Marine Engines: A Numerical Study

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    [Abstract] Nowadays, the environmental impact of shipping constitutes an important challenge. In order to achieve climate neutrality as soon as possible, an important priority consists of progressing on the decarbonization of marine fuels. Free-carbon fuels, used as single fuel or in a dual-fuel mode, are gaining special interest for marine engines. A dual fuel ammonia-diesel operation is proposed in which ammonia is introduced with the intake air. According to this, the present work analyzes the possibilities of ammonia in marine diesel engines. Several ammonia-diesel proportions were analyzed, and it was found that when the proportion of ammonia is increased, important reductions of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and unburnt hydrocarbons are obtained, but at the expense of increments of oxides of nitrogen (NOᵪ), which are only low when too small or too large proportions of ammonia are employed. In order to reduce NOᵪ too, a second ammonia injection along the expansion stroke is proposed. This measure leads to important NOᵪ reductions

    Three new subspecies of Elzunia bomplandii (Guérin-Ménéville [1844]) from Colombia (NYMPHALIDAE: DANAIDAE: ITHOMININAE)

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    Objetivo: Mejorar la información sobre las subespecies de Elzunia bomplandii y describir tres nuevas subespecies, dos de ellas localizadas en el norte de la Cordillera Central en el departamento de Antioquia y la tercera en la vertiente occidental del Macizo Colombiano en el departamento de Nariño. Metodología: Material colectado por los autores en los últimos 40 años y en el análisis del trabajo de LE CROM et al. (2018). Resultados: Se presenta la descripción detallada de Elzunia bomplandii cocorná ssp. nov., Elzunia bomplandii amalfi ssp. nov. y Elzunia bomplandii cumbitara ssp. nov. Se discute la validez de las subespecies Elzunia bomplandii ssp. nov. 2 y Elzunia bomplandii ssp. nov. 4. Se mejora la distribución de 6 subespecies. Se muestra fotografías de los machos de las nuevas subespecies. Se analiza las barreras geográficas que las separan en las cordilleras Central y Occidental de Colombia. Conclusiones: Este trabajo aporta al conocimiento de las especies de lepidópteros de Colombia y su distribución.Objective: To improve the information on the subspecies of Elzunia bomplandii and to describe three new subspecies, two of which were found in the north of the Central mountain range in the Department of Antioquia, and the third one located in the western slope of the Colombian Massif in the Department of Nariño. Methodology: Material collected by the authors over the last 40 years and the analysis of the work of LE CROM et al. (2018). Results: (1) The detailed description of Elzunia bomplandii cocorná ssp.nov, Elzunia bomplandii amalfi ssp.nov and Elzunia bomplandii cumbitara ssp.nov is presented; (2) the validity of the subspecies Elzunia bomplanddi ssp.nov.2 (LE CROM et al., 2018) and Elzunia bomplandii ssp.nov.4 (Staudinger, 1885; stat. nov. LE CROM et al., 2018) is discussed; (3) the distribution of 6 subspecies is improved; (4) photographs of the males of the new subspecies are shown; (5) the geographical barriers that separate them in the Central and Western mountain ranges of Colombia are analyzed. Conclusions: This work contributes to the knowledge of lepidoptera species in Colombia and their distribution

    Nonmesonic weak decay of Λ hypernuclei: The three-nucleon induced mode

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    The nonmesonic weak decay of 3hypernuclei is studied within a microscopic diagrammatic approach which is extended to include the three-nucleon induced mechanism. We adopt a nuclear matter formalism which, through the local density approximation, allows us to model finite hypernuclei, a one-meson-exchange weak transition potential and a Bonn nucleon–nucleon strong potential. One-, two-and three-nucleon induced weak decay rates are predicted for 123Cby including ground state correlations up to second order in the nucleon–nucleon potential and the recoil of the residual nucleus. Three-nucleon stimulated decays, 3NNN→nNNN(N=nor p), are considered here for the first time. The obtained decay rates compare well with the latest KEK and FINUDA data. The three-nucleon induced rate turns out to be dominated by nnp-and npp-induced decays, it amounts to ∼7%of the total nonmesonic rate and it is ∼1/2of the neutron-induced decay rate. The reduction effect of the nuclear recoil is particularly relevant for the three-nucleon induced rates (∼15%), less important for the two-nucleon induced rates (∼4%) and negligible for the one-nucleon induced rates. Given the non-negligible size of the three-nucleon induced contribution and consequently its importance in the precise determination of the complete set of decay rates, new measurements and/or experimental analysis are encouraged.Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísica

    A new subspecies of Morpho Cypris Westwood, 1851, discovered in the northern zone of the central cordillera of Colombia (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae).

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    Resultados. La nueva subespecie Morpho cypris zafiro n. ssp., representa una población endémica de la cuenca del río Porce, en la vertiente norte de la cordillera Central de Colombia en el departamento de Antioquia, diferente de las tres subespecies conocidas en Colombia: Morpho cypris cypris que habita el Valle Medio del río Magdalena, Morpho cypris johnsoni que habita el pidemente de la Serranía de Los Motilones y Morpho cypris crhysonicus que habita la vertiente occidental de los Andes y la llanura pacífica desde Ecuador hasta el Urabá en Colombia. Conclusiones. La mayor área de coloración azul y la delgada franja blanca medial, constituyen un patrón constante de la nueva subespecie, más reducido en la cara dorsal que el descrito para la subespecie panameña Morpho cypris smalli. Metodología. Con base en siete especímenes colectados en los últimos 37 años, presentamos la descripción y comparación de la Morpho cypris zafiro n. ssp con la Morpho cypris cypris y la Morpho cypris crhysonicus. Objetivo. El objetivo es aportar al conocimiento de los lepidópteros de Colombia y su distribución y mostrar que aún es posible, en uno de los grupos más estudiados a nivel mundial, encontrar nuevas subespecies locales que representan poblaciones endémicas.Results. The new subspecies Morpho cypris zafiro  n. ssp., represents an endemic population of the Porce river basin, on the northern slope of the Central Cordillera of Colombia in the department of Antioquia, different from the three subspecies known in Colombia: Morpho cypris cypris which inhabits the Middle Magdalena River Valley, Morpho cypris johnsoni which inhabits the request of the Serranía de Los Motilones and the Morpho cypris crhysonicus, which inhabits the western slope of the Andes and the Pacific plain from Ecuador to Urabá, in Colombia. Conclusions. The larger blue coloration area and the thin medial white strip constitute a constant pattern of the new subspecies, smaller in the dorsal face than that described for the Panamanian subspecies Morpho cypris smalli. Methodology. Based on seven specimens collected in the last 37 years, we present the description and comparison of Morpho cypris zafiro n. ssp with Morpho cypris cypris and Morpho cypris crhysonicus. Objective. The objective is to contribute to the knowledge of the lepidoptera of Colombia and their distribution, and to show that it is still possible, in one of the most studied groups of the world, to find new local subspecies that represent endemic populations

    Optimization of a Multiple Injection System in a Marine Diesel Engine through a Multiple-Criteria Decision-Making Approach

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    [Abstract] In this work, a numerical model was developed to analyze the performance and emissions of a marine diesel engine, the Wärtsilä 6L 46. This model was validated using experimental measurements and was employed to analyze several pre-injection parameters such as pre-injection rate, duration, and starting instant. The modification of these parameters may lead to opposite effects on consumption and/or emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOₓ), carbon monoxide (CO), and hydrocarbons (HC). According to this, the main goal of the present work is to employ a multiple-criteria decision-making (MCDM) approach to characterize the most appropriate injection pattern. Since determining the criteria weights significantly influences the overall result of a MCDM problem, a subjective weighting method was compared with four objective weighting methods: entropy, CRITIC (CRiteria Importance Through Intercriteria Correlation), variance, and standard deviation. The results showed the importance of subjectivism over objectivism in MCDM analyses. The CRITIC, variance, and standard deviation methods assigned more importance to NOₓ emissions and provided similar results. Nevertheless, the entropy method assigned more importance to consumption and provided a different injection pattern

    Control of magnetic domain wall motion in Co microwires by tridimensional e-beam lithographied structures

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    Resumen del póster presentado al 6th Spanish Workshop in Nanolithography celebrado en Zaragoza (España) del 28 al 30 de octubre de 2014.Work supported by the Spanish MICINN FIS2008-06249 and CSIC JAE Predoc grants.Peer Reviewe