114 research outputs found
Antipodes on the moon
The areas of the maria were determined using a photomap of the visible hemisphere at a scale of 1:5 million and segments of a lunar globe. The results of the measurements of areas of the maria are presented, together with the data of Westfall and Shoemaker and Hackmann. The areas of circular maria, measured from the peaks of the surrounding ridges, and their mean diameters calculated from the area are also presented
Geometric principles for constructing radar panoramas of the surface of Venus: Hypsometric features of the Moon and terrestrial planets
The physographic curves of the moon and terrestrial planets, drawn both for the entire surface as a whole and for individual hemispheres, were compared to discover the common consistencies and individual features in the distribution of hypsometric levels. In 1983 to 1984 the automated interplanetary stations (AMS) Venera 15 and 16 made radar maps of the planet Venus. The synthesized images are the basic initial material for photogrammetric and catrographic processing to create maps of the Venus surface. These principles are discussed
Enzyme systems activity and connective tissue metabolism as pathogenetic factors of spinal stenosis (literature review)
A characteristic feature of stenosis process of the spinal canal is the destruction of elastin and fibrosis of the extracellular matrix, as well as hypertrophy and ossification of the ligamentum flavum. Proven participation in these processes of genes CTGF, PDGF-BB, TGF-ß, Il-6, TNF-α, MMPs, TIMPs, etc. Potent inducer of extracellular deposition of collagen in hypertrophies ligamentum flavum is TGF-ß; GDF-5 has osteogenic effect, increases the activity of alkaline phosphatase and the expression of osteocalcin, induces mineralization; FGFR3 gene expression contributes to the closure of synchondroses and merging of centers of ossification, contributing to excess synthesis of bone tissue, etc. Local or a systemic effect on the expression of these genes may be effective to prevent progression of the disease. Predisposition to stenosis and responsiveness to therapy is genetically determined and is expressed in individual differences in metabolic status. A very important role in the pathobiochemistry of connective tissue are the processes of acetylation by regulating the expression of essential genes that affects all intracellular processes and especially in the fibrogenesis. An imbalance of acetylation may lead to excessive synthesis of collagen, accelerating the growth of connective tissue, disruption of lipid homeostasis. Therefore, it is relevant as the definition of NAT2 polymorphism and phenotypic identification of the rate of acetylation in the population, as well as finding relationships with various pathological processes. Meaningful impact on the processes of acetylation may contribute to the sanogenesis. The information presented in the review is important for the formation of a new perspective on the pathogenesis of stenosis process in the spinal canal and can contribute to the development of new approaches to treatment
Secretion of hormones of hypophysis, sexual gland and adrenals in patients with postoperative cicatricial-commissural epiduritis
The article is devoted, to the study of secretion of hormones of hypophysis, sexual gland and adrenals in patients with postoperative cicatricial-commissural epiduritis. Concentration of some hormones of hypophysis, sexual glands and adrenals in blood serum of 45 patients with postoperative cicatricial-commissural epiduritis before and. after standard conservative treatment was defined. Typical changes in secretion of studied hormones at postoperative cicatricial-commissural epiduritis were revealed. It was showed that standard scheme of treatment partly grades revealed endocrine disorders. Appropriateness of including research of hormonal profile for solving the problem of its possible correction in the complex of examination of patients with postoperative cicatricial-commissural epiduritis and. of calling endocrinologist for the examination of patients and further enhancement of the scheme of their treatment was proved
Effect of Silicon Content on Carbide Precipitation and Low-Temperature Toughness of Pressure Vessel Steels
Cr – Mn – Mo – Ni pressure vessel steels containing 0.54 and 1.55% Si are studied. Metallographic and fractographic analyses of the steels after tempering at 650 and 700°C are performed. The impact toughness at – 30°C and the hardness of the steels are determined. The mass fraction of the carbide phase in the steels is computed with the help of the J-MatPro 4.0 software
There were 81 patients with vertebral canal stenosis under observation. All patients underwent complex examination: study of clinical neurological status; review spondylography of lumbar part of the spine; MRI of lumbar part of the spine; multispiral CT with myelography of lumbar part of the spine; functional spondylography of lumbar part of the spine with load; the study of morphometry of vertebral canal, dural sack and vertebra body by designed method; the study of acute phase proteins in blood. Conducted complex research revealed that improved classification of stenosis of vertebral canal reflects direct dependence of severity of clinical-neurological manifestations from the degree of stenosis. It also has been marked that reduced concentration of α2-macroglobulin in blood manifests itself in negative regulation of cells of immune system. And an increase of classic rheumatoid factor (Ig M-RF), α1-antitripsin and α1-acid glycoprotein in blood serum leads to reduction of inflammatory and immune response. Revealed direct co-dependence of severity of disease and degree of stenosis gives a possibility to develop more precise program of conservative and surgical treatment
Моніторинг відповідності якості та безпеки ковбаси варено-копченої “Сервелат” вимогам національного стандарту
Meat products, in particular sausages, play a significant role in the structure of retail trade among other product groups. Sausages are a traditional product of the food industry in Ukraine, and the share of cooked and smoked sausages is up to 51 % of total production. Today, fierce competition encourages producers to introduce new recipes into production, which, unfortunately, has led to a sharp increase in cases of falsification of sausages. In addition, a significant number of low-capacity enterprises are involved in production, which often leads to a decrease in the sanitary quality of manufactured products. Therefore, the purpose of our study was to analyze the compliance of quality and safety indicators of cooked and smoked sausage of the highest grade of different manufacturers to DSTU 4591:2006 “Cooked smoked sausages. General specifications”. The material of our research were samples of cooked smoked sausage of the highest grade “Servelat” of several domestic producers. The research was conducted on the basis of Multidisciplinary Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies of Odesa State Agrarian University) and on the basis of the laboratory of Department of Veterinary-Sanitary Inspection (Stepan Gzhytskyi National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies, Lviv). Sampling, organoleptic analysis of sausages and determination of microbiological parameters were performed in accordance with current regulations, determination of chemical composition – using an express analyzer FoodScan, general toxicity – express method using the infusoria Colpoda steinii. According to the results of the analysis of the labeling, it is established that the packaging of all investigated products contains the basic production and consumer information in accordance with Article 6 of the Law of Ukraine “On information for consumers about food”, but on the labels of samples № 2 and 3 there is no data provided for in Article 23 of this Law – the content of unsaturated fats, sugars and salt. The study of organoleptic and microbiological parameters of sausage samples demonstrates their compliance with the requirements of the regulated DSTU 4591:2006 “Cooked smoked sausages. General specifications”. The general toxicity of sausages was also not detected. The analysis of physicochemical parameters revealed non-compliance of sample № 3 with the requirements of the national standard in terms of mass content of moisture – excess by 5.72 %. In addition, a sufficiently high collagen content of 2.3 ± 0.04 was found in sausage loaves of sample № 1.М’ясні товари, зокрема ковбасні вироби, займають вагому частку у структурі роздрібного товарообороту серед інших товарних груп. Ковбасні вироби є традиційими для України продуктом харчової промисловості, а частка варено-копчених ковбас становить до 51 % загального обсягу виробництва. Сьогодні гостра конкурентна боротьба спонукає виробників впроваджувати у виробництво нові рецептури, що, на жаль, призвело до різкого зростання випадків фальсифікації ковбасних виробів. Окрім того, у виробництві задіяна значна кількість малотонажних підприємств, що часто призводить до зниження санітарної якості виготовлених виробів. Тому метою нашого дослідження було проаналізувати відповідність показників якості та безпечності ковбаси варено-копченої вищого сорту різних виробників ДСТУ 4591:2006 “Ковбаси варено-копчені. Загальні технічні умови”. Матеріалом наших досліджень були зразки ковбаси варено-копченої вищого сорту “Сервелат” кількох вітчизняних виробників. Дослідження проводили на базі багатопрофільної лабораторії факультету ветеринарної медицини Одеського державного аграрного університету та лабораторії кафедри ветеринарно-санітарного інспектування Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С. З. Ґжицького. Відбір проб, органолептичний аналіз ковбасних виробів і визначення мікробіологічних показників проводили згідно з чинними нормативними документами, визначення показників хімічного складу – за допомогою експрес-аналізатора FoodScan, загальну токсичність – експрес-методом з використанням інфузорії Colpoda steinii. За результатами аналізу маркування встановлено, що на пакуванні всіх досліджених виробів зазначено основну виробничу і споживчу інформацію відповідно до ст. 6 Закону України “Про інформацію для споживачів щодо харчових продуктів”, але на етикетках зразків № 2 і 3 відсутні дані, передбачені ст. 23 зазначеного Закону – вміст ненасичених жирів, цукрів і солі. Дослідження органолептичних і мікробіологічних показників зразків ковбас демонструє їх відповідність вимогам, регламентованих ДСТУ 4591:2006 “Ковбаси варено-копчені. Загальні технічні умови”. Загальної токсичності ковбас також не виявлено. Аналіз фізико-хімічних показників встановив невідповідність зразка № 3 вимогам національного стандарту за вмістом масової частки вологи – перевищення на 5,72 %. Окрім того, у ковбасних батонах зразка № 1 встановлено достатньо високий вміст колагену 2,3 ± 0,04
Comparative characteristics of the properties of Halpic Chernozem of the Kursk Region of different land use
Analytical data show that prolonged extensive agricultural use of typical Chernozem of Kursk region (Haplic Chernozem) results in adverse changes in some soil properties. This primarily concerns the humus content and the structural state of the Chernozem. Under the influence of continuous winter wheat growing (for 54 years) the losses of humus made up 24% of its content in virgin soil. The permanent corn growing (for 54 years) led to humus 32% losses, and under the influence of the bare fallow (for 54 years) – 48%. As a result of mineralization of humus, which is one of the main aggregative agents, water resistance of Chernozem structure has deteriorated. The number of water-resistant aggregates in variants with continuous winter wheat and continuous corn decreased in comparison with virgin soil (by 30% and 39% respectively). In terms of water resistance, the structure of Chernozem was transformed in agrocenoses from “extremely high” to “good”. Under the influence of the bare fallow the content of water-resistant units decreased by 75%, and the structure became “non-water resistant”. At the same time, the average diameter of waterproof aggregates decreased 2.8, 3.6 and 4.8 times in variants with continuous winter wheat, corn and permanent bare fallow, respectively, whereas the content of the water peptized clay increased 2.8–4.7-fold, and pH of medium increased by 0.16–0.57. At the same time, the content of soil exchangeable calcium reduced (more than 1.1-fold), as well as hydrolytic acidity (1.1–1.7-fold), the content of organic forms of phosphorus (1.1–1.4-fold) and the ratio of organic forms of phosphorus to mineral ones also decreased 2.1–4.1-fold. When the bare fallow is transferred to the abandoned land, the properties of Chernozem vary with different intensity. The most significant changes occurred with water-resistant aggregates. Their content has increased by 53% over 20 years, and the structure has transformed from “non-water resistant” to “good”, while the content water peptized clay has decreased 2.1 times. During the 20-year period, the content of exchangeable calcium and hydrolytic acidity increased by 1.9 and 1.03 mg-eq/100 g of soil. The content of humus has increased by 0.78%, i. e. humus content restoration occurred with a speed of only 0.04% per year. It is necessary to consider this factor when regulating the humus status of the plowed and eroded soils. In general, the impact of continuous bare fallow on the properties of Chernozem was so profound that 20 years after its transfer to the category of abandoned lands, the properties of Chernozem, in most cases, have been restored only to the level typical of variants with crop cultivation
Effect of Cu addition on microstructure and impact toughness in the simulated coarse-grained heat-affected zone of high-strength low-alloy steels
The effects of Cu content on microstructure and impact toughness in the simulated coarse-grained heat-affected zone (CGHAZ) of high-strength low-alloy steels were investigated. It has been observed that the microstructure in the simulated CGHAZ of Cu-free steel is dominated by a small proportion of acicular ferrite and predominantly bainite with martensite–austenite constituent. Whereas, in the 0.45 and 1.01% Cu-containing steels, the acicular ferrite increased significantly due to the effective nucleation on intragranular inclusions with outer layer of MnS and CuS. The formation of acicular ferrite is attributed to superior high heat-affected zone impact toughness in the 0.45% Cu-containing steel. Furthermore, the increasing martensite–austenite constituent and ε-Cu precipitates in the simulated CGHAZ of 1.01% Cu-containing steel caused degradation in impact toughness
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