328 research outputs found

    Novel method for refinement of retained austenite in micro/nano-structured bainitic steels

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    A comparative study was conducted to assess the effects of two different heat treatments on the amount and morphology of the retained austenite in a micro/nano-structured bainitic steel. The heat treatments used in this work were two-stage bainitic transformation and bainitic-partitioning transformation. Both methods resulted in the generation of a multi-phase microstructure containing nanoscale bainitic ferrite, and/or fresh martensitic phases and much finer retained austenite. Both heat treatments were verified to be effective in refining the retained austenite in micro/nano-structured bainite and increasing the hardness. However, the bainitic transformation followed by partitioning cycle was proved to be a more viable approach than the two-stage bainitic transformation due to much shorter processing time, i.e. ∼2 h compared to ∼4 day, respectively

    Geometric principles for constructing radar panoramas of the surface of Venus: Hypsometric features of the Moon and terrestrial planets

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    The physographic curves of the moon and terrestrial planets, drawn both for the entire surface as a whole and for individual hemispheres, were compared to discover the common consistencies and individual features in the distribution of hypsometric levels. In 1983 to 1984 the automated interplanetary stations (AMS) Venera 15 and 16 made radar maps of the planet Venus. The synthesized images are the basic initial material for photogrammetric and catrographic processing to create maps of the Venus surface. These principles are discussed

    Quantum Annealing Applied to De-Conflicting Optimal Trajectories for Air Traffic Management

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    We present the mapping of a class of simplified air traffic management (ATM) problems (strategic conflict resolution) to quadratic unconstrained boolean optimization (QUBO) problems. The mapping is performed through an original representation of the conflict-resolution problem in terms of a conflict graph, where nodes of the graph represent flights and edges represent a potential conflict between flights. The representation allows a natural decomposition of a real world instance related to wind-optimal trajectories over the Atlantic ocean into smaller subproblems, that can be discretized and are amenable to be programmed in quantum annealers. In the study, we tested the new programming techniques and we benchmark the hardness of the instances using both classical solvers and the D-Wave 2X and D-Wave 2000Q quantum chip. The preliminary results show that for reasonable modeling choices the most challenging subproblems which are programmable in the current devices are solved to optimality with 99% of probability within a second of annealing time.Comment: Paper accepted for publication on: IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System


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    In the current context of higher education reform, there is a redistribution of academic hours, with reduced number of lectures and practical classes and increased workload for students to prepare themselves. In the training of doctors, the practical component of training remains perhaps the most important. The types of educational activities of students according to the curriculum are lectures, practical classes and students’ independent work. The latter occupies an important place in the course of teaching the discipline. In order to encourage students to gain practical experience with the patient, perform scientific work, etc., students should be encouraged to participate in the work of scientific circles at the departments. During the preparation of the meetings of the circle and its conducting, the teacher becomes more familiar with the most active and purposeful students, who seek not only to deepen their knowledge during extracurricular time, but are involved in the implementation of scientific work, participate in the Olympiad, prepare scientific papers for participation in higher education all-Ukrainian competitions of scientific works. The Student Science Circle is a full-fledged, non-classroom method of student’s training. The participation of students in the work of scientific circles promotes research activities, the formation of creative abilities, the increase of general self-esteem and self-realization of students. An important condition for the formation of quality education is the development of a creative component of a specialist with the support of their cognitive activity and independence, which supports professional growth of a future doctor.У сучасних умовах реформування вищої освіти має місце перерозподіл навчальних годин із зменшенням лекцій і практичних занять та збільшенням навантаження для самостійної підготовки студентів. У підготовці лікарів практична складова підготовки залишається чи не найбільш вагомою. Видами навчальної діяльності студентів згідно з навчальним планом є лекції, практичні заняття і самостійна робота студентів. Вагоме місце у процесі навчання дисципліни займає самостійна робота студентів. Для заохочення студентів у набутті практичного досвіду роботи із хворим, виконанні наукової роботи тощо слід запропонувати участь студентів у роботі наукових гуртків на кафедрах. Під час підготовки засідань гуртка та його проведення викладач більш глибоко знайомиться з активними та цілеспрямованими студентами, які прагнуть не тільки поглиблювати свої знання у позааудиторний час, але й залучаються до виконання наукової роботи, беруть участь у проведенні олімпіад, готують наукові роботи для участі у вузівських та всеукраїнських конкурсах наукових робіт. Студентський науковий гурток є повноцінним позааудиторним методом підготовки студентів. Участь студентів у роботі наукових гуртків сприяє науково-дослідницькій діяльності, формуванню творчих здібностей, підвищенню загальної самооцінки та самореалізації студентів. Важливою умовою формування якісної освіти є розвиток творчої складової фахівця з підтримкою в нього пізнавальної активності та самостійності, що підтримує професійний ріст майбутнього лікаря

    Components of Natural Photosynthetic Apparatus in Solar Cells

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    Oxygenic photosynthesis is a process of light energy conversion into the chemical energy using water and carbon dioxide. The efficiency of energy conversion in the primary processes of photosynthesis is close to 100%. Therefore, for many years, photosynthesis has attracted the attention of researchers as the most efficient and eco-friendly pathway of solar energy conversion for alternative energy systems. The recent advances in the design of optimal solar cells include the creation of converters, in which thylakoid membranes, photosystems and whole cells of cyanobacteria immobilized on nanostructured electrode are used. As the mechanism of solar energy conversion in photosynthesis is sustainable and environmentally safe, it has a great potential as an example of renewable energy device. Application of pigments such as Chl f and Chl d will extend the spectral diapason of light transforming systems allow to absorb the far-red and near infra-red photons of the spectrum (in the range 700-750 nm). This article presents the recent achievements and challenges in the area of solar cells based on photosynthetic systems

    Effect of Silicon Content on Carbide Precipitation and Low-Temperature Toughness of Pressure Vessel Steels

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    Cr – Mn – Mo – Ni pressure vessel steels containing 0.54 and 1.55% Si are studied. Metallographic and fractographic analyses of the steels after tempering at 650 and 700°C are performed. The impact toughness at – 30°C and the hardness of the steels are determined. The mass fraction of the carbide phase in the steels is computed with the help of the J-MatPro 4.0 software

    Lifelong professional education in the Russian federation: Personal aspect

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    © 2016 The Author(s).The article analyzes the problem of realization of the postulate of "lifelong education" in the field of professional education in Russia, reveals its importance for the development of personality of a future specialist. A brief overview and the results of the implementation of this principle in the process of professional training of students of Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University, the Branch of the Industrial University of Tyumen, Bashkir State Pedagogical University are presented

    Dialogue between the State and Religion as a Basis for Managerial Decision-Making: Research Experience in the Regions of the North-West

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    The article is based on the results of a large research project “State and Religion in the North-West: a sociological analysis”, which was conducted by the RANEPA in 2020, and was aimed at developing and implementing an interdisciplinary methodology for analyzing the religious situation in the Northwest Federal District. The article presents the results of a study of the relationship between the state and religious institutions in 5 regions of the Federal District. The article presents theoretical developments in the perspective of modern state-confessional relations, the study of the mediatization of religion, concludes about the multi-tiered structure of modern communication between the state and religious organizations on the Internet, as well as about the significance of the symbol and religious holiday in the public public sphere. The methods of empirical research were content analysis and expert interviews with an emphasis on both different regions and a combination of factors throughout the North-Western Federal District as a whole. The results of the study show that there is a strong interrelationship between social and religious processes in the subjects of the federation. But there are some regional differences, first of all in the role of media in different regions


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    Aim. To study the correlation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) activity with the female sex hormone levels and markers of target organ damage in patients with arterial hypertension (HT).Material and methods. Patients with HT (20 men and 39 postmenopausal women) were involved into the study. The dynamic renal angioscintigraphy and echocardiography were performed, plasma rennin activity (PRA), levels of aldosterone, estradiole and 17-hydroxiprogesterone were determined by radioimmunoassay.Results. Higher aldosterone level was found in women in comparison with men (212,5±123,9 pg/ml and 148,9±82,5 pg/m, respectively, р=0,03). Negative relations between aldosterone and estradiol levels (r=-0,3; p=0,04), and between aldosterone and 17-hydroxyprogesterone levels (r=-0,318; p=0,04), and positive relations between aldosterone concentration and PRA (r=0,555; p=0,04) was found in women. Besides, correlation between levels of female sex hormones, aldosterone and renal blood flow indicators, glomerular filtration rate, left ventricular mass index (LVMI) were found in women. These correlations were not found in men.Conclusion. The gender differences of RAAS activity were revealed with higher aldosterone level in postmenopausal hypertensive women in comparison with men. Relationships between PRA, levels of aldosterone and female sex hormones and renal blood flow indices, LVMI were also found in women