75 research outputs found

    Estudio mineralógico y genético de los yacimientos de talco de la Serranía de Ronda (Málaga)

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas, leída en 1978.Fac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEProQuestpu

    Plan de negocios para la creación de una operadora turística especializada en tours de un día, en la ciudad de Quito

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    A continuación se presenta una síntesis de los puntos abordados en el presente proyecto de titulación, resumiendo asé el contenido de cada uno de los capítulos. En el capítulo I se realiza una análisis situacional del país, industria y empresa, de esta forma se analiza la coyuntura en sus diversos campos, obteniendo como resultado una análisis real que da la pauta de factibilidad para iniciar el proyecto. En el capítulo II se determina el número de clientes potenciales a partir de la realización de un estudio de mercado. Se utilizaron herramientas como pruebas piloto, encuestas, análisis de las cinco fuerzas de Porter, análisis de oferta y demanda. Además se define las estrategias de mercado y Marketing Mix

    Proyecto de inserción laboral inclusivo: formulación de su gestión organizacional

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    This article details the formulation of a management model applied to a labor inclusion project for people with disabilities. The objectiveof this research is to consolidate an inclusive organizational management model based on the 3Cs: Corporation (C1), Clients (C2) and Colleagues(C3). The methodology triangulates the main information of the company (job profiles, required educational level, necessary behavioural competences),and the people profile (type of disability and educational level) which are the basis of its strategic planning. The main results are the searchfor evidence and the theoretical contribution that support the project. It also includes a digital platform that manages the three components of themodel that allows the socialization of the strategic elements such as mission, vision, values and quality policy (C1), the management of peopleprofiles with disabilities that correspond to business positions (C2), and the visualization of organizations linked to labor insertion processes in the current working environment (C3). It is concluded that the inclusion project based exclusively on a computer system, even if it is functional would be complete in its intention and scope; thus, by supporting it with organizational management components, it is projected to be in a planning and assurance stage of its objectives.El artículo detalla la formulación de un modelo de gestión aplicado a un proyecto de inclusión laboral de personas con discapacidad;el objetivo de la investigación es consolidar un modelo de gestión organizacional inclusivo, basado en las 3C: Corporación (C1), Clientes,(C2) y Colaboradores (C3). La metodología triangula información primaria, a nivel de empresa (perfiles de cargo, nivel educativo exigido,competencias conductuales necesarias), y la correspondiente al perfil de las personas (tipo de discapacidad que mantiene, nivel educativo de cada individuo), constituyendo estas en la base de su planificación estratégica. Los resultados incluyen la búsqueda de evidencia y el aporte teórico que sustentan al proyecto, que a su vez incluye una plataforma informática que gestiona los tres componentes del modelo, permitiendo la socialización de elementos estratégicos como misión, visión, valores y política de calidad (C1), la gestión de perfiles de las personas con discapacidad, los correspondientes a los cargos empresariales (C2), y la visualización de las organizaciones vinculadas a procesos de inserción laboral presentes en el medio (C3). La investigación concluye que el proyecto de inclusión basado exclusivamente en un sistema informático, aunque sea funcional, estaría inconcluso en su intención y alcance, y que al nutrirlo de componentes de gestión organizacional se lo proyectaen un horizonte de planificación y de aseguramiento de sus objetivos

    Contrasting Mineralizing Processes in Volcanic-Hosted Graphite Deposits

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    The only two known graphite vein-deposits hosted by volcanic rocks (Borrowdale, United Kingdom, and Huelma, Southern Spain) show remarkable similarities and differences. The lithology, age of the magmatism and geodynamic contexts are distinct, but the mineralized bodies are controlled by fractures. Evidence of assimilation of metasedimentary rocks by the magmas and hydrothermal alteration are also common features to both occurrences. Graphite morphologies at the Borrowdale deposit vary from flakes (predominant) to spherulites and cryptocrystalline aggregates, whereas at Huelma, flaky graphite is the only morphology observed. The structural characterization of graphite indicates a high degree of ordering along both the c axis and the basal plane. Stable carbon isotope ratios of graphite point to a biogenic origin of carbon, most probably related to the assimilation of metasedimentary rocks. Bulk į13C values are quite homogeneous in both occurrences, probably related to precipitation in short time periods. Fluid inclusion data reveal that graphite precipitated from C-O-H fluids at moderate temperature (500 ºC) in Borrowdale and crystallized at high temperature from magma in Huelma, In addition, graphite mineralization occurred under contrasting fO2 conditions. All these features can be used as potential exploration tools for volcanic-hosted graphite deposits

    Assimilation, Hydrothermal Alteration and Graphite Mineralization in the Borrowdale Deposit (UK)

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    The volcanic-hosted graphite deposit at Borrowdale was formed through precipitation from C-O-H fluids. The G13C data indicate that carbon was incorporated into the mineralizing fluids by assimilation of carbonaceous metapelites of the Skiddaw Group by andesite magmas of the Borrowdale Volcanic Group. The graphite mineralization occurred as the fluids migrated upwards through normal conjugate fractures forming the main subvertical pipe-like bodies. The mineralizing fluids evolved from CO2-CH4-H2O mixtures (XCO2=0.6-0.8) to CH4-H2O mixtures. Coevally with graphite deposition, the andesite and dioritic wall rocks adjacent to the veins were intensely hydrothermally altered to a propylitic assemblage. The initial graphite precipitation was probably triggered by the earliest hydration reactions in the volcanic host rocks. During the main mineralization stage, graphite precipitated along the pipe-like bodies due to CO2 -> C+O2. This agrees with the isotopic data which indicate that the first graphite morphologies crystallizing from the fluid (cryptocrystalline aggregates) are isotopically lighter than those crystallizing later (flakes). Late chlorite-graphite veins were formed from CH4-enriched fluids following the reaction CH4 + O2 -> C+ 2H2O, producing the successive precipitation of isotopically lighter graphite morphologies. Thus, as mineralization proceeded, water-generating reactions were involved in graphite precipitation, further favouring the propylitic alteration

    Assimilation, Hydrothermal Alteration and Graphite Mineralization in the Borrowdale Deposit (UK)

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    The volcanic-hosted graphite deposit at Borrowdale was formed through precipitation from C-O-H fluids. The G13C data indicate that carbon was incorporated into the mineralizing fluids by assimilation of carbonaceous metapelites of the Skiddaw Group by andesite magmas of the Borrowdale Volcanic Group. The graphite mineralization occurred as the fluids migrated upwards through normal conjugate fractures forming the main subvertical pipe-like bodies. The mineralizing fluids evolved from CO2-CH4-H2O mixtures (XCO2=0.6-0.8) to CH4-H2O mixtures. Coevally with graphite deposition, the andesite and dioritic wall rocks adjacent to the veins were intensely hydrothermally altered to a propylitic assemblage. The initial graphite precipitation was probably triggered by the earliest hydration reactions in the volcanic host rocks. During the main mineralization stage, graphite precipitated along the pipe-like bodies due to CO2 -> C+O2. This agrees with the isotopic data which indicate that the first graphite morphologies crystallizing from the fluid (cryptocrystalline aggregates) are isotopically lighter than those crystallizing later (flakes). Late chlorite-graphite veins were formed from CH4-enriched fluids following the reaction CH4 + O2 -> C+ 2H2O, producing the successive precipitation of isotopically lighter graphite morphologies. Thus, as mineralization proceeded, water-generating reactions were involved in graphite precipitation, further favouring the propylitic alteration

    Palaeogeographical significance of clay mineral assemblages in the Permian and Triassic sediments of the SE Iberian Ranges, eastern Spain

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    The evolution of the palaeogeography of the SE Iberian Basin during the Permian and Triassic represents a general evolution from continental to marine environments. It has been recently studied from the sedimentological, stratigraphical, tectonic and palaeontological points of view. In spite of these results, many aspects of this palaeogeography are still a matter of discussion. In this study, clay mineralogy analysis complements previous studies representing a new aspect for understanding the evolution of the sedimentary environment and the palaeogeography of the Iberian Basin during the periods in question and thus of the palaeogeography and the location of the major high areas in the westernmost border of the Tethys sea. In spite of late diagenetic transformations the original clay mineral associations of the Permian-Triassic sediments of the SE Iberian Ranges can be reconstructed. Seventy-seven samples of siliciclastic and carbonate sediments of these ages have been studied (SEM and XRD), revealing six new aspects that help to precise the palaeogeographical interpretation of the area: (1) Two major mineral assemblages have been found: illite+ kaolinite +pyrophyllite in the continental facies and illite + chlorite + vermiculite + mixed-layer clays in the marine facies. (2) The Mg-rich clay minerals are here considered to be of marine origin. (3) Active phases of basin boundary faults are marked in the sediments by the presence of pyrophyllite, derived directly from the Palaeozoic metamorphic basement. (4) Unconformities separating major depositional sequences also separate formations with different clay mineralogy. (5) Different groups of clay minerals can be separated clearly coinciding with the different palaeogeographical stages also distinguished in the westernmost border of the Tethys sea. (6) The clay mineral associations back up the data of a previous hypothesis of a humid climate for the end of the Permian in the study area just prior to the first incursion of the Tethys sea

    Proyecto de inserción laboral inclusivo: formulación de su gestión organizacional

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    el artículo detalla la formulación de un modelo de gestión aplicado a un proyecto de inclusión laboral de personas con discapacidad; el objetivo de la investigación es consolidar un modelo de gestión organizacional inclusivo, basado en las 3C: Corporación (C1), Clientes, (C2) y Colaboradores (C3). La metodología triangula información primaria, a nivel de empresa (perfiles de cargo, nivel educativo exigido, competencias conductuales necesarias), y la correspondiente al perfil de las personas (tipo de discapacidad que mantiene, nivel educativo de cada individuo), constituyendo estas en la base de su planificación estratégica. Los resultados incluyen la búsqueda de evidencia y el aporte teórico que sustentan al proyecto, que a su vez incluye una plataforma informática que gestiona los tres componentes del modelo, permitiendo la socialización de elementos estratégicos como misión, visión, valores y política de calidad (C1), la gestión de perfiles de las personas con discapacidad, los correspondientes a los cargos empresariales (C2), y la visualización de las organizaciones vinculadas a procesos de inserción laboral presentes en el medio (C3). La investigación concluye que el proyecto de inclusión basado exclusivamente en un sistema informático, aunque sea funcional, estaría inconcluso en su intención y alcance, y que al nutrirlo de componentes de gestión organizacional se lo proyecta en un horizonte de planificación y de aseguramiento de sus objetivos.//this article details the formulation of a management model applied to a labor inclusion project for people with disabilities. The objective of this research is to consolidate an inclusive organizational management model based on the 3Cs: Corporation (C1), Clients (C2) and Colleagues (C3). The methodology triangulates the main information of the company (job profiles, required educational level, necessary behavioural competences), and the people profile (type of disability and educational level) which are the basis of its strategic planning. The main results are the search for evidence and the theoretical contribution that support the project. It also includes a digital platform that manages the three components of the model that allows the socialization of the strategic elements such as mission, vision, values and quality policy (C1), the management of people profiles with disabilities that correspond to business positions (C2), and the visualization of organizations linked to labor insertion processes in the current working environment (C3). It is concluded that the inclusion project based exclusively on a computer system, even if it is functional would be complete in its intention and scope; thus, by supporting it with organizational management components, it is projected to be in a planning and assurance stage of its objectives

    The graphite deposit at Borrowdale (UK): A catastrophic mineralizing event associated with Ordovician magmatism

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    The volcanic-hosted graphite deposit at Borrowdale in Cumbria, UK, was formed through precipitation from C–O–H fluids. The δ13C data indicate that carbon was incorporated into the mineralizing fluids by assimilation of carbonaceous metapelites of the Skiddaw Group by andesite magmas of the Borrowdale Volcanic Group. The graphite mineralization occurred as the fluids migrated upwards through normal conjugate fractures forming the main subvertical pipe-like bodies. The mineralizing fluids evolved from CO2–CH4–H2O mixtures (XCO2 = 0.6–0.8) to CH4–H2O mixtures. Coevally with graphite deposition, the andesite and dioritic wall rocks adjacent to the veins were intensely hydrothermally altered to a propylitic assemblage. The initial graphite precipitation was probably triggered by the earliest hydration reactions in the volcanic host rocks. During the main mineralization stage, graphite precipitated along the pipe-like bodies due to CO2 → C + O2. This agrees with the isotopic data which indicate that the first graphite morphologies crystallizing from the fluid (cryptocrystalline aggregates) are isotopically lighter than those crystallizing later (flakes). Late chlorite–graphite veins were formed from CH4-enriched fluids following the reaction CH4+O2 → C + 2H2O, producing the successive precipitation of isotopically lighter graphite morphologies. Thus, as mineralization proceeded, water-generating reactions were involved in graphite precipitation, further favouring the propylitic alteration. The structural features of the pipe-like mineralized bodies as well as the isotopic homogeneity of graphite suggest that the mineralization occurred in a very short period of time