7 research outputs found

    EFL Teachers’ Use of Digital Technology to Facilitate M-Learning

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    Taking the concept of mobile-learning as development of instructional technology of what commonly called e-learning, this study aimed to firstly identify the digital products and approach used by EFL teachers for online instruction. Moreover, frequently used digital technologies chosen by the teachers along with contextual factors of using them were investigated. To achieve these objectives, SAMR (substitution, Adaptation, Modification, and Redefinition) model was selected as the framework of corresponding the technology use with the four levels to facilitate effective online instruction. Descriptive analysis of a questionnaire distributed to twenty-three English teachers from four universities in Indonesia resulted in almost equal distribution of technology use to facilitate m-learning purposes within the four levels. Moreover, contextual factors related to the institutional policy of online learning, the features and nature of the technology products, and the students’ varied challenges were admitted affecting teachers’ use of digital technology to facilitate m-learning

    The Classroom Management Approach in the Grammar Practice Class

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    The grammatical competence is a capacity that is considered necessary to organize words and sentences accurately. Since the teaching of grammar means training the students to improve their communicative competence as well, thus it requires a great deal of time. Although the adequate grammar learning classrooms have been managed, yet the additional grammar practice class is considered necessary to carry out. A number of studies related to traditional and modern grammar learning activities have been conducted. However, there are only a few interests on the classroom management approaches utilized in the grammar practice class. Hence, this study is conducted to analyze the systems, structures, and expectations of the grammar practice class conducted by the English Department at a university in Indonesia. The four primary approaches of classroom management are selected as the main framework in this study. The case study research is chosen to portray the structure of grammar practice class to reveal a particular classroom management approach employed in this program. The process of data analysis discloses that the grammar practice class utilizes the assertive discipline. As a result, the grammar instructor is likely to be classroom leader to create a systematic classroom management

    Rhetorical Styles Employed in the Introduction Section of Research Article Written by English Department Students at Yogyakarta State University.

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    This research aims to reveal (1) the rhetorical styles and (2) the pedagogical implications of the rhetorical style used by the English Education students of Yogyakarta State University in writing the introduction section of research articles. This research adopted the Create a Research Space (CARS) model proposed by John Swales (2004) as the main framework, interpreted qualitatively in which the researcher acts as the main instrument. The research procedure is divided into four stages, consisting of (1) reading the titles, abstracts, and key terms in order to get an initial understanding pertinent to the research topic; (2) identifying the frequent appearances of the macro and micro structures of CARS model within the introduction section of research article; (3) identifying the linguistic features and discourse clues, such as the specific lexical item, formulaic expressions, and cohesive markers; (4) drawing a conclusion of the research context to get a better frame related to the communicative purpose of the introduction section of research article. The result shows that most of the English Department students of Yogyakarta State University utilize Establishing a Territory (Move 1) and Establishing a Niche (Move 2)in writing the introduction section of research article. They are also able to write a cohesive introduction section and present a convincing argument to portray the importance of the research article. Nevertheless, the research finding also leads to the urgency to incorporate the concept of rhetorical style within the academic writing class. In so doing, it is expected for the undergraduate’ students to be able to organize, argue, respond, express, and justify their research opinions and ideas with a captivating rhetorical style


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    The research was conducted to find out how Concept-Based Instruction (CBI) improved the speaking ability of 10th graders of Public Senior High School 2 Probolinggo. The researcher implemented the strategy by teaching speech acts to the students along with Concept Based Instruction (CBI) followed by observing the teaching-learning activities in the classroom. As the final step, reflecting was done to know how much the strategy had improved the speaking ability of the students in using CBI as the learning strategy and speech acts as the materials.Concept-Based Instruction provided the students to move through three stages: orientation, execution, and control. In the orientation stage, the researcher had to introduce the material first to the students. In the execution stage, the students were regularly given interaction speaking tasks using CBI strategy. In this stage, also the researcher along with the language students evaluated their performances. Moving on to the control stage, the students were encouraged to do speaking performance in order to see their improvement in speaking ability.The finding showed that the students’ speaking ability had been improving. Almost all of the students (98%) passed the passing grade (83). The total average score for their speaking performance was 85.8. Their average score for pronunciation was 3.1. The average score for fluency was 3.7. Their average score for accuracy was 3.2. In addition, the students’ average score for content was 3.5, while their average score for performance was 3.6. In this research, the researcher also found that the students had already gained their confidence in speaking English. They already tried to communicate in English with their peers in the classroom.Finally, the researcher concluded that CBI strategy successfully improved the students’ speaking ability. In addition, they were also actively involved in speaking activity. The students’ speaking performance in the control stage showed that the students were able to speak and communicate in English using the right pronunciation. Other speaking aspects, such as fluency and accuracy, of the students speaking performance also improved. tyle='text-align:justify'>The suggestions from this study were directed to the English teachers and the further researchers. For the English teachers, it is suggested to use clueless game since it can help the students building their vocabulary. For the future researchers, especially those who want to conduct the same scope of study, it is suggested to use the media as an alternative strategy for teaching vocabulary to the different level of students.


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    ABSTRAK InnekeRiaLaksono.S.2017 .Visualisasikomik ‘matematika’ untukmeningkatkanpolapikirbagianak SD .Skripsi,ProgramStudiDesainKomunikasiVisual,JurusanSenidanDesain,FakultasSastra,UniversitasNegeriMalang.Pembimbing: (Tunggal)Drs.Sarjono, M.Sn Kata Kunci: Perancangan, Buku, Komik, Matematika, Anak SD.Banyakalasan yang menjadikanmatematikabegitusulituntukdipahamisiswa.Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhimisalnyakurangluwesnya guru dalammenyampaikanmateripelajaranmetematika, kegiatanpembelajaran yang monotonsehinggamembuatsiswabosandalamkegiatanpembelajaran, ruangkelas yang kurangkondusif, waktupelajaran yang tidaksesuaisertakurangnya media pembelajaranmatematikayangbisamembuatsiswamerasatertarikdanmenjadikanbelajarmatematikaadalahhobi yang tidakmauuntukditinggalkan. Beberapahaltersebutmemicumatematikamenjadipelajaran yang ditakutiolehsiswa. Makadariituuntukmembuatanak-anaktidakbosandenganmaterimatematika yang disampaikanpengajardibuat media pembelajaran yang menarikuntukanak-anaktersebut, yaitudenganmembuatkomikmatematika, komik yang membahasmaterimatematikanamundengancara yang berbedadanpastinyamenyenangkanuntukdibacadanmudahuntukdipahami. Komikmatematikainidiharapkan agar parasiswa SD utamanya SD kelas 5 tersebutdapatlebihmudahdalammemahamidanmempelajarimateri-materimatematikatersebut

    Rhetorical styles of Introduction in English language teaching (ELT) research articles

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    Research articles have been considered as the primary media of knowledge production. Nevertheless, for some undergraduate students, writing a research article can be a challenging task since they need to be aware of its rhetorical styles. Even though previous studies have been conducted to reveal the rhetorical styles of scientific papers, yet tend to focus more on research articles obtained from well-established journals. Hence, this study aims to reveal the rhetorical styles and draw the rhetoric pattern from the introduction section of 73 research articles written by the undergraduate students of English Language Education (ELE) at a state university in Yogyakarta. This is a qualitative investigation whose data were collected by random sampling technique and went through Safnil’s (2013) four analysis stages. As the primary framework for analysis, the modified CARS (Create a Research Space) model (Swales Feak, 2004) was adopted. The results show that Step 2: Making topic generalization in Move 1 and Step 1B: Indicating a gap in Move 2 are the obligatory steps in writing the introduction section. Nevertheless, the results reveal that mostly undergraduate research papers lack 1 step in Move 1, 2 steps in Move 2, and 3 steps in Move 3. The omission of steps in the CARS model by these student-authors seems to happen due to two major factors, namely the scarcity of control over the writing process and linguistic resources, hence suggesting pedagogical implications for academic writing courses