SKRIPSI Jurusan Sastra Inggris - Fakultas Sastra UM
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    1624 research outputs found

    Translanguaging: Teachers' Perception and Practice toward A Better Language Education

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    ABSTRACTIn language education, linguistic diversities inside one classroom are opportunities followed with a threat. Teachers often face problems that their students cannot perform well because of the language gap between them—that is which language should or should not be used in the classroom. Translanguaging, therefore, seeks to provide opportunities and acts as a bridge for them to fully and freely use their potential on using language without being suppressed by the boundaries set by particular language setting (Otheguy et al., 2015) such as Indonesian, English, Javanese, etc. However, the origin of where translanguaging is usually applied is far cry different from Indonesian context. On this notion that the researcher decided to investigate translanguaging as a new term in Indonesian language education, particularly from the teachers’ perspective (their perception and practice). This study used descriptive qualitative design with grounded theory overtone. Through interview and observation that the data collection was conducted. The subjects were 3 English teachers in SMP Lab UM. For the findings, all the subjects pointed out a fundamental part which plays a big role in their way of teaching, including their language use, is that they are adjusting themselves with their students’ capabilities in the hope that they can maintain their students’ interest in learning English bit by bit without giving them any unnecessary pressure that can end up in failure. Keywords: translanguaging in Indonesian context, language separation, teachers’ perception, teachers’ practic


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    RINGKASANPrasista, Venna Jala. 2019. Wanita Jawa Merokok Sebagai Inspirasi Karya Seni Lukis. Skripsi, Jurusan Seni dan Desain, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing: (I) Drs. Didiek Rahmanadji, M.Pd,dan (II) Fenny Rochbeind. S.Pd, M.SnKata Kunci: Wanita Jawa, Merokok,Seni LukisBudaya merokok dipandang sebagai ketidak wajaran jika dilakukan oleh kaum wanita. Stigma wanita merokok masih berlaku dimanapun tidak terkecuali di Jawa. Masa kini pandangan masyarakat telah berubah dan wanita bebas merokok. Hal ini yang member inspirasi pada penciptaan seni lukis yang menggambarkan sosok wanita Jawa merokok.Konsep penciptaan ini adalah ‘kesetaraan sosial’ dan tema yang mendasari keenam karya lukisan adalah ‘gaya hidup wanita merokok’. Karakteristik karya diantaranya pada pemilihan warna yang feminin, objek utama wanita merokok, teknik sapuan kuas terkesan lembut, dan kontur garis pada objek terkesan dekoratif. Proses kreatif dalam penciptaan ini menggunaka metode Alma Hawkins yang memiliki tiga tahapan, yaitu tahapan eksplorasi, kegiatan pengamatan terdahap hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan tema yang diangkat. Lalu tahapan eksperimentasi, berupa pembentukan rancangan sketsa yang diseleksi untuk diwujudkan,serta sebagai acuan dalam penciptaan karya. Tahapan terakhir melakukan pembentukan, berupa proses melukis pada bidang kanvas. Penciptaan ini menghasilkan 6 karya seni lukis yang berjudul “Roro Mendut”, “Nyusur dan Rokok”, “ Iklan”, “Menangis”, “Haruskah PSK!”, dan “Hidupmu”. Penciptaan ini menghasilkan 6 karya seni lukis hasil gagasan pencipta. Melalui hasil penciptaan karya seni lukis gaya pribadi ini diharapkan dapat menambah wawasan apresasi bagi masyarakat khususnya aspek estetika lewat keenam karya lukis. Selain itu pesan edukasi lewat objek lukisan tersampaikan kepada pengamat tentang gaya hidup wanita merokok,bukanlah hal baru yang dipandang sebelah mata atau dianggap negatif. Sebaliknya wanita merokok sudah sejak zaman dulu punya kebiasaan‘menginang’. Dengan merujuk pada sejarah masa lalu, dimasa kini wanita merokok menjadi trend yang patut dihargai dan dipandang positif oleh masyarakat sebagai insan berbudaya yang hidup di era modern

    Improving Eleventh Grade Students' Writing Performance by Using Peer Feedback Technique

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    SUMMARYDada, Mohammad. 2019. Improving Eleventh Grade Students’ Writing Performance by Using Peer Feedback Technique. Undergraduate Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Letters, UniversitasNegeri Malang. Advisor: (1) Prof. BambangYudi C, M.Pd, M.A., Ph.D, (2) Drs. Andi Muhtar, M.A.Key Words: Free Peer Feedback, Guided Peer Feedback, Peer Feedback, Writing Performance, Writing Skill.The purposes of this study were to improve writing performance of the eleventh grade students of Senior High School 2 at TanggulJember and to solve their writing problems by using Peer Feedback Technique. This study was also conducted to know the students’ responses toward the Peer Feedback Implementation. The result of preliminary study conducted on Thursday 9th and 16th February 2017 in XI IPA 2 SMA Negeri 2 TanggulJember showed that the students had low scores in their writing. They also had some writing problems such as developing the ideas, using proper grammar, choosing vocabulary, spelling the words, and structuring the text.The study was done by using Classroom Action Research (CAR). There were some steps of Classroom Action Research done by the researcher in this study: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. In implementing the Peer Feedback Technique, the researcher employed some core activities. First, the teacher gave the examples of text learnt to the students. Second, the teacher asked students to read and to identify the text content, text structures, and language features of the text. Third, the teacher explained the text content, text structures, and language features and explained the differences and similarities of two similar text genres. Fourth, the teacher asked students to write their own texts. Fifth, the teacher gave the guided peer feedback checklists and explained the procedures in filling the checklists. Sixth, the teacher asked students to give guided peer feedback by filling the checklists. Seventh, the teacher asked students to revise their own writing based on the feedbacks given by their friends. Eighth, the teacher asked students to make and to presenttheir videos in the class. Last, the teacher asked students to give free peer feedback to their friends’ writing and presentation. Those core activities helped the teacher to solve the students’ writing problems and increased the students’ writing performance.The findings of this study showed that the students’ writing performance was improved after they were taught by using Peer Feedback Technique. It can be seen from the number of the students who got score the same as or more than 75. The students’ writing average scores also showed great improvement. This technique also solved the students’ writing problems. It can be seen from the comparison of the students’ writing compositions done in the preliminary study and the students’ writing composition done after the technique implementation. The students’ writing compositions showed a big improvement. The students’ also gave positive responses toward the technique implementation.Finally, from the result of this study, the researcher suggests that the English teachers should implement the Peer Feedback Technique to improve students writing performance. In this study, the researcher used two similar text genres: procedure text and explanation text. The teachers also can use this technique to teach other text genres. The future researchers are suggested to conduct similar study to different text genres. The researcher suggests future researchers to give clear explanation about the guided peer feedback checklist. The researcher also the internet when they do the writing test

    Improving Young Learners’ English Vocabulary Mastery by Using Flash Cards

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    Abstrack.This study dealt with teaching English using flashcards to improve young learners’ English Vocabulary. The objectives of the study is to find how the use of flash card in increasing young learners’ English vocabulary mastery. In order to achieve the objective of this study, the researcher used classroom action research as the research design in doing the research. The populations of this study were the 29 students of fifthgraders at SD Negeri Wedi, Sidoarjo. There was only one cycle in this study.The cycle was conducted in three meetings. In this cycle, the students were drilledabout kinds of clothes and kinds ofoccupation. There were two types of the test in this action research. They were  Test 1 and Test 2. The test was related to the kinds of clothes and kinds of occupation. In Test 1, the students had to answer30 multiple choices questionsaboutkindsofclothes and occupations. In Test 2, the students arrange the jumbled alphabets into the right name of clothes. The result of the study showed that the Test 2 scores were better than the Test 1 scores. It could be seen by comparing their means. The means of the Test 1 score was 80.6. While the Test 2 score was 88.9.  It means that there is a significance difference in students’ scores after they were given treatments using flashcards.The increasing achievements show the increasing vocabulary mastery of the students. The significant improvement of the students after they were taught by the research using flash cards as medium indicated that the treatment was effective. So, it is recommended that the teacher can use flashcards as media in teaching young learners to increasetheir interest in learning English. Hopefully there would be further studies inteaching English using other technique.

    Gregor Samsa and Kafka’s Emerging Adulthood

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    Key Words: emerging adulthood, psychoanalysis, alienation, Franz Kafka, MetamorphosisKafka’s Metamorphosis is often seen as an autobiographical fiction and, undoubtedly, one of the most distinguished literary products in the modern era. He himself happened to write the work in the age of twenty nine, and its theme of Kafkaesque alienation is invariably intriguing and versatile to dissect. This study attempts to point out how the profound theme of alienation in Metamorphosis is actually the aftermath of Kafka’s failure in dealing with emerging adulthood. Further, this study aims at analyzing the importance of GregorSamsa as the ‘mirror’ of Kafka dealing with emerging adulthood, the expressions of Kafka’s emerging adulthood in GregorSamsa, and the redefinition of alienation in Metamorphosis regarding Kafka’s emerging adulthood.  This study presents an analysis on how Kafka as the author of Metamorphosis had failed experiencing the features of emerging adulthood, so that it contributed to the creation of GregorSamsa, Gregor’s inescapably bleak fate, and the theme of alienation in Metamorphosis. Sources of data are collected from a novella Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka and Kafka’s letter entitled Letter to My Father. Along with the process of collecting the data are psychoanalysis and emerging adulthood as the theoretical framework used in this study.The latter findings revealed that not only does the presence of GregorSamsa is crucial from the standpoint of a main character, but he also bore many allegorical features leading to the expressions of Kafka’s Emerging adulthood. The allegorical features then symbolize Kafka’s inability to undergo the five features of emerging adulthood perfectly, mostly in consequence of his bad relationship with his father. Therefore, Metamorphosis can be regarded as an allegorical piece that delivers Kafka’s fear and anguish as a ‘troubled’ and ‘isolated’ emerging adult in the past.In conclusion, the existence of Gregor Samsa and Kafka’s Emerging adulthood is strongly interrelated to the extent it affects one of the most essential aspects of Metamorphosis, that is, the theme of alienation.This study is expected to be the brand new insight for psychoanalytical criticism which brings the theory of developmental psychology to light. For future researchers of Metamorphosis, it is suggested to obtain new meanings and interpretations by extending this study or employ other branches of psychology


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    SUMMARYFitriani, Nadia. 2019. The Implementation of Learner Autonomy among English Competition Participants of MTsN 1 Kota Malang. Undergraduate Thesis, Department of English, Faculty of Letter, State University of Malang. Advisors: (I) Dr. Enny Irawati, M.Pd. (II) Hasti Rahmaningtyas, S.Pd., M.A.Key Words: learner autonomy, autonomous learning, characteristics of autonomous learnersThis study aims to find out whether Indonesian students, particularly students of MTsN 1 Kota Malang who have joined various English competition have the characteristics of autonomous learners. Autonomous learners refer to learners who are able to direct their own learning. Furthermore, Holec (1981) introduces the term autonomy which conveys the mean of ‘the ability to take charge of one’s own learning’. Taking charge describes the capability of a learner to be responsible for his own learning by being able to determine learning goals, decide suitable learning strategies, monitor learning progress and evaluate results.This study involves forty three students of MTsN 1 Kota Malang who have taken part in various English competition. The data is obtained through Learner Autonomy Questionnaire. The result is analyzed to ascertain the characteristics of autonomous learners possessed by the students.The result of this study shows that English competition participants of MTsN 1 Kota Malang are high autonomous learners and they possess five characteristics of autonomous learners who are: (1) highly motivated in learning, (2) flexible, (3) goal-oriented, (4) hardworking, and (5) well-organized.Unfortunately, only some of the students are well organized due to their lack of time management skill. Therefore, it is suggested that the teachers develop ways or techniques to improve students’ time management skill. Future researchers are also suggested to do similar study by using a more complete instrument and different subjects in order to attain different result

    Grey Gardens: An Insight into the Dynamics of Big Edie and Little Edie’s Dysfunctional Relationship

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    Grey Gardens adalah film dokumenter garapan Albert dan David Maysles yang menggambarkan kehidupan mantan wanita kelas atas, Edith Ewing Bouvier Beale (Big Edie) dan putrinya Edith Bouvier Beale (Little Edie). Mereka hidup terpisah dari dunia luar di rumah rapuh dan kotor di East Hampton, kota New York. Selain transformasi kehidupan mereka yang memilukan, hubungan disfungsi antara keduanyalah yang menjadikan Grey Gardens layak diceritakan kembali dan didiskusikan. Tesis ini berusaha memahami hubungan disfungsional Big Edie dan Little Edie serta gaya kelekatan mereka yang saling mempengaruhi dan menciptakan dinamika hubungan. Model gaya kelekatan (attachment styles) yang diusulkan oleh Bartholomew dan Horowitz digunakan untuk menguraikan permasalahan di atas. Model tersebut terbagi menjadi dua yakni; model pandangan terhadap diri dan orang lain. Model-model itu berinteraksi dan menghasilkan empat gaya kelekatan: kelekatan aman (secure), kelekatan terikat (preoccupied), kelekatan cemas (fearful). dan kelekatan lepas (dismissive). Empat model tersebut mungkin tidak dapat menjelaskan kekhasan setiap kepribadian individu, namun dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar pemahaman yang kuat untuk menjelaskan hubungan seseorang dalam interaksinya dengan orang lain.                Hasil analisa pertama menunjukkan bahwa tindakan saling menyalahkan, memberikan ancaman pengabaian, dan mendominasi dalam hubungan ibu-anak ini menjadi faktor utama penyebab hubungan disfungsi mereka. Dari empat gaya kelekaatan yang diajukan oleh Bartholomew, Big Edie masuk dalam dismissive style sedangkan Little Edie fearful-avoidant style. Little Edie bersikukuh bahwa ia sebenarnya tidak ingin dikendalikan sehingga ia berusaha mencari kebebabasan dan determinasi diri sementara Big Edie menunjukkan rasa takut akan pengabaian Little Edie sehingga ia berusaha untuk mengontrol hidup putrinya.             Hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa gaya kelekatan Big Edie dan Little Edie adalah tanda adanyanya kodependensi dalam hubungan mereka yang mana mendasari alasan mengapa mereka tetap bersama di Grey Gardens. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman mendalam mengenai kompleksitas hubungan Big dan Little Edie. Bagi mahasiswa sastra, disarankan agar penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pembahasan untuk tujuan akademik.SUMMARYPuspitasari, Dian Ayu. 2019. Grey Gardens: An Insight into the Dynamics of Big Edie and Little Edie’s Dysfunctional Relationship. Thesis, Department of English, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang. Advisors: (I) Drs.Kukuh Prayitno Subagyo, M.A., (II) Drs. Arif Subiyanto, M.A.Keywords: mother-daughter relationship, dysfunctional relationship, attachment styles, Grey GardensGrey Gardens, directed by Albert and David Maysles, portrays the lives of formerly upper-class women, Edith Ewing Bouvier Beale (Big Edie) and her daughter Edith Bouvier Beale (Little Edie) living in their dilapidated mansion surrounded by the homes of the wealthy in East Hampton. Besides that wrenching life transformation, it is the dysfunctional relationship between these women which makes Grey Gardens worth retelling and discussing. This thesis seeks to understand Big Edie and Little Edie’s dysfunctional relationship as well as their attachments styles which interplay and create relationship dynamics.The model of attachment style proposed by Bartholomew and Horowitz is employed to examine the said issue. It is divided into two models; the other model and the self-model. Those models interact to yield four attachment styles: Secure, Preoccupied, Fearful, and Dismissive. Those may not be able to explain every peculiarity of personality; however, it lays the foundations for a solid understanding of one’s relationship, particularly, when it comes to connecting and interacting with others.The first result of the analysis is that the act of playing the blame game, giving threats of abandonment, and being overly critical and dominant are the factors of their dysfunctional relationship. From the four attachment style proposed by Bartholomew, Big Edie belongs to the fearful-avoidant attachment styles whereas Little Edie is more into dismissive-avoidant. Little Edie shows that she does not want to be controlled that she seeks relief through independence and autonomy while Big Edie’s shows fear of abandonment that she needs reassurance from her daughter by making sure that she does not leave her, even if it means that she has to undermine her daughter life.The attachment styles which Big Edie and Little Edie, respectively, fall into, signify that there is codependency in their relationship, and it underlies the reason why they remain together or in Grey Gardens and are unable to part ways. Finally, this study can contribute to people who want to have a deep understanding regarding the complexity of the relationship between Big and Little Edie, and it is suggested that the study can also function as additional material for academic purposes and practitioners specifically for the literature students.RINGKASANPuspitasari, Dian Ayu. 2019. Grey Gardens: Pemahaman mendalam tentang dinamika hubungan disfungsi Big Edie dan Little Edie. Skripsi, Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra Inggris, Universitas Negeri Malang.. Pembimbing: (I) Drs.Kukuh Prayitno Subagyo, M.A., (II) Drs. Arif Subiyanto, M.A.Kata Kunci: hubungan ibu-anak perempuan, hubungan disfungsi, gaya kelekatan (attachment styles), Grey GardensGrey Gardens adalah film dokumenter garapan Albert dan David Maysles yang menggambarkan kehidupan mantan wanita kelas atas, Edith Ewing Bouvier Beale (Big Edie) dan putrinya Edith Bouvier Beale (Little Edie). Mereka hidup terpisah dari dunia luar di rumah rapuh dan kotor di East Hampton, kota New York. Selain transformasi kehidupan mereka yang memilukan, hubungan disfungsi antara keduanyalah yang menjadikan Grey Gardens layak diceritakan kembali dan didiskusikan. Tesis ini berusaha memahami hubungan disfungsional Big Edie dan Little Edie serta gaya kelekatan mereka yang saling mempengaruhi dan menciptakan dinamika hubungan.Model gaya kelekatan (attachment styles) yang diusulkan oleh Bartholomew dan Horowitz digunakan untuk menguraikan permasalahan di atas. Model tersebut terbagi menjadi dua yakni; model pandangan terhadap diri dan orang lain. Model-model itu berinteraksi dan menghasilkan empat gaya kelekatan: kelekatan aman (secure), kelekatan terikat (preoccupied), kelekatan cemas (fearful). dan kelekatan lepas (dismissive). Empat model tersebut mungkin tidak dapat menjelaskan kekhasan setiap kepribadian individu, namun dapat dijadikan sebagai dasar pemahaman yang kuat untuk menjelaskan hubungan seseorang dalam interaksinya dengan orang lain.Hasil analisa pertama menunjukkan bahwa tindakan saling menyalahkan, memberikan ancaman pengabaian, dan mendominasi dalam hubungan ibu-anak ini menjadi faktor utama penyebab hubungan disfungsi mereka. Dari empat gaya kelekaatan yang diajukan oleh Bartholomew, Big Edie masuk dalam dismissive style sedangkan Little Edie fearful-avoidant style. Little Edie bersikukuh bahwa ia sebenarnya tidak ingin dikendalikan sehingga ia berusaha mencari kebebabasan dan determinasi diri sementara Big Edie menunjukkan rasa takut akan pengabaian Little Edie sehingga ia berusaha untuk mengontrol hidup putrinya.Hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa gaya kelekatan Big Edie dan Little Edie adalah tanda adanyanya kodependensi dalam hubungan mereka yang mana mendasari alasan mengapa mereka tetap bersama di Grey Gardens. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan pemahaman mendalam mengenai kompleksitas hubungan Big dan Little Edie. Bagi mahasiswa sastra, disarankan agar penelitian ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pembahasan untuk tujuan akademi

    The Implementation of Snowball Throwing Technique to Increase 8th Graders' Reading Comprehension

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    AbstractIn learning English, reading is one of the most important skills to learn. Despite the importance, most of the students in year 8 (class 8.2) SMP Negeri 14 Malang had difficulties in comprehending reading text and that they were lack of motivation to participate in the learning activity. Those problems were contradictory to the 2013 Curriculum, in which students were expected to be able to read well and active during the learning activities. To solve those problems, the cooperative learning was chosen to be the ideal problem solving for it allowed students to get higher opportunity to work within group. In cooperative learning itself, some techniques were commonly used to deal with the classroom problem. One of teaching techniques from cooperative learning is Snowball Throwing Technique (henceforth STT). In order to improve the students’ reading comprehension skill and their participation in the learning activities, I applied the STT which allowed students to work in group by discussing, making questions, answering questions, and having an interesting way of learning in comprehending reading text.The result of this study shows that 25 out of 32 students or 78.13% of students have increased their reading skill as indicated by their score. It can be seen from the increase of students’ average score which is from 73.23 to 88.12. Moreover, the final result of students’ response to the implementation of STT showed a positive response. All in all, the implementation of STT could improve students’ reading comprehension because their learning participation increased.Keywords: Snowball Throwing, Cooperative Learning, Reading Comprehensio


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    This study aimed to confirm whether or not there was a correlation between reading self-efficacy and reading metacognitive strategies. This study adapted self-efficacy scale from Li and Wang (2010), and the metacognitive strategies scale from Mokhtari, Dimitov, and Reichard (2013). The result of this study showed that English Department of Universitas Negeri Malang had high reading self-efficacy level and use reading metacognitive strategies frequently. Even so, both variables did not correlate to each other. The students with high self-efficacy do not necessarily have high reading metacognitive strategies, and vice versa. The level of students’ reading metacognitive strategies is not a predictor of students’ level of reading self-efficacy, neither can reading self-efficacy predict the level of students’ reading metacognitive strategies.RINGKSAN Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi ada atau tidaknya korelasi antara efikasi diri dan strategi metakognisi dalam membaca teks bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini mengadaptasi kuesioner efikasi diri oleh Li dan Wang (2010), dan kuesioner strategi metakognisi oleh Mokhtari, Dimitov, dan Reichard (2013). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa mahasiswa jurusan Sastra Inggris di Universitan Negeri Malang memiliki tingkat efikasi diri yang tinggi, dan sering menggunakan strategi metakognisi dalam membaca teks bahasa Inggris. Namun, mahasiswa dengan tingkat efikasi diri belum tentu sering menggunakan strategi metakognitif dalam membaca. Tingkat efikasi diri tidak dapat memprediksi seberapa sering mahasiswa menggunakan strategi metakognisi, dan sebaliknya, frekuensi mahasiswa menggunakan strategi metakognisi dalam membaca teks bahasa Inggris tidak menentukan seberapa tinggi tingkat efikasi dirinya

    Penggunaan Strategi Repons Pujian pada Interaksi Tatap Muka dan Komunikasi Virtual

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap strategi respons pujian dalam dua jenis komunikasi tersebut dengan menggunakan teori strategi respons pujian yang diajukan oleh Herbet (1986) dan mencoba membandingkan hasilnya. Ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Delapan belas subjek dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini sebagai subjek penelitian. Peneliti menganalisis percakapan mereka dan bagian komentar Instagram mereka yang berkaitan dengan pujian dan tanggapan untuk mengetahui strategi yang diterapkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi token apresiasi sering digunakan dalam komunikasi tatap muka dan dari 12 strategi, hanya ada 7 strategi yang digunakan oleh subjek. Di sisi lain, hanya ada 3 strategi yang diterapkan dalam komunikasi virtual. Studi ini diharapkan dapat membantu peneliti masa depan yang bekerja di bidang terkait.ABSTRAK Rahmadya, Nova. 2019. The Use of Compliment Response Strategy in Face-to-face Interaction and Virtual Communication. Thesis. English Department, Faculty of Letters, Universitas Negeri Malang. Advisors: (1) Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati, M.A (2) Aulia Apriana, S.S., M.Pd. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap strategi respons pujian dalam dua jenis komunikasi tersebut dengan menggunakan teori strategi respons pujian yang diajukan oleh Herbet (1986) dan mencoba membandingkan hasilnya. Ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Delapan belas subjek dilibatkan dalam penelitian ini sebagai subjek penelitian. Peneliti menganalisis percakapan mereka dan bagian komentar Instagram mereka yang berkaitan dengan pujian dan tanggapan untuk mengetahui strategi yang diterapkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi token apresiasi sering digunakan dalam komunikasi tatap muka dan dari 12 strategi, hanya ada 7 strategi yang digunakan oleh subjek. Di sisi lain, hanya ada 3 strategi yang diterapkan dalam komunikasi virtual. Studi ini diharapkan dapat membantu peneliti masa depan yang bekerja di bidang terkait.Kata Kunci: pujian, respons pujian, interaksi tatap muka, komunikasi virtual &nbsp


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