699 research outputs found
D-term inflation in non-minimal supergravity
D-term inflation is one of the most interesting and versatile models of
inflation. It is possible to implement naturally D-term inflation within high
energy physics, as for example SUSY GUTs, SUGRA, or string theories. D-term
inflation avoids the -problem, while in its standard form it always ends
with the formation of cosmic strings. Given the recent three-year WMAP data on
the cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropies, we examine whether
D-term inflation can be successfully implemented in non-minimal supergravity
theories. We show that for all our choices of K\"ahler potential, there exists
a parameter space for which the predictions of D-term inflation are in
agreement with the measurements. The cosmic string contribution on the measured
temperature anisotropies is always dominant, unless the superpotential coupling
constant is fine tuned; a result already obtained for D-term inflation within
minimal supergravity. In conclusion, cosmic strings and their r\^ole in the
angular power spectrum cannot be easily hidden by just considering a non-flat
K\"ahler geometry.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figures; minor changes to match publihed versio
La gestion sociale urbaine dans les pays en développement : rapport de fin de recherche mai 1993
Les réflexions proposées ici représentent une étape dans une recherche menée par une équipe du laboratoire TMU sur le thème de "la gestion sociale urbaine dans les pays en développement" ; elle privilégie dans le champ global de la gestion urbaine la dimension sociale, en la considérant comme mécanisme de régulation des rapports sociaux urbains, et comme système de contrôle des populations urbaines. La recherche s'appuie sur l'observation et l'analyse des pratiques des gestionnaires et de celles des citadins, à partir de deux entrées : la régularisation foncière, technique de gestion du sol urbain, mais aussi mode de régulation des rapports sociaux en ville, et la gestion urbaine partagée des services urbains. C'est autour de ces deux axes que s'est tenue une journée de réflexion en mai 1992, qui a permis de mieux cerner les possibilitiés et les limites de la gestion sociale urbaine à son niveau le plus approprié, celui des collectivités territoriales locales. (Résumé d'auteur
Production of topological defects at the end of inflation
Hybrid inflation within supersymmetric grand unified theories, as well as
inflation through brane collisions within braneworld cosmological models, lead
to the formation of one-dimensional defects. Observational data, mainly from
the cosmic microwave background temperature anisotropies but also from the
gravitational wave background, impose constraints on the free parameters of the
models. I review these inflationary models and discuss the constraints from the
currently available data.Comment: 9 pages, Invited talk in the Conference "Challenges in Particle
Astrophysics" -- 6th Rencontres du Vietnam, Hanoi (Vietnam) 6-12 Aug. 200
Hybrid inflation followed by modular inflation
Inflationary models with a superheavy scale F-term hybrid inflation followed
by an intermediate scale modular inflation are considered. The restrictions on
the power spectrum P_R of curvature perturbation and the spectral index n_s
from the recent data within the power-law cosmological model with cold dark
matter and a cosmological constant can be met provided that the number of
e-foldings N_HI* suffered by the pivot scale k_*=0.002/Mpc during hybrid
inflation is suitably restricted. The additional e-foldings needed for solving
the horizon and flatness problems are generated by modular inflation with a
string axion as inflaton. For central values of P_R and n_s, the grand
unification scale comes out, in the case of standard hybrid inflation, close to
its supersymmetric value M_GUT=2.86 x 10^16 GeV, the relevant coupling constant
is relatively large (0.005-0.14), and N_HI* is between 10 and 21.7. In the
shifted [smooth] hybrid inflation case, the grand unification scale can be
identified with M_GUT for N_HI*=21 [N_HI*=18].Comment: 13 pages including 3 figures, uses ws-ijmpa.cls, minor corrections
included, talk given at the CTP Symposium on Supersymmetry at LHC:
Theoretical and Experimental Perspectives, British University in Egypt (BUE),
Cairo, 11-14 March 2007 (to appear in the proceedings
Related RNAs in lepidopteran cells after in vitro infection with Hyposoter didymator virus define a new polydnavirus gene family
In the present study, we describe the isolation and the characterization of three different Hyposoter didymator virus (HdV) lepidopteran host-expressed genes, the products of which might interfere with the host physiology during parasitism. In this report, we study the expression of HdV genes in Sf9 cells infected with HdV since results indicate that the Sf9 model mimics to some extent the in vivo model and may be utilized to study expression of HdV genes in lepidopteran host cells. This system allowed us to isolate three HdV-specific cDNAs, termed M24, M27, and M40. cDNA nucleotide sequence analysis demonstrated significant regions of homology. The three cDNAs displayed repeated sequences arranged in tandem array that might have evolved through domain duplication. Similar to other previously described polydnavirus host-expressed genes, two intron positions have been found in the M24 leader region. The cDNAs corresponded to RNAs of 1.6, 1.6, and 2.3 kb that are also detected in parasitized Spodoptera littoralis larvae. They are encoded by different genes likely located on different HdV DNA molecules. Corresponding RNAs are detected early postinfection and remain detectable for at least 10 days postinfection. They encode secreted glycine- and proline-rich proteins. An antiserum raised against a baculovirus recombinant M24-encoded protein detected similar proteins in the culture medium of infected lepidopteran cells and in parasitized host hemolymph. We propose that the three cloned genes belong to an HdV gene family specifically expressed in parasitized lepidopteran hosts, (C) 1999 Academic Press
Constraints on Supersymmetric Grand Unified Theories from Cosmology
Within the context of SUSY GUTs, cosmic strings are generically formed at the
end of hybrid inflation. However, the WMAP CMB measurements strongly constrain
the possible cosmic strings contribution to the angular power spectrum of
anisotropies. We investigate the parameter space of SUSY hybrid (F- and D-
term) inflation, to get the conditions under which theoretical predictions are
in agreement with data. The predictions of F-term inflation are in agreement
with data, only if the superpotential coupling is small. In
particular, for SUSY SO(10), the upper bound is \kappa\lsim 7\times 10^{-7}.
This fine tuning problem can be lifted if we employ the curvaton mechanism, in
which case \kappa\lsim 8\times 10^{-3}; higher values are not allowed by the
gravitino constraint. The constraint on is equivalent to a constraint
on the SSB mass scale , namely M \lsim 2\times 10^{15} GeV. The study of
D-term inflation shows that the inflaton field is of the order of the Planck
scale; one should therefore consider SUGRA. We find that the cosmic strings
contribution to the CMB anisotropies is not constant, but it is strongly
dependent on the gauge coupling and on the superpotential coupling
. We obtain g\lsim 2\times 10^{-2} and \lambda \lsim 3\times
10^{-5}. SUGRA corrections induce also a lower limit for .
Equivalently, the Fayet-Iliopoulos term must satisfy \sqrt\xi \lsim
2\times 10^{15} GeV. This constraint holds for all allowed values of .Comment: 32 pages, 7 figures. To match published versio
Biofiltration vs conventional activated sludge plants: what about priority and emerging pollutants removal?
International audience: This paper compares the removal performances of two complete wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) for all priority substances listed in the Water Framework Directive and additional compounds of interest including flame retardants, surfactants, pesticides, and personal care products (PCPs) (n = 104). First, primary treatments such as physicochemical lamellar settling (PCLS) and primary settling (PS) are compared. Similarly, biofiltration (BF) and conventional activated sludge (CAS) are then examined. Finally, the removal efficiency per unit of nitrogen removed of both WWTPs for micropollutants is discussed, as nitrogenous pollution treatment results in a special design of processes and operational conditions. For primary treatments, hydrophobic pollutants (log K ow > 4) are well removed (>70 %) for both systems despite high variations of removal. PCLS allows an obvious gain of about 20 % regarding pollutant removals, as a result of better suspended solids elimination and possible coagulant impact on soluble compounds. For biological treatments, variations of removal are much weaker, and the majority of pollutants are comparably removed within both systems. Hydrophobic and volatile compounds are well (>60 %) or very well removed (>80 %) by sorption and volatilization. Some readily biodegradable molecules are better removed by CAS, indicating a better biodegradation. A better sorption of pollutants on activated sludge could be also expected considering the differences of characteristics between a biofilm and flocs. Finally, comparison of global processes efficiency using removals of micropollutants load normalized to nitrogen shows that PCLS + BF is as efficient as PS + CAS despite a higher compactness and a shorter hydraulic retention time (HRT). Only some groups of pollutants seem better removed by PS + CAS like alkylphenols, flame retardants, or di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP), thanks to better biodegradation and sorption resulting from HRT and biomass characteristics. For both processes, and out of the 68 molecules found in raw water, only half of them are still detected in the water discharged, most of the time close to their detection limit. However, some of them are detected at higher concentrations (>1 μg/L and/or lower than environmental quality standards), which is problematic as they represent a threat for aquatic environment
A Note on the evolution of cosmic string/superstring networks
In the context of brane world scenario, cosmic superstrings can be formed in
D-brane annihilation at the end of the brane inflationary era. The cosmic
superstring network has a scaling solution and the characteristic scale of the
network is proportional to the square root of the reconnection probability.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures (revised version
Members of the Hyposoter didymator Ichnovirus repeat element gene family are differentially expressed in Spodoptera frugiperda
BACKGROUND: The abundance and the conservation of the repeated element (rep) genes in Ichnoviruses genomes suggest that this gene family plays an important role in viral cycles. In the Ichnovirus associated with the wasp Hyposoter didymator, named HdIV, 10 rep genes were identified to date. In this work, we report a relative quantitative transcription study of these HdIV rep genes in several tissues of the lepidopteran host Spodoptera frugiperda as well as in the H. didymator wasps. RESULTS: The data obtained in this work indicate that, in the early phases of infection (24 hours), HdIV rep genes each display different levels of transcripts in parasitized 2(nd )instar or HdIV-injected last instar S. frugiperda larvae. Only one, rep1, is significantly transcribed in female wasps. Transcript levels of the HdIV rep genes were found as not correlated to their copy number in HdIV genome. Our results also show that HdIV rep genes display different tissue specificity, and that they are primarily transcribed in S. frugiperda fat body and cuticular epithelium. CONCLUSION: This work is the first quantitative analysis of transcription of the ichnovirus rep gene family, and the first investigation on a correlation between transcript levels and gene copy numbers in Ichnoviruses. Our data indicate that, despite similar gene copy numbers, not all the members of this gene family are significantly transcribed 24 hours after infection in lepidopteran larvae. Additionally, our data show that, as opposed to other described HdIV genes, rep genes are little transcribed in hemocytes, thus suggesting that they are not directly associated with the disruption of the immune response but rather involved in other physiological alterations of the infected lepidopteran larva
D-term inflation in D-brane cosmology
We consider hybrid inflation in the braneworld scenario. In particular, we
consider inflation in global supersymmetry with the D-terms in the scalar
potential for the inflaton field to be the dominant ones (D-term inflation). We
find that D-term dominated inflation can naturally accomodate all requirements
of the successful hybrid inflationary model also in the framework of D-brane
cosmology with global supersymmetry. The reheating temperature after inflation
can be high enough () for successful thermal leptogenesis.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, one reference adde
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