247 research outputs found

    Electronic transport and thermopower in aperiodic DNA sequences

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    A detailed study of charge transport properties of synthetic and genomic DNA sequences is reported. Genomic sequences of the Chromosome 22, lambda-bacteriophage, and D1s80 genes of Human and Pygmy chimpanzee are considered in this work, and compared with both periodic and quasiperiodic (Fibonacci) sequences of nucleotides. Charge transfer efficiency is compared for all these different sequences, and large variations in charge transfer efficiency, stemming from sequence-dependent effects, are reported. In addition, basic characteristics of tunneling currents, including contact effects, are described. Finally, the thermoelectric power of nucleobases connected in between metallic contacts at different temperatures is presented

    Método de autoevaluación para la valoración de la oferta de programas y servicios deportivos

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    En este artículo se exponen y desarrollan dos ideas para su aplicación en la valoración de programas de actividades y servicios ofertadas por las entidades deportivas, que de forma muy gráfica puedan ayudarnos a mejorarlos. En muchos casos, la programación de actividades se realiza sobre la base del año anterior –de la misma forma o con apenas modificaciones–. Frecuentemente suele ser una rutina que en muchos casos deja poco espacio para la reflexión y la toma de decisiones. Por otra parte, hay que tener en cuenta que en un sector como éste en el que se “venden” servicios, muchas veces las cifras de participación y coste no son los únicos referentes a valorar –especialmente en el sector público. No es habitual analizar los programas y relacionar el interés real para el colectivo al que se ofrecen y el coste que supone llevarlos a cabo. En ocasiones la “obligación” de seguir realizando programas establecidos o la “afinidad” y “gustos” de los programadores con determinadas actividades, conforman en parte los programas y servicios deportivos que se ofertan

    Mètode d’autoavaluació per a la valoració de l’oferta de programes i serveis esportius

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    En aquest article s’exposen i es desenvolupen dues idees per a ser aplicades en la valoració de programes d’activitats i serveis que han estat oferts per les entitats esportives, que de forma molt gràfica puguin ajudar-nos a millorar-los. En molts casos, la programació d’activitats es realitza sobre la base de l’any anterior -de la mateixa forma o amb prou feines amb algunes modificacions. Sovint acostuma a ser una rutina que en molts casos deixa poc espai per a la reflexió i la presa de decisions. D’altra banda, cal tenir en compte que en un sector com aquest, en què “es venen” serveis, moltes vegades les xifres de participació i el cost no són els únics referents a valorar -especialment en el sector públic. No és habitual analitzar els programes i relacionar l’interès real per al col·lectiu al qual s’ofereixen i el cost que suposa portar-los a terme. En ocasions l’“obligació” de continuar realitzant programes establerts o l’“afinitat” i “gustos” dels programadors amb determinades activitats, conformen parcialment els programes i serveis esportius que s’ofereixen

    Contact-dependent effects and tunneling currents in DNA molecules

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    We report on theoretical results about contact-dependent effects and tunneling currents through DNA molecules. A tetranucleotide PolyGACT chain, connected in between metallic contacts, is studied as a generic case, and compared to other periodic sequences such as PolyAT or PolyGC. Remarkable resonance conditions are analytically derived, indicating that a strong coupling does not always result in a larger conductance. This result is properly illustrated by considering intrinsic features of bias-dependent tunneling currents in the coherent regime

    Erratum: Long range correlations in DNA: scaling properties and charge transfer efficiency (vol 91, art no 228101, 2003)

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    ©2004 The American Physical Society.Depto. de Física de MaterialesFac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEpu

    Long range correlations in DNA : scaling properties and charge transfer efficiency

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    We address the relation between long range correlations and charge transfer efficiency in aperiodic artificial or genomic DNA sequences. Coherent charge transfer through the HOMO states of the guanine nucleotide is studied using the transmission approach, and focus is made on how the sequence-dependent backscattering profile can be inferred from correlations between base pairs.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Health in ultra endurance events: SUMMIT Lab® Project

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    High-intensity physical activity for an extended period of time could result in unhealthy disruptions to physiological systems. The main goal of the SUMMIT Lab® is to offer to ultra-endurance athletes an assessment of the impact of training with biochemical comparison of pre- and after-race measurements through biochemical (markers of muscle damage, immunity status and cardiovascular system) and physiological responses [localized muscle bioimpedance (LBIA)], cardiac function and differential gene expression. Samples were obtained from 300 participants who completed ultra-distance runs in Europe from 2012 to 2016. We found: (1) CK levels provide a gross indication of muscle-fiber damage but are not specific, they can’t identify the extent of the injury or the type of fibers affected; (2) LBIA serves to track the effects of training or a race on muscle damage, and enables longitudinal assessment of muscle injury through recovery and return to training. (3) Some individuals showed worse right ventricle adaptation during exercise independent from the training volume done or the elite profile. (4) Elite performance is mainly related with training. We have evidence that we can measure quantitatively the effect of training through a specific gene expression profile. Possible additional applications include runners, soccer, army physical condition, among others.Postprint (published version

    Efecto de la saciedad en la composición corporal y en la ansiedad en atletas universitarios: un estudio de cohortes

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    Background: Satiety is a determining parameter in nutrient intake control, which in the long run impacts on body weight. Many athletes need strict control on their weight to achieve their aims of the season. Aim: The aim of this study is to analyse the influence of satiety on body weight control and competitive anxiety in a university athletes population when they ingest ad libitum foods (SATIETY), or follow a nutritional dietary programme (DIET). Methods: The present study was a cohort study, in which 40 male university athletes participated. The assessment of body weight was done using the ISAK recommendations in its limited profile. The study of competitive anxiety was evaluated using the CSAI-2 questionnaire. Results: Results showed that the DIET group decreased significantly their body weight compared to the SATIETY group, they also obtained a significant improvement in their body composition, reducing fat mass. The SATIETY group didn’t show significant reductions in fat mass. This group showed higher competitive anxiety values than the DIET group. Conclusions: The university athletes that follow an adapted and individualized diet seem to show improvements in their body composition and anxiety compared to those with ad libitum food.Introducción: la saciedad en un parámetro determinante en el control de la ingesta y que afecta, por tanto, al peso corporal. Muchos atletas necesitan un control estricto del peso para alcanzar sus objetivos deportivos de la temporada. Objetivo: analizar la influencia de la saciedad en el control del peso y en la ansiedad competitiva en atletas universitarios cuando siguen una dieta libre (SATIETY) o un programa de seguimiento nutricional (DIET). Métodos: se trató de una cohorte de 40 atletas universitarios varones. La valoración del peso se realizó de acuerdo a las recomendaciones ISAK, mientras que la ansiedad se evaluó con el cuestionario CSAI-2. Resultados: los resultaron mostraron que el grupo DIET disminuyó significativamente en el peso, comparado con el grupo SATIETY. También se obtuvo una disminución en la masa grasa en el grupo DIET, que no se obtuvo en el SATIETY. Este último grupo obtuvo puntuaciones de ansiedad competitiva superiores. Conclusiones: los atletas universitarios que siguen una dieta adaptada individualizada parecen mejorar su composición corporal y sus niveles de ansiedad cuando se comparan con los que siguen una dieta libre

    Specific Effect of 5-Fluorouracil on α-Fetoprotein Gene Expression During the In Vitro Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation

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    Embryonic stem (ES) cells are considered an important alternative to develop in vitro screening methods for embryotoxicity. Mouse ES cells can be cultured as cell suspension aggregates termed “embryoid bodies” (EBs) in which cells start to differentiate. We have studied the expression of several genes in the presence of a wide range of concentrations of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). This well-established embryotoxic compound completely inhibited cell viability at 200 nmol/L in monolayer cultures. At lower concentrations, 5-FU led to decrease in the expression of the α-fetoprotein gene, a marker of the visceral endoderm, in the EBs. However, the expression of several mesodermal gene markers was not significantly affected at these concentrations. These results suggest a high sensitivity of the visceral endoderm differentiation to 5-FU. Therefore, the quantification of the α-fetoprotein gene after exposure to potential embryotoxicants should be considered an additional end point in future embryotoxicity assays in vitro with ES cells


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