635 research outputs found

    Determining factors of domestic accidents in early childhood

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    Introduction: Domestic accidents are one of the main causes of death among children, characterized by an event that involves multiple determinants, emphasizing, among others, intrapersonal, interpersonal, cultural and institutional factors. Objective: To analyse the determinants of domestic accidents in early childhood. Methods: This is an exploratory, descriptive, and cross-sectional study carried out in the Emergency Hospital of Teresina city, Piauí, Brazil, between January and March 2016. The population was composed of 21 caregivers of children under five years old, hospitalized between January and March 2016. For data collection, a structured interview was conducted on aspects related to the risk factors associated with the incidence of domestic accidents involving children. A descriptive analysis was performed, with absolute and relative frequencies for the variables. The Human Research Ethics Committee approved the research with Protocol No. 1324184. Results: In relation to intrapersonal factors, pre-school children were the main victims (57.2%). For interpersonal factors, it was observed that most of participants (85.7%) considered the household unsafe for children. The evaluation of institutional factors showed that most caregivers (52.4%) had not been advised about the prevention of accidents at home. In  terms of cultural factors, most participants (81%) had not heard news about domestic accidents. Conclusion: Parents and caregivers have very limited knowledge about the prevention of childhood accidents at home, with male pre-schoolers the main victims of domestic accidents


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    El objetivo de este trabajo es discutir en qué medida las políticas dirigidas a la ampliación del acceso y la equidad en la educación superior de Brasil, implementadas en el gobierno del presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010), consiguieron romper con la desigualdad educativa presente en el territorio brasileño. Eso significa pensar la universidad como actor para el desarrollo regional. De este modo, realizamos una breve exposición del Programa de Apoyo a Planos de Restructuración y Expansión de las Universidades Federales (Reuni) y discutimos, también, el Programa Universidad para Todos (ProUni), como política de inclusión social orientada a la población afrodescendientes, indígenas, pobres y personas con discapacidad. Tanto el Reuni como el ProUni son políticas públicas plausibles y necesarias. Sin embargo, no han generado los efectos deseados, pues los problemas más significativos del sistema educativo nacional persisten. Por lo tanto, concluimos que, más allá de la cuestión del acceso es necesario, desarrollar estrategias de discriminación positiva en el ámbito regional. Igualmente, es importante desarrollar políticas públicas focalizadas, que sean capaces de disminuir las disparidades entre las regiones y posibilitar oportunidades reales para que los individuos obtengan las capacidades que realmente valoran

    Molecular Modeling with Augmented Reality (MMAR): An Educational Web System for the Learning of Molecular Structures

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    Learning about molecular structures often becomes abstruse, due to its complex compositions, being aggravated by the restricted interactivity provided by the software commonly used. This difficulty can also be attached to the fact that most of the students do not present the necessary knowledge to work with biomolecular systems, affecting also the motivation in the object of study. In this context, the objective of this work is to analyze the influences related to interactivity, usability and motivation, provided by a web system called MMAR (Molecular Modeling with Augmented Reality), designed to support the learning of three-dimensional (3D) molecular structures. The system was applied to twenty-five students in the Chemistry discipline, from a technical course in a public school from basic education in Brazil. The results show that it was possible to assist students in the gain of knowledge, while simultaneously allowing them to enjoy themselves, providing unconventional learning, by increasing attractiveness, curiosity, attention, enthusiasm and relevance of such a complex subject in Chemistry

    Feeding tube replacement: not always that simple!

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    Although surgical gastrostomy is not a technically troublesome surgery, the procedure may be accompanied by unfavorable outcomes. Most complications occur early in the post-operative period and include feeding tube dislodgment, stomal infection, peritonitis, and pneumonia. The authors report the case of an 83-year-old man who underwent a surgical gastrostomy because of a swallowing disorder after an ischemic stroke. Nine months after the procedure, the feeding tube dislodged and a new tube was inserted with a certain delay and with some difficulty, causing a false path and consequently an intrabdominal abscess after diet infusion. The outcome was fatal. The authors call attention for meticulous care with the insertion of feeding tubes and advise the performance of imaging control to assure its precise positioning

    Ensino religioso escolar: reflexos da colonialidade do poder/saber no currículo

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    The present work arises from the provocations arising from the current Brazilian educational context, strongly marked by the slave-owning past, not so far from the current social imaginary. The objective is to answer the following problem: How does the non-recognition of the discipline of religious education as a field of knowledge production maintain control of school power/knowledge in the hands of a Eurocentric and LGBTphobic racist whiteness? We use bibliographic material and deductive research to reach the general objective of understanding how this discipline, from its non-recognition as a fundamental discipline for the formation of the subject, contributes to the process of maintaining whiteness as the holder of the coloniality of power. /Knowledge within school institutions and as specific objectives: a) Analyze the legislation and projects that regulate the discipline of Religious Education; b) relate the coloniality of power/knowledge with the current educational process within Religious Education classes and; c) think about other strategies in the construction of the teaching plan, which take into account the contributions of the Black Movement so that the discipline of Religious Education is built in a plural way, respecting the various African religiosities.El presente trabajo surge de las provocaciones surgidas del contexto educativo brasileño actual, fuertemente marcado por el pasado esclavista, no tan alejado del imaginario social actual. El objetivo es dar respuesta al siguiente problema: ¿Cómo el no reconocimiento de la disciplina de la educación religiosa como campo de producción de conocimiento mantiene el control del poder/saber escolar en manos de una blanquitud racista eurocéntrica y LGBTfóbica? Utilizamos material bibliográfico e investigación deductiva para llegar al objetivo general de comprender cómo esta disciplina, a partir de su no reconocimiento como disciplina fundamental para la formación del sujeto, coadyuva en el proceso de mantenimiento de la blanquitud como poseedora de la colonialidad del poder. /conocimiento dentro de las instituciones escolares y como objetivos específicos: a) Analizar la legislación y proyectos que regulan la disciplina de la Educación Religiosa; b) relacionar la colonialidad del poder/saber con el proceso educativo actual dentro de las clases de Enseñanza Religiosa y; c) pensar en otras estrategias en la construcción del plan de enseñanza, que tengan en cuenta los aportes del Movimiento Negro para que la disciplina de la Educación Religiosa se construya de forma plural, respetando las diversas religiosidades africanas.Le présent travail naît des provocations issues du contexte éducatif brésilien actuel, fortement marqué par le passé esclavagiste, pas si éloigné de l'imaginaire social actuel. L'objectif est de répondre à la problématique suivante: Comment la non-reconnaissance de la discipline de l'enseignement religieux comme champ de production de savoirs maintient-elle le contrôle du pouvoir/savoir scolaire entre les mains d'une blancheur raciste eurocentrique et LGBTphobe? Nous utilisons du matériel bibliographique et des recherches déductives pour atteindre l'objectif général de comprendre comment cette discipline, de sa non-reconnaissance en tant que discipline fondamentale pour la formation du sujet, contribue au processus de maintien de la blancheur comme détentrice de la colonialité du pouvoir. /Connaissance au sein des institutions scolaires et comme objectifs spécifiques : a) Analyser la législation et les projets qui réglementent la discipline de l'Enseignement Religieux ; b) établir un lien entre la colonialité du pouvoir/savoir et le processus éducatif actuel au sein des classes d'éducation religieuse et ; c) réfléchir à d'autres stratégies dans la construction du projet pédagogique, qui tiennent compte des apports du Mouvement Noir pour que la discipline de l'Education Religieuse se construise de manière plurielle, dans le respect des diverses religiosités africaines.O presente trabalho surge a partir das provocações advindas do atual contexto educacional brasileiro, que é fortemente marcado pelo passado escravocrata, não tão distante do imaginário social atual. O intuito é responder a seguinte problemática: De que forma o não-reconhecimento da disciplina de ensino religioso enquanto campo de produção de conhecimento, mantém o controle do poder/saber escolar nas mãos de uma branquitude racista eurocentrada e LGBTfóbica? Utilizamos de material bibliográfico e da pesquisa dedutiva para chegar ao objetivo geral de compreender como esta disciplina, partindo do seu não reconhecimento como disciplina fundamental para a formação do sujeito, auxilia no processo de manter a branquitude como detentora da colonialidade de poder/saber dentro das instituições escolares e como objetivos específicos: a) Analisar a legislação e projetos que regulamentam a disciplina de Ensino Religioso; b) relacionar a colonialidade de poder/saber ao processo educacional atual dentro das aulas de Ensino Religioso e; c) pensar em estratégias outras na construção do plano de ensino, que levem em consideração as contribuições do Movimento Negro para que a disciplina de Ensino Religioso se construa de maneira plural, respeitando as diversas religiosidades africanas

    Metabolic rates of the antarctic amphipod Gondogeneia antarctica at different temperatures and salinities

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    Changes in environmental factors may deeply affect the energy budget of Antarctic organisms as many of them are stenothermal and/or stenohaline ectotherms. In this context, the aim of this study is to contribute to knowledge on variations in the energy demand of the Antarctic amphipod, Gondogeneia antarctica as a function of temperature and salinity. Experiments were held at the Brazilian Antarctic Station "Comandante Ferraz", under controlled conditions. Animals collected at Admiralty Bay were acclimated to temperatures of 0ºC; 2.5ºC and 5ºC and to salinities of 35, 30 and 25. Thirty measurements were made for each of the nine combinations of the three temperatures and three salinities, totalling 270 measurements. Metabolic rates were assessed by oxygen consumption and total nitrogenous ammonia excretion, in sealed respirometers. When acclimated to salinities 30 or 35, metabolic rates at 0ºC and 2.5ºC were very similar indicating a possible mechanism of metabolic compensation for temperature. At 5.0ºC, however, metabolic rates were always higher. Lower salinities enhanced the effects of temperature on metabolism and ammonia excretion rates. The physiological adaptations of individuals of G. antarctica suggest adaptive mechanisms for energy saving, adjusted to an environment with stable conditions of temperature and salinity. Little is known about the joint effects of salinity and temperature and this study is an important contribution to the understanding of the mechanism of polar organisms in their adaptation to both factors.Alterações ambientais podem modificar a alocação de energia dos organismos, principalmente dos ectotermos estenotérmicos e/ou estenohalinos. Nesse contexto, este trabalho contribui com o conhecimento da demanda de energia do anfípode antártico Gondogeneia antarctica em função da temperatura e da salinidade. Experimentos foram realizados na Estação Antártica Brasileira "Comandante Ferraz", em condições laboratoriais controladas. Animais coletados na Baía do Almirantado foram aclimatados a temperaturas de 0ºC; 2.5ºC e 5ºC e salinidades de 35, 30 and 25. Foram realizadas trinta medições para cada uma das nove combinações das três temperaturas com as três salinidades, totalizando 270 medições. As taxas metabólicas foram estimadas por meio do consumo de oxigênio e excreção de amônia, em câmaras respirométricas seladas. Quando aclimatados a salinidades 30 ou 35, as taxas metabólicas a 0ºC e 2.5ºC foram semelhantes indicando possível mecanismo de compensação térmica, nessa faixa de variação dos fatores. A 5.0ºC, no entanto, as taxas metabólicas foram sempre mais elevadas. Baixas salinidades potencializaram os efeitos da temperatura no consumo de oxigênio e na excreção de produtos nitrogenados. Os resultados estão relacionados a mecanismos adaptativos para economia de energia em indivíduos G. antarctica, ajustados a um ambiente que tem condições estáveis de temperatura e de salinidade. Pouco se sabe sobre os efeitos conjugados da salinidade e temperatura nos organismos e este trabalho é uma importante contribuição para esse conhecimento.CNPq-PROANTA


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    Este trabalho apresenta o desenvolvimento de um sistema Web voltado à modelagem molecular tridimensional (3D) que emprega a tecnologia de Realidade Aumentada (RA), auxiliando na compreensão de modelos moleculares e, simultaneamente, criando um repositório digital. Para a realização da pesquisa, utilizou- se um método composto por cinco etapas: pesquisa bibliográfica referente aos tópicos condizentes com o sistema; análise e teste das ferramentas computacionais utilizadas; modelagem; desenvolvimento; e aplicação do sistema juntamente aos usuários. Como resultado parcial, observou-se a viabilidade da aplicação do sistema Web para modelagem molecular 3D como recurso inovador de ensino voltado à democratização da informação biotecnológica em rede