675 research outputs found

    Isotopic liftings of Clifford algebras and applications in elementary particle mass matrices

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    Isotopic liftings of algebraic structures are investigated in the context of Clifford algebras, where it is defined a new product involving an arbitrary, but fixed, element of the Clifford algebra. This element acts as the unit with respect to the introduced product, and is called isounit. We construct isotopies in both associative and non-associative arbitrary algebras, and examples of these constructions are exhibited using Clifford algebras, which although associative, can generate the octonionic, non-associative, algebra. The whole formalism is developed in a Clifford algebraic arena, giving also the necessary pre-requisites to introduce isotopies of the exterior algebra. The flavor hadronic symmetry of the six u,d,s,c,b,t quarks is shown to be exact, when the generators of the isotopic Lie algebra su(6) are constructed, and the unit of the isotopic Clifford algebra is shown to be a function of the six quark masses. The limits constraining the parameters, that are entries of the representation of the isounit in the isotopic group SU(6), are based on the most recent limits imposed on quark masses.Comment: 19 page

    Biodiversidade Da Comunidade Bêntica De Ambientes Rochosos Na área Marinha Protegida De Currais, Sul Do Brasil

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)This study describes the biodiversity of benthic invertebrates on hard substrates in the Currais Marine Protected Area (Currais MPA), in the state of Paraná. The benthic community was sampled during 2012 to 2015, in winter and summer, at two islands and four groups of artificial reefs (ARs). Samples were collected along shallow (2-4 m) and deep (6-8 m) transects at the islands and ~18 m transects at the ARs. We also searched the literature to review all published records of benthic invertebrates on hard substrates in the Currais MPA. We recorded 176 taxa in the phyla Annelida (class Polychaeta), Arthropoda (class Maxillopoda, order Sessilia), Bryozoa, Cnidaria, Chordata (class Ascidiacea), Echinodermata, Mollusca and Porifera, in 13 classes, 40 orders and 75 families. With these 102 new records, our list comprises 58% of all recorded species. Of these, 58 taxa were first records for the state of Paraná. This remarkable number of new records highlights that biodiversity studies are lacking in Paraná. Fifteen non-indigenous species and one endangered species, the sea star Coscinasterias tenuispina (Lamarck, 1816), are included. This is an important transitional area to monitor expansion or constriction of the latitudinal distributions of species, in the context of climate change, that may influence the geographical distribution of species (both native and invasive). This study is the first inventory of marine hard substrate habitats of the Currais MPA with a surprisingly diverse community. © 2016, Universidade Estadual de Campinas UNICAMP. All rights reserved.164305201/2014-0, CNPq, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Respuesta protectora de un inmunógeno contra la estomatitis vesicular (E.V.) Serotipo indiana.

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    Debido al impacto económico de la estomatitis vesicular (E.V.) en la ganadería de explotación lechera de algunas regiones del país y al incremento notable que ha tenido en los últimos años, se propuso como objetivo la obtención de un inmunógeno que confiriera protección eficaz contra la enfermedad en bovinos de experimentación, para ser aplicado posteriormente a poblaciones bovinas de las principales áreas endémicas del país. El inmunógeno fue producido en células BHK sub 21, utilizando una cepa de campo del serotipo Indiana, identificada como I-Antioquia 15577/85. El virus se inactivó con etilenimina binaria y fue suspendido en adyuvante oleoso. Se vacunaron inicialmente 10 cobayos con 0.5 ml del inmunógeno por vía intramuscular y posteriormente 8 bovinos adultos con una dosis de 5 ml. Se dejaron 4 cobayos y 2 bovinos como controles, respectivamente. Tanto los cobayos como los bovinos vacunados respondieron con altos títulos de anticuerpos neutralizantes a los 15 y 45 días post-vacunación. Los bovinos se desafiaron con el virus homólogo, aplicando 10 elevado a la 4 DICC sub 50 (dosis infectante cultivo celular 50/ml) vía intradermolingual a los 45 días post-vacunación. Como criterio de protección se consideró la ausencia de lesiones vesiculares en la lengua. Los 2 bovinos controles desarrollaron vesículas en el sitio de inoculación, a diferencia de los vacunados que no desarrollaron ninguna lesió

    Expression profile of genes potentially associated with adequate glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus

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    CAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULODespite increasing research in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D), there are few studies showing the impact of the poor glycemic control on biological processes occurring in T2D. In order to identify potential genes related to poorly/well-controlled patients2017CAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL DE NÍVEL SUPERIORFAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOsem informação2007/08362-82009/16233-92010/10882-

    Relativistic effects and quasipotential equations

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    We compare the scattering amplitude resulting from the several quasipotential equations for scalar particles. We consider the Blankenbecler-Sugar, Spectator, Thompson, Erkelenz-Holinde and Equal-Time equations, which were solved numerically without decomposition into partial waves. We analyze both negative-energy state components of the propagators and retardation effects. We found that the scattering solutions of the Spectator and the Equal-Time equations are very close to the nonrelativistic solution even at high energies. The overall relativistic effect increases with the energy. The width of the band for the relative uncertainty in the real part of the scattering TT matrix, due to different dynamical equations, is largest for backward-scattering angles where it can be as large as 40%.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Gravitational Energy of Kerr and Kerr Anti-de Sitter Space-times in the Teleparallel Geometry

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    In the context of the Hamiltonian formulation of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity we compute the gravitational energy of Kerr and Kerr Anti-de Sitter (Kerr-AdS) space-times. The present calculation is carried out by means of an expression for the energy of the gravitational field that naturally arises from the integral form of the constraint equations of the formalism. In each case, the energy is exactly computed for finite and arbitrary spacelike two-spheres, without any restriction on the metric parameters. In particular, we evaluate the energy at the outer event horizon of the black holes.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figure, to appear in JHEP11(2003)00

    Quark Condensate in the Deuteron

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    We study the changes produced by the deuteron on the QCD quark condensate by means the Feynman-Hellmann theorem and find that the pion mass dependence of the pion-nucleon coupling could play an important role. We also discuss the relation between the many body effect of the condensate and the meson exchange currents, as seen by photons and pions. For pion probes, the many-body term in the physical amplitude differs significantly from that of soft pions, the one linked to the condensate. Thus no information about the many-body term of the condensate can be extracted from the pion-deuteron scattering length. On the other hand, in the Compton amplitude, the relationship with the condensate is a more direct one.Comment: to appear in Physics Review C (19 pages, 3 figures

    On the Quantum Invariant for the Spherical Seifert Manifold

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    We study the Witten--Reshetikhin--Turaev SU(2) invariant for the Seifert manifold S3/ΓS^3/\Gamma where Γ\Gamma is a finite subgroup of SU(2). We show that the WRT invariants can be written in terms of the Eichler integral of the modular forms with half-integral weight, and we give an exact asymptotic expansion of the invariants by use of the nearly modular property of the Eichler integral. We further discuss that those modular forms have a direct connection with the polyhedral group by showing that the invariant polynomials of modular forms satisfy the polyhedral equations associated to Γ\Gamma.Comment: 36 page