23,269 research outputs found

    On C1-robust transitivity of volume-preserving flows

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    We prove that a divergence-free and C1-robustly transitive vector field has no singularities. Moreover, if the vector field is C4 then the linear Poincare flow associated to it admits a dominated splitting over M

    Control of complex networks requires both structure and dynamics

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    The study of network structure has uncovered signatures of the organization of complex systems. However, there is also a need to understand how to control them; for example, identifying strategies to revert a diseased cell to a healthy state, or a mature cell to a pluripotent state. Two recent methodologies suggest that the controllability of complex systems can be predicted solely from the graph of interactions between variables, without considering their dynamics: structural controllability and minimum dominating sets. We demonstrate that such structure-only methods fail to characterize controllability when dynamics are introduced. We study Boolean network ensembles of network motifs as well as three models of biochemical regulation: the segment polarity network in Drosophila melanogaster, the cell cycle of budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and the floral organ arrangement in Arabidopsis thaliana. We demonstrate that structure-only methods both undershoot and overshoot the number and which sets of critical variables best control the dynamics of these models, highlighting the importance of the actual system dynamics in determining control. Our analysis further shows that the logic of automata transition functions, namely how canalizing they are, plays an important role in the extent to which structure predicts dynamics.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Brewers' Spent Grain Arabinoxylans

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    Brewers´ spent grain (BSG) is a by-product from beer industry that can be exploited as a source of arabinoxylo-oligosaccharides (AXOS) with prebiotic activity. In this study, microwave-assisted extractions were performed during 2 min at 140-210°Cin order to evaluate the feasibility of this extraction technology for quantitative extraction of the arabinoxylans (AX) or AXOS from BSG. The AX yield increasedwith the increase of the temperature in the range used. The best condition of extraction of the AXwas 210 ºC during 2 min, allowing the extraction of 43% of total AX. These AX showed structural variability which allow to define specific types of compounds for different applications and uses depending on the extraction conditions used

    Modularity and the spread of perturbations in complex dynamical systems

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    We propose a method to decompose dynamical systems based on the idea that modules constrain the spread of perturbations. We find partitions of system variables that maximize 'perturbation modularity', defined as the autocovariance of coarse-grained perturbed trajectories. The measure effectively separates the fast intramodular from the slow intermodular dynamics of perturbation spreading (in this respect, it is a generalization of the 'Markov stability' method of network community detection). Our approach captures variation of modular organization across different system states, time scales, and in response to different kinds of perturbations: aspects of modularity which are all relevant to real-world dynamical systems. It offers a principled alternative to detecting communities in networks of statistical dependencies between system variables (e.g., 'relevance networks' or 'functional networks'). Using coupled logistic maps, we demonstrate that the method uncovers hierarchical modular organization planted in a system's coupling matrix. Additionally, in homogeneously-coupled map lattices, it identifies the presence of self-organized modularity that depends on the initial state, dynamical parameters, and type of perturbations. Our approach offers a powerful tool for exploring the modular organization of complex dynamical systems

    Unfolding Physics from the Algebraic Classification of Spinor Fields

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    After reviewing the Lounesto spinor field classification, according to the bilinear covariants associated to a spinor field, we call attention and unravel some prominent features involving unexpected properties about spinor fields under such classification. In particular, we pithily focus on the new aspects --- as well as current concrete possibilities. They mainly arise when we deal with some non-standard spinor fields concerning, in particular, their applications in physics.Comment: 6 pages, accepted for publication in PL

    Braneworld Remarks in Riemann-Cartan Manifolds

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    We analyze the projected effective Einstein equation in a 4-dimensional arbitrary manifold embedded in a 5-dimensional Riemann-Cartan manifold. The Israel-Darmois matching conditions are investigated, in the context where the torsion discontinuity is orthogonal to the brane. Unexpectedly, the presence of torsion terms in the connection does not modify such conditions whatsoever, despite of the modification in the extrinsic curvature and in the connection. Then, by imposing the Z_2-symmetry, the Einstein equation obtained via Gauss-Codazzi formalism is extended, in order to now encompass the torsion terms. We also show that the factors involving contorsion change drastically the effective Einstein equation on the brane, as well as the effective cosmological constant.Comment: 7 pages. A corrected misprint in def.(18), and the respective terms in Eqs.(20-23). All physical consequences remain unchange

    Gravitational constraints of dS branes in AdS Einstein-Brans-Dicke bulk

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    We derive the full projected Einstein-Brans-Dicke gravitational equations associated with a n-dimensional brane embedded in a (n+1)-dimensional bulk. By making use of general conditions, as the positivity of the Brans-Dicke parameter and the effective Newton gravitational constant as well, we are able to constrain the brane cosmological constant in terms of the brane tension, the Brans-Dicke scalar field, and the trace of the stress tensor on the brane, in order to achieve a dSdS brane. Applying these constraints to a specific five-dimensional model, a lower bound for the scalar field on the brane is elicited without solving the full equations. It is shown under which conditions the brane effective cosmological constant can be ignored in the brane projected gravitational field equations, suggesting a different fine tuning between the brane tension and the bulk cosmological.Comment: 9 pages, revTe

    ELKO, flagpole and flag-dipole spinor fields, and the instanton Hopf fibration

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    In a previous paper we explicitly constructed a mapping that leads Dirac spinor fields to the dual-helicity eigenspinors of the charge conjugation operator (ELKO spinor fields). ELKO spinor fields are prime candidates for describing dark matter, and belong to a wider class of spinor fields, the so-called flagpole spinor fields, corresponding to the class-(5), according to Lounesto spinor field classification, based on the relations and values taken by their associated bilinear covariants. Such a mapping between Dirac and ELKO spinor fields was obtained in an attempt to extend the Standard Model in order to encompass dark matter. Now we prove that such a mapping, analogous to the instanton Hopf fibration map S3...S7→S4S^3... S^7\to S^4, prevents ELKO to describe the instanton, giving a suitable physical interpretation to ELKO. We review ELKO spinor fields as type-(5) spinor fields under the Lounesto spinor field classification, explicitly computing the associated bilinear covariants. This paper is also devoted to investigate some formal aspects of the flag-dipole spinor fields, which correspond to the class-(4) under the Lounesto spinor field classification. In addition, we prove that type-(4) spinor fields (corresponding to flag-dipoles) and ELKO spinor fields (corresponding to flagpoles) can also be entirely described in terms of the Majorana and Weyl spinor fields. After all, by choosing a projection endomorphism of the spacetime algebra Cl(1,3) it is shown how to obtain ELKO, flagpole, Majorana and Weyl spinor fields, respectively corresponding to type-(5) and -(6) spinor fields, uniquely from limiting cases of a type-(4) (flag-dipole) spinor field, in a similar result obtained by Lounesto.Comment: 17 Pages, RevTeX, accepted for publication in Adv. Appl. Clifford Al

    Eisenstein Series and String Thresholds

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    We investigate the relevance of Eisenstein series for representing certain G(Z)G(Z)-invariant string theory amplitudes which receive corrections from BPS states only. G(Z)G(Z) may stand for any of the mapping class, T-duality and U-duality groups Sl(d,Z)Sl(d,Z), SO(d,d,Z)SO(d,d,Z) or Ed+1(d+1)(Z)E_{d+1(d+1)}(Z) respectively. Using G(Z)G(Z)-invariant mass formulae, we construct invariant modular functions on the symmetric space K\G(R)K\backslash G(R) of non-compact type, with KK the maximal compact subgroup of G(R)G(R), that generalize the standard non-holomorphic Eisenstein series arising in harmonic analysis on the fundamental domain of the Poincar\'e upper half-plane. Comparing the asymptotics and eigenvalues of the Eisenstein series under second order differential operators with quantities arising in one- and gg-loop string amplitudes, we obtain a manifestly T-duality invariant representation of the latter, conjecture their non-perturbative U-duality invariant extension, and analyze the resulting non-perturbative effects. This includes the R4R^4 and R4H4g−4R^4 H^{4g-4} couplings in toroidal compactifications of M-theory to any dimension D≥4D\geq 4 and D≥6D\geq 6 respectively.Comment: Latex2e, 60 pages; v2: Appendix A.4 extended, 2 refs added, thms renumbered, plus minor corrections; v3: relation (1.7) to math Eis series clarified, eq (3.3) and minor typos corrected, final version to appear in Comm. Math. Phys; v4: misprints and Eq C.13,C.24 corrected, see note adde
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