11,077 research outputs found

    The silicon stable isotope distribution along the GEOVIDE section (GEOTRACES GA-01) of the North Atlantic Ocean

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    The stable isotope composition of dissolved silicon in seawater (δ30SiDSi) was examined at 10 stations along the GEOVIDE section (GEOTRACES GA-01), spanning the North Atlantic Ocean (40–60∘ N) and Labrador Sea. Variations in δ30SiDSi below 500 m were closely tied to the distribution of water masses. Higher δ30SiDSi values are associated with intermediate and deep water masses of northern Atlantic or Arctic Ocean origin, whilst lower δ30SiDSi values are associated with DSi-rich waters sourced ultimately from the Southern Ocean. Correspondingly, the lowest δ30SiDSi values were observed in the deep and abyssal eastern North Atlantic, where dense southern-sourced waters dominate. The extent to which the spreading of water masses influences the δ30SiDSi distribution is marked clearly by Labrador Sea Water (LSW), whose high δ30SiDSi signature is visible not only within its region of formation within the Labrador and Irminger seas, but also throughout the mid-depth western and eastern North Atlantic Ocean. Both δ30SiDSi and hydrographic parameters document the circulation of LSW into the eastern North Atlantic, where it overlies southern-sourced Lower Deep Water. The GEOVIDE δ30SiDSi distribution thus provides a clear view of the direct interaction between subpolar/polar water masses of northern and southern origin, and allow examination of the extent to which these far-field signals influence the local δ30SiDSi distribution

    Procedimento para otimização do material propagativo de batata com alta sanidade pelo uso de brotações e minitubérculos obtidos sob condições de câmara fria.

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    PROCEDIMENTO PARA OTIMIZAÇÃO DO MATERIAL PROPAGATIVO DE BATATA COM ALTA SANIDADE PELO USO DE BROTAÇÕES E MINITUBÉRCULOS OBTIDOS SOB CONDIÇÕES DE CÂMARA FRIA-O desenvolvimento de tecnologias modenas para a produção de sementes básicas, registradas e certificadas, a obtenção de tubérculos livres de doença a partir de técnicas de cultura de tecidos e o desenvolvimento de testes para diagnose de doenças que interferem na produtividade, vêm permitindo a melhoria da qualidade eprodutividade da batata produzida no Brasil, refletindo-se, consequentemente, na redução progressiva das importações de batata-semene.O procedimento desenvolvido visa a otimização do material propagativode batata com sanidade, atualmente produzido com o custo relativamente elevado, permitindo a multiplicação da batata semente pré-básica durante três gerações ,sem que ocorra a contaminação pr patógenos em condições de campo.A metodologia básica consiste na utilização de brotações e minitubérculos desenvolvidos sob condições de câmara fria.Os resultados obtidos com a doação desse processo estão ligados á sustentabilidade dos agricultores, redução de custos para aquisição de material básico e melhoria da produtividade das lavouras de batata da região sul do Brasil.bitstream/item/33960/1/documento-212.pd

    Imaging 3D seismic velocity along the seismogenic zone of Algarve region (southern Portugal)

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    The present seismic tomographic study is focused around Algarve region, in South of Portugal. To locate the seismic events and find the local velocity structure of epicentral area, the P and S arrival times at 38 stations are used. The data used in this study were obtained during the Algarve campaign which worked from January/2006 to July/2007. The preliminary estimate of origin times and hypocentral coordinates are determined by the Hy- poinverse program. Linearized inversion procedure was applied to comprise the following two steps: 1) finding the minimum 1D velocity model using Velest and 2) simultaneous relocation of hypocenters and determination of local velocity structure. The velocity model we have reached is a 10 layer model which gave the lowest RMS, after several runnings of eight different velocity models that we used “a priori”. The model parameterization assumes a continuous velocity field between 4.5 km/s and 7.0 km/s until 30 km depth. The earth structure is represented in 3D by velocity at discrete points, and velocity at any intervening point is determined by linear interpolation among the surrounding eight grid points. A preliminary analysis of the resolution capabilities of the dataset, based on the Derivative Weight Sum (DWS) distribution, shows that the velocity structure is better resolved in the West part of the region between the surface to15 km. The resulting tomographic image has a prominent low-velocity anomaly that shows a maximum decrease in P-wave velocity in the first 12 kms in the studied region. We also identified the occurrence of local seismic events of reduced magnitude not catalogued, in the neighbourhood of Almodôvar (low Alentejo). The spatial distribution of epicentres defines a NE-SW direction that coincides with the strike of the mapped geological faults of the region and issued from photo-interpretation. Is still expectable to refine the seismicity of the region of Almodôvar and establish more rigorously its role in the seismotectonic picture of the region. This work is expected to produce a more detailed knowledge of the structure of the crust over the region of Algarve, being able to identify seismogenic zones, potentially generators of significant seismic events and also the identification of zones of active faults

    Avaliação Biológica de Viroses em Plantas Matrizes e Mudas de Batata-doce (Ipomoea batatas).

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    Procedimento de visualização e avaliação do fungo Darluca filum em folhas de ameixeira, utilizando microscopia eletrônica.

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    Microscopia eletrônica de varredura.

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    Upper bound for the conductivity of nanotube networks

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    Films composed of nanotube networks have their conductivities regulated by the junction resistances formed between tubes. Conductivity values are enhanced by lower junction resistances but should reach a maximum that is limited by the network morphology. By considering ideal ballistic-like contacts between nanotubes we use the Kubo formalism to calculate the upper bound for the conductivity of such films and show how it depends on the nanotube concentration as well as on their aspect ratio. Highest measured conductivities reported so far are approaching this limiting value, suggesting that further progress lies with nanowires other than nanotubes.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure. Minor changes. Accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letter

    Acessos de batata-doce do banco ativo de germoplasma da Embrapa Clima Temperado, com potencial de produção de biocombustível.

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