18,149 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial peptides and complement in neonatal hypoxia-ischemia induced brain damage

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    Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a clinical condition in the neonate, resulting from oxygen deprivation around the time of birth. HIE affects 1-5/1000 live births worldwide and is associated with the development of neurological deficits, including cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and cognitive disabilities. Even though the brain is considered as an immune-privileged site, it has innate and adaptive immune response and can produce complement (C) components and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). Dysregulation of cerebral expression of AMPs and C can exacerbate or ameliorate the inflammatory response within the brain. Brain ischemia triggers a prolonged inflammatory response affecting the progression of injury and secondary energy failure and involves both innate and adaptive immune systems, including immune-competent and non-competent cells. Following injury to the central nervous system (CNS), including neonatal hypoxia-ischemia (HI), resident microglia, and astroglia are the main cells providing immune defense to the brain in a stimulus-dependent manner. They can express and secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines and therefore trigger prolonged inflammation, resulting in neurodegeneration. Microglial cells express and release a wide range of inflammation-associated molecules including several components of the complement system. Complement activation following neonatal HI injury has been reported to contribute to neurodegeneration. Astrocytes can significantly affect the immune response of the CNS under pathological conditions through production and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and immunomodulatory AMPs. Astrocytes express β-defensins, which can chemoattract and promote maturation of dendritic cells (DC), and can also limit inflammation by controlling the viability of these same DC. This review will focus on the balance of complement components and AMPs within the CNS following neonatal HI injury and the effect of that balance on the subsequent brain damage

    Micro-abrasion resistance of thermochemically treated steels in aqueous solutions: Mechanisms, maps, materials selection

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    The area of micro-abrasion is an interesting and relatively recent area in tribo-testing methodologies, where small particles of less than 10 μm are employed between interacting surfaces. It is topical for a number of reasons; its direct relation to the mechanisms of the wear process in bio-tribological applications, ease in conducting tests and the good repeatability of the test results. It has widespread applications in conditions used in the space and offshore industries to bio-engineering for artificial joints and implants. There have been many recent studies on the micro-abrasion performance of materials, ranging from work basic metals to nano-structured coatings. However, no significant work is reported on the micro-abrasion resistance of thermochemically treated steels. Hence, this paper looks at the performance of two thermochemically treated steels, Tenifer bath nitride stainless steel (T-SS) and vanadized carbon steel (V-CS) in such conditions with reference to the stainless steel (SS) by varying the applied load and sliding distance. The results indicated that T-SS demonstrates exceptionally poor resistance to micro-abrasion. It was observed that the heat treatment process and properties of the hardened layer (hardness and thickness) are extremely important in determining the micro-abrasion resistance of such steels. Finally, the results were used to develop micro-abrasion mechanism and wastage maps, which can be used to optimize the surface treated materials for micro-abrasion resistance

    General CMB and Primordial Bispectrum Estimation I: Mode Expansion, Map-Making and Measures of f_NL

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    We present a detailed implementation of two bispectrum estimation methods which can be applied to general non-separable primordial and CMB bispectra. The method exploits bispectrum mode decompositions on the domain of allowed wavenumber or multipole values. Concrete mode examples constructed from symmetrised tetrahedral polynomials are given, demonstrating rapid convergence for known bispectra. We use these modes to generate simulated CMB maps of high resolution (l > 2000) given an arbitrary primordial power spectrum and bispectrum or an arbitrary late-time CMB angular power spectrum and bispectrum. By extracting coefficients for the same separable basis functions from an observational map, we are able to present an efficient and general f_NL estimator for a given theoretical model. The estimator has two versions comparing theoretical and observed coefficients at either primordial or late times, thus encompassing a wider range of models, including secondary anisotropies, lensing and cosmic strings. We provide examples and validation of both f_NL estimation methods by direct comparison with simulations in a WMAP-realistic context. In addition, we show how the full bispectrum can be extracted from observational maps using these mode expansions, irrespective of the theoretical model under study. We also propose a universal definition of the bispectrum parameter F_NL for more consistent comparison between theoretical models. We obtain WMAP5 estimates of f_NL for the equilateral model from both our primordial and late-time estimators which are consistent with each other, as well as with results already published in the literature. These general bispectrum estimation methods should prove useful for the analysis of nonGaussianity in the Planck satellite data, as well as in other contexts.Comment: 41 pages, 17 figure

    Stability properties and asymptotics for N non-minimally coupled scalar fields cosmology

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    We consider here the dynamics of some homogeneous and isotropic cosmological models with NN interacting classical scalar fields non-minimally coupled to the spacetime curvature, as an attempt to generalize some recent results obtained for one and two scalar fields. We show that a Lyapunov function can be constructed under certain conditions for a large class of models, suggesting that chaotic behavior is ruled out for them. Typical solutions tend generically to the empty de Sitter (or Minkowski) fixed points, and the previous asymptotic results obtained for the one field model remain valid. In particular, we confirm that, for large times and a vanishing cosmological constant, even in the presence of the extra scalar fields, the universe tends to an infinite diluted matter dominated era.Comment: 10 page

    A experiência brasileira recente sobre a reação do agricultor e a resposta ao uso de fertilizantes

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    (1) In the period 1965/77 fertilizer consumption in Brazil increased nearly fifteen foild from circa 200,000 tons of N + P2O5 + K2O to 3 million tons. During the fifteen years extending from 1950 to 1964 usage of the primary macronutrients was raised by a factor of 2 only. (2) Several explanations are given for the remarkable increase, namely: an experimental background which supplied data for recommendations of rates, time and type of application; a convenient governmental policy for minimum prices and rural credit; capacity of the industry to meet the demand of the fertilizer market; an adequate mechanism for the diffusion of the practice of fertilizer use to the farmer. (3) The extension work, which has caused a permanent change in the aptitude towards fertilization, was carried out in the traditional way by salesmen supported by a technical staff, as well as by agronomists of the official services. (4) Two new programs were started and conducted in a rather short time, both putting emphasis on the relatively new technology of fertilizer use. (5) The first program, conducted in the Southern part of the country, extended lab and green house work supplemented by a few field trials to small land owners - the so called "operação tatú" (operation armadillo). (6) The seconde program, covering a larger problem area in the Northeast and in Central Brazil, began directly in field as thousands of demonstrations and simple experiments with the participation of local people whose involvement was essential for the success of the initiative; in this case the official extension services, both foreign and national sources of funds, and universities did participate under the leadership of the Brazilian Association for the Diffusion of Fertilizers (ANDA). (7) It is felt that the Brazilian experience gained thereof could be useful to other countries under similar conditions.No período de 1965-77 houve um aumento de 15 vezes no consumo brasileiro de fertilizantes. São discutidas as causas - pesquisa, política, agrícola, disponibilidade de fertilizantes. É dada ênfase a dois programas especiais de extensão: a "operação tatu" desenvolvida no Sul do País e o programa coordenado pela ANDA no Centro e no Nordeste

    k-deformed Poincare algebras and quantum Clifford-Hopf algebras

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    The Minkowski spacetime quantum Clifford algebra structure associated with the conformal group and the Clifford-Hopf alternative k-deformed quantum Poincare algebra is investigated in the Atiyah-Bott-Shapiro mod 8 theorem context. The resulting algebra is equivalent to the deformed anti-de Sitter algebra U_q(so(3,2)), when the associated Clifford-Hopf algebra is taken into account, together with the associated quantum Clifford algebra and a (not braided) deformation of the periodicity Atiyah-Bott-Shapiro theorem.Comment: 10 pages, RevTeX, one Section and references added, improved content

    The distance to the LMC cluster NGC 1866 and the surrounding field

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    We use the Main Sequence stars in the LMC cluster NGC 1866 and of Red Clump stars in the local field to obtain two independent estimates of the LMC distance. We apply an empirical Main Sequence-fitting technique based on a large sample of subdwarfs with accurate {\sl Hipparcos} parallaxes in order to estimate the cluster distance modulus, and the multicolor Red Clump method to derive distance and reddening of the LMC field. We find that the Main Sequence-fitting and the Red Clump distance moduli are in significant disagreement; NGC 1866 distance is equal to (mM)0,NGC1866=18.33±\rm (m-M)_{0,NGC 1866}=18.33\pm0.08 (consistent with a previous estimate using the same data and theoretical Main Sequence isochrones), while the field stars provide (mM)0,field=18.53±\rm (m-M)_{0,field}=18.53\pm0.07. This difference reflects the more general dichotomy in the LMC distance estimates found in the literature. Various possible causes for this disagreement are explored, with particular attention paid to the still uncertain metallicity of the cluster and the star formation history of the field stars.Comment: 5 pages, incl. 1 figure, uses emulateapj.sty, ApJ accepte