12 research outputs found

    Embrapa Technological Information: a bridge between research and society

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    This paper presents the efforts undertaken by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation regarding Science and Technology information management, through one of its Decentralized Units, Embrapa Technological Information (Scientific and Technological Information Service', SCT). The major aim of SCT is to promote and improve the processes of scientific communication - information that feeds and that results from research activities - and of science and technology dissemination - information that results from research activities and that is directed to the general publi


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    Esse trabalho situa a gestão de dados de pesquisa como elemento propulsor do avanço científico e tecnológico no novo paradigma da e-Science, e alerta quanto aos desafios que se impõem às universidades e organizações atuantes no setor de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento. Discute os princípios e os fundamentos da gestão de dados de pesquisa e propõe um roteiro para a implantação de um programa institucional de gestão dados de pesquisa

    Towards Semantic Knowledge Maps Applications: Modelling the Ontological Nature of Data and Information Governance in a R&D Organization

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    In organizational management, it is highly recommended that data and information be adequately prepared to match the knowledge needed to be used in decision‐making processes. However, faced with the paradigm of complexity that currently dictates the dynamics of modern organizations, there is still a search for operational solutions that allow agility and flexibility to corporate information flows to meet that desired condition. In this context, the concept of data and information governance presents itself as a fundamental premise because it systematizes, reorganizes and reorients each element of the organizational system (people, processes, structures, etc.) without losing the notion of its contexts and causalities. For this, in the conceptual modelling of governance, the concept of systemism arises to support the balance between holistic and reductionist approaches, inherent in management processes, but often considered antagonistic or contradictory. The present chapter presents and discusses a data and information governance model for research and development (R&D) organizations. The model is based upon the concepts of data, information and knowledge life cycles and knowledge mapping, recovering and valuing the ontological nature of the elements of the system under analysis and constructing a pragmatic proposal for corporate application and operation


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    A economia digital é caracterizada pelo uso intensivo de dados pessoais. Países têm aprovado leis para regulamentar o tratamento de dados pessoais, tais como o Regulamento Geral de Proteção de Dados (RGPD), na União Europeia, e a Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (LGPD), no Brasil. Órgãos da Administração Pública Federal (APF) buscam se adequar às novas diretrizes legais. Todavia, há uma lacuna sobre o entendimento e a abrangência de um Programa de Governança em Privacidade e Proteção de Dados Pessoais (PGPPD). Neste contexto, o artigo discorre sobre os elementos constitutivos de um PGPPD na APF, numa visão multidisciplinar entre Direito, Administração e Ciência da Informação, apresentando aspectos teóricos e empíricos. Foram realizadas entrevistas com especialistas em Direito Digital e gestores em governança de dados, consulta à legislação e à doutrina. As conclusões evidenciam que órgãos da APF têm se esforçado para realizar adequações em suas políticas para atendimento à LGPD, entretanto há um longo caminho a percorrer para a consolidação de mudanças organizacionais – abrangendo aspectos jurídico-legais, de tecnologia da informação, que envolvem a cultura e a estrutura organizacional –, com vistas à implementação eficaz de um PGPPD. A contribuição do trabalho é minimizar uma lacuna na literatura nacional ao discorrer sobre o conteúdo de um PGPPD para além do aspecto legal, abordando, numa visão bifronte, aspectos teórico-práticos no contexto da APF

    Implementação de estratégias de acesso aberto em uma instituição de pesquisa de grande porte na área de agricultura : a experiência da Embrapa

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    O trabalho apresenta a experiência da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, instituição de pesquisa de grande porte, líder mundial em agricultura tropical, no planejamento e implementação de iniciativas de acesso aberto à informação científica no contexto de um país em desenvolvimento. Conclui com relato dos obstáculos enfrentados (ex.: dispersão geográfica, diferenças culturais entre áreas do conhecimento, gestão de direitos autorais) e aspectos facilitadores (ex.: movimento de expansão e internacionalização, intensidade das atividades de produção do conhecimento), ambos decorrentes das dimensões cultural, política e organizacional que envolve a instituição. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis work presents the experience of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), a large stateowned company that figures out as an important global player in tropical agriculture Research, Development and Innovation (R&D&I), through the planning and implementation of open access to scientific information initiatives in the context of a developing country. Report concludes with the obstacles faced and facility aspects, both associated to the cultural and political, organizational matters

    Building up an Open Data Plan for a public Research and Development organization and the challenge of an Open Agricultural Science

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    In keeping with the Open Data Policy of the Federal Executive Branch and the Law on Access to Information, the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) has initiated discussions on the construction of its Open Data Plan – a planning tool for implementation and rationalization of open data publishing processes in public organizations. This paper aims to report the general strategy that was established for this purpose and the challenges that have been encountered in the preliminary stages of its implementation. As the opening of data by research institutions in Brazil is still in its infancy, Embrapa’s experience is expected to contribute to similar initiatives from other organizations

    Open Access at Embrapa: brief history, recent advances and challenges

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    The paper aims to report on the main initiatives developed by the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) on open access to scientific and technological information, as well as initiating the organization and availability of research data. For this purpose, a history is made, starting in 2008, when the Company, through an internal project, consolidated several actions in the scope of information management, especially the publication of its open access repositories (Alice and Infoteca-e). Next, more recent initiatives are described, such as the Open Access scenario developed within the framework of a strategic institutional project on data, information and knowledge governance, initiated in 2015 and finalized in 2017, which presented a series of guidelines to be observed on the theme by the managers and the community of Embrapa with the purpose of aligning it with the international trends

    Acesso aberto à informação científica em pesquisa agropecuária: modelo metodológico de gestão da informação com foco na melhoria da comunicação científica

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    This work describes the ongoing transformations in both the scientific communication process and the scientific information management as well as presents a methodological model for the implementation and development of the Open Access at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa). The aim is to provide the necessary mechanisms to capture, store, organize, preserve and widely disseminate the scientific knowledge produced by Embrapa, SNPA, and by the scientific community involved in agricultural research, through the implementation of the Open Access strategies. It is our contention that effective information management improves institutional scientific communication, which contributes for the betterment of scientific research related processes

    A informação em ciência e tecnologia como insumo para a inovação social: elementos para discussão

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    Access to information contributes to improve the learning potential of individuals through the development of their capacities to change its condition and environment. On this assumption, the link between the spread of information and social innovation is shown. The aim of this work is to discuss the relationship between the dissemination of science and technology information, played by Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) institutes, and the social innovation, based on the mixed model of scientific and technological developmen

    Open Access to scientific knowledge : a methodological model for scientific information and knowledge management at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa)

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    This paper presents a methodological model for the establishment of Open Access to scientific information at Embrapa, as a strategy for scientific information and knowledge management. The model consists of elements that speed up scientific communication processes and allow for the research output management. The aim is to provide the necessary mechanisms to capture, store, organize, preserve and widely disseminate the scientific knowledge produced by Embrapa and by the scientific community involved in agricultural research, through the implementation of the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). It is our contention that effective information management improves institutional scientific communication, which contributes for the betterment of scientific research related processes