188 research outputs found

    Cancro do colo do útero: que rastreio?

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    O cancro do colo do útero é um dos cancros evitáveis mais frequente nas mulheres, Ferlay (2004) e Parkin(2005). O padrão epidemiológico da doença, caracterizado por um período longo entre a detecção das primeiras lesões e a instalação da doença, favorece a sua inclusão em programas de rastreio organizado, por serem custo-eficientes e terem ganhos de saúde associados, ver Anttila (2004), Castellsague (2006) e Koutsky (1998). O presente estudo teve como objectivo auxiliar os elementos da Comissão de Rastreio do Cancro do Colo do Útero na Região Norte na tomada de decisões relativas aos aspectos mais controversos dos rastreios ao cancro do colo do útero: limite de idade das mulheres rastreadas, intervalo entre exames e método utilizado. Assim, construiu-se um modelo matemático, com o intuito de simular os impactos económicos e de saúde, das combinações das várias alternativas de rastreio. Por fim, foi feita uma análise custo-benefício das soluções encontradas e determinou-se a solução, i.e. a opção de rastreio, mais vantajosa.Cervical cancer is one of the most frequent avoidable cancers in women, Ferlay (2004) and Parkin(2005). The natural history of the disease, characterized for a long period between the detection of the rst injuries and invasive cancer, favours its inclusion in organized screening programs, since they are cost-e ective and have clear advantages for the health of the population, see Anttila (2004), Castellsague (2006) and Koutsky (1998). The aim of this study is to construct a mathematical model that can help the elements of the Commission delegated for planning the screening program, to decide about the most controversial aspects: target population, interval between examinations and method to be used. The mathematical model allows to simulate the economical and health impact of all the possible solutions. Finally, a cost-bene t analysis of the combined screening alternatives was done to determine the solution, i.e, the more advantageous screening program

    Sobre os materiais utilizados na talha da época barroca do noroeste de Portugal - primeiros resultados

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    Aiming to contribute to the knowledge of Portuguese gilded wood from the Baroque, the first results of a study of 18 retables belonging to Oporto are presented. In order to identify the materials and the techniques used in gesso, bole and gold leaf layers, optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy were used. Anhydrite and gypsum with low concentration of impurities, bole of good quality and gold alloys with a concentration of gold usually above 90% were identified. The results suggest that recommendations found in historical documents have been followed in the majority of the cases

    Effects of working memory training on depressive symptoms and frontal alpha asymmetry: a pilot study

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    To assess the effects of working memory training (WMT) on depressive symptoms and frontal alpha asymmetry of young adults with moderate-severe depression. : 30 participants were randomly allocated to the WMT or control groups. Two subjects dropped out and one participant was excluded from EEG analysis.The WMT group completed 5 sessions of automatically adjusted n-back training (starting from 2-back) and the control group only performed 1-back trials. Main outcome measures were self reported depressive symptoms and frontal alpha asymmetry (pre- and post-training). There was a significant time*group interaction for self-reported depression (p = .047, ηp² = .144) and F4-F3 alpha asymmetry (p = .043, ηp² = .153). Post-hoc analysis revealed significant improvements in depression on the WMT group (p < .001) and non-significant findings regarding F4-F3 alpha asymmetry. There was no significant interaction for F8-F7 alpha asymmetry (p = .115, ηp² = .096). WMT may be an effective tool to reduce depressive symptoms. Frontal alpha asymmetry should be explored as a neurophysiological outcome measure of cognitive training efficacy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Custo de capital de distribuição de energia elétrica: revisão tarifária 2007-2009

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    Bibliografia: p. 262-265O objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir com a Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica (Aneel) no que se refere à metodologia de estimação da taxa de remuneração de capital (ou custo de capital), que é parte da revisão tarifária das distribuidoras de energia elétrica. Recomendamos a metodologia do CAPM global ajustado ao mercado brasileiro e, contrariamente à regulação vigente, a adoção da totalidade do risco-país. Essa abordagem torna desnecessário o acréscimo de um prêmio de risco cambial ao custo de capital. Por ser um parâmetro volátil e ter apresentado acentuada queda nos últimos três anos, consideramos ainda diversos cenários para a variável risco-país. A taxa de remuneração foi estimada na faixa de 10.6% – 12.3% em termos reais. Ressaltamos que o estabelecimento da adequada taxa de remuneração de capital é questão atual e presente nas discussões sobre as melhores práticas em economia de regulação e se justifica pelo reconhecimento de que, no longo prazo, o ente regulado privado deve recuperar pelo menos seu custo de oportunidade de capital, incluindo o risco-país, o risco do negócio, o risco regulatório e outros específicos dos projetos em que opera.The aim of this paper is to contribute with the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency [Aneel] regarding the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) estimation methodology, which is an importante component of the regulatory electricity distribution tariff review. We recommend the adjusted global CAPM methodology and, as opposing to the current regulation, the adoption of the total sovereign risk instead of a segmented one. We further consider diferente scenarios for the sovereign risk variable, which presented significant volatility and outstanding decrease trend in the last three years. The WACC was estimated between 10,6% and 12,3% in real terms. We highlight that the establishment of the proper capital remuneration rate is a current and present issue in the discussions on the best practices in regulation economy and is justified by the recognition that, at long term, the private regulated body shall recover at least its capital opportunity cost, including the sovereign risk, the business risk, the regulatory risk and other specific risks of the project in which it operates

    A taxa de remuneração do capital e a nova regulação das telecomunicações

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    Bibliografia: p. 188-191Estabelecer uma meta adequada para o retorno sobre o capital das operadoras é o assunto central relacionado à nova orientação a custos adotada pela Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (Anatel). Nesse contexto, especial atenção deve ser dada à estimação do custo médio ponderado do capital [Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)]. Estimativas excessivamente baixas podem prejudicar as futuras decisões de investimento em inovação e infra-estrutura e estimativas muito altas contrariam o objetivo governamental inicial de reduzir tarifas e fomentar a competição. De fato, ambas as inconsistências implicam a redução do bem-estar social. Diante disso, o artigo propõe princípios metodológicos, baseados em conceitos teóricos amplamente aceitos na economia de regulação e teoria de finanças, assim como nas melhores práticas internacionais, para a tarefa de estimar um WACC para o setor de telecomunicações, levando-se também em conta as especificidades regulatórias e setoriais brasileiras


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    Introduction: Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is a serious public health problem and represents one of the leading causes of death in the world. In emergency situations the assessment of the victim and care must be effective, to reduce negative outcomes and to increase the survival rate. Objective: To analyze graduation students in the Health Sciences through objective testing on Basic Life Support (BLS). Methods: This is a descriptive, observational and cross sectional study, performed in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. The study population consisted of 664 graduation students in Medicine, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Nutrition and Occupational Therapy. Data collection occurred through an instrument in the form of objective tests based on the guidelines for Basic Life Support from the American Heart Association. For analysis the Shapiro-Wilk, Chi-square, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used. The adopted confidence level was 95%. The statistical program used was Stata 11.0. Result: There was found to be a prevalence of students who were female (82.23%), single (77.56%), on the physiotherapy course (53.16%), in the freshmen year (32.2%) with previous training (54.45%) and with a median age of 22 years old. When the association between the scores was analyzed according to sex, marital status, previous training, course and year of study, the relation between the number of correct answers and previous training, course and year of study showed statistically significant differences (p &lt; 0.001). Conclusion: 99.9% of subjects had lower score than the minimum score of 84% of Americam Heart Association, which characterizes insufficient knowledge about the basic support of life theme. Thus, there is need for continued training of health sciences students on the subject, at the undergraduate level

    Gradiometria magnética e radar de penetração no solo aplicados em Estearias de Penalva (MA)

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    Nesse trabalho são apresentados os métodos geofísicos magnetometria e radar de penetração no solo (GPR) como ferramentas utilizadas na localização de vestígios de ocupações pretéritas no sítio arqueológico Lago da Lontra, localizado no município de Penalva, Estado do Maranhão. Devido à dimensão da área, de cerca de 10.400 m², e do curto período da campanha geofísica foram realizadas medidas magnéticas com gradiômetro em uma malha de amostragem de 2,5 m. As anomalias encontradas evidenciam uma magnetização termo-remanescente proveniente da queima da argila e também de fontes não relacionadas a materiais arqueológicos, tais como pedaços de arreios e ferraduras de montaria, pregos e anzóis, entre outros. Nos locais com magnetização anômala, foram realizados 14 perfis de GPR com uma antena blindada de 400 MHz com o objetivo de localizar e diferenciar com maior precisão as estruturas arqueológicas e as atuais. Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho possibilitaram a verificação e a avaliação da potencialidade de métodos geofísicos como ferramenta auxiliar em estudos arqueológicos, o que foi comprovado pelo sucesso nas indicações dos alvos e pelas posteriores escavações que mostraram a presença de fragmentos cerâmicos e carvão relacionados ao sítio arqueológico.In this work we present the geophysical methods magnetometry and ground penetrating radar (GPR) as tools used in finding traces of preterit occupations at the archaeological site of Otter Lake, located in the municipality of Penalva, state of Maranhão, Brazil. Because of the size of the area, of about 10,400 m², and the short geophysics campaign, magnetic measurements were performed with a gradiometer, in a sampling grid of 2.5 m. The anomalies found show a thermo-remnant magnetization from the burning of clayl, and also from sources not related to archaeological materials, such as pieces of tack and riding horseshoes, nails and hooks, among others. In locations with anomalous magnetization, 14 GPR profiles were obtained with a 400 MHz shielded antenna in order to locate and differentiate more precisely the archaeological and existing structures. The results presented in this work allowed the verification and evaluation of the potential of geophysical methods as an auxiliary tool in archaeological studies, which has been proven by the success of the indications of the targets and the subsequent excavations which revealed the presence of pottery fragments and coal related to the archaeological site

    Changes in food behavior during the pandemic: a cross-country study looking for changes in eating motivations, intake, food access and waste management

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    COVID-19 resulted in global changes, without no precedents. Not only in health, but mainly social, emotional and behavioral. An international consortium was created for a cross-country study about changes in eating motivations, dietary habits and food and waste management. The study consisted in an online survey, with questions about the different parts of food behavior. This survey was translated in the native language of each participating country (in a total of 16 countries). Similarities and differences were observed between countries, which is particularly interesting taking into account the particular socio-economic and cultural conditions of each countries, as well as the severity of the pandemic in each of them. Motivations associated with getting pleasure and reward from foods were perceived to be increased during this time, comparatively to the period before pandemic. Also, increases in the intake frequency of cookies and chocolates were observed, although in several countries the consumption of vegetables was also referred to increase. It was noted a generalized lower concern about convenience characteristics of foods (namely processed and fast-food), with an increase in cooking. Even so, it was interesting to note differences among countries, which can be discussed in light with the severity of disease in each country and, mainly, with economic and socio-economic characteristics. The comprehension about the changes and the main motivational factors that lead to them is of major importance to intervene in this and future pandemic scenarios, with the objective of lowering the negative behavioral changes and potentiate the positive changes observed. More information about the consortium "Changes in Food Behavior - COVID-19"and the study objectives can be found here: https://foodcovid-19.weebly.co


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    By a few years ago, there was a huge improvement on the sugarcane productionsystem, including a higher genetically variety, allowing the adapted plantsdevelopment to a more variable weather conditions, with a stronger resistancefor prags and sicknesses issues, potentially productive. In this meantime,researches at the Soil Fertility and Plants Nutrition area were underestimatedand relegated at a second view. Consequently, even by the possession of thispotentially productive variety, notable increasing at productivities ofproductiveness had no success at all, by the missing development researchesat this yard of Soil Fertility and Plants Nutrition, both capable of generatinginformation that could lead the property management of soils for the fullprogress of better varieties. With this special aspect, researches actions thatcold act on the advance of the sugarcane roots in acid soils with high Al3+concentrations of Pernambuco’s Zona da Mata, as the oxisoils, yellow–redultisols, and the luvisols, that represent 94% of sugarcane cultivate soils yard,will certainly be capable to provide an expressive increase of productivity.Like that, then calcium could be a great vehicle at this project of this rootzone, by its eutrophic capacity, and, principally, by the responsibility of thiselement as neutralizing of harmful activities of aluminum deep profundity.Increasing then this activity of the root for the exploration of a higher soilcapacity, would consequently amplify the efficiency of phosphate fertilizations,reducing cost with potash and nitrogen amendments. The objective of thisrevision is to difunde researches information with the agricultural gypsumof Araripe’s region, to contribute for the reconvention of some inappropriateareas, variety adaptations and also the increase of the productivity of thesugarcane in Pernambuco, validating and difunding the use of this specialtechnology inside sugarcane agriculture of Pernambuco’s Zona da Mata. Theprogress of projects that were proposing to bring agronomic information,required for the gypsum in sugarcane agriculture management, providing, with this, the appearance of a valorous partnership between the productivitygypsum of Araripe yards, and the state’s agriculture. This social–agronomicsymbious will consequently bring countless benefits for the both parts, whatwill take sustainability for the agrobusiness, occurring of this partnership.Nos últimos anos houve no sistema de produção de cana–de–açúcar umenorme avanço no melhoramento genético de variedades, permitindo odesenvolvimento de plantas adaptadas as mais variadas condições climáticas,com altas resistências a pragas e doenças e potencialmente produtivas. Noentanto, pesquisas na área de Fertilidade do Solo e Nutrição de Plantas foramsubestimadas e relegadas a um segundo momento. Isto fez com que, mesmode posse de variedades potencialmente produtivas, aumentos consideráveisde produtividade não tiveram êxito, pela falta de desenvolvimento de pesquisasem Fertilidade do Solo e Nutrição de Plantas, capazes de gerar informaçõesque pudessem nortear o manejo adequado dos solos para o plenodesenvolvimento de variedades melhoradas. Neste aspecto, ações de pesquisaque possam atuar na melhoria do ambiente radicular da cana–de–açúcar emsolos distróficos e álicos da Zona da Mata do Estado, como os Latossolos eArgissolos Vermelho Amarelos e os Luvissolos, que representam 94 % dossolos cultivados com cana–de–açúcar, certamente irão proporcionar umsignificativo aumento de produtividade. Assim é que o cálcio pode ser ogrande veículo na melhoria deste ambiente radicular, por sua capacidadeeutrófica e, principalmente, pela responsabilidade deste elemento comoneutralizante das atividades nocivas do alumínio em profundidade.Aumentando–se a atividade das raízes pela exploração de um maior volumede solo, aumenta–se a eficiência das adubações fosfatadas, potássicas enitrogenadas, reduzindo–se custos com insumos. Assim, o objetivo destaRevisão é difundir informações de pesquisa com o gesso agrícola da região do Araripe, visando contribuir para a reconversão de áreas impróprias,adaptação de variedades e o aumento da produtividade da cana–de–açúcarem Pernambuco, validando e difundindo o uso desta tecnologia na agriculturaCanavieira da Zona da Mata. O desenvolvimento de projetos que seproponham a trazer informações agronômicas necessárias para a difusão douso do gesso na agricultura canavieira, proporcionando assim, o surgimentode uma valiosa parceria entre as cadeias produtivas do gesso do Araripe e aagricultura canavieira do Estado. Esta “simbiose” sócio–agro–econômica traráinúmeros benefícios para ambas as partes, o que dará sustentabilidade aoagronegócio advindo dessa parceria