337 research outputs found

    Risco de fractura no tecido ósseo em pacientes do género feminino da zona Litoral Norte de Portugal

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    O objectivo deste trabalho é avaliar diferentes factores de risco associado ao risco de fracturas ósseas, num universo de 200 pacientes em pré ou pós-menopausa da zona Norte de Portugal. O risco de fractura, por fragilidade óssea, em diferentes pacientes com patologias, está associado ao grau de diminuição de massa óssea do indivíduo. Esse valor determina-se através da densidade mineral óssea (DMO). De entre as diversas técnicas disponíveis para a determinação da DMO, a Absorciometria de raios-X de dupla energia (Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry - DEXA) é uma das mais frequentemente utilizadas. Determinadas patologias, nomeadamente a osteoporose e as fracturas associadas, são um grave problema de saúde pública. Pretende-se obter estimativas do risco, associado a fracturas ósseas em função de alguma patologia, que se possa generalizar ou não para qualquer paciente, com base em determinados factores (idade, género, estilo de vida, patologia associada, terapêutica ou não, etc…), em função de dados clínicos de 200 pacientes na zona Norte de Portugal, obtidos na clínica Dr. Krug de Noronha. Será efectuado um questionário estruturado, de natureza social, clínica, antropométrica e comportamental, simultaneamente com o exame DMO/DEXA. Com base nos dados obtidos e com o recurso a tomografias computorizadas, pretende-se avaliar o risco de fractura óssea nas pacientes em estudo. A prevalência global da osteoporose na população feminina é elevada. As mulheres pósmenopáusicas são as principais vítimas da osteoporose, uma doença silenciosa que enfraquece os ossos e aumenta o risco de fracturas. Incrementar a informação acerca desta patologia, através da obtenção e análise de novos dados, possibilitará a identificação de factores de risco e traduzir-se-á num benefício na saúde humana. The main objective of this work is to evaluate different risk factors associated with bone fracture in 200 pre and postmenopausal patients from the North of Portugal. The fracture risk, by bone fragility, in patients with different pathologies, is associated with the degree of bone mass decrease. This value is determined by bone mineral density (BMD). Among the available techniques for BMD determination, the Dual Energy Xray Absorptiometry - DEXA is one of the most frequently used. Certain diseases, especially osteoporosis and associated fractures are a serious public health problem. The aim of this project is to obtain estimates of the risk associated with bone fractures, according some diseases, which can be generalized to any patient or not, based on certain factors (age, gender, lifestyle, associated pathology, therapy or not, etc. ...) function of clinical data from 200 patients in North of Portugal, obtain in the medical clinical Dr. Krug Noronha. A structured questionnaire, social, clinical, anthropometric and behavioural, simultaneously with the BMD/DEXA exam will be produced. Based on the data, and with the use of computed tomography it is intends to assess the bone fracture risk in patients of this study. The overall prevalence of osteoporosis in the female population is high. Postmenopausal women are the main victims of osteoporosis, a silent disease that weakens bones and increases the risk of fractures. Increase information about this disease, by finding and analysing new data will allow the identification of risk factors and will be a human health benefit

    Bone fragility in postmenopausa women: a preliminar study

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    The aim of this work is to identify the prevalence of risks factors for bone fragility in postmenopausal women with hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) within two groups (with bone fracture history and without bone fracture history) and to evaluate the effect of modifiable risk factors on bone mineral density (BMD). The overall prevalence of osteoporosis in postmenopausal Portuguese women is high. A pattern identification of occurrences, in a group of patients submitted to this analysis, will enable the formulation of conclusions for knowledge improving of these different pathologies. This preliminary study will demonstrate that age, physical exercise and coffee consumption are associated with lower BMD and osteoporosis status in postmenopausal Portuguese woman

    Risco de fractura no tecido ósseo em pacientes do género feminino da zona litoral Norte de Portugal

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    Com este trabalho pretende-se obter estimativas do risco, associado a fracturas do tecido ósseo, função de alguma patologia, que se possa generalizar ou não para qualquer paciente, com base em determinados factores, nomeadamente, idade, estilo de vida, terapêutica associada, em função de dados clínicos obtidos em pacientes do género feminino na zona Litoral Norte de Portugal. No último triénio de 2010 foram avaliadas 125 pacientes na clínica Dr. Krug de Noronha, Radiologia/Imagem, com idades compreendidas entre os 30 e 85 anos para esse efeito. Foram obtidos e avaliados os exames densitométricos em relação à frequência de osteoporose ou osteopenia do colo do fémur e da coluna lombar destas pacientes. Simultaneamente foi elaborado um inquérito às pacientes com informações adicionais, dados pessoais, antropométricos, ginecológicos, considerando ainda a tipologia de factores de risco associados à osteoporose. Com base na amostra obtida serão apresentados diferentes gráficos por faixa etária para uma avaliação e discussão detalhada de cada factor de risco prevalente

    Genetic characterization of Toxoplasma gondii isolates from pigs intended for human consumption in Brazil

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    AbstractThis study genetically Toxoplasma gondii isolates obtained from pigs intended for human consumption in northeastern Brazil; multilocus PCR-RFLP and sequencing techniques were utilized. Bioassays were conducted using the brain and tongue of 20 pig heads purchased at butcher shops in the city of Ilheus, Bahia, Brazil. Overall, 11 T. gondii isolates designated TgPgBr06-16 were identified. Application of multilocus PCR-RFLP with seven molecular markers (SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, C22-8, PK1 and Apico) identified six different genotypes. Isolates TgPgBr 06, 08, 11, 12, 14 and 15 were indistinguishable by this technique, forming a single genotype; the remaining isolates were characterized as distinct genotypes. However, when five genetic markers (SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB and c22-8) were employed in multilocus PCR-sequencing, all eleven strains of T. gondii were shown to be different. All isolates differed from Type I, II and III clonal genotypes using both genotyping techniques. These results demonstrate that the multilocus PCR-RFLP assay underestimated the true diversity of the T. gondii population in this study. Thus, DNA sequencing is the preferred technique to infer the genetic diversity and population structure of T. gondii strains from Brazil. Moreover, it is necessary to develop new molecular markers to group and characterize atypical T. gondii isolates from South America

    Generic thin-shell gravastars

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    We construct generic spherically symmetric thin-shell gravastars by using the cut-and-paste procedure. We take considerable effort to make the analysis as general and unified as practicable; investigating both the internal physics of the transition layer and its interaction with "external forces" arising due to interactions between the transition layer and the bulk spacetime. Furthermore, we discuss both the dynamic and static situations. In particular, we consider "bounded excursion" dynamical configurations, and probe the stability of static configurations. For gravastars there is always a particularly compelling configuration in which the surface energy density is zero, while surface tension is nonzero.Comment: V1: 39 pages, 9 figures; V2: 40 pages, 9 figures. References added, some discussion added, some typos fixed. Identical to published version. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1112.205

    In vitro development of primordial follicles after long-term culture of goat ovarian tissue

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    This study aims to investigate the effects of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF-2) on the survival and growth of caprine preantral follicles. Ovarian tissues were cultured for 1, 7, 14, 21 or 28 days in medium supplemented with FSH (FSH-2d or FSH-7d, i.e., with replacement of the culture medium every 2 or 7 days, respectively) or FSH + FGF-2 (replacement of the medium every 2 days). Non-cultured (control) and cultured ovarian fragments were processed for histological and ultrastructural analysis. After 28 days of culture, the media supplemented with FSH-2d was the most effective in maintaining the percentage of normal follicles and in promoting follicular growth. Furthermore, both treatments with FSH increased the percentage of the primary follicles. However, ultrastructural studies did not confirm follicular integrity from 14 days of culture onward. In conclusion, culturing tissue for up to 7 days in medium containing FSH alone or combined with FGF-2 maintains caprine preantral follicle integrity and promotes their growth in vitro

    Effects induced by Apis mellifera venom and its components in experimental models of nociceptive and inflammatory pain

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    AbstractThe effects induced by Apis mellifera venom (AMV), melittin-free AMV, fraction with molecular mass < 10 kDa (F<10) or melittin in nociceptive and inflammatory pain models in mice were investigated. Subcutaneous administration of AMV (2, 4 or 6 mg/kg) or melittin-free AMV (1, 2 or 4 mg/kg) into the dorsum of mice inhibited both phases of formaldehyde-induced nociception. However, F<10 (2, 4 or 6 mg/kg) or melittin (2 or 3 mg/kg) inhibited only the second phase. AMV (4 or 6 mg/kg), but not F<10, melittin-free AMV or melittin, induced antinociception in the hot-plate model. Paw injection of AMV (0.05 or 0.10 mg), F<10 (0.05 or 0.1 mg) or melittin (0.025 or 0.050 mg) induced a nociceptive response. In spite of inducing nociception after paw injection, scorpion (Tityus serrulatus) or snake (Bothrops jararaca) venom injected into the dorsum of mice did not inhibit formaldehyde-induced nociception. In addition, AMV (6 mg/kg), but not F<10 (6 mg/kg) or melittin (3 mg/kg), inhibited formaldehyde paw oedema. Concluding, AMV, F<10 and melittin induce two contrasting effects: nociception and antinociception. AMV antinociception involves the action of different components and does not result from non-specific activation of endogenous antinociceptive mechanisms activated by exposure to noxious stimuli

    Cultura e desenvolvimento humano sustentável

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    A cultura é cada vez mais o centro das políticas locais, pela importância que vem revelando no contexto de um paradigma de desenvolvimento humano integral. Para além da atenção que lhe é dirigida graças à sua intima conexão a fatores de índole económica, social e urbana; a sua relevância deve-se essencialmente às relações intrínsecas que mantém com as questões da identidade, da memória, da criatividade, da ciência e do pensamento e conhecimento crítico. Optámos por dividir este livro em três capítulos de modo a permitir uma sequência de leitura, desde as temáticas gerais de grande escala – da União Europeia e da Globalização, até ao cerne do problema que em nosso entendimento urge solucionar nas cidades: a efetiva e definitiva integração da dimensão cultural nas estratégias territoriais de desenvolvimento humano sustentável.N/