3,076 research outputs found

    Ab initio calculation of the electromagnetic and neutral-weak response functions of 4He and 12C

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    Precise measurement of neutrino oscillations, and hence the determination of their masses demands a quantitative understanding of neutrino-nucleus interactions. To this aim, two-body meson-exchange currents have to be accounted for along within realistic models of nuclear dynamics. We summarize our progresses towards the construction of a consistent framework, based on quantum Monte Carlo methods and on the spectral function approach, that can be exploited to accurately describe neutrino interactions with atomic nuclei over the broad kinematical region covered by neutrino experiments.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Chicago, Illinois, US

    Optimizations for a Current-Controlled Memristor-based Neuromorphic Synapse Design

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    The synapse is a key element of neuromorphic computing in terms of efficiency and accuracy. In this paper, an optimized current-controlled memristive synapse circuit is proposed. Our proposed synapse demonstrates reliability in the face of process variation and the inherent stochastic behavior of memristors. Up to an 82% energy optimization can be seen during the SET operation over prior work. In addition, the READ process shows up to 54% energy savings. Our current-controlled approach also provides more reliable programming over traditional programming methods. This design is demonstrated with a 4-bit memory precision configuration. Using a spiking neural network (SNN), a neuromorphic application analysis was performed with this precision configuration. Our optimized design showed up to 82% improvement in control applications and a 2.7x improvement in classification applications compared with other design cases

    Ab Initio Calculation of the Electromagnetic and Neutral Weak Response Functions of \u3csup\u3e4\u3c/sup\u3eHe and \u3csup\u3e12\u3c/sup\u3eC

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    Precise measurement of neutrino oscillations, and hence the determination of their masses demands a quantitative understanding of neutrino-nucleus interactions. To this aim, two-body meson-exchange currents have to be accounted for along within realistic models of nuclear dynamics. We summarize our progresses towards the construction of a consistent framework, based on quantum Monte Carlo methods and on the spectral function approach, that can be exploited to accurately describe neutrino interactions with atomic nuclei over the broad kinematical region covered by neutrino experiments

    A PETase enzyme synthesised in the chloroplast of the microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is active against post-consumer plastics

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    Polyethylene terephthalate hydrolases (PETases) are a newly discovered and industrially important class of enzymes that catalyze the enzymatic degradation of polyethylene terephatalate (PET), one of the most abundant plastics in the world. The greater enzymatic efficiencies of PETases compared to close relatives from the cutinase and lipase families have resulted in increasing research interest. Despite this, further characterization of PETases is essential, particularly regarding their possible activity against other kinds of plastic. In this study, we exploited for the first time the use of the microalgal chloroplast for more sustainable synthesis of a PETase enzyme. A photosynthetic-restoration strategy was used to generate a marker-free transformant line of the green microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii in which the PETase from Ideonella sakaiensis was constitutively expressed in the chloroplast. Subsequently, the activity of the PETase against both PET and post-consumer plastics was investigated via atomic force microscopy, revealing evidence of degradation of the plastics

    Experimental realisation of off-stoichiometric Fe-Mn-Si full Heusler alloy with hexagonal crystal structure by pulsed laser deposition

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    FAPERJ - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DO RIO DE JANEIROCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL E NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFull Heusler alloys are well known to either crystallize in a cubic structure (Cu2MnAl-type), or present tetragonal distortions. Both structure types present interesting properties, like room temperature magnetic memory shape effect and/or remarkable magnetocaloric effect, mainly ruled by strong magnetostructural coupling. Due to this interplay, our aim was to produce a new crystal phase for the Heusler alloys, different from those well-established cubic and tetragonal, responsible for those well-known physical properties. Thus, we have produced nanoparticles of full Heusler alloys using a pulsed laser deposition technique (from targets of Fe2MnSi) and obtained a core-shell pattern, presenting an amorphous shell and a crystalline core, with hexagonal symmetry. In accordance with these experimental findings, it was shown, by means of density functional calculation, the existence of a minimum of energy as a function of the hexagonal lattice parameters, with a true indication that the hexagonal phase is metastable. The magnetic properties differ considerably from those of bulk Fe2MnSi, including an increase of the Curie temperature from 220 K to 295 K, which is of potential interest for room-temperature applications. This work opens the door to research in a new family of materials, whose properties have only now begun to be explored.143268273FAPERJ - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DO RIO DE JANEIROCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL E NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOFAPERJ - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DO RIO DE JANEIROCAPES - COORDENAÇÃO DE APERFEIÇOAMENTO DE PESSOAL E NÍVEL SUPERIORCNPQ - CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICOsem informaçãosem informação465448/2014-3Agências de fomento estrangeiras apoiaram essa pesquisa, mais informações acesse artig

    Data handling with SAM and art at the NOνA experiment

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    During operations, NOvA produces between 5,000 and 7,000 raw files per day with peaks in excess of 12,000. These files must be processed in several stages to produce fully calibrated and reconstructed analysis files. In addition, many simulated neutrino interactions must be produced and processed through the same stages as data. To accommodate the large volume of data and Monte Carlo, production must be possible both on the Fermilab grid and on off-site farms, such as the ones accessible through the Open Science Grid. To handle the challenge of cataloging these files and to facilitate their off-line processing, we have adopted the SAM system developed at Fermilab. SAM indexes files according to metadata, keeps track of each file's physical locations, provides dataset management facilities, and facilitates data transfer to off-site grids. To integrate SAM with Fermilab's art software framework and the NOvA production workflow, we have developed methods to embed metadata into our configuration files, art files, and standalone ROOT files. A module in the art framework propagates the embedded information from configuration files into art files, and from input art files to output art files, allowing us to maintain a complete processing history within our files. Embedding metadata in configuration files also allows configuration files indexed in SAM to be used as inputs to Monte Carlo production jobs. Further, SAM keeps track of the input files used to create each output file. Parentage information enables the construction of self-draining datasets which have become the primary production paradigm used at NOvA. In this paper we will present an overview of SAM at NOvA and how it has transformed the file production framework used by the experiment

    Quantum trajectories for Brownian motion

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    We present the stochastic Schroedinger equation for the dynamics of a quantum particle coupled to a high temperature environment and apply it the dynamics of a driven, damped, nonlinear quantum oscillator. Apart from an initial slip on the environmental memory time scale, in the mean, our result recovers the solution of the known non-Lindblad quantum Brownian motion master equation. A remarkable feature of our approach is its localization property: individual quantum trajectories remain localized wave packets for all times, even for the classically chaotic system considered here, the localization being stronger the smaller \hbar.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figure

    Understanding the mechanisms of lung mechanical stress

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    Physical forces affect both the function and phenotype of cells in the lung. Bronchial, alveolar, and other parenchymal cells, as well as fibroblasts and macrophages, are normally subjected to a variety of passive and active mechanical forces associated with lung inflation and vascular perfusion as a result of the dynamic nature of lung function. These forces include changes in stress (force per unit area) or strain (any forced change in length in relation to the initial length) and shear stress (the stress component parallel to a given surface). The responses of cells to mechanical forces are the result of the cell's ability to sense and transduce these stimuli into intracellular signaling pathways able to communicate the information to its interior. This review will focus on the modulation of intracellular pathways by lung mechanical forces and the intercellular signaling. A better understanding of the mechanisms by which lung cells transduce physical forces into biochemical and biological signals is of key importance for identifying targets for the treatment and prevention of physical force-related disorders

    Evaluación de la resistencia mecánica de muros de mampostería de ladrillos

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    En este trabajo se presenta la metodología y los resultados de un ensayo especialmente diseñado para evaluar la capacidad portante de muros de mampostería. El ensayo ideado, previamente modelado con elementos finitos, consiste en tomar muestras cilíndricas de muros y reacondicionarlas para reproducir el estado de solicitaciones in situ. Los resultados de ensayo fueron comparados con los obtenidos en prototipos de muros de ladrillos. La correlación obtenida ha puesto en evidencia que se reproduce en forma aceptable la resistencia a compresión de la mampostería. Estas experiencias aportan una contribución racional a la evaluación y puesta en valor del patrimonio arquitectónico, en oportunidades amenazado por la inexistencia de metodologías de restauración y refuncionalización que permitan juzgar adecuadamente la aptitud portante de una amplia variedad de tipologías constructivas.Facultad de Ingenierí