28 research outputs found


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    Diferentes factores genéticos y ambientales influyen en el desarrollo de la enfermedad celíaca (EC). La evidencia clínica muestra que la lactancia materna prolongada se ha asociado a una incidencia decreciente de EC en niños. Partiendo de la hipótesis de que péptidos del gluten y/o anticuerpos anti-gliadina (AAG) presentes en leche materna (LM) podrían ayudar a prevenir o modular el desarrollo de la EC, nos planteamos estudiar la presencia de AAG y péptidos de gliadina en LM en un grupo de madres con diagnóstico de EC que siguen una dieta sin gluten (DSG) y en un grupo de madres no celiacas con dieta normal (DN), y comparar los niveles de anticuerpos y péptidos de gliadina de ambos grupos de madres, con el fin último de poder establecer una posible relación con el desarrollo de EC en su descendencia. El objetivo secundario fue analizar la respuesta inmune precoz en niños que recibieron LM y con diagnóstico de EC, profundizando en la serología, histología, así como la aparición de depósitos de intestinales de anticuerpos anti-transglutaminasa tisular (anti-TG2). Tras desarrollar un método para detectar AAG en LM, encontramos AAG presentes tanto en la LM de madres EC tras una DSG, como en madres que siguen una DN, por lo que la dieta no sería un factor clave que influya en la presencia de AAG en LM. Se encontró una marcada tendencia hacia una disminución gradual en el contenido de IgA total en la LM de madres con EC a lo largo de los meses, mientras que permanecía estable en las madres no EC. Esta disminución de las concentraciones de IgA en la LM podría reducir la protección de la mucosa del lactante, contribuyendo a la disbiosis y la respuesta proinflamatoria, ambos factores podrían eventualmente favorecer la pérdida de tolerancia al gluten. En cuanto a la detección de péptidos de gluten en LM, la alta variabilidad en los resultados obtenidos en los análisis, indica de presencia de interferentes en las muestras de LM que estarían alterando la cuantificación de los mismos, siendo necesario investigaciones adicionales para conocer o identificar los componentes que están interfiriendo en el análisis. Por último, confirmamos que los depósitos intestinales de anti-TG2 son un evento precoz en el desarrollo de la respuesta inmunológica responsable de la EC, pudiendo preceder a la aparición de anticuerpos anti-TG2, incluso en lactantes pequeños.Different genetic and environmental factors influence the development of celiac disease (CD). Clinical evidence shows that prolonged breastfeeding has been associated with a decreasing incidence of CD in children. Based on the hypothesis that gluten peptides and / or anti-gliadin antibodies (AGA) present in breast milk (BM) could help prevent or modulate the development of CD, our aim is to study the presence of AGA and gliadin peptides in BM from a group of CD mothers who follow a gluten-free diet (GFD) and from a group of non-coeliac mothers on a normal diet (ND), and to compare the levels of antibodies and gliadin peptides from both groups of mothers, with the ultimate goal of establishing a potential relationship with the development of CD in their offspring. The secondary objective is to analyse the early immune response in children who received BM and with a diagnosis of CD, deepening into the serology, histology, as well as the appearance of intestinal deposits of anti-tissue transglutaminase (anti-TG2) antibodies. After developing a method to detect AGA in BM, we found AGA present both in BM of CD mothers on a longstanding GFD, and in mothers who follow a ND, so that gluten exclusion would not be a key factor that influences the presence of AGA in BM. A marked tendency towards a gradual decrease in the total IgA content in the BM of CD mothers was found over the months, while it remained stable in non-CD mothers. This decrease in IgA concentrations in the BM could reduce the protection at the intestinal mucosal level by contributing to dysbiosis and to a proinflammatory response; both factors could eventually favour losing tolerance to gluten. Regarding the detection of gluten peptides in BM, the high variability in the results obtained in the analyses, indicates the presence of interferences in BM samples that would be altering the quantification of the same, reason why more research is needed on this topic, studying the components that are interfering in the analysis. Finally, we confirmed that intestinal anti-TG2 deposits are an early event in the CD development preceding serum anti-TG2 antibodies detection, even in very young infants.Diferents factors genètics i ambientals influeixen en el desenvolupament de la malaltia celíaca (MC). L'evidència clínica mostra que la lactància materna prolongada s'ha associat a una incidència decreixent de MC en xiquets. Partint de la hipòtesi que pèptids del gluten i/o anticossos anti-gliadina (AAG) presents en llet materna (LM) podrien ajudar a previndre o modular el desenvolupament de la MC, ens plantegem estudiar la presència d'AAG i pèptids de gliadina en LM en un grup de mares amb diagnòstic de MC que segueixen una dieta sense gluten (DSG) i en un grup de mares no celíaques amb dieta normal (DN), i comparar els nivells d'anticossos i pèptids de gliadina d'ambdós grups de mares, amb el fi últim de poder establir una possible relació amb el desenvolupament de MC en la seua descendència. L'objectiu secundari va ser analitzar la resposta immune precoç en xiquets que van rebre LM i amb diagnòstic de MC, aprofundint en la serologia, histologia, així com l'aparició de depòsits d'intestinals d'anticossos anti-transglutaminasa tissular (anti-TG2). Després de desenvolupar un mètode per a detectar AAG en LM, trobem AAG presents tant en la LM de mares MC després d'una DSG, com en mares que segueixen una DN, per la qual cosa la dieta no seria un factor clau que influeix en la presència d'AAG en LM. Es va trobar una marcada tendència cap a una disminució gradual en el contingut d'IgA total en la LM de mares amb MC al llarg dels mesos, mentre que romania estable en les mares no MC. Esta disminució de les concentracions d'IgA en la LM podria reduir la protecció de la mucosa del lactant, contribuint a la disbiosis i la resposta proinflamatòria, ambdós factors podrien eventualment afavorir la pèrdua de tolerància al gluten. En quant a la detecció de pèptids de gluten en LM, l'alta variabilitat en els resultats obtinguts en les anàlisis, indica de presència d'interferents en les mostres de LM que estarien alterant la quantificació dels mateixos, per la qual cosa es necessita més investigació sobre este tema, estudiant els components que estan interferint en l'anàlisi. Finalment, confirmem que els depòsits intestinals d'anti-TG2 són un esdeveniment precoç en el desenvolupament de la resposta immunològica responsable de la MC, podent precedir a l'aparició d'anticossos anti-TG2, inclús en lactants xicotets.Roca Llorens, M. (2018). ESTUDIO DE MEDIADORES HUMORALES INMUNOLÓGICOS Y FACTORES DIETÉTICOS DE RIESGO EN LA ENFERMEDAD CELIACA [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/110083TESI

    The hypogeum from the Carrer París (Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona): micromorphological study of a Late Neolithic and Bell-Beaker funeral deposit

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    This paper presents the contributions of micromorphology to the study of the hypogeum of Carrer Paris (Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona), dated between 2878 and 2206 cal bc. The hypogeum of Carrer Paris was first used for a collective inhumation during the Late Neolithic. Afterward it was used again during the Bell-Beaker Chalcolithic for three different burial episodes including Bell-Beaker vessels.. The continued use of the sepulcher highlights the evolution of common funeral practices in the Neolithic towards a progressive tendency to individualize burials parallel to the adoption of bell- shaped vessels. /nThe study shows that the hypogeum was conceived and constructed well in advance of its use as well as the existence of a funeral ritual related to the use of fire prior to its use as a sepulchre. In addition, the sedimentary infilling of the structure by geogenic processes and identifies the post-depositional processes that the burials have suffered. In summary, soil micromorphology has proved to be an essential tool for the study and interpretation of funerary contexts. In this case, it has allowed us to identify and characterize better the constructive and funerary process of this type of prehistoric burials in the peninsular Northeast.En este artículo se presentan las principales aportaciones de la micromorfología al estudio del hipogeo del Carrer París (Cerdanyola del Vallès, Barcelona), datado entre 2878-2206 cal bc. El hipogeo del Carrer París comienza a utilizarse antes de la adopción del complejo campaniforme localizándose un primer nivel de inhumación colectiva propio del Neolítico Final-Calcolítico. Le seguirán tres episodios de inhumaciones asociadas a vasos campaniformes de diferentes tipologías. El uso continuado del sepulcro pone de manifiesto la evolución de las prácticas funerarias propias del Neolítico hacia una progresiva tendencia a la individualización de las inhumaciones paralela a la adopción de las cerámicas campaniformes./nDel estudio realizado se deduce que el hipogeo fue concebido y construido con suficiente antelación a su uso y existió un ritual funerario relacionado con el fuego anterior a su utilización como sepulcro. Además, la estructura se colmató por sedimentación geogénica y se han identificado los procesos ostdeposicionales que afectaron a las inhumaciones. En resumen, creemos que la micromorfología de suelos. En resumen, creemos que la micromorfología de suelos constituye una herramienta esencial para el estudio e interpretación de contextos funerarios. En este caso, ha permitido identificar y caracterizar mejor el proceso constructivo y funerario de este tipo de enterramientos prehistóricos en el ne peninsular

    Leaf area index estimation in vineyards using a ground-based LiDAR scanner

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    Estimation of grapevine vigour using mobile proximal sensors can provide an indirect method for determining grape yield and quality. Of the various indexes related to the characteristics of grapevine foliage, the leaf area index (LAI) is probably the most widely used in viticulture. To assess the feasibility of using light detection and ranging (LiDAR) sensors for predicting the LAI, several field trials were performed using a tractormounted LiDAR system. This system measured the crop in a transverse direction along the rows of vines and geometric and structural parameters were computed. The parameters evaluated were the height of the vines (H), the cross-sectional area (A), the canopy volume (V) and the tree area index (TAI). This last parameter was formulated as the ratio of the crop estimated area per unit ground area, using a local Poisson distribution to approximate the laser beam transmission probability within vines. In order to compare the calculated indexes with the actual values of LAI, the scanned vines were defoliated to obtain LAI values for different row sections. Linear regression analysis showed a good correlation (R2 = 0.81) between canopy volume and the measured values of LAI for 1 m long sections. Nevertheless, the best estimation of the LAI was given by the TAI (R2 = 0.92) for the same length, confirming LiDAR sensors as an interesting option for foliage characterization of grapevines. However, current limitations exist related to the complexity of data process and to the need to accumulate a sufficient number of scans to adequately estimate the LAI.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Association between faecal pH and fat absorption in children with cystic fibrosis on a controlled diet and enzyme supplements dose

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    [EN] Background Despite treatment with pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy (PERT), patients with cystic fibrosis (CF) can still suffer from fat malabsorption. A cause could be low intestinal pH disabling PERT. The aim of this study was to assess the association between faecal pH (as intestinal pH surrogate) and coefficient of fat absorption (CFA). Additionally, faecal free fatty acids (FFAs) were quantified to determine the amount of digested, but unabsorbed fat. Methods In a 24-h pilot study, CF patients followed a standardised diet with fixed PERT doses, corresponding to theoretical optimal doses determined by an in vitro digestion model. Study variables were faecal pH, fat and FFA excretion, CFA and transit time. Linear mixed regression models were applied to explore associations. Results In 43 patients, median (1st, 3rd quartile) faecal pH and CFA were 6.1% (5.8, 6.4) and 90% (84, 94), and they were positively associated (p < 0.001). An inverse relationship was found between faecal pH and total fat excretion (p < 0.01), as well as total FFA (p = 0.048). Higher faecal pH was associated with longer intestinal transit time (p = 0.049) and the use of proton pump inhibitors (p = 0.009). Conclusions Although the clinical significance of faecal pH is not fully defined, its usefulness as a surrogate biomarker for intestinal pH should be further explored. Impact Faecal pH is a physiological parameter that may be related to intestinal pH and may provide important physiopathological information on CF-related pancreatic insufficiency. Faecal pH is correlated with fat absorption, and this may explain why pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy is not effective in all patients with malabsorption related to CF. Use of proton pump inhibitors is associated to higher values of faecal pH. Faecal pH could be used as a surrogate biomarker to routinely monitor the efficacy of pancreatic enzyme replacement therapy in clinical practice. Strategies to increase intestinal pH in children with cystic fibrosis should be targeted.We acknowledge the support of the MyCyFAPP Project consortium. We especially thank the participation and the effort of the patients involved in the study and their families. This work was fully funded by the European Union and the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme (PHC-26-2014 call Self management of health and disease: citizen engagement and mHealth) under grant number 643806.Calvo-Lerma, J.; Roca-Llorens, M.; Boon, M.; Colombo, C.; De Koning, B.; Fornés-Ferrer, V.; Masip, E.... (2021). Association between faecal pH and fat absorption in children with cystic fibrosis on a controlled diet and enzyme supplements dose. Pediatric Research. 89(1):205-210. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41390-020-0860-3S205210891Turck, D. et al. ESPEN-ESPGHAN-ECFS guidelines on nutrition care for infants, children, and adults with cystic fibrosis. Clin. Nutr. 35, 557–577 (2016).Borowitz, D., Baker, R. 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    Innovació i investigació docent per millorar l’enginy i la creativitat dels alumnes d’Enginyeria i Arquitectura

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    El nou marc de l’EEES i l’experiència docent en las àrees de l’Enginyeria i l’Arquitectura, indueix a pensar en la introducció de noves metodologies docents motivades per la necessitat d’adaptar, en la mesura del possible, els coneixements que l’alumne adquireix a la Universidad al món professional de les empreses. L’ensenyament a Enginyeria i Arquitectura, s’ha ha basat, tradicionalment, en l’aplicació de models matemàtics. Així, els exercicis plantejats als alumnes es redueixen, la majoria de vegades, a aplicar aquest models matemàtics. La realitat professional és ben diferent, l’arquitecte i/o enginyer no tindrà sovint temps de fer anàlisis tant detallats com els que realitzava com alumne; és per això que sembla aconsellable variar el model d’ensenyança / aprenentatge.Peer Reviewe

    Incidence, clinical characteristics, risk factors and outcomes of meningoencephalitis in patients with COVID-19

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    We investigated the incidence, clinical characteristics, risk factors, and outcome of meningoencephalitis (ME) in patients with COVID-19 attending emergency departments (ED), before hospitalization. We retrospectively reviewed all COVID patients diagnosed with ME in 61 Spanish EDs (20% of Spanish EDs, COVID-ME) during the COVID pandemic. We formed two control groups: non-COVID patients with ME (non-COVID-ME) and COVID patients without ME (COVID-non-ME). Unadjusted comparisons between cases and controls were performed regarding 57 baseline and clinical characteristics and 4 outcomes. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biochemical and serologic findings of COVID-ME and non-COVID-ME were also investigated. We identified 29 ME in 71,904 patients with COVID-19 attending EDs (0.40‰, 95%CI=0.27-0.58). This incidence was higher than that observed in non-COVID patients (150/1,358,134, 0.11‰, 95%CI=0.09-0.13; OR=3.65, 95%CI=2.45-5.44). With respect to non-COVID-ME, COVID-ME more frequently had dyspnea and chest X-ray abnormalities, and neck stiffness was less frequent (OR=0.3, 95%CI=0.1-0.9). In 69.0% of COVID-ME, CSF cells were predominantly lymphocytes, and SARS-CoV-2 antigen was detected by RT-PCR in 1 patient. The clinical characteristics associated with a higher risk of presenting ME in COVID patients were vomiting (OR=3.7, 95%CI=1.4-10.2), headache (OR=24.7, 95%CI=10.2-60.1), and altered mental status (OR=12.9, 95%CI=6.6-25.0). COVID-ME patients had a higher in-hospital mortality than non-COVID-ME patients (OR=2.26; 95%CI=1.04-4.48), and a higher need for hospitalization (OR=8.02; 95%CI=1.19-66.7) and intensive care admission (OR=5.89; 95%CI=3.12-11.14) than COVID-non-ME patients. ME is an unusual form of COVID presentation (<0.5‰ cases), but is more than 4-fold more frequent than in non-COVID patients attending the ED. As the majority of these MEs had lymphocytic predominance and in one patient SARS-CoV-2 antigen was detected in CSF, SARS-CoV-2 could be the cause of most of the cases observed. COVID-ME patients had a higher unadjusted in-hospital mortality than non-COVID-ME patients