109 research outputs found

    Ecoestructura y multifuncionalidad del paisaje agrourbano

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    La Vega del Guadalfeo, dentro de la Provincia de Granada, es un patrimonio litoral mediterráneo bajo presión en las últimas décadas debido a, tanto al planificado como al no planificado, crecimiento urbano y turístico. El primer paso para superar la crisis de estos territorios es la visión renovadora del paisaje agrourbano, que implica un enfoque complejo. El paisaje agrourbano es un nuevo escenario o gradiente espacio-temporal evolucionado, donde los usos urbanos y agrarios entretejen nuevas funciones. Esta singular condición de la Vega del Guadalfeo puede ser orientada positivamente a través de instrumentos proactivos como la ecoestructura y la multifuncionalidad. La positiva interacción entre multifuncionalidad y ecoestructura sería el principal recurso para promover y diseñar una estrategia híbrida de planificación ambiental. Ese es el desafío para las décadas venideras, intentando equilibrar naturaleza y ciudad en los paisajes agrourbanos.The Guadalfeo's Vega belonging to the Granada's Province is a Mediterranean litoral heritage under pressure during the last decades due to the planned and unplanned growth of urban and touristic land uses. The first step to overcome the crisis of these territories is the renewal approach of the agrourban landscape which means a complex focus. The agrourban landscape is a new scenario or evolutionary spatio-temporal gradient where urban and agrarian land-uses interweaving new functions. This special condition of Guadalfeo's Vega may be addressed in a positive way by means of the pro-active tools of the ecostructure and the multifunctionality. The positive feed-back between multifuncionality and ecostructure would be the main resource to encourage and design a hybrid strategy for the environmental planning. That's the challenge for the decades ahead, balancing with success nature and city in the agrourban landscapes

    Una revisión en clave ecopaisajística de la planificación litoral en el mediterráneo

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    La mediterraneidad, como patrón territorial, no se recoge aún en sus múltiples dimensiones en la planificación. El tratamiento sectorial de aspectos como el paisaje, la gestión del agua, el uso turístico e infraestructural del espacio, los suelos agrícolas… impide la visión integral de un territorio en la zona mediterránea, concretamente de su franja litoral. Con esta revisión en clave ecopaisajística, se pretende un acercamiento al estado general de la consideración de algunas de estas cuestiones en la planificación del litoral mediterráneo español, en la búsqueda de aquellas innovaciones más interesantes en el entendimiento de la complejidad del espacio litoral mediterráneo. Para ello, se han consultado los principales documentos legislativos y de planificación disponibles en las diferentes páginas web de las comunidades de Cataluña, Valencia, Murcia y Andalucía, generando un esquema sobre el que realizar la búsqueda de cuatro temas fundamentales: paisaje, turismo sostenible, suelo no urbanizable y gestión integrada del litoral. No obstante y en líneas generales, pese a encontrarse numerosas referencias en relación al paisaje y cuestiones de carácter ambiental, en contadas ocasiones culminan en instrumentos específicos que aborden sus necesidades reales en la planificación.Mediterranean, like a territorial pattern, is not considered in its multiple dimensions in planning. The sectorial management about landscape, water management, touristic, infraestructural and agricultural uses, cannot provide an integral perspective in the Mediterranean area, not even in its litoral zone. This eco-landscape review, it pretend to find how this questions are included in the Mediterranean Spanish planning to understanding the litoral complexity. Main laws and planning documents, available in Cataluña, Valencia, Murcia and Andalucia webs, have been reviewed searching four themes: landscape, sustainable tourism, not urbanizable areas and integral coastal management. In this way, many references have been found, but not specific instruments related to planning.II Congreso Andaluz de Desarrollo Sostenible: “Una mirada desde las Ciencias Ambientales a nuestra costas

    Local climate and vernalization sensitivity predict the latitudinal patterns of flowering onset in the crop wild relative Linum bienne Mill.

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    Background and aims: The timing of flowering onset often correlates with latitude, indicative of climatic gradients. Flowering onset in temperate species commonly requires exposure to cold temperatures, known as vernalization. Hence, population differentiation of flowering onset with latitude might reflect adaptation to the local climatic conditions experienced by populations.Methods: Within its Western range, seeds from Linum bienne populations (the wild relative of cultivated L. usitatissimum) were used to describe the latitudinal differentiation of flowering onset to determine its association with the population´s local climate. A vernalization experiment, including different crop cultivars, was used to determine how vernalization accelerates flowering onset, and the vernalization sensitivity response among populations and cultivars. Additionally, genetic differentiation of L. bienne populations along the latitudinal range was scrutinized using microsatellite markers.Key results: Flowering onset varied with latitude of origin, with southern populations flowering earlier than their northern counterparts. Vernalization reduced the number of days to flowering onset, but vernalization sensitivity was greater in northern populations compared to southern ones. Conversely, vernalization delayed flowering onset in the crop, exhibiting less variation in sensitivity. In L. bienne, both flowering onset and vernalization sensitivity were better predicted by the population´s local climate than latitude itself. Microsatellite data unveiled genetic differentiation of populations, forming two groups geographically partitioned along latitude.Conclusions: The consistent finding of latitudinal variation across experiments suggests that both flowering onset and vernalization sensitivity in L. bienne populations are under genetic regulation and might depend on climatic cues at the place of origin. The association with climatic gradients along latitude suggests that the climate experienced locally drives population differentiation of the flowering onset and vernalization sensitivity patterns. The genetic population structure suggests that past population history could have influenced the flowering initiation patterns detected, which deserves further work.Keywords: climate change; crop wild relative; flax; flowering phenology; genetic differentiation; latitudinal gradients; local adaptation; vernalization

    Ecoestructura y multifuncionalidad del paisaje agrourbano

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    The Guadalfeo’s Vega belonging to the Granada’s Province is a Mediterranean litoral heritage under pressure during the last decades due to the planned and unplanned growth of urban and touristic land uses. The first step to overcome the crisis of these territories is the renewal approach of the agrourban landscape which means a complex focus. The agrourban landscape is a new scenario or evolutionary spatio-temporal gradient where urban and agrarian land-uses interweaving new functions. This special condition of Guadalfeo’s Vega may be addressed in a positive way by means of the pro-active tools of the ecoestructure and the multifunctionality.The positive feed-back between multifuncionality and ecostructure would be the main resource to encourage and design a hybrid strategy for the environmental planning. That’s the challenge for the decades ahead, balancing with success nature and city in the agrourban landscapes.La Vega del Guadalfeo, dentro de la Provincia de Granada, es un patrimonio litoral mediterráneo bajo presión en las últimas décadas debido a, tanto al planificado como al no planificado, crecimiento urbano y turístico. El primer paso para superar la crisis de estos territorios es la visión renovadora del paisaje agrourbano, que implica un enfoque complejo. El paisaje agrourbano es un nuevo escenario o gradiente espacio-temporal evolucionado, donde los usos urbanos y agrarios entretejen nuevas funciones. Esta singular condición de la Vega del Guadalfeo puede ser orientada positivamente a través de instrumentos proactivos como la ecoestructura y la multifuncionalidad.La positiva interacción entre multifuncionalidad y ecoestructura sería el principal recurso para promover y diseñar una estrategia híbrida de planificación ambiental. Ese es el desafío para las décadas venideras, intentando equilibrar naturaleza y ciudad en los paisajes agrourbanos

    Local climate and vernalization sensitivity predict the latitudinal patterns of flowering onset in the crop wild relative Linum bienne Mill.

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    • Background and Aims The timing of flowering onset is often correlated with latitude, indicative of climatic gradients. Flowering onset in temperate species commonly requires exposure to cold temperatures, known as vernalization. Hence, population differentiation of flowering onset with latitude might reflect adaptation to the local climatic conditions experienced by populations. • Methods Within its western range, seeds from Linum bienne populations (the wild relative of cultivated Linum usitatissimum) were used to describe the latitudinal differentiation of flowering onset to determine its association with the local climate of the population. A vernalization experiment including different crop cultivars was used to determine how vernalization accelerates flowering onset, in addition to the vernalization sensitivity response among populations and cultivars. Additionally, genetic differentiation of L. bienne populations along the latitudinal range was scrutinized using microsatellite markers. • Key Results Flowering onset varied with latitude of origin, with southern populations flowering earlier than their northern counterparts. Vernalization reduced the number of days to flowering onset, but vernalization sensitivity was greater in northern populations compared with southern ones. Conversely, vernalization delayed flowering onset in the crop, exhibiting less variation in sensitivity. In L. bienne, both flowering onset and vernalization sensitivity were better predicted by the local climate of the population than by latitude itself. Microsatellite data unveiled genetic differentiation of populations, forming two groups geographically partitioned along latitude. • Conclusions The consistent finding of latitudinal variation across experiments suggests that both flowering onset and vernalization sensitivity in L. bienne populations are under genetic regulation and might depend on climatic cues at the place of origin. The association with climatic gradients along latitude suggests that the climate experienced locally drives population differentiation of the flowering onset and vernalization sensitivity patterns. The genetic population structure suggests that past population history could have influenced the flowering initiation patterns detected, which deserves further work.Fellowship programme of the University of PortsmouthCONACyT (Mexico) Postdoctoral Research FellowshipPosgrado en Ciencias Biológicas of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)UK BBSRC CASE PhD studentship BB/R506321/1Grant from the Wild Flower SocietyTravel grant from the Percy Sladen Memorial FundGrant to R. P-B (PID2021-127264NB-100) funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 “ERDF A way of making Europe”The open access funding was provided by the University of Granada/CBUA

    Análisis, diagnóstico y propuestas para el caso de Granada

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    Amyloid-driven tau accumulation on mitochondria potentially leads to cognitive deterioration in alzheimer’s disease

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    Despite the well-accepted role of the two main neuropathological markers (β-amyloid and tau) in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, the interaction and specific contribution of each of them is not fully elucidated. To address this question, in the present study, an adeno-associated virus (AAV9) carrying the mutant P301L form of human tau, was injected into the dorsal hippocampi of APP/PS1 transgenic mice or wild type mice (WT). Three months after injections, memory tasks, biochemical and immunohistochemical analysis were performed. We found that the overexpression of hTauP301L accelerates memory deficits in APP/PS1 mice, but it did not affect memory function of WT mice. Likewise, biochemical assays showed that only in the case of APP/PS1-hTauP301L injected mice, an important accumulation of tau was observed in the insoluble urea fraction. Similarly, electron microscopy images revealed that numerous clusters of tau immunoparticles appear at the dendrites of APP/PS1 injected mice and not in WT animals, suggesting that the presence of amyloid is necessary to induce tau aggregation. Interestingly, these tau immunoparticles accumulate in dendritic mitochondria in the APP/PS1 mice, whereas most of mitochondria in WT injected mice remain free of tau immunoparticles. Taken together, it seems that amyloid induces tau aggregation and accumulation in the dendritic mitochondria and subsequently may alter synapse function, thus, contributing to accelerate cognitive decline in APP/PS1 mice.We gratefully acknowledge grant funding support from Ministry of Science and Innovation (MINECO) with exp. PID2019-104921RB-I00/MCI/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 as well as to the Foundation for Applied Medical Research, the University of Navarra (Pamplona, Spain) for financial support and the Asociación de Amigos of the University of Navarra for the grant to M.P.-G. and S.B. We also gratefully acknowledge grant funding support from Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (RTI2018-095812-B-I00 MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033) y por FEDER una manera de hacer Europa and Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha (SBPLY/17/180501/000229) to RL, from the Spanish Ministry of Science Innovation and Universities (Ref. PID2019-110356RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) to J.F.-I. and E.S and from the Department of Economic and Business Development from Government of Navarra (INNOLFACT project; Ref. 0011-1411-2020-000028)