670 research outputs found

    Teknik Frasering dalam Interpretasi Musikal Lagu Matahari Karya Eros Djarot

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    Perbedaan yang jelas antara musik vokal dengan instrumental adalah kemampuan vokal untuk menyampaikan ide-ide melalui kata-kata yang membentuk ka.limat bahasa. Frasering dalam kegiatan bemyanyi sangatlah berkaitan erat pada saat seorang penyanyi menarik nafas. Dengan adanya pemahaman terhadap frasering yang benar tentunya akan berpengaruh terhadap interpretasi. Perihal frasering merupakan salah satu elemen dari interpretasi. Secara umum pengambilan nafas pada saat bemyanyi telah diatur sesuai yang tertera pada partitur suatu lagu melalui tanda busur atau centang. Dengan adanya pemahaman terhadap semua element interpretasi serta tata bahasa yang benar tentunya akan sangat membantu dalam menginterpretasikan suatu lagu. Lagu Matahari salah satu lagu pada film "Badai Pasti Berlalu" merupakan objek dalam penelitian karya tulis ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis dengan memanfaatkan data kualitatif guna memperoleh hasil yang tepat terhadap perihal frasering Oleh karena kata-kata sebagai medianya, tentunya frasering (pemenggalan kalimat bahasa) dalam bemyanyi harus dilakukan secara tepat dan benar. Artinya dengan adanya pemahaman terhadap frasering yang benar, seorang penyanyi akan baik dalam ber-interpretasi

    Analisis Pengaruh Back Water (Air Balik) Terhadap Banjir Sungai Rangkui Kota Pangkalpinang

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    Beberapa permasalahan pokokyang menyebabkan terjadinya banjir di Sub DAS Rangkuisebagian besar disebabkan oleh penyempitan penampang sungai akibat sedimentasi, curahhujan yang cukup tinggi, serta pengaruh back water (air Balik) yang terjadi pada saatpasang laut tinggi. Back water tersebut menyebabkan terbendungnya aliran dari hulu,sehingga elevasi muka air pada penampang sungai meningkat. Tujuan dari penelitian iniadalah menganalisis pengaruh back water (air Balik) terhadap banjir Sungai RangkuiKota Pangkalpinang. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metodepenelusuran aliran melalui pemodelan aliran tak seragam (unsteasy flow) menggunakanperangkat lunak HEC-RAS.Beberapa data yang digunakan sebagai input ditetapkanberdasarkan analisis dan perhitungan. Boundary condition sebelah hulu digunakan debitrencana kala ulang 2, 5, 10 dan 25 tahun, sedangkan boundary condition sebelah hiliradalah tinggi muka air pasang tertinggi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa besarnyadebit rencana pada periode ulang 2 tahun (Q2)=46.08 mĀ³/d, periode 5 tahun (Q5)=57.68mĀ³/d, periode 10 tahun (Q10)=64.88 mĀ³/d dan periode 25 tahun (Q25)=72.79 mĀ³/d. Tinggimuka air tertinggi dengan kenaikan muka air banjir (luapan) berkisar antara 0.15-1.4 muntuk kondisi tanpa pasang surut dan 0.60-1.90 m untuk kondisi dengan pengaruh pasangsurut. Semakin tingginya pasang surut yang terjadi, maka backwater sangat berpengaruhterhadap kenaikan elevasi di muka air hulu maupun hilir yang menyebabkan kenaikanelevasi muka air pada periode waktu tertentu, hingga melebihi elevasi tanggul yang adasaat ini.Kata kunci : banjir, penelusuran aliran, back wate

    Measuring Professionalism in Zakat Management Institution in East Java

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    Zakat is a fiscal instrument in Islam. This is because zakat functions as a media for the distribution of income of people from the able class to the poor. Maximum accumulation and its effectivity and targeted distribution are expected to be able to alleviate the poverty of the community in the fields of economy, education, health, and social in general. The management of zakat is an important thing to maximize the function of collection and distribution; therefore, it is necessary to have institutions that specifically manage it. The performance of the institution must be transparent and trustworthy of the community, so that the trust of the community continues to increase and the collection fund also grows. The purpose of this study is to find out, assess, and analyze the professionalism of the performance of zakat management institutions (BAZ and LAZ). This study uses a qualitative study approach, with a case study strategy and explorative analysis, which aims to identify and measure the professional performance of zakat management institutions. The results of this study are that the performance of zakat institutions in East Java observed with the GCG approach has a value of 89.79%, which is a very good category in performance and professionalism in terms of (i) the right of the advisor of LPZ, (ii) corporate governance policy, (iii) corporate governance practices, (iv) transparency/disclosure of financial conditions, and (v) audit. The implication of these studies are as follows: it is expected that LPZ is increasingly sensitive to the sophistication of the system, responsive to the muzaki need, in order to maintain a level of trust so that it can be used as a reference and evaluation material for the performance of zakat institutions, especially in maintaining public trust (muzaki).     Keywords: performance, zakat management agency, GC

    Modifying upper-limb inter-joint coordination in healthy subjects by training with a robotic exoskeleton

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    Background: The possibility to modify the usually pathological patterns of coordination of the upper-limb in stroke survivors remains a central issue and an open question for neurorehabilitation. Despite robot-led physical training could potentially improve the motor recovery of hemiparetic patients, most of the state-of-the-art studies addressing motor control learning, with artificial virtual force fields, only focused on the end-effector kinematic adaptation, by using planar devices. Clearly, an interesting aspect of studying 3D movements with a robotic exoskeleton, is the possibility to investigate the way the human central nervous system deals with the natural upper-limb redundancy for common activities like pointing or tracking tasks. Methods: We asked twenty healthy participants to perform 3D pointing or tracking tasks under the effect of inter-joint velocity dependant perturbing force fields, applied directly at the joint level by a 4-DOF robotic arm exoskeleton. These fields perturbed the human natural inter-joint coordination but did not constrain directly the end-effector movements and thus subjects capability to perform the tasks. As a consequence, while the participants focused on the achievement of the task, we unexplicitly modified their natural upper-limb coordination strategy. We studied the force fields direct effect on pointing movements towards 8 targets placed in the 3D peripersonal space, and we also considered potential generalizations on 4 distinct other targets. Post-effects were studied after the removal of the force fields (wash-out and follow up). These effects were quantified by a kinematic analysis of the pointing movements at both end-point and joint levels, and by a measure of the final postures. At the same time, we analysed the natural inter-joint coordination through PCA. Results: During the exposition to the perturbative fields, we observed modifications of the subjects movement kinematics at every level (joints, end-effector, and inter-joint coordination). Adaptation was evidenced by a partial decrease of the movement deviations due to the fields, during the repetitions, but it occurred only on 21% of the motions. Nonetheless post-effects were observed in 86% of cases during the wash-out and follow up periods (right after the removal of the perturbation by the fields and after 30 minutes of being detached from the exoskeleton). Important inter-individual differences were observed but with small variability within subjects. In particular, a group of subjects showed an over-shoot with respect to the original unexposed trajectories (in 30% of cases), but the most frequent consequence (in 55% of cases) was the partial persistence of the modified upper-limb coordination, adopted at the time of the perturbation. Temporal and spatial generalizations were also evidenced by the deviation of the movement trajectories, both at the end-effector and at the intermediate joints and the modification of the final pointing postures towards targets which were never exposed to any field. Conclusions: Such results are the first quantified characterization of the effects of modification of the upper-limb coordination in healthy subjects, by imposing modification through viscous force fields distributed at the joint level, and could pave the way towards opportunities to rehabilitate pathological arm synergies with robots

    Design of the Spitzer Space Telescope Heritage Archive

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    It is predicted that Spitzer Space Telescopeā€™s cryogen will run out in April 2009, and the final reprocessing for the cryogenic mission is scheduled to end in April 2011, at which time the Spitzer archive will be transferred to the NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA) for long-term curation. The Spitzer Science Center (SSC) and IRSA are collaborating to design and deploy the Spitzer Heritage Archive (SHA), which will supersede the current Spitzer archive. It will initially contain the raw and final reprocessed cryogenic science products, and will eventually incorporate the final products from the Warm mission. The SHA will be accompanied by tools deemed necessary to extract the full science content of the archive and by comprehensive documentation

    Kunci Keamanan dan Pembatas Kecepatan untuk Sepeda Motor Menggunakan Sensor Kecepatan Berbasis Mikrokontroller

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    Pada saat ini, sepeda motor telah menjadi kebutuhan utama bagi warga masyarakat sebagai alat pendukung aktivitas sehari-hari. Model yang semakin bervariasi dan harganya yang semakin kompetitif membuat populasi sepeda motor juga makin meningkat. Sayangnya, makin menjamurnya sepeda motor, makin meningkat juga kasus-kasus pencurian sepeda motor. Di sisi lain, resiko cidera bahkan kematian makin mengancam para pengguna sepeda motor sendiri dengan banyaknya kasus-kasus kecelakaan yang melibatkan sepeda motor. Pada penelitian ini, kami merancang dan mengimplementasikan kunci keamanan pada sepeda motor untuk mengurangi resiko pencurian serta pembatas kecepatan untuk mengurangi resiko kecelakaan bagi pengguna sepeda motor. Kedua fungsi alat ini dirancang menggunakan sensor kecepatan dan mikrokontroller ATmega328 atau dikenal Arduio Uno

    Ternary algebras and groups

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    We construct explicitly groups associated to specific ternary algebras which extend the Lie (super)algebras (called Lie algebras of order three). It turns out that the natural variables which appear in this construction are variables which generate the three-exterior algebra. An explicit matrix representation of a group associated to a peculiar Lie algebra of order three is constructed considering matrices with entry which belong to the three exterior algebra.Comment: 11 pages contribution to the 5th International Symposium on Quantum Theory and Symmetries (QTS5

    Robotic exoskeletons: A perspective for the rehabilitation of arm coordination in stroke patients

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    Upper-limb impairment after stroke is caused by weakness, loss of individual joint control, spasticity, and abnormal synergies. Upper-limb movement frequently involves abnormal, stereotyped, and fixed synergies, likely related to the increased use of sub-cortical networks following the stroke. The flexible coordination of the shoulder and elbow joints is also disrupted. New methods for motor learning, based on the stimulation of activity- dependent neural plasticity have been developed. These include robots that can adaptively assist active movements and generate many movement repetitions. However, most of these robots only control the movement of the hand in space. The aim of the present text is to analyze the potential of robotic exoskeletons to specifically rehabilitate joint motion and particularly inter-joint coordination. First, a review of studies on upper-limb coordination in stroke patients is presented and the potential for recovery of coordination is examined. Second, issues relating to the mechanical design of exoskeletons and the transmission of constraints between the robotic and human limbs are discussed. The third section considers the development of different methods to control exoskeletons: existing rehabilitation devices and approaches to the control and rehabilitation of joint coordinations are then reviewed, along with preliminary clinical results available. Finally, perspectives and future strategies for the design of control mechanisms for rehabilitation exoskeletons are discussed

    Pitfalls in Quantitative Myocardial PET Perfusion I: Myocardial Partial Volume Correction

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    BACKGROUND: PET quantitative myocardial perfusion requires correction for partial volume loss due to one-dimensional LV wall thickness smaller than scanner resolution. METHODS: We aimed to assess accuracy of risk stratification for death, MI, or revascularization after PET using partial volume corrections derived from two-dimensional ACR and three-dimensional NEMA phantoms for 3987 diagnostic rest-stress perfusion PETs and 187 MACE events. NEMA, ACR, and Tree phantoms were imaged with Rb-82 or F-18 for size-dependent partial volume loss. Perfusion and Coronary Flow Capacity were recalculated using different ACR- and NEMA-derived partial volume corrections compared by Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistics to standard perfusion metrics with established correlations with MACE. RESULTS: Partial volume corrections based on two-dimensional ACR rods (two equal radii) and three-dimensional NEMA spheres (three equal radii) over estimate partial volume corrections, quantitative perfusion, and Coronary Flow Capacity by 50% to 150% over perfusion metrics with one-dimensional partial volume correction, thereby substantially impairing correct risk stratification. CONCLUSIONS: ACR (2-dimensional) and NEMA (3-dimensional) phantoms overestimate partial volume corrections for 1-dimensional LV wall thickness and myocardial perfusion that are corrected with a simple equation that correlates with MACE for optimal risk stratification applicable to most PET-CT scanners for quantifying myocardial perfusion
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