961 research outputs found

    L'italiano tra le lingue d'Europa, Atti del Convegno Internazionale, (Firenze-Bologna 3-4.7.2007)

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    I parte - La politica linguistica dell'Unione Europea attraverso i commenti del Commisario Ue al Multilinguismo, Leonard Orban, e dei funzionari della Commissione e del Dipartimento di Italiano; II parte - Traduzione e Interpretazione nella Ue: esperienze delle istituzioni europee e delle sedi universitarie di formazion

    Language policy in Italy: the role of national institutions

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    This paper sets the role of the institutions that deal with the Italian language in Italy within the framework of the country’s language policy. The long history of the Italian language requires us to detail the cultural and linguistic background against which the positions attributable to the politics of the country are set today, so the paper opens with a look at the recent history of Italian language politics (1). This is followed by a reflection on the most relevant current issues of present-day language policy (2) and a description of the role played by some of the universities, by the Italian Dante Alighieri Society (2.1), and by the Accademia della Crusca (2.2)

    The present situation with regard to foreign language learning and instruction in Italy

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    Il saggio esamina le politiche educative e culturali italiane per l'insegnamento/apprendimento delle lingue straniere alla luce di quelle europee. Testo disponibile al seguente indirizzo:http://www.efnil.org/conferences/archives/brussels-2005/conference-papers-and-documents-interventions-et/08Brussel2005.EFNIL.Robustelli.pdf/vie

    AB 5 and AB 2257 Impacts on Small California Public Agencies

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    With the recent changes, government agencies are struggling to define worker status under the new laws (DeBlanc and Safarloo, 2020). The interest in eliminating independent contractors is tied to concerns about workers in the private sector, specifically the gig economy, being denied appropriate pay and benefits, yet even government agencies are affected by AB 5 changes (Andoyan, 2017, Bergman, 2020). Traditionally, small public agencies use contractors frequently for professional services, specialists, backfill positions, recreation, geographic information systems (GIS), and much more. This research analyzes the following question: What is the impact of Assembly Bill 5 (AB 5) and Assembly Bill 2257 (AB 2257) on small public agencies in California

    Experimental and numerical wave overflow modelling typical of Catalan coast

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    S'analitzarà l'ultrapassament i la velocitat del flux de la remunta per una secció típica del litoral català, amb zona de passeig en coronació. L'anàlisi es realitzarà amb els resultats de l'execució de diversos assaigs en el canal d'ones CIEMito del laboratori d'enginyeria marítima. Algun dels assaigs s'utilitzaran per calibrar el model numèric SPHysics, que podrà resoldre altres variacions geomètriques de la secció assajada.Incomin

    Housing and Climate Change in the United States Major Touchpoints and Considerations

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    Climate change will force millions of Americans from their homes in the coming decades. Where will these climate migrants go? Will they be able to afford safe and adequate housing in their new community? And what will happen to those who stay behind?This report presents a framework for understanding how climate change affects housing security throughout the United States. Through this analysis, we explore climate impacts on the housing security of three distinct populations:Those who move, or individuals and households that are displaced by climate disasters or voluntarily move from areas at-risk of climate impacts;Those who stay, or individuals and households that remain in areas at-risk of climate disasters, either by choice or necessity; andThose who receive, or the communities that will receive an influx of new residents due to climate-related migration

    Violence in a comprehensive perspective

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    The following are the main points we will touch on in this presentation: a)the concept of violence and the meanings we here attach to this term; b)a few considerations on the four documents that have been recently elaborated by some scholars as comments on and/or updates of the Seville Statement on Violence; c)emotional factors and cultural factors on which violence is grounded; d)the role of death in human life and in nature in general in the context of human violence; e)the study of animal abuse as an essential component of human violence in general and as an essential contribution to its understanding

    Harmonization of Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) from Sea-Viewing Wide Field-of-View Sensor SeaWiFS) and Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer Instrument (MERIS)

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    This paper describes the combination of terrestrial vegetation observations from two sensors, providing a historical dataset used for an in-depth analysis of the corresponding spatio-temporal patterns. The Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR) is an important variable suitable for regional to large-scale monitoring of climate impacts on vegetation. In this work, we create an extensive dataset of FAPAR using a 10-day product at ∼\sim1 km resolution from September, 1997, to April, 2012, combining information from two sensors: the NASA/Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) and the European Space Agency (ESA)/Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer Instrument (MERIS). The proposed methodology reduces the noise, fills the gaps and corrects for the spurious trends in the data, providing a time-consistent coverage of FAPAR. We develop a fast merging method and evaluate its performance over Europe and the Horn of Africa.JRC.H.7-Climate Risk Managemen
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