914 research outputs found

    Field Simulation of Global Change: Transplanting Northern Bog Mesocosms Southward

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    A large proportion of northern peatlands consists of Sphagnum-dominated ombrotrophic bogs. In these bogs, peat mosses (Sphagnum) and vascular plants occur in an apparent stable equilibrium, thereby sustaining the carbon sink function of the bog ecosystem. How global warming and increased nitrogen (N) deposition will affect the species composition in bog vegetation is still unclear. We performed a transplantation experiment in which mesocosms with intact vegetation were transplanted southward from north Sweden to north-east Germany along a transect of four bog sites, in which both temperature and N deposition increased. In addition, we monitored undisturbed vegetation in control plots at the four sites of the latitudinal gradient. Four growing seasons after transplantation, ericaceous dwarf shrubs had become much more abundant when transplanted to the warmest site which also had highest N deposition. As a result ericoid aboveground biomass in the transplanted mesocosms increased most at the southernmost site, this site also had highest ericoid biomass in the undisturbed vegetation. The two dominant Sphagnum species showed opposing responses when transplanted southward; Sphagnum balticum height increment decreased, whereas S. fuscum height increment increased when transplanted southward. Sphagnum production did not differ significantly among the transplanted mesocosms, but was lowest in the southernmost control plots. The dwarf shrub expansion and increased N concentrations in plant tissues we observed, point in the direction of a positive feedback toward vascular plant-dominance suppressing peat-forming Sphagnum in the long term. However, our data also indicate that precipitation and phosphorus availability influence the competitive balance between Sphagnum, dwarf shrubs and graminoids

    Conformal or Confining

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    We present a lattice study of the phase transitions at zero and nonzero temperature for the SU(3)SU(3) gauge theory with a varying number of flavours NfN_f in the fundamental representation of the gauge group. We show that all results are consistent with a lower edge of the conformal window between Nf=8N_f=8 and Nf=6N_f=6. A lower edge in this interval is in remarkable agreement with perturbation theory and recent large-NN arguments. .Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures. New results added, conclusions strengthened. Scalar glueball now treated in a separate articl

    The scalar glueball operator, the a-theorem, and the onset of conformality

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    We show that the anomalous dimension Ξ³G\gamma_G of the scalar glueball operator contains information on the mechanism that leads to the onset of conformality at the lower edge of the conformal window in a non-Abelian gauge theory. In particular, it distinguishes whether the merging of an UV and an IR fixed point -- the simplest mechanism associated to a conformal phase transition and preconformal scaling -- does or does not occur. At the same time, we shed light on new analogies between QCD and its supersymmetric version. In SQCD, we derive an exact relation between Ξ³G\gamma_G and the mass anomalous dimension Ξ³m\gamma_m, and we prove that the SQCD exact beta function is incompatible with merging as a consequence of the aa-theorem; we also derive the general conditions that the latter imposes on the existence of fixed points, and prove the absence of an UV fixed point at nonzero coupling above the conformal window of SQCD. Perhaps not surprisingly, we then show that an exact relation between Ξ³G\gamma_G and Ξ³m\gamma_m, fully analogous to SQCD, holds for the massless Veneziano limit of large-N QCD. We argue, based on the latter relation, the aa-theorem, perturbation theory and physical arguments, that the incompatibility with merging may extend to QCD.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures; some imprecisions in the notation fixed, version published in PL

    Workplace health promotion: participation and effects

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    Lifestyle factors are an important determinant of health. The prevalence of unhealthy lifestyle behaviours is high, most notably low physical activity and poor nutrition (e.g. low fruit and vegetable consumption and high saturated fat intake). In the Netherlands, 56% engage in sufficient physical activity, that is at least 30 minutes of moderate or vigorous physical activity on at least five days per week. Less than 10% of the young adults have a daily intake of at least 200 grams of fruit and 200 grams of vegetables. An estimated 4.1% of the burden of disease can be assigned to physical inactivity, 2.4% to insufficient fruit intake, and 1.4% to insufficient vegetable intake. The imbalance between physical activity and nutrition is an important cause of overweight and obesity, which in turn is an important risk factor for chronic diseases. Individuals with overweight or obesity loose on average respectively 2.1 and 5.1 healthy life years, which is 0.9 and 0.6 healthy life years on population level.2 Because an u

    Wennen aan artikel 5a WVW 1994

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    An Analysis of Collocation on GPUs for Deep Learning Training

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    Deep learning training is an expensive process that extensively uses GPUs, but not all model training saturates modern powerful GPUs. Multi-Instance GPU (MIG) is a new technology introduced by NVIDIA that can partition a GPU to better-fit workloads that do not require all the memory and compute resources of a full GPU. In this paper, we examine the performance of a MIG-enabled A100 GPU under deep learning workloads containing various sizes and combinations of models. We contrast the benefits of MIG to older workload collocation methods on GPUs: na\"ively submitting multiple processes on the same GPU and utilizing Multi-Process Service (MPS). Our results demonstrate that collocating multiple model training runs may yield significant benefits. In certain cases, it can lead up to four times training throughput despite increased epoch time. On the other hand, the aggregate memory footprint and compute needs of the models trained in parallel must fit the available memory and compute resources of the GPU. MIG can be beneficial thanks to its interference-free partitioning, especially when the sizes of the models align with the MIG partitioning options. MIG's rigid partitioning, however, may create sub-optimal GPU utilization for more dynamic mixed workloads. In general, we recommend MPS as the best performing and most flexible form of collocation for model training for a single user submitting training jobs

    The benefits of paid employment among persons with common mental health problems: Evidence for the selection and causa

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    Objectives The aims of this study were to (i) investigate the impact of paid employment on self-rated health, self-esteem, mastery, and happiness among previously unemployed persons with common mental health problems, and (ii) determine whether there are educational inequalities in these effects. Methods A quasi-experimental study was performed with a two-year follow-up period among unemployed persons with mental health problems. Eligible participants were identified at the social services departments of five cities in The Netherlands when being diagnosed with a common mental disorder, primarily depression and anxiety disorders, in the past 12 months by a physician (N=749). Employment status (defined as paid employment for β‰₯12 hours/week), mental health [Short Form 12 (SF-12)], physical health (SF-12), self-esteem, mastery, and happiness were measured at baseline, after 12 months and 24 months. The repeated-measurement longitudinal data were analyzed using a hybrid method, combining fixed and random effects. The regression coefficient was decomposed into between-and within-individual associations, respectively. Results The between-individuals associations showed that persons working β‰₯12 hours per week reported better mental health (b=26.7, SE 5.1), mastery (b=2.7, SE 0.6), self-esteem (b=5.7, SE 1.1), physical health (b=14.6, SE 5.6) and happiness (OR 7.7, 95% CI 2.3–26.4). The within-i

    Hoogveenherstel in Nederland: meer dan een droom

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    Vernatten, de belangrijkste herstelmaatregel in hoogveenrestanten, heeft niet altijd het gewenste effect. Waarom dat zo is, is grotendeels nog onbekend. De auteurs beargumenteren dat recente inzichten uit empirische en experimentele studies in hoogveenherstelprojecten moeten worden gebruikt om de bestaande theoretische modellen uit te breiden, om deze vervolgens te kunnen gebruiken in het ontwikkelen van effectieve, gebiedspecifieke herstelplannen. Hierdoor kan de droom van zelfregulerende hoogvenen in Nederland wellicht op niet al te lange termijn werkelijkheid worden
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