201 research outputs found

    Upregulating Positive Affectivity in the Transdiagnostic Treatment of Emotional Disorders: A Randomized Pilot Study

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    Transdiagnostic cognitive-behavioral therapy for emotional disorders (ED) has proven to be effective. However, current transdiagnostic treatment protocols address only the regulation of negative affectivity, and they do not include treatment components to more directly target the regulation of positive affectivity. In this study, we propose to evaluate the preliminary efficacy and acceptability of a transdiagnostic treatment protocol for ED that includes, as an innovative feature, a specific treatment component to directly upregulate positive affectivity based on positive psychology interventions. A total of 24 participants were randomized to either a transdiagnostic treatment protocol (n = 12) or a transdiagnostic treatment protocol with an additional component designed to regulate positive affectivity (n = 12). Participants completed measures of anxiety, depression, positive and negative affectivity, and quality of life, as well as treatment acceptability at pre- and posttreatment and at the 3-month follow-up. Both interventions led to improvements in all measures at posttreatment, and these outcomes were maintained at the 3-month follow-up, with large effect sizes for all measures. The effect sizes for positive affect were larger in the condition that included the component to upregulate positive affectivity. Attrition rate was low, and both treatment protocols were well accepted by participants. The results obtained in this study indicate the feasibility of testing the treatment protocol in a larger, randomized, controlled trial, and they suggest the potential of including treatment components for directly upregulating positive affectivity in future research on transdiagnostic treatment protocols for ED

    Terapia emocional on line (TEO) en el tratamiento de la fibromialgia

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    La fibromialgia (FM) y otros síndromes de dolor crónico constituyen un importante problema de salud por el deterioro de la actividad y la calidad de vida que producen. Estos problemas requieren un abordaje multidisciplinar, sin embargo, el tratamiento actual todavía es insuficiente. Una forma de mejorar las intervenciones podría ser el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TIC). El grupo de investigación Labpsitec ha creado TEO (Terapia Emocional On Line), un sistema abierto y autoaplicado que permite recoger datos del paciente en tiempo real en su ambiente natural, crear sesiones de tratamiento personalizadas y enviarlas a los pacientes mediante Internet. Con esta herramienta pretendemos trabajar el mantenimiento de las estrategias aprendidas por los pacientes ya que, en ocasiones, dejan de practicarlas a medio o largo plazo una vez finalizados los tratamientos. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir el programa TEO-FM y presentar datos preliminares de la aceptación del mismo por parte de tres pacientes (edad media de 57,33 años [dt = 0,577]), con diagnóstico de síndromes de dolor crónico. Las tres utilizaron TEO de forma autoaplicada durante 4 semanas tras finalizar un tratamiento presencial. Todas manifestaron un alto grado de satisfacción y una opinión muy positiva de la herramienta. Estos resultados preliminares ayudan a continuar con la validación de TEO como una herramienta para que los pacientes consoliden lo aprendido en las sesiones, contribuyendo a su calidad de vida y su bienestar.Fibromyalgia (FM) and other chronic pain syndromes are a major health problem due to the decline in activity and quality of life they produce. These problems require a multidisciplinary approach; however, the current interventions present still limitation that could be improved. A way to progress in this line is to include the support of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The research group Labpsitec has created TEO (Emotional Therapy On-Line), an open and self-applied system that allows collecting patient data in real time in their natural environment, to create custom treatment sessions and to send them to patients via Internet. With this tool we try to obtain the maintenance of the strategies learned by patients because sometimes they stop practicing them at mid-and long-term once the treatment is over. The aim of this paper is to describe the program and present data of TEO-FM preliminary acceptance by three patients (mean age 57.33 years [SD = 0.577]), with a diagnosis of chronic pain syndromes. These three patients used TEO in a self administered mode for 4 weeks after finishing a face-to-face treatment program. All reported a high degree of satisfaction and a very positive opinion about the tool. These preliminary results help to continue the validation of TEO as a tool for patients to consolidate what has been learned in the sessions, contributing to their quality of life and welfare

    Spanish version of the survey of pain attitudes (SOPA-B) in patients with fibromyalgia. Preliminary data

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    Introduction: Fibromyalgia (FM) is a chronic musculoskeletal pain condition of unknown etiology, often accompanied by fatigue, sleep disturbance and depressed mood. It is a complex syndrome involving biological, psychological and social factors which causes a negative impact in the patient´s quality of life. Biopsychosocial models of pain hypothesize that patient attitudes and beliefs about pain play a key role in the adjustment to chronic pain. For that reason, a number of self-report instruments have been developed to assess those constructs. The Survey of Pain Attitudes (SOPA) is one of the most commonly used measures of pain beliefs having shown good psychometric properties. For this study, we used the SOPA-B (brief version) to preliminary test its validity in a sample of Spanish women diagnosed with FM. Aim: To develop a Spanish adaptation of the SOPA-B and examine its factor structure preliminarily Methods: 258 female patients with FM (ACR, 1990) were administered the SOPA-B. Results: Factor analyses supported a six-factor structure: Solicitude, Emotion, Disability, Harm, Control and Medical Procedures, consisting of 28 items. The Spanish-SOPA-B showed to be a reliable measure as demonstrated by the scales Cronbach’s alpha (ranging from 0.83 to 0.60). Conclusions: The adaptation and translation process of the SOPA, led to the confirmation of five of the original scales of this questionnaire in a different cultural group. These findings are promising and indicate that the Spanish-SOPA-B has good reliability and validity properties. Further studies are needed to confirm these preliminary findingsIntroducción: La fibromialgia (FM) es una condición de dolor musculoesquelético crónico de etiología desconocida, a menudo acompañado de fatiga, alteraciones del sueño y estado de ánimo depresivo. Es un síndrome complejo que involucra factores biológicos, psicológicos y sociales que provoca un impacto negativo en la calidad de vida del paciente. Modelos biopsicosociales del dolor tienen la hipótesis de que las actitudes del paciente y sus creencias acerca del dolor juegan un papel clave en la adaptación al dolor crónico. Por esa razón, una serie de instrumentos de autoinforme se han desarrollado para evaluar aquellos constructos. El Cuestionario de Actitudes hacia el Dolor (SOPA) es una de las medidas más utilizadas para evaluar las creencias hacia el dolor y ha demostrado tener buenas propiedades psicométricas. Para este estudio, se utilizó la versión breve del SOPA-B para evaluar su validez en una muestra de mujeres españolas con diagnóstico de FM. Objetivo: Desarrollar una adaptación española del cuestionario SOPA-B y examinar su estructura factorial de manera preliminar. Método: A 258 mujeres con FM (ACR, 1990) se les administró el cuestionario SOPA-B. Resultados: Los análisis factoriales dieron como resultado una estructura de seis factores: Solicitud, Emoción, Discapacidad, Daño, Control y Procedimientos Médicos, que consta de 28 ítems. La versión española del SOPA-B demostró ser una medida fiable como lo demuestran las escalasalfa de Cronbach (que van desde 0,83 hasta 0,60). Conclusiones: El proceso de adaptación y traducción del cuestionario SOPA confirmó cinco de las escalas originales de este cuestionario en un grupo cultural diferente. Estos hallazgos son prometedores e indican que la versión en español del SOPA-B es un instrumento fiable y válido. Se necesitan más estudios para confirmar estos hallazgos preliminares

    La aceptabilidad de un protocolo de tratamiento transdiagnóstico autoaplicado a través de internet: datos preliminares

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    Introducción: En los últimos años ha habido un interés creciente en abordar el trata-miento de los trastornos emocionales (te) desde una perspectiva transdiagnóstica. Los protocolos transdiagnósticos enfatizan los procesos esenciales subyacentes a los distintos te, son adecuados para el tratamiento de distintos trastornos psicológicos y permiten un abordaje más adecuado de la comorbilidad entre este tipo de trastornos. Por otra parte, el uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (tic) puede ayudar a que los tratamientos psicológicos lleguen a un mayor número de personas, contribuyendo de esta manera a mejorar su eficiencia. La mayoría de tra-bajos sobre protocolos de tratamiento online se centran en el estudio de su eficacia, sin embargo es importante también estudiar la aceptabilidad de este tipo de interven-ciones. Nuestro grupo de investigación ha desarrollado un protocolo de tratamiento transdiagnóstico para los te, y lo ha adaptado para que pueda ser aplicado a través de Internet. En este trabajo se describe este protocolo y se presentan datos prelimi-nares sobre su aceptabilidad. metodología: 12 participantes (edad media = 28,58, d. t. = 5,35) de una muestra clínica con un diagnóstico de te que recibieron un pro-tocolo de tratamiento transdiagnóstico combinado (terapia presencial + protocolo de tratamiento online). Se obtuvieron datos acerca de las expectativas y opinión de los participantes evaluadas con la escala de expectativas sobre el tratamiento y la esca-la de opinión sobre el tratamiento. resultados: Las puntuaciones obtenidas fueron elevadas en ambas variables relacionadas con la aceptación (expectativas y opi-nión). discusión: El estudio de la aceptabilidad por parte de los pacientes hacia estos programas es importante, ya que puede influir en la decisión acerca de iniciar y/o seguir este tipo de tratamientos. Contar con esta información puede ayudarnos en el desarrollo y mejora de los tratamientos psicológicos autoaplicados a través de Internet.Introduction: In recent years there has been great interest in addressing the treatment of ed from a transdiagnostic perspective. Transdiagnostic treatment protocols empha-size the essential underlying processes that are common to ed and are conceived of for the treatment of several mental disorders. Also, comorbidity among these disorders can be more adequately addressed from this perspective. In addition, Information and Communication Technologies (icts) can facilitate access by people for whom traditional therapy is not available thereby contributing to an improvement in its cost-effectiveness. Most of the articles about online treatment protocols are efficacy studies, nevertheless it is also important to analyze the acceptability of these types of interventions. Our re-search group has developed a transdiagnostic treatment protocol for the treatment of ed that has been adapted to be applied online over the Internet. The aim of this article is to describe the treatment protocol and to present data about its acceptability. me-thodology: 12 participants (mean age = 28.58, d. t. = 5.35) from a clinical sample with a diagnosis of ed which received a blended transdiagnostic protocol treatment (face-to-face therapy plus online treatment protocol). Scores of expectancies and opinion of treatment were assessed with the Expectancies Treatment Scale and the Opinion Treatment Scale. results: High scores in both variables related to acceptability (expec-tations and opinion of treatment) were obtained. discussion: The study of the accep-tability towards this kind of programs is important, since it may influence the participant’s decision to initiate and/or follow this kind of treatments. Counting on this information can help us in the development and improvement of Internet-based treatment proto-cols


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    This document refers to applied research in the University of Cundinamarca and aims to establish the importance that magazine social responsibility in entrepreneurship as vocation and leadership of students last semester in business administration and accounting, however that in both programs the theme of entrepreneurship is a transverse line from the profile defined for graduates of these un­dergraduate.As theoretical reference, has been supported by authors such as Allen K & al., Shumpetier, Drucker, Shane &Collins among others. In the same way it based on the project educational institutional of the University of Cundinamarca, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, economic and accounting education project; the law 1014 2006, among others.El presente documento refiere a la investigación aplicada en la Universidad de Cundinamarca y tiene como propósito establecer la importan­cia que reviste la Responsabilidad social en el emprendimiento como vocación y liderazgo de los estudiantes de último semestre en Admi­nistración de Empresas y Contaduría Pública, como quiera que en ambos programas el tema de emprendimiento es una línea transversal a partir del perfil definido para el egresado de estos pregrados.Le document présent rapporte à la recherche appli­quée dans l’Université de Cundinamarca et a pour propos établir l’importance qui revêt la Responsa­bilité sociale dans l’emprendimiento comme une vocation et un leadership des étudiants de dernier semestre dans l’Administration d’Entreprises et de Comptabilité Publique, comme il veut que dans les deux programmes le sujet d’emprendimiento est une ligne transversale à partir du profil défini pour le diplômé de ces pregrados.Comme référant théorique, il a été soutenu chez les auteurs comme Allen K et les autres., Shumpe­ter, Drucker, Shane et Collins entre les autres; une manière est égale dans le Projet Éducatif Institu­tionnel de l’Université de Cundinamarca, le Projet Éducatif de Faculté de Sciences Administratives, Économiques et Comptables; la Loi 1014 de 2006, les autres

    Long-term Effectiveness and Predictors of Transdiagnostic Internet-Delivered Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Emotional Disorders in Specialized Care: Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Background: Transdiagnostic internet-delivered cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT) for emotional disorders has been shown to be effective in specialized care in the short term. However, less is known about its long-term effects in this specific setting. In addition, predictors of long-term effectiveness may help to identify what treatments are more suitable for certain individuals. Objective: This study aimed to analyze the long-term effectiveness of transdiagnostic iCBT compared with that of treatment as usual (TAU) in specialized care and explore predictors of long-term effectiveness. Methods: Mixed models were performed to analyze the long-term effectiveness and predictors of transdiagnostic iCBT (n=99) versus TAU (n=101) in public specialized mental health care. Outcomes included symptoms of depression and anxiety, health-related quality of life (QoL), behavioral inhibition and behavioral activation, comorbidity, and diagnostic status (ie, loss of principal diagnosis) from baseline to 1-year follow-up. Sociodemographic characteristics (sex, age, and education) and clinical variables (principal diagnosis, comorbidity, and symptom severity at baseline) were selected as predictors of long-term changes. Results: Compared with baseline, transdiagnostic iCBT was more effective than TAU in improving symptoms of depression (b=–4.16, SE 1.80, 95% CI –7.68 to –0.67), health-related QoL (b=7.63, SE 3.41, 95% CI 1.00-14.28), diagnostic status (b=–0.24, SE 0.09, 95% CI –1.00 to –0.15), and comorbidity at 1-year follow-up (b=–0.58, SE 0.22, 95% CI –1.00 to –0.15). From pretreatment assessment to follow-up, anxiety symptoms improved in both transdiagnostic iCBT and TAU groups, but no significant differences were found between the groups. Regarding the predictors of the long-term effectiveness of transdiagnostic iCBT compared with that of TAU, higher health-related QoL at follow-up was predicted by a baseline diagnosis of anxiety, male sex, and the use of psychiatric medication; fewer comorbid disorders at follow-up were predicted by older age and higher baseline scores on health-related QoL; and fewer depressive symptoms at follow-up were predicted by baseline diagnosis of depression. However, this pattern was not observed for baseline anxiety diagnoses and anxiety symptoms. Conclusions: The results suggest that transdiagnostic iCBT is more effective than TAU to target depressive symptoms among patients with emotional disorders. Anxiety symptoms remained stable at 1-year follow-up, with no differences between the groups. Results on predictors suggest that some groups of patients may obtain specific gains after transdiagnostic iCBT. Specifically, and consistent with the literature, patients with baseline depression improved their depression scores at follow-up. However, this pattern was not found for baseline anxiety disorders. More studies on the predictor role of sociodemographic and clinical variable

    Use of direct radiation forecasts to improve the reliability of solar thermal energy

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    Presentación realizada en: Using ECMWF's Forecasts (UEF2018), celebrada del 5 al 8 de junio de 2018 en Reading (Inglaterra).Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) is one of the two main techniques employed to harness the energy from the Sun. It has the distinctive advantage of being able to store energy, using it subsequently when needed (for example, at night). PreFlexMS project (www.preflexms.eu) aims to extend the flexibility of CSP to daytime, storing energy when it is sunny and dispatching it when it is cloudy. Forecasts from two meteorological models, the global IFS and the local area model Arome-Harmonie, have been used as inputs to help the CSP plant to decide the optimal schedule to follow. Both models have been verified against observations from AEMET Radiation Network to estimate their reliability, within the framework of PreFlexMS project. In this talk results will be shown (see attached figures) for the period studied, from March 2015 to February 2018. Another related project, done jointly with Red Electrica, the Spanish Transmission System Operator (TSO) will be also explained in this presentation. A combination of ECMWF radiation forecasts and Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) aerosol forecasts has been used to improve solar power predictions for days with high aerosol content. Although aerosols don't affect scores significantly when averaged for a long period, it will be shown their huge impact in some events, and how our method can reduce the forecasting error

    La regulación emocional en los trastornos emocionales, una piedra nodal para los abordajes transdiagnósticos: una revisión de la literatura

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    II Jornades d’Investigació per als Estudiants de Ciències de la Salut Facultat de Ciències de la SalutIntroducción: La regulación emocional se ha convertido en un tema de creciente interés, tanto a nivel de investigación básica (Tamir, 2011) como en diversos ámbitos aplicados, fundamentalmente el clínico (Aldao, Nolan-Hoeksema y Schweizer, 2010). Si bien la regulación emocional ha sido estudiada en un amplio conjunto de entidades psicopatológicas, una importante proporción de los desarrollos están vinculados con los trastornos emocionales. En ese sentido, la producción exponencial en relación a la regulación emocional en depresión y ansiedad requiere de notables esfuerzos teóricos para integrar los resultados empíricos. Este trabajo se propone presentar una integración de los principales aportes de la regulación emocional en el campo de los trastornos emocionales, enfatizando su importancia para los abordajes transdiagnósticos. Con dicho objetivo se ha realizado una revisión de la literatura a través de una búsqueda ascendente (ancestry approach). Método: Se utiliza el modelo de regulación emocional propuesto por Gross (1998) para organizar la siguiente revisión, con las innovaciones que aporta la revisión extendida de dicho modelo (Sheppes, Suri y Gross, 2015). Resultados: A través del análisis de la bibliografía se destaca la predominancia del estudio de estrategias de regulación emocional individuales y encubiertas tales como la supresión, la reevaluación, la aceptación o la rumiación. Se plantean los desafíos futuros en el campo de estudio de la regulación emocional en la psicopatología.Introducction: Emotion regulation has become a topic of increasing interest, both at the level of basic research (Tamir, 2011) and applied fields, mainly clinical (Aldao, Nolan- Hoeksema y Schweizer, 2010). While emotional regulation has been studied in a wide range of psychopathological entities, a significant proportion of the developments are linked to emotional disorders. In that sense, the exponential production in relation efforts to integrate the existing empirical findings. This work aims to present an integration of the main contributions of emotion regulation in the field of emotional disorders, emphasizing its importance for transdiagnostic approaches. With this objective a review of the literature through an ancestry approach was carried out. Method: The emotion regulation model proposed by Gross (1998) is taken to organize the next revision, linking the content to some of the innovations provided by the extended model (Sheppes, Suri y Gross, 2015). Results: In the light of the findings a prevalence of individual and covert strategies of emotion regulation such as suppression, reappraisal, acceptance or rumination stands out. Future prospects of the field of emotion regulation are considered

    Guía Meteorológica de Aeródromo: Tenerife Sur-Reina Sofía

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    Documento revisado por: María Rosa Pons ReynésUna guía meteorológica de aeródromo es un informe técnico en el que se recogen todos los fenómenos meteorológicos que potencialmente son adversos para el desarrollo y regularidad de las operaciones que se llevan a cabo en un determinado aeródromo. El principal objetivo es concienciar a los usuarios aeronáuticos de los riesgos que entraña la fenomenología atmosférica, además de servir de instrumento de asesoramiento en la planificación y toma de decisiones

    Differential Gene Susceptibility to Sperm DNA Damage: Analysis of Developmental Key Genes in Trout

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    Palabras clave extraídas de la publicación[EN] Sperm chromatin in mammals is packaged in different blocks associated to protamines (PDNA), histones (HDNA), or nuclear matrix proteins. Differential packaging has been related to early or late transcription and also to differential susceptibility to genotoxic damage. Genes located in the more accessible HDNA could be more susceptible to injuries than those located in PDNA, being potential biomarkers of paternal DNA damage. Fish sperm chromatin organization is much diversified, some species lacking protamines and some others totally depleted of histones. Analyzing genotoxic damage in a species homogeneously compacted with some sperm nuclear basic protein type, could help in deciphering the clues of differential susceptibility to damage. In the present study we analyzed in rainbow trout the differential susceptibility of nine genes to UV irradiation and H2O2 treatment. The absence of histones in the sperm nuclei was confirmed by Western blot. The chromatin fractionation in sensitive and resistant regions to PvuII (presumably HDNA-like and PDNA-like, respectively) revealed that the nine genes locate in the same resistant region. The number of lesions promoted was quantified using a qPCR approach. Location of 8-hydroxyguanosine (8-OHdG) was analyzed by immunocytochemistry and confocal microscopy. UV irradiation promoted similar number of lesions in all the analyzed genes and a homogenous distribution of 8- OHdG within the nuclei. 8-OHdG was located in the peripheral area of the nucleus after H2O2 treatment, which promoted a significantly higher number of lesions in developmental-related genes (8.76-10.95 lesions/10 kb) than in rDNA genes (1.05-1.67 lesions/10 kb). We showed for the first time, that differential susceptibility to damage is dependent on the genotoxic mechanism and relies on positional differences between genes. Sensitive genes were also analyzed in cryopreserved sperm showing a lower number of lesions than the previous treatments and a predominant peripheral distribution of oxidative damage (8-OHdG)SIThis work was supported by the Junta de Castilla y León (Spain) (project LE365A11-2 and EDU/828/2014), the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (project AGL2011-27787) and Fondo Social Europeo. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscrip