943 research outputs found

    Estudio comparativo del sistema aluvial del borde suroccidental de los Catalanides, en la transversal del Prat de Compte (Tarragona) y los abanicos aluviales de Pobla de Segur (Prepirineo de Lérida)

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    Se estudian dos sistemas aluviales paleógenos situados en un contexto geológico regional parcialmente diferente. El sistema aluvial de los Catalánides meridionales se iocaliza en el borde activo de una amplia depresión marginal, donde se desarroiian tres sistemas sedimentanos principales: aluvial, fluvial y lacustre. Este conjunto de sistemas presenta una sucesión vertical cíclica, con el núcleo de la secuencia formado por los abanicos aluviales de Prat de Compte. Los abanicos de Pobla de Segur se sitúan en una depresión intramontañosa de la zona  subpirenaica meridional. En ella se desarrollan dos grupos de abanicos que están interdigitados lateral y frontalmente, y un sistema lacustre intermedio. El sistema lacustre es desplazado sucesivamente por la progradación alternativa de cada grupo de abanicos. Este conjunto sedimentario presenta en vertical una disposición cíclica, con las facies lacustres en el centro del ciclo y las facies aluviales en los extremos. En los abanicos aluviales de Prat de Compte existen cuatro tipos de secuencias deposicionales de distinto significado sedimentológico o tectónico y de diferente magnitud. Cada grupo de los abanicos de Pobla de Segur presenta un desarrollo secuencial diferente, que puede explicarse por un control teetónicn de la sedimentación. Un grupo presenta secuencias cíclicas, comparables a las de los abanicos de Prat de Compte, mientras que el otro grupo presenta secuencias negativas fuertemente asimétricas. En los abanicos de los Catalánides y en los del Pirineo se han diferenciado numerosos tipos de facies, y se ha comparado el significado ambiental y la distribución espacial de cada una de elias

    Análisis comparativo de la precariedad laboral en las tres principales metrópolis mexicanas para el 2010

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    El objetivo general de este artículo es estudiar la precarización laboral de los trabajadores asalariados no agropecuarios en el año 2010 de las tres principales ciudades de México: Ciudad de Mé- xico, Guadalajara y Monterrey. El análisis empírico de la precarización laboral se realizó mediante dos herramientas estadísticas. En primer lugar, el análisis de componentes principales que permitió reducir las dimensiones del eje analítico. En segundo lugar, el análisis por conglomerados ayudó a agrupar a la población objetivo en diferentes niveles de precarización. El documento encuentra que las ciudades analizadas exponen mercados de trabajo diferenciados con una presencia relevante de la precariedad en la estructura laboral. Se identifica así que la precariedad laboral se encuentra fuertemente arraigada en la Ciudad de México y Guadalajara, por el contrario, en Monterrey la presencia de la precariedad es menor debido a que este núcleo urbano tiene un mayor número de trabajadores en el sector industrial

    Two languages, two intonations?: statements and yes/no questions in Spanish and Basque

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    Two languages, two intonations?: statements and yes/no questions in Spanish and Basque

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    Estrategias de afrontamiento y calidad de vida en estudiantes universitarios consumidores de alcohol de una universidad privada de Trujillo

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    RESUMEN La presente investigación tuvo como principal objetivo, establecer la relación entre las estrategias de afrontamiento y la calidad de vida en estudiantes universitarios de una universidad privada de Trujillo, caracterizados por consumir alcohol a nivel social. El trabajo pertenece al diseño correlacional y la muestra estuvo constituida por 257 estudiantes, comprendiendo varones y mujeres en un rango de edad entre 16 y 20 años. Los datos analizados corresponden a la Encuesta sociodemográfica, Escala de Estrategias de Afrontamiento para Adolescentes de E. Frydenberg y R. Lewis, la Escala de Calidad de Vida de Olson y Berns, y la Prueba de Identificación de Trastornos Relacionados con el Consumo de Alcohol (AUDIT) por Sanders et al. Los hallazgos mostraron que, no existe una relación directa entre las variables estudiadas; sin embargo, la mayoría de las correlaciones han sido bajas, positivas y altamente significativas. Adicional a ello, dentro de la variable Estrategias de Afrontamiento, los factores Falta de Afrontamiento, Acciones que involucran a la sociedad, y Búsqueda de apoyo social y ayuda profesional, pertenecientes a los estilos No productivo, Referencia a otros y Resolver el problema respectivamente; destacan por tener a su categoría Alto como la más frecuente. Además, con respecto a la variable Calidad de Vida, la mayor parte de la muestra analizada sobresale por encontrarse en un nivel promedio-alto. PALABRAS CLAVES: Estrategias de afrontamiento, calidad de vida, consumo de alcohol, estudiantes. universitarios.ABSTRACT The present research belongs to the correlational design and had to establish as a main goal a relationship between the coping strategies and the quality of life in students of a private university of Trujillo, characterized by the drinking of alcohol at a social level. The sample consisted of 257 students, including males and females ranging in ages from 16 to 20 years. The data analyzed corresponds to the Sociodemographic Survey, Coping Strategies Scale for Teens by E. Frydenberg and R. Lewis, Olson and Berns Life Quality Scale and Alcohol Consumption-Related Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) by Sanders et al. The findings showed that there is no direct relationship between the variables studied; however, most correlations have been low, positive, and highly significant. In addition to this, within the variable Coping Strategies, the factors Lack of Coping, Actions involving society, and Seeking of Social support and professional help, belonging to Nonproductive styles, Reference to others and Resolving the problem respectively; stand out for having High category as the most frequent. Also, about the variable Quality of Life, most of the analyzed sample stands out because it is in an average-high level. KEYWORDS: Coping strategies, quality of life, alcohol drinking, university students

    Consumer Response to the Disposal of Potentially Harmful Products: The Product Life-Cycle, Consumer Activism, and Subjective Well-Being across Borders

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    This research attempts to uncover the factors that influence protest behaviors, specifically, consumer activism intention and how the factors are different between industrialized and developing countries. This research draws from the Values-Norms, Beliefs (VBN) Theory and the Not-In-My-Backyard (NIMBY) framework to test protest intention between the United States and Mexico regarding the improper disposal of potentially harmful products across borders. Further, this research attempts to extend the VBN-Theory to include trust-in-government, attitude towards the firm, and subjective well-being. The findings of this research indicate that the VBN Theory is confirmed not only in the United States, but also in Mexico and that the VBN Theory is a superior explanation of protest intention rather than the NIMBY framework. This research contributes to theory by providing evidence that trust-in-government leads to consumer activism intention in Mexico, but not in the United States. Additionally, Mexican respondents are more likely to experience subjective well-being when engaging in consumer activism behavior while US respondents do not

    Magnetic and Electronic Properties in Rattling Systems, an Experimental and Theoretical Study

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    The search for heat regenerators is currently very important due to the amount of wasted heat produced in different human activities. Thermoelectric materials have emerged as a possible solution to the world’s demand and reuse of energy. Recent advances have included the development of materials with tailored phonon properties, including localized "rattling" oscillator modes. In addition a number of interesting physical properties have emerged in rattling systems. This dissertation reports a study of several such systems, experimentally and computationally. Experiments performed include XRD, electron micro-probe, electrical and thermal conductivity, Seebeck coefficient measurements, dc magnetization, dc susceptibility and NMR. In the computational side several ab-initio models have been considered to understand the structural, vibrational and magnetic properties observed in these compounds. Among the studied compounds, the Fe-Al-Zn materials showed interesting magnetic properties combined with anomalous vibrational behavior in a chain geometry. Computational results indicated that the moment is affected by Fe antisites, but also the neighbor configuration contributes to it. Al-V-La is an example of a classical Einstein oscillator material. These properties are related to the existence of loose atoms inside the material. A purely computational study on these materials denoted the existence of two weakly bonded sites. The clathrate structural results from first-principles considerations elucidated the preferred structural configurations in several clathrates. This included Ba-Cu-Ge clathrates, where it was confirmed that the compound follows the Zintl electron counting balance. Also the bonding inside these materials was studied to address the binding of the local-oscillator atoms within the material. For Ba-Ga-Sn clathrates an unusual dimorphism was studied, with both of the two different types of structures investigated. For type-I Ba8Ga16Sn30 the preferred configuration was obtained from NMR lineshape simulations and energy considerations. For the type-VIII Ba8Ga16Sn30 the experimental thermoelectric properties were analyzed in conjunction with computational modeling. Finally in Ba-Al-Ge clathrates the local environments, preferred configuration and vacancy formation were clarified. This included an extensive experimental and computational study on Ba8AlxGe46-x-y2(box)y systems. The different local Al environments were elucidated, with the location of vacancies influencing the surroundings. Also the correlation between the Al substitution and number of vacancies was studied

    Supporting Usability and Reusability Based on eLearning Standards

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    The IMS-QTI, and other related specifications have been developed to support the creation of reusable and pedagogically neutral assessment scenarios and content, as stated by the IMS Global Learning Consortium. In this paper we discuss how current specifications both constrain the design of assessment scenarios, and limit content reusability. We also suggest some solutions to overcome these limitations. The paper is based on our experience developing and testing an IMS QTI Lite compliant assessment authoring tool, QAed. It supports teacher centering, which is quite neglected when designing such tools. In the paper we also discuss how to make compatible standards support and user centering in eLearning applications and provide some recommendations for the design of the user interfaces

    Letter from Jane W. Cary, Wellesley, Massachusetts to Mrs. Wren B. Cary, Windsor, Connecticut, 1910 November 6

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    Letter to mother about getting over a cold, appreciating items she received in the mail, attending a Halloween party, Field Day, and news from home.https://repository.wellesley.edu/studentcorcary/1009/thumbnail.jp

    The guilty, the unlucky, or the unaware? Assessing self-reported behavioral contributors and attributions on pedestrian crashes through structural equation modeling and mixed methods

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    Introduction: Recent literature suggests that the causation of pedestrians' crashes and the contribution of safety-related behaviors within them may substantially differ compared to other road users. This study aimed to test the effect of individual factors and safety-related road behaviors on the self-reported walk- ing crashes suffered by pedestrians and, complementarily, to analyze the causes that pedestrians attrib- uted to the crashes they suffered as pedestrians during the previous five years. Method: For this cross- sectional research performed in Spain, data from a nationwide sample of 2,499 pedestrians from the 17 regions of the country were collected. Participants had a mean age of 31 years. They responded to a questionnaire on demographics, safety-related walking behaviors, and self-reported pedestrian crashes and the causes attributed to them. Results: Utilizing Structural Equation Models (SEM), it was found that self-reported walking crashes can be predicted through unintentional risky behaviors (errors). However, violations and positive behaviors remain non-significant predictors, allowing to hypothesize that they might, rather, play a key role in the pedestrian's involvement in pre-crash scenarios (critical situations preceding crashes). Also, categorical analyses allowed to determine that the causes that pedestrians attributed to the walking crashes they had suffered were principally their own errors (44.6%), rather than their own traffic violations (8.5%). Nevertheless, this trend is inverse when they believe the responsibility of the crash weighs on the driver. That is to say, they usually attribute the crash to their traffic violations rather than errors. However, many biases could help explain these attributional findings. Practical Applications: The results of this study highlight key differences in behavioral features and crash predictors among pedestrians, with potentially relevant applications in the study and improvement of walking safety from behavioral-based approaches