3,821 research outputs found

    On NS5-brane instantons and volume stabilization

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    We study general aspects of NS5-brane instantons in relation to the stabilization of the volume modulus in Calabi-Yau compactifications of type II strings with fluxes, and their orientifold versions. These instantons correct the Kahler potential and generically yield significant contributions to the scalar potential at intermediate values of string coupling constant and volume. Under suitable conditions they yield uplifting terms that allow for meta--stable de Sitter vacua.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figures; statements about fields G^a made more precise, added some clarifications, typos correcte

    D-instantons and twistors: some exact results

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    We present some results on instanton corrections to the hypermultiplet moduli space in Calabi-Yau compactifications of Type II string theories. Previously, using twistor methods, only a class of D-instantons (D2-instantons wrapping A-cycles) was incorporated exactly and the rest was treated only linearly. We go beyond the linear approximation and give a set of holomorphic functions which, through a known procedure, capture the effect of D-instantons at all orders. Moreover, we show that for a sector where all instanton charges have vanishing symplectic invariant scalar product, the hypermultiplet metric can be computed explicitly.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figures, uses JHEP3.cls; some changes in section 3.3.3; corrected formula for the contact potentia

    S-duality in Twistor Space

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    In type IIB string compactifications on a Calabi-Yau threefold, the hypermultiplet moduli space MHM_H must carry an isometric action of the modular group SL(2,Z), inherited from the S-duality symmetry of type IIB string theory in ten dimensions. We investigate how this modular symmetry is realized at the level of the twistor space of MHM_H, and construct a general class of SL(2,Z)-invariant quaternion-Kahler metrics with two commuting isometries, parametrized by a suitably covariant family of holomorphic transition functions. This family should include MHM_H corrected by D3-D1-D(-1)-instantons (with fivebrane corrections ignored) and, after taking a suitable rigid limit, the Coulomb branch of five-dimensional N=2 gauge theories compactified on a torus, including monopole string instantons. These results allow us to considerably simplify the derivation of the mirror map between type IIA and IIB fields in the sector where only D1-D(-1)-instantons are retained.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figur

    Supergravity description of spacetime instantons

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    We present and discuss BPS instanton solutions that appear in type II string theory compactifications on Calabi-Yau threefolds. From an effective action point of view these arise as finite action solutions of the Euclidean equations of motion in four-dimensional N=2 supergravity coupled to tensor multiplets. As a solution generating technique we make use of the c-map, which produces instanton solutions from either Euclidean black holes or from Taub-NUT like geometries.Comment: 35 pages, some clarifications adde

    Heterotic-Type II duality in the hypermultiplet sector

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    We revisit the duality between heterotic string theory compactified on K3 x T^2 and type IIA compactified on a Calabi-Yau threefold X in the hypermultiplet sector. We derive an explicit map between the field variables of the respective moduli spaces at the level of the classical effective actions. We determine the parametrization of the K3 moduli space consistent with the Ferrara-Sabharwal form. From the expression of the holomorphic prepotential we are led to conjecture that both X and its mirror must be K3 fibrations in order for the type IIA theory to have an heterotic dual. We then focus on the region of the moduli space where the metric is expressed in terms of a prepotential on both sides of the duality. Applying the duality we derive the heterotic hypermultiplet metric for a gauge bundle which is reduced to 24 point-like instantons. This result is confirmed by using the duality between the heterotic theory on T^3 and M-theory on K3. We finally study the hyper-Kaehler metric on the moduli space of an SU(2) bundle on K3.Comment: 27 pages; references added, typos correcte

    Completeness in supergravity constructions

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    We prove that the supergravity r- and c-maps preserve completeness. As a consequence, any component H of a hypersurface {h=1} defined by a homogeneous cubic polynomial such that -d^2 h is a complete Riemannian metric on H defines a complete projective special Kahler manifold and any complete projective special Kahler manifold defines a complete quaternionic Kahler manifold of negative scalar curvature. We classify all complete quaternionic Kahler manifolds of dimension less or equal to 12 which are obtained in this way and describe some complete examples in 16 dimensions.Comment: 29 page

    D3-instantons, Mock Theta Series and Twistors

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    The D-instanton corrected hypermultiplet moduli space of type II string theory compactified on a Calabi-Yau threefold is known in the type IIA picture to be determined in terms of the generalized Donaldson-Thomas invariants, through a twistorial construction. At the same time, in the mirror type IIB picture, and in the limit where only D3-D1-D(-1)-instanton corrections are retained, it should carry an isometric action of the S-duality group SL(2,Z). We prove that this is the case in the one-instanton approximation, by constructing a holomorphic action of SL(2,Z) on the linearized twistor space. Using the modular invariance of the D4-D2-D0 black hole partition function, we show that the standard Darboux coordinates in twistor space have modular anomalies controlled by period integrals of a Siegel-Narain theta series, which can be canceled by a contact transformation generated by a holomorphic mock theta series.Comment: 42 pages; discussion of isometries is amended; misprints correcte

    An extreme proto-cluster of luminous dusty starbursts in the early Universe

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    We report the identification of an extreme proto-cluster of galaxies in the early Universe whose core (nicknamed Distant Red Core, DRC) is formed by at least ten dusty star-forming galaxies (DSFGs), confirmed to lie at zspec=4.002z_{\rm spec} = 4.002 via detection of [CI](1-0), 12^{12}CO(6-5), 12^{12}CO(4-3), 12^{12}CO(2-1) and H2O(211−202){\rm H_2O} (2_{11} - 2_{02}) emission lines, detected using ALMA and ATCA. The spectroscopically-confirmed components of the proto-cluster are distributed over a 260 kpc×310 kpc{\rm 260\, kpc \times 310\, kpc} region and have a collective obscured star-formation rate (SFR) of ∌6500 M⊙ yr−1\sim 6500 \, M_\odot \, {\rm yr}^{-1}, considerably higher than has been seen before in any proto-cluster of galaxies or over-densities of DSFGs at z≳4z \gtrsim 4. Most of the star formation is taking place in luminous DSFGs since no Lyα\alpha emitters are detected in the proto-cluster core, apart from a Lyα\alpha blob located next to one of the DRC dusty components and extending over 60 kpc60\,{\rm kpc}. The total obscured SFR of the proto-cluster could rise to SFR∌14,400 M⊙ yr−1{\rm SFR} \sim 14,400 \, M_\odot \, {\rm yr}^{-1} if all the members of an over-density of bright DSFGs discovered around DRC in a wide-field LABOCA 870-ÎŒ\mum image are part of the same structure. The total halo mass of DRC could be as high as ∌4.4×1013 M⊙\sim 4.4 \times 10^{13}\,M_\odot and could be the progenitor of a Coma-like cluster at z=0z = 0. The relatively short gas-depletion times of the DRC components suggest either the presence of a mechanism able to trigger extreme star formation simultaneously in galaxies spread over a few hundred kpc or the presence of gas flows from the cosmic web able to sustain star formation over several hundred million years.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. Minor updates added, including a change of the source name. Comments welcom

    Magnetism of small V clusters embedded in a Cu fcc matrix: an ab initio study

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    We present extensive first principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations dedicated to analyze the magnetic and electronic properties of small Vn_{n} clusters (n=1,2,3,4,5,6) embedded in a Cu fcc matrix. We consider different cluster structures such as: i) a single V impurity, ii) several V2_{2} dimers having different interatomic distance and varying local atomic environment, iii) V3_{3} and iv) V4_{4} clusters for which we assume compact as well as 2- and 1-dimensional atomic configurations and finally, in the case of the v) V5_{5} and vi) V6_{6} structures we consider a square pyramid and a square bipyramid together with linear arrays, respectively. In all cases, the V atoms are embedded as substitutional impurities in the Cu network. In general, and as in the free standing case, we have found that the V clusters tend to form compact atomic arrays within the cooper matrix. Our calculated non spin-polarized density of states at the V sites shows a complex peaked structure around the Fermi level that strongly changes as a function of both the interatomic distance and local atomic environment, a result that anticipates a non trivial magnetic behavior. In fact, our DFT calculations reveal, in each one of our clusters systems, the existence of different magnetic solutions (ferromagnetic, ferrimagnetic, and antiferromagnetic) with very small energy differences among them, a result that could lead to the existence of complex finite-temperature magnetic properties. Finally, we compare our results with recent experimental measurements.Comment: 7 pages and 4 figure
