80 research outputs found

    Thermal study of a transport container

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    A thermal study of a container for international transport has been carried out in order to determine the temperature distributions. Several experimental conditions such as cooling modes, the onset of defrosting, the existence of cargo inside the container and two varying set points have been evaluated. It was observed that the difference between the temperature inside the container and the set point raised up to 30% of ambient temperature. Moreover, it was observed that the modulated cooling allowed to obtain a more homogeneous refrigeration. However, temperature differences up to 8 °C were observed under on–off control cooling

    Effects of Gamma Irradiation on the Kinetics of the Adsorption and Desorption of Hydrogen in Carbon Microfibres

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    In this study, three types of carbon fibres were used, they were ex-polyacrylonitrile carbon fibres with high bulk modulus, ex-polyacrylonitrile fibres with high strength, and vapour grown carbon fibres. All the samples were subjected to a hydrogen adsorption process at room temperature in an over-pressured atmosphere of 25 bars. The adsorption process was monitored through electrical resistivity measurements. As conditioning of the fibres, a chemical activation by acid etching followed by ¿-ray irradiation with 60Co radioisotopes was performed. The surface energy was deter-mined by means of the sessile drop test. Both conditioning treatments are supplementary; the chemical activation works on the outer surface and the ¿-irradiation works in the bulk material as well. Apparently, the most significant parameter for hydrogen storage is the crystallite size. From this point of view, the mostPeer Reviewe

    Modeling Psychrometric Data in Real-Time fruit Logistics Monitoring

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    Abstract Progress in fruit logistics requires an increasing number of measurements to be performed in refrigerated chambers and during transport

    Supervision multidistribuida de un secadero solar de madera empleando sensores de bajo coste

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    Multi-distributed supervision of wood in solar dryers is carried out by means of high performance low cost ambient sensors. An experimental dryer of 0.3 m 3 is used for testing the proposed instrumentation mainly based on thermocouples and SENSIRION TM which are combined with the psychometric model defined by ASABE in order to assess the amount of water released by the wood during the drying process. Continuous monitoring enables the Implementation of automated control of the dryer by means of regulating the fan speed and the amount of re-circulated air

    Establecimiento de las curvas de respuesta de una nariz electrónica QCM a distintas concentraciones de compuestos químicos conocidos

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    Se conoce que los sensores de gases QCM presentan una curva de respuesta no lineal ante la muestra gaseosa. Se ha realizado un experimento para establecer la curva de respuesta de los sensores ante espacios de cabeza de alta concentración generados por 1-propanol, observándose una respuesta lineal de los sensores pero una pérdida casi total de la sensibilidad de los mismos debido a los fenómenos de saturación. Por comparación de los niveles de respuesta de los sensores a elevadas concentraciones con los niveles de respuesta obtenidos en estudios previos a bajas concentraciones se puede identificar tres zonas de trabajo que caracterizan el funcionamiento de los sensores de la NE en función del nivel de concentración de la muestra gaseosa y por tanto de la aplicación

    Tumours in the pineal region in the paediatric age: Reports of 23 cases and a review of the literature

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    Introducción. Los tumores de la región pineal se localizan en una encrucijada de estructuras neurovasculares de difícil acceso quirúrgico y limitadas posibilidades de resección; por ello, el manejo de estas lesiones habitualmente requiere la asociación de tratamiento adyuvante radioterápico y/o quimioterápico. Pacientes y métodos. Análisis retrospectivo de las características epidemiológicas, clínicas, neurorradiológicas y anatomopatológicas de 23 pacientes con tumores de la región pineal tratados entre los años 1997 y 2010 en el Hospital Infantil Niño Jesús. Se discuten los factores implicados en el pronóstico de esta cohorte tras el tratamiento quirúrgico o adyuvante. Resultados. El estudio incluyó 6 niñas y 17 niños con edades comprendidas entre los 4 meses y 18 años. El 95% de los pacientes comenzó con signos de hidrocefalia aguda o subaguda, que precisaron la implantación de una derivación ventriculoperitoneal (82%). Se obtuvo una muestra histológica tumoral en todos los casos. Cinco pacientes fueron biopsiados y 18 fueron intervenidos mediante craneotomía. El germinoma (ocho casos) y el teratoma maduro (un caso) fueron los tumores con mayor supervivencia; los tumores no germinomatosos (tres casos), del parénquima pineal (cuatro casos) y gliomas (cinco casos) presentaron mayor tasa de recidiva y un peor pronóstico. Conclusión. El estudio de marcadores tumorales permite orientar el diagnóstico de determinados tumores de la región pineal. Actualmente, se recomienda realizar una toma histológica tumoral para establecer un diagnóstico preciso y un tratamiento oncológico específicoIntroduction. Tumours in the pineal region are located at a meeting point of several neurovascular structures that are difficult to reach surgically and for which the possibility of resection is limited; as a result the management of these lesions usually requires associated adjunctive treatment with radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. Patients and methods. This study is a retrospective analysis of the epidemiological, clinical, neuroimaging and pathological characteristics of 23 patients with tumours in the pineal region who were treated between the years 1997 and 2010 in the Hospital Infantil Niño Jesús. The factors involved in the prognosis of this cohort following surgical or adjunctive treatment are also discussed. Results. Subjects included in the study were 6 girls and 17 boys with ages ranging from 4 months to 18 years. It was found that the initial symptoms in 95% of the patients were signs of acute or subacute hydrocephalus, which required the placement of a ventriculoperitoneal shunt (82%). A histological sample of the tumour tissue was collected in all cases. Biopsy samples were taken in the case of five patients and 18 underwent surgery involving a craniotomy. Germinoma (eight cases) and mature teratoma (one case) were the tumours with the longest survival times; non-germinomatous tumours (three cases), those of the pineal parenchyma (four cases) and gliomas (five cases) presented the highest rates of recurrence and a poorer prognosis. Conclusions. The study of tumour markers can be used to guide the diagnosis of certain tumours of the pineal region. At present, the recommended procedure involves taking a histological sample of the tumour in order to establish an accurate diagnosis and a specific oncological treatmen

    Detection of Biological CO2 and 1,3-Pentadiene Using Non-refrigerated Low-Cost MWIR Detectors

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    The early detection of spoiling metabolic products in contaminated food is a very important tool to control quality. Some volatile compounds produce unpleasant odours at very low concentrations, making their early detection very challenging. This is the case of 1,3-pentadiene produced by microorganisms through decarboxylation of the preservative sorbate. In this work, we have developed a methodology to use the data produced by a low-cost, compact MWIR (Mid-Wave IR) spectrometry device without moving parts, which is based on a linear array of 128 elements of VPD PbSe coupled to a linear variable filter (LVF) working in the spectral range between 3 and 4.6 ?m. This device is able to analyze food headspace gases through dedicated sample presentation setup. This methodology enables the detection of CO2 and the volatile compound 1,3-pentadiene, as compared to synthetic patrons. Data analysis is based on an automated multidimensional dynamic processing of the MWIR spectra. Principal component and discriminant analysis allow segregating between four yeast strains including producers and no producers. The segregation power is accounted as a measure of the discrimination quality

    Supervisión multidistribuida de un secadero solar de madera empleando sensores de bajo coste

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    Se ha llevado a cabo la supervisión multídistribuida de un secadero solar de madera mediante la implementación de sensores de bajo coste. La toma de datos se ha realizado en un secadero experimental de 0,3 m}. La sensórica empleada, consistente básicamente en termopares y módulos SENSIRION™, junto con el modelo psicrométrico definido por ASABE, ha permitido estimar la cantidad de agua extraída de la madera a lo largo del proceso de secado. La supervisión continua del proceso posibilita la implementación de sistemas automáticos de control del secadero mediante la regulación de la velocidad del ventilador y la proporción de aire sujeto a recirculación

    ELSA in industrial robotics

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    Purpose of ReviewIndustry is changing; converging technologies allow a fourth Industrial Revolution, where it is envisaged that robots will work alongside humans. We investigate how the research community is responding to the ethical, legal, and social aspects of industrial robots, with a primary focus on manufacturing industry.Recent FindingsThe literature shows considerable interest in the impact of robotics and automation on industry. This interest spans many disciplines, which is to be expected given that the ELS impacts of industrial robotics may be profound in their depth and far-reaching in their scope.SummaryWe suggest that the increasing importance of human-robot interaction (HRI) reduces the differentiation between industrial robotics and other robotic domains and that the main challenges to successful adoption for the benefit of human life are above all political and economic. Emerging standards and legal frameworks may scaffold this success, but it is apparent that getting it wrong might have repercussions that last for generations

    Modelización de las condiciones de transporte y conservación prolongada en frutas y hortalizas

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    Este documento se generó a partir de la VI Reunión de la Red Temática FRUTURA de CYTED realizada en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina del 26 al 30 de Setiembre de 2011. Organizado por el Laboratorio de Calidad y Postcosecha de Frutas y Hortalizas de la E.E.A. Balcarce del INTA, el programa de esta reunión se enmarcó dentro del principal objetivo de la Red, que es el desarrollo de un sistema integral de mejora de la calidad y seguridad de las frutas durante la manipulación, el transporte y la comercialización, mediante nuevas tecnologías de inspección y monitorización