14,509 research outputs found

    Student progress and self-assessment in economics.

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    The study follows up on previous studies and provides insights into the factors that best explain student success in economics and appropriate pedagogic intervention such as self-assessment is suggested. Undergraduate third year economics students’ results are taken as the yardstick both for monetary and public economics. The findings suggest that the final marks of macro and microeconomics have a significant impact on the results of third year economics. Other factors such as assignment marks, module repeats, full or part-time studies and age also played a role. The results re-affirm the importance and influence of macro and microeconomics as base knowledge for undergraduate and future graduate work. Blended and e-learning interventions such as vodcasts were added as remedy and self-assessment is suggested to supplement assignments for future classes.Economic

    Predicting free-space occupancy on novel artificial structures by an invasive intertidal barnacle using a removal experiment.

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    Artificial structures can create novel habitat in the marine environment that has been associated with the spread of invasive species. They are often located in areas of high disturbance and can vary significantly in the area of free space provided for settlement of marine organisms. Whilst correlation between the amount of free space available and recruitment success has been shown in populations of several marine benthic organisms, there has been relatively little focus on invasive species, a group with the potential to reproduce in vast numbers and colonise habitats rapidly. Invasion success following different scales of disturbance was examined in the invasive acorn barnacle, Austrominiusmodestus, on a unique art installation located in Liverpool Bay. Population growth and recruitment success were examined by comparing recruitment rates within disturbance clearings of 4 different sizes and by contrasting population development with early recruitment rates over a 10 week period. Disturbed areas were rapidly recolonised and monocultures of A. modestus formed within 6 weeks. The size of patch created during disturbance had no effect on the rate of recruitment, while a linear relationship between recruit density and patch size was observed. Density-dependent processes mediated initial high recruitment resulting in population stability after 8-10 weeks, but densities continued to greatly exceed those reported in natural habitats. Given that artificial structures are likely to continue to proliferate in light of climate change projections, free-space is likely to become more available more frequently in the future supporting the expansion of fast-colonising species

    Geometry of Reidemeister classes and twisted Burnside theorem

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    This is a (mostly expository) paper on Reidemeister classes, twisted Burnside-Frobenius theory, congruences, R-infinity property and all that. It was written in 2005 and published in 2008. We post it as it was, only the bibliography data is updated. For some of the recent progress see e.g. arXiv:0903.4533, arXiv:0903.3455, arXiv:0802.2937, arXiv:0712.2601, arXiv:0704.3411, arXiv:math/0703744, arXiv:math/0606725, arXiv:math/0606764, arXiv:0805.1371 and references there

    Patient-Reported Disability Measures Do Not Correlate with Electrodiagnostic Severity in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

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    BACKGROUND: Electrophysiologic studies including electromyography and nerve conduction studies play a role in the evaluation of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), despite evidence that these studies do not correlate with CTS-specific symptom scores. There is a lack of evidence comparing electrophysiologic data with general measures of function. METHODS: Fifty patients presenting for CTS treatment over an 8-month period were analyzed retrospectively. All patients completed surveys including the Quick Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand questionnaire (DASH) and the Medical Outcomes Study 12-Item Short-Form Survey [(physical component summary 12, mental component summary (MCS-12)]. Electromyography and nerve conduction studies were performed on all patients and compared with outcome scores. RESULTS: Analysis demonstrated no relationship between DASH or MCS-12 and electrodiagnostic severity. No significant correlations were noted between DASH or MCS-12 and median motor or sensory latency. There was a moderate-weak correlation (rho = 0.34) between more severe electrophysiologic grade and better function based on physical component summary 12. CONCLUSIONS: Electrodiagnostic severity grades do not correlate with patient-reported disability, including the DASH and MCS-12 surveys. There is a counterintuitive correlation between more-severe electrodiagnostic findings and decreased physical disability. These findings indicate that disability may not correlate with electrodiagnostic severity of median neuropathy in CTS

    The High Subarctic Forest-Tundra of Northwestern Canada: Position, Width, and Vegetation Gradients in Relation to Climate

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    A phytogeoclimatic study of the high subarctic region of Canada between Hudson Bay and the Cordillera at the northern Yukon-Mackenzie border was undertaken to provide a verifiable and quantitative synthesis of forest-tundra vegetation ecology. Three field seasons of vegetation and terrain studies provided ground truth for a grid of 1314 black-and-white air photos that cover ca. 24% of the forest-tundra and adjacent low Subarctic and low Arctic. Air photos were analyzed for percentage cover of nine vegetation-terrain types, bedrock and parent materials, landforms, and elevations. The forest-tundra, as bounded by the 1000:1 and 1:1000 tree:upland tundra cover isolines, spans an average 145 ± 72 km (median 131 km) and increases in width from northwest to southeast. The transition from 10:1 to 1:10 tree:upland tundra cover occupies one-fourth to one-half the area of the forest-tundra. Regional slope of the land probably accounts for much of the variation in width of the forest-tundra. Southern outliers of forest-tundra in the northwest are found mainly in areas of high elevation. Across much of the northwest, steep vegetation gradients occur near the northern limit of trees. North of Great Slave Lake, steep vegetation gradients shift from the northern to the southern half of the forest-tundra and maintain this position eastward to Hudson Bay. The forest-tundra of the northwest receives roughly three-fourths the mean annual net radiation available to the southeast and central districts.Key words: air photos, boreal, climate, ecology, forest-tundra, high Subarctic, Northwest Territories, plant geography, tree line, vegetationOn a entrepris une étude phytogéoclimatique de la zone de l’Extrême-Subarctique canadien comprise entre la baie d’Hudson et la cordillère, située à la frontière du Yukon-Mackenzie, en vue d’offrir une synthkse vérifiable et quantitative de l’écologie végétale de la forêt-toundra. Trois saisons d’étude de végétation et de terrain ont fourni des données de verification pour une grille de 1314 clichés aériens en noir et blanc, recouvrant environ 24 % de la forêt-toundra et de la zone avoisinante du Bas-Subarctique et du Bas-Arctique. On a analysé les clichés en vue de déterminer le pourcentage de couverture de neuf types de végktation-terrain, de roche de fond et de matériaux mkres, de configurations et de niveaux. La forêt toundra, délimitée par les isarithmes du rapport entre le couvert d’arbres et celui de toundra des hautes terres de IO00 pour 1 et 1 pour 1000, recouvre une bande de largeur moyenne de 145 f 72 km (131 km de mtdiane) et s’klargit en allant du nord-ouest vers le sud-est. La transition du rapport du couvert d’arbres à celui de toundra des hautes terres entre 10 pour 1 et 1 pour 10 occupe de un quart à la moitié de la zone de forêt-toundra. La pente régionale du terrain y est probablement pour beaucoup dans la variation de la largeur de la forêt-toundra. Les îlots méridionaux de forst-toundra dans le Nord-Ouest se trouvent principalement dans les zones de haute altitude. Dans une grande partie du Nord-Ouest, des gradients de végétation brusques se trouvent près de la limite septentrionale des arbres. Au nord du Grand Lac de l’Esclave, des gradients de végétation brusques passent de la moitié septentrionale à la moitié méridionale de la forêt-toundra et conservent cette position vers l’est jusqu’à la baie d’Hudson. La forêt-toundra du Nord-Ouest reçoit environ les trois quarts de la radiation nette annuelle moyenne disponible pour les régions du sud-est et duc entre.Mots clés: clichés aériens, boréal, climat, écologie, forêt-toundra, Extrême-Subarctique. Territoires du Nord-Ouest, géographie de la végktation, ligne des arbres, végétatio