1,087 research outputs found

    Identification of body fat tissues in MRI data

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    In recent years non-invasive medical diagnostic techniques have been used widely in medical investigations. Among the various imaging modalities available, Magnetic Resonance Imaging is very attractive as it produces multi-slice images where the contrast between various types of body tissues such as muscle, ligaments and fat is well defined. The aim of this paper is to describe the implementation of an unsupervised image analysis algorithm able to identify the body fat tissues from a sequence of MR images encoded in DICOM format. The developed algorithm consists of three main steps. The first step pre-processes the MR images in order to reduce the level of noise. The second step extracts the image areas representing fat tissues by using an unsupervised clustering algorithm. Finally, image refinements are applied to reclassify the pixels adjacent to the initial fat estimate and to eliminate outliers. The experimental data indicates that the proposed implementation returns accurate results and furthermore is robust to noise and to greyscale in-homogeneity

    Inference of Evolutionary Forces Acting on Human Biological Pathways.

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    Because natural selection is likely to act on multiple genes underlying a given phenotypic trait, we study here the potential effect of ongoing and past selection on the genetic diversity of human biological pathways. We first show that genes included in gene sets are generally under stronger selective constraints than other genes and that their evolutionary response is correlated. We then introduce a new procedure to detect selection at the pathway level based on a decomposition of the classical McDonald-Kreitman test extended to multiple genes. This new test, called 2DNS, detects outlier gene sets and takes into account past demographic effects and evolutionary constraints specific to gene sets. Selective forces acting on gene sets can be easily identified by a mere visual inspection of the position of the gene sets relative to their two-dimensional null distribution. We thus find several outlier gene sets that show signals of positive, balancing, or purifying selection but also others showing an ancient relaxation of selective constraints. The principle of the 2DNS test can also be applied to other genomic contrasts. For instance, the comparison of patterns of polymorphisms private to African and non-African populations reveals that most pathways show a higher proportion of nonsynonymous mutations in non-Africans than in Africans, potentially due to different demographic histories and selective pressures

    Detection of Pathways Affected by Positive Selection in Primate Lineages Ancestral to Humans.

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    Gene set enrichment approaches have been increasingly successful in finding signals of recent polygenic selection in the human genome. In this study, we aim at detecting biological pathways affected by positive selection in more ancient human evolutionary history. Focusing on four branches of the primate tree that lead to modern humans, we tested all available protein coding gene trees of the Primates clade for signals of adaptation in these branches, using the likelihood-based branch site test of positive selection. The results of these locus-specific tests were then used as input for a gene set enrichment test, where whole pathways are globally scored for a signal of positive selection, instead of focusing only on outlier "significant" genes. We identified signals of positive selection in several pathways that are mainly involved in immune response, sensory perception, metabolism, and energy production. These pathway-level results are highly significant, even though there is no functional enrichment when only focusing on top scoring genes. Interestingly, several gene sets are found significant at multiple levels in the phylogeny, but different genes are responsible for the selection signal in the different branches. This suggests that the same function has been optimized in different ways at different times in primate evolution

    Patterns of positive selection in seven ant genomes.

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    The evolution of ants is marked by remarkable adaptations that allowed the development of very complex social systems. To identify how ant-specific adaptations are associated with patterns of molecular evolution, we searched for signs of positive selection on amino-acid changes in proteins. We identified 24 functional categories of genes which were enriched for positively selected genes in the ant lineage. We also reanalyzed genome-wide data sets in bees and flies with the same methodology to check whether positive selection was specific to ants or also present in other insects. Notably, genes implicated in immunity were enriched for positively selected genes in the three lineages, ruling out the hypothesis that the evolution of hygienic behaviors in social insects caused a major relaxation of selective pressure on immune genes. Our scan also indicated that genes implicated in neurogenesis and olfaction started to undergo increased positive selection before the evolution of sociality in Hymenoptera. Finally, the comparison between these three lineages allowed us to pinpoint molecular evolution patterns that were specific to the ant lineage. In particular, there was ant-specific recurrent positive selection on genes with mitochondrial functions, suggesting that mitochondrial activity was improved during the evolution of this lineage. This might have been an important step toward the evolution of extreme lifespan that is a hallmark of ants

    Rapid automated measurement of body fat distribution from whole-body MRI

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    The accurate determination of a person’s total body fat is an important issue in medical analysis because obesity is a significant contributing factor to a variety of serious health problems. The medical literature identifies a wide range of diseases that are closely linked to obesity. Current methods of fat assessment are largely inaccurate, and most current methods of fat determination cannot show regional fat distribution, which is important in defining disease risk. We introduce a method that combines computer-aided techniques with whole-body MRI techniques and enables accurate quantification and visualization of total body fat burden and regional fat distribution. This technique may be important in identifying and treating at-risk populations

    Modeling electrolytically top gated graphene

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    We investigate doping of a single-layer graphene in the presence of electrolytic top gating. The interfacial phenomena is modeled using a modified Poisson-Boltzmann equation for an aqueous solution of simple salt. We demonstrate both the sensitivity of graphene's doping levels to the salt concentration and the importance of quantum capacitance that arises due to the smallness of the Debye screening length in the electrolyte.Comment: 7 pages, including 4 figures, submitted to Nanoscale Research Letters for a special issue related to the NGC 2009 conference (http://asdn.net/ngc2009/index.shtml

    Population Genomics Reveals Seahorses (Hippocampus erectus) of the Western Mid-Atlantic Coast to Be Residents Rather than Vagrants

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    Understanding population structure and areas of demographic persistence and transients is critical for effective species management. However, direct observational evidence to address the geographic scale and delineation of ephemeral or persistent populations for many marine fishes is limited. The Lined seahorse (Hippocampus erectus) can be commonly found in three western Atlantic zoogeographic provinces, though inhabitants of the temperate northern Virginia Province are often considered tropical vagrants that only arrive during warm seasons from the southern provinces and perish as temperatures decline. Although genetics can locate regions of historical population persistence and isolation, previous evidence of Virginia Province persistence is only provisional due to limited genetic sampling (i.e., mitochondrial DNA and five nuclear loci). To test alternative hypotheses of historical persistence versus the ephemerality of a northern Virginia Province population we used a RADseq generated dataset consisting of 11,708 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) sampled from individuals collected from the eastern Gulf of Mexico to Long Island, NY. Concordant results from genomic analyses all infer three genetically divergent subpopulations, and strongly support Virginia Province inhabitants as a genetically diverged and a historically persistent ancestral gene pool. These results suggest that individuals that emerge in coastal areas during the warm season can be considered “local” and supports offshore migration during the colder months. This research demonstrates how a large number of genes sampled across a geographical range can capture the diversity of coalescent histories (across loci) while inferring population history. Moreover, these results clearly demonstrate the utility of population genomic data to infer peripheral subpopulation persistence in difficult-to-observe species

    Quantized charge transport through a static quantum dot using a surface acoustic wave

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    We present a detailed study of the surface acoustic wave mediated quantized transport of electrons through a split gate device containing an impurity potential defined quantum dot within the split gate channel. A new regime of quantized transport is observed at low RF powers where the surface acoustic wave amplitude is comparable to the quantum dot charging energy. In this regime resonant transport through the single-electron dot state occurs which we interpret as turnstile-like operation in which the traveling wave amplitude modulates the entrance and exit barriers of the quantum dot in a cyclic fashion at GHz frequencies. For high RF powers, where the amplitude of the surface acoustic wave is much larger than the quantum dot energies, the quantized acoustoelectric current transport shows behavior consistent with previously reported results. However, in this regime, the number of quantized current plateaus observed and the plateau widths are determined by the properties of the quantum dot, demonstrating that the microscopic detail of the potential landscape in the split gate channel has a profound influence on the quantized acoustoelectric current transport.Comment: 9 page

    Field Theoretical Quantum Effects on the Kerr Geometry

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    We study quantum aspects of the Einstein gravity with one time-like and one space-like Killing vector commuting with each other. The theory is formulated as a \coset nonlinear σ\sigma-model coupled to gravity. The quantum analysis of the nonlinear σ\sigma-model part, which includes all the dynamical degrees of freedom, can be carried out in a parallel way to ordinary nonlinear σ\sigma-models in spite of the existence of an unusual coupling. This means that we can investigate consistently the quantum properties of the Einstein gravity, though we are limited to the fluctuations depending only on two coordinates. We find the forms of the beta functions to all orders up to numerical coefficients. Finally we consider the quantum effects of the renormalization on the Kerr black hole as an example. It turns out that the asymptotically flat region remains intact and stable, while, in a certain approximation, it is shown that the inner geometry changes considerably however small the quantum effects may be.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX. The hep-th number added on the cover, and minor typos correcte