941 research outputs found

    Accelerated recovery of postischemic stunned myocardium after induced expression of myocardial heat-shock protein (HSP70)

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    AbstractIn vitro studies suggest that interventions targeted at myocardial gene regulation of endogenous cytoprotective elements, such as heat-shock protein, may attenuate myocardial ischemic injury. We tested the hypothesis that heat shock-induced expression of myocardial heat-shock protein before ischemia accelerates functional recovery of postischemic stunned myocardium in the intact circulation. Sixteen dogs underwent partial femoral arteriovenous bypass and core temperature was raised to 42° C for 15 minutes in eight dogs (heat-shocked) and maintained at 37° C in eight dogs (nonheat-shocked). After 24 hours dogs were studied to measure myocardial segment length in the circumflex artery region with ultrasonic dimension transducers, left ventricular pressure with a micromanometer, and circumflex coronary flow with an ultrasonic probe. Regional contractile function was quantified by the area beneath the linear preload recruitable stroke work relationship at baseline and at intervals during reperfusion after a 15-minute circumflex artery occlusion followed by 3 hours of reperfusion. Baseline and peak reperfusion hyperemic circumflex flows were 37 ± 9 ml/min and 154 ± 33 ml/min, respectively, in heat-shocked dogs (p < 0.001) and 46 ± 24 ml/min and 171 ± 57 ml/min, respectively, in nonheat-shocked dogs (p < 0.001), with no differences between groups (p = not significant) at any time during reperfusion. Heart rate and left ventricular peak pressure, end-diastolic pressure, and first derivative of left ventricular pressure were similar (all p = not significant) in heat-shocked and nonheat-shocked dogs during ischemia and reperfusion. Before ischemia, preload recruitable stroke work relationship did not differ (p = not significant) in heat-shocked and nonheat-shocked dogs. Ischemia reduced preload recruitable stroke work relationship to 32% ± 8% control (p < 0.001) in heat-shocked dogs and to 19% ± 15% control in nonheat-shocked dogs (p < 0.001) at 15 minutes of reperfusion, indicating a similar (p = not significant) initial degree of injury. During 3 hours of reperfusion, preload recruitable stroke work relationship returned to 80% ± 38% control in heat-shocked dogs but to only 33% ± 13% control in nonheat-shocked dogs (p < 0.0001). Myocardial expression of heat-shock protein, quantified by optical densitometry of Western blots using an antibody specific for HSP70, was greater in heat-shocked than in nonheat-shocked dogs (108 ± 27 versus 71 ± 14 densitometry units, p < 0.005). Exact causal mechanisms remain to be defined, but these data indicate (1) hyperthermic bypass triggers induction of myocardial heat-shock protein and (2) elevated myocardial heat-shock protein is associated with accelerated recovery of stunned myocardium. Promotion of endogenous molecular cytoprotective systems represents a novel and potentially useful strategy for myocardial protection. (J THORAC CARDIOVASC SURG 1995;109:753-64

    Engineering students understanding mathematics (ESUM): research rigour and dissemination

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    The Engineering Students Understanding Mathematics (ESUM) project was a developmental research project aimed at enhancing the quality of mathematics learning of students of materials engineering in terms of their engagement and conceptual understanding. The initial phase of the project consisted of an innovation in mathematics teaching-learning which was designed, implemented and studied, with feedback and concomitant modification to practice. Details are reported in Jaworski (2011b). The second phase of the project, reported here, focused more overtly on the analysis of data in relation to theoretical perspectives. In particular, Activity Theory (AT) was used to make sense of emerging findings. A literature review was undertaken and showed evidence of so-called ‘constructivist’ methods being introduced to the teaching of mathematics in higher education (HE). Dissemination has taken place both internally within the institution and externally and is still ongoing. It has generated interest and activity beyond the local setting. Findings from the project include students’ views on elements of the innovation, improved scores on tests and examinations compared with earlier cohorts and students’ strategic approaches to their studies and ways in which this creates tensions with lecturers’ aims in designing the innovatory approach. The gains from the projects can be seen in terms of developing knowledge of the complexities of achieving principles for more conceptual understandings of mathematics within the context and culture in which teaching and learning take place

    Combination treatment with zidovudine, didanosine, and nevirapine in infants with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 infection

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    BACKGROUND: In infants and children with maternally acquired human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection, treatment with a single antiretroviral agent has limited efficacy. We evaluated the safety and efficacy of a three-drug regimen in a small group of maternally infected infants. METHODS: Zidovudine, didanosine, and nevirapine were administered in combination orally to eight infants 2 to 16 months of age. The efficacy of antiretroviral treatment was evaluated by serial measurements of plasma HIV-1 RNA, quantitative plasma cultures, and quantitative cultures of peripheral-blood mononuclear cells. RESULTS: The three-drug regimen was well tolerated, without clinically important adverse events. Within four weeks, there were reductions in plasma levels of HIV-1 RNA of at least 96 percent (1.5 log) in seven of the eight study patients. Over the 6-month study period, replication of HIV-1 was controlled in two infants who began therapy at 2 1/2 months of age. Plasma RNA levels were reduced by 0.5 to 1.5 log in five of the other six infants. CONCLUSIONS: Although further observations are needed, it appears that in infants with maternally acquired HIV-1 infection, combined treatment with zidovudine, didanosine, and nevirapine is well tolerated and has sustained efficacy against HIV-1

    Anti-citrullinated peptide autoantibodies, human leukocyte antigen shared epitope and risk of future rheumatoid arthritis: a nested case–control study

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    Introduction: The aim of this study was to characterize anti-citrullinated peptide antibody (ACPA) serostatus in pre-clinical rheumatoid arthritis (RA) with and without Human Leukocyte Antigen-Shared Epitope (HLA-SE) alleles. Methods: We identified 192 women in the Nurses’ Health Study cohorts with blood samples obtained 4 months to 17 years prior to medical record-confirmed RA diagnosis. Three controls were selected matched on age, cohort, menopausal status and post-menopausal hormone use. Reactivities to 18 ACPAs were measured using a custom BioPlex platform. We used conditional logistic regression to calculate the relative risk (RR) of RA for any ACPA-positive and peptide-specific ACPA-positive and examined RRs by time between blood draw and RA onset. Measures of multiplicative and additive interaction between any ACPA-positive and HLA-SE were calculated. Results: All ACPAs by peptide groups were significantly associated with RA risk, RRs ranged from 4.7 to 11.7. The association between ACPA and RA varied over time with the strongest association in those with blood draw less than 5 years before onset (RR 17.0 [95% CI 5.8 to 53.7]) and no association 10 or more years prior to onset (RR 1.4 [95% CI 0.5 to 4.3]). Individuals with both HLA-SE and any ACPA-positive had the highest risk of RA. HLA-SE-positive RA cases showed reactivity to more ACPA types than HLA-SE negative (χ2 test for trend, P = 0.01). Conclusions: There is increasing ACPA reactivity up to 10 years before RA onset with the strongest association within 5 years of RA onset. The magnitude of the response to ACPAs, in combination with the presence of HLA-SE, is most important for identifying those individuals with the highest risk of RA

    Improving sleep after stroke: a randomised controlled trial of digital cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia

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    Stroke is frequently accompanied by long-term sleep disruption. We therefore aimed to assess the efficacy of digital cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia to improve sleep after stroke. A parallel group randomised controlled trial was conducted remotely in participant's homes/online. Randomisation was online with minimisation of between-group differences in age and baseline Sleep Condition Indicator-8 score. In total, 86 community-dwelling stroke survivors consented, of whom 84 completed baseline assessments (39 female, mean 5.5 years post-stroke, mean 59 years old), and were randomised to digital cognitive behavioural therapy or control (sleep hygiene information). Follow-up was at post-intervention (mean 75 days after baseline) and 8 weeks later. The primary outcome was self-reported insomnia symptoms, as per the Sleep Condition Indicator-8 (range 0–32, lower numbers indicate more severe insomnia, reliable change 7 points) at post-intervention. There were significant improvements in Sleep Condition Indicator-8 for digital cognitive behavioural therapy compared with control (intention-to-treat, digital cognitive behavioural therapy n = 48, control n = 36, 5 imputed datasets, effect of group p ≤ 0.02, η2p = 0.07–0.12 [medium size effect], pooled mean difference = −3.35). Additionally, secondary outcomes showed shorter self-reported sleep-onset latencies and better mood for the digital cognitive behavioural therapy group, but no significant differences for self-efficacy, quality of life or actigraphy-derived sleep parameters. Cost-effectiveness analysis found that digital cognitive behavioural therapy dominates over control (non-significant cost savings and higher quality-adjusted life years). No related serious adverse events were reported to the researchers. Overall, digital cognitive behavioural therapy for insomnia effectively improves sleep after stroke. Future research is needed to assess earlier stages post-stroke, with a longer follow-up period to determine whether it should be included as part of routine post-stroke care. Clinicaltrials.gov NCT04272892

    Modeling Multi-Wavelength Stellar Astrometry. I. SIM Lite Observations of Interacting Binaries

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    Interacting binaries consist of a secondary star which fills or is very close to filling its Roche lobe, resulting in accretion onto the primary star, which is often, but not always, a compact object. In many cases, the primary star, secondary star, and the accretion disk can all be significant sources of luminosity. SIM Lite will only measure the photocenter of an astrometric target, and thus determining the true astrometric orbits of such systems will be difficult. We have modified the Eclipsing Light Curve code (Orosz & Hauschildt 2000) to allow us to model the flux-weighted reflex motions of interacting binaries, in a code we call REFLUX. This code gives us sufficient flexibility to investigate nearly every configuration of interacting binary. We find that SIM Lite will be able to determine astrometric orbits for all sufficiently bright interacting binaries where the primary or secondary star dominates the luminosity. For systems where there are multiple components that comprise the spectrum in the optical bandpass accessible to SIM Lite, we find it is possible to obtain absolute masses for both components, although multi-wavelength photometry will be required to disentangle the multiple components. In all cases, SIM Lite will at least yield accurate inclinations, and provide valuable information that will allow us to begin to understand the complex evolution of mass-transferring binaries. It is critical that SIM Lite maintains a multi-wavelength capability to allow for the proper deconvolution of the astrometric orbits in multi-component systems.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The Far-Infrared Spectral Energy Distributions of X-ray-selected Active Galaxies

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    [Abridged] We present ISO far-infrared (IR) observations of 21 hard X-ray selected AGN from the HEAO-1 A2 sample. We compare the far-IR to X-ray spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of this sample with various radio and optically selected AGN samples. The hard-X-ray selected sample shows a wider range of optical/UV shapes extending to redder near-IR colors. The bluer objects are Seyfert 1s, while the redder AGN are mostly intermediate or type 2 Seyferts. This is consistent with a modified unification model in which the amount of obscuring material increases with viewing angle and may be clumpy. Such a scenario, already suggested by differing optical/near-IR spectroscopic and X-ray AGN classifications, allows for different amounts of obscuration of the continuum emission in different wavebands and of the broad emission line region which results in a mixture of behaviors for AGN with similar optical emission line classifications. The resulting limits on the column density of obscuring material through which we are viewing the redder AGN are 100 times lower than for the standard optically thick torus models. The resulting decrease in optical depth of the obscuring material allows the AGN to heat more dust at larger radial distances. We show that an AGN-heated, flared, dusty disk with mass 10^9 solar and size of few hundred pc is able to generate optical-far-IR SEDs which reproduce the wide range of SEDs present in our sample with no need for an additional starburst component to generate the long-wavelength, cooler part of the IR continuum.Comment: 40 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal, V. 590, June 10, 200

    Magnetic Field Effects on the Far-Infrared Absorption in Mn_12-acetate

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    We report the far-infrared spectra of the molecular nanomagnet Mn_12-acetate (Mn_12) as a function of temperature (5-300 K) and magnetic field (0-17 T). The large number of observed vibrational modes is related to the low symmetry of the molecule, and they are grouped together in clusters. Analysis of the mode character based on molecular dynamics simulations and model compound studies shows that all vibrations are complex; motion from a majority of atoms in the molecule contribute to most modes. Three features involving intramolecular vibrations of the Mn_12 molecule centered at 284, 306 and 409 cm-1 show changes with applied magnetic field. The structure near 284 cm−1^{-1} displays the largest deviation with field and is mainly intensity related. A comparison between the temperature dependent absorption difference spectra, the gradual low-temperature cluster framework distortion as assessed by neutron diffraction data, and field dependent absorption difference spectra suggests that this mode may involve Mn motion in the crown.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, PRB accepte

    Improving sleep and learning in rehabilitation after stroke, part 2 (INSPIRES2): study protocol for a home-based randomised control trial of digital cognitive behavioural therapy (dCBT) for insomnia

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    Introduction Consolidation of motor skill learning, a key component of rehabilitation post-stroke, is known to be sleep dependent. However, disrupted sleep is highly prevalent after stroke and is often associated with poor motor recovery and quality of life. Previous research has shown that digital cognitive behavioural therapy (dCBT) for insomnia can be effective at improving sleep quality after stroke. Therefore, the aim of this trial is to evaluate the potential for sleep improvement using a dCBT programme, to improve rehabilitation outcomes after stroke. Methods and analysis We will conduct a parallel-arm randomised controlled trial of dCBT (Sleepio) versus treatment as usual among individuals following stroke affecting the upper limb. Up to 100 participants will be randomly allocated (2:1) into either the intervention (6–8 week dCBT) or control (continued treatment as usual) group. The primary outcome of the study will be change in insomnia symptoms pre to post intervention compared with treatment as usual. Secondary outcomes include improvement in overnight motor memory consolidation and sleep measures between intervention groups, correlations between changes in sleep behaviour and overnight motor memory consolidation in the dCBT group and changes in symptoms of depression and fatigue between the dCBT and control groups. Analysis of covariance models and correlations will be used to analyse data from the primary and secondary outcomes. Ethics and dissemination The study has received approval from the National Research Ethics Service (22/EM/0080), Health Research Authority (HRA) and Health and Care Research Wales (HCRW), IRAS ID: 306 291. The results of this trial will be disseminated via presentations at scientific conferences, peer-reviewed publication, public engagement events, stakeholder organisations and other forms of media where appropriate. Trial registration number NCT05511285
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