1,488 research outputs found

    The reality of remembrance in Camperdown Memorial Rest Park

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    Nestled at the back of Newtown, behind the bustling King St and amongst the Camperdown suburbia, lies Camperdown Memorial Rest Park, a frequent spot for gatherings with friends, and a beloved dog hang-out for owners and canines alike. However, not many people know of the deep cultural significance that this park holds for Aboriginal people. The strong historical importance that lies beneath the surface of the park and within the park’s closed off section are found within Camperdown Cemetery

    Recommended Toys for the Playroom

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    When working with children in counseling, it is often difficult to decide which toys to include in the playroom. Landreth (2012) recommends that toys be intentionally selected instead of collected. Play is a child’s universal language and toys are their words; therefore; each and every toy should be purposeful (Landreth, 2012). The carefully chosen toys allow children an ability to express a full range of emotions, with toy categories including the following: real-life toys, acting-out aggressive-release toys, and toys for reactive expression and emotional release. Real-life toys may include toys that can represent figures and materials in the child’s life such as puppets, dolls, vehicles, a play kitchen, a cash register, and food. Acting-out aggressive release toys include toys such as a bop bag, play guns, and a shark. Finally, toys for reactive expression and emotional release may include paints, sand, and Play Doh. With these toys in the playroom, the therapist is able to establish a positive relationship with the child in which the child can express a wide range of feelings, explore real-life experiences, test limits, develop a positive self-image, develop self-understanding, and develop self-control (Landreth, 2012). Further recommendations for specific toys to include in your playroom as well as detailed information regarding structuring your playroom can be found in Landreth (2012)

    Couples and clinics: online learning and information provision to make decisions about fertility treatment in the context of neoliberalism and patriarchy in the U.K.

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    Infertility, a complex medical and social issue, affects one in six couples worldwide. This study explores the experiences of heterosexual couples with infertility by analysing data from semi-structured interviews and delves into the dynamics of learning about infertility and making decisions about treatment within the United Kingdom. This study adopts a dual theoretical lens, situating data within the context of neoliberal and patriarchal policies and perspectives to explore the intricacies of choice and the burdens on couples to learn about infertility. Using Reflective Thematic Analysis, the findings reveal that the lack of adequate information provided through schools, media, GPs, and fertility clinics leads couples with infertility to Google. Seeking health information online can be empowering but there is a lack of consensus within the field of infertility, for both what practitioners recommend and what is available on the internet. Therefore, searching for information online can be confusing and overwhelming, which renders the process burdensome for couples. Despite the shared nature of infertility diagnoses within a couple, there is an unequal distribution of labour for seeking health information online; women bear the burden of learning about and making decisions regarding infertility. Drawing upon the findings, this study argues neoliberal policies and perspectives, specifically the focus on privatisation of care, individual choice and responsibility, and profit over care, have placed the burden of learning on couples. Additionally, within those couples, patriarchal influences have disproportionately placed the burden on women. Thus, to reduce imbalances in learning about infertility, this study calls for more regulation of the fertility industry and a move towards patient-centred care in the infertility industry. Online resources could be greatly improved to better support couples; however, health practitioners should actively engage with both partners within a couple to balance the burdens of learning, educating, and decision making across the triad and ensure that the couple’s perspectives and preferences are considered in the fertility treatment process. Ultimately, this study contributes to previous research on the lived experiences of infertility and online health information seeking behaviour and aims to contribute to social change

    Antibiotic resistance in Gram negative bacteria isolated from fish sold in Western Australia

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    Background Information The global misuse and overuse of antibiotics in human medicine and the animal production industry is contributing to the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria. This is a serious threat to modern medicine and public health. Antibiotic resistant organisms can cause severe infections in humans which are difficult to treat, and in some cases impossible to resolve which can lead to premature death. Several studies have been conducted across the globe to assess the use of antibiotics in the seafood industry and the associated health risks, however, limited studies have recently explored this risk in an Australian setting. Aims This thesis aimed to investigate the presence of antibiotic residues in seafood sold in Western Australia. Furthermore, the occurrence of antibiotic resistance in Gram negative bacteria isolated from fish sold in Perth, Western Australia was assessed. The impact of country of origin on the presence of antibiotic residues and antibiotic resistant bacteria in seafood samples has also been considered. Methodology Historical data was accessed from the Local Health Authorities Analytical Committee regarding the presence of eight antibiotic types in 253 seafood samples purchased throughout Western Australia between May and June 2017. Forty-four fish samples, a mix of local and imported from Asian countries, were sourced from retail shops located in the metropolitan area of Perth between September and November 2017. Gram negative bacteria were isolated by homogenisation of the fish with a Luria Bertani Broth and incubation on media selective for Gram negative bacteria. A series of preliminary microbial identification tests were conducted on selected bacterial isolates. Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization-Time of Flight confirmed the identification of the bacteria to species level. The identified bacteria (n = 35) were analysed for antibiotic susceptibility to eight antibiotic types using the standard disc diffusion method. Results The majority of seafood samples were free from antibiotic residue contamination and compliant with Australian legislation. A single non-compliant sample contained antibiotic residues below the level required to pose an immediate health risk to the consumer. This result suggests the Australian consumer has limited risk of consuming antibiotic residues in seafood. Thirty-five Gram negative bacterial isolates from ten genera were identified. The majority of the antibiotic resistance observed in the bacteria was either explained by intrinsic resistance or was similar to previous reports. Potential acquired antibiotic resistance was observed in four Acinetobacter species and a Rhizobium isolate which were isolated from commonly farmed fish from Australia (n = 1), China (n = 1) and Vietnam (n = 3). It is possible the fish may have been exposed to antibiotics during the production cycle. However, this result must be read with caution since there are limited standardised breakpoint guidelines for these particular species and, therefore the results were inferred using guidelines for other, similar, bacterial species. From these results, it appears that there is limited risk to consumer health from exposure to antibiotic resistant bacteria via consumption of seafood, however, only a limited number of samples were assessed, and Gram positive bacteria were not evaluated in this study. These results are reassuring but suggest that vigilance is required to ensure that the risk to consumers is minimised. Where antibiotics are used inappropriately in environmental settings, the risk of environmental bacteria developing further antibiotic resistance will remain. Routine surveillance of antibiotic resistance in pathogenic bacteria in domestic and imported food of animal origin is recommended to monitor this potential risk to human public health

    A pilot qualitative investigation of stakeholders’ experiences and opinions of equine insect bite hypersensitivity in England

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    Equine insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH), commonly known as sweet itch or summer eczema, is a frustrating recurrent skin disease in the equine industry involving an immune reaction to the bites of Culicoides spp. midges. To investigate the impact of IBH in the field, an exploratory pilot study was conducted with equine stakeholders in one region of central England. Nine semi-structured, face-to-face interviews were conducted with horse owners and an equine veterinarian. The aim was to gain an understanding of experiences with IBH, and to gauge opinions on the value of the various management strategies horse owners use to control IBH. Awareness of IBH was generally high, particularly in those individuals who had previous experience with the condition. Those with previous experience of IBH commented on the significant effect on daily routines, and the associated cost implications. Most participants supported an integrated approach to hypersensitivity management, and this most commonly involved a combination of physical barriers and chemical repellents, but sometimes included feed supplementation. Overall, attitudes towards IBH suggested that the condition is a notable welfare and economic concern for stakeholders, but veterinary involvement tended to only be in more severe cases. Further research is required in the future to improve understanding, management and potential treatment of this condition

    Encuentros intergeneracionales: Continuidades y reformulaciones en las prácticas militantes de las jóvenes integrantes de espacios de acompañamiento de aborto en la AMBA / Intergenerational encounters: Continuities and reformulations in the activist practices of the young members of abortion accompaniment spaces in the AMBA

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    Debido al acceso restrictivo de los abortos legales, en los últimos diez años los espacios de acompañamiento de personas que quieren interrumpir la gestación se han convertido en un sitio importante de la militancia feminista en Argentina. Estos espacios o colectivos brindan información sobre el uso del medicamento misoprostol para abortar, conectan las personas gestantes con profesionales de salud “amigables” que garantizan el acceso al Interrupción Legal del Embarazo, y proveen apoyo durante el proceso de interrupción. Al mismo tiempo, en los últimos cinco años una marea de jóvenes ha entrado masivamente a la militancia feminista. A través de la teoría sociológica de las generaciones y los estudios de las jóvenes feministas latinoamericanas, esta investigación estudia las formas en las que estas se vinculan con activistas feministas de generaciones mayores, y las continuidades y rupturas en las prácticas militantes a partir de sus vínculos intergeneracionales. La investigación está basada en entrevistas en profundidad a integrantes jóvenes de tres espacios de acompañamiento en el Área Metropolitana de Buenos Aires. Aunque las consejerías estudiadas están compuestas solamente por militantes jóvenes, hallé varios encuentros intergeneracionales que se vitalizan a través de su vinculación con feministas de generaciones mayores – profesionales de la salud y militantes - y objetos provistos por estas generaciones anteriores, que circulan en el activismo tal como fanzines de las primeras consejerías. Planteo que las relaciones intergeneracionales son fuentes de formación de las militantes jóvenes, tanto en el aprendizaje de saberes técnico/médicos como la formación militante. Además, entre otros hallazgos detecté que los desacuerdos se dan más bien a través de un proceso de reformulación de las prácticas de las consejerías anteriores a partir de las propias experiencias y nuevas ideas de las jóvenes integrantes y no tanto a partir del rechazo de las prácticas de generaciones antecesoras

    Correlation between seismicity and topographic lineaments in western North Carolina

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    To discover what is causing earthquakes in western North Carolina, I conducted research to confirm my hypothesis that earthquakes in western North Carolina lie in planes that correlate to topographic lineaments, and thus, to active fault zones. In North Carolina, the only known active fault is the Boone fault, which lies in the northwest corner of the state. A small fault, it is unlikely that the Boone fault could cause all of the earthquakes in the western portion of the state. In order to test my hypothesis, I compiled data from various sources. This included taking strike and dip measurements of outcrop fractures, studying structural and geologic deformation, and using ArcGIS software to analyze the location of earthquake hypocenters found from the USGS database. I found evidence to support my hypothesis, where earthquakes and their subsequent damage lied parallel or closely parallel to the topographic lineaments surrounding them. My findings support the notion that, in addition to the Boone fault, there are more young and active faults in western North Carolina.Bachelor of Art

    Community Ambassador Real Equality – Developing Spanish Bilingual, Bicultural COVID-19 Health Ambassadors in Rural Western North Carolina: A Case Study

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    In response to the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 in the Hispanic/Latino community in Avery, Mitchell, and Yancey counties, Spanish-English bilingual, bicultural residents were recruited to serve as Community Ambassador Real Equality (CARE Team) ambassadors to develop and disseminate COVID-19 public health guidance in partnership with Partners Aligned Toward Health (PATH), Mountain Community Health Partnership (MCHP), and faculty and students from UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health’s MPH Program in Asheville. Professionals from the Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC), Yancey County Emergency Management, Pisgah Legal Services, and WNC Health Network provide additional training and relevant resources to the ambassadors. The CARE initiative is using the Boot Camp Translation process, an evidence-based community engagement model that brings community members and professionals together to create and share culturally responsive and relevant health messaging to the local community (Westfall et al., 2016). The Boot Camp Translation model has been adapted to keep pace with a rapidly evolving pandemic. In our adaptation, the program builds relationships and channels of communication between health professionals and the Hispanic/Latino community. PATH and partners strive to engage community members as valued partners with important perspectives throughout the process. The goal of the initiative is to address the disproportionate spread of COVID-19 in the Hispanic/Latino communities, while simultaneously decreasing the overall spread of the virus. The long-term program aim is to increase service providers’ cultural humility and responsiveness, establish channels of communication between the Hispanic/Latino community and local agencies, and strengthen Hispanic/Latino leadership in the Avery, Mitchell, and Yancey community.Master of Public Healt