272 research outputs found

    Space vehicle electrical power systems study

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    Developing suitable solid state power controllers for space vehicles electrical power system

    Cost benefit analysis of space communications technology: Volume 1: Executive summary

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    The questions of (1) whether or not NASA should support the further development of space communications technology, and, if so, (2) which technology's support should be given the highest priority are addressed. Insofar as the issues deal principally with resource allocation, an economics perspective is adopted. The resultant cost benefit methodology utilizes the net present value concept in three distinct analysis stages to evaluate and rank those technologies which pass a qualification test based upon probable (private sector) market failure. User-preference and technology state-of-the-art surveys were conducted (in 1975) to form a data base for the technology evaluation. The program encompassed near-future technologies in space communications earth stations and satellites, including the noncommunication subsystems of the satellite (station keeping, electrical power system, etc.). Results of the research program include confirmation of the applicability of the methodology as well as a list of space communications technologies ranked according to the estimated net present value of their support (development) by NASA

    Benefit-cost methodology study with example application of the use of wind generators

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    An example application for cost-benefit methodology is presented for the use of wind generators. The approach adopted for the example application consisted of the following activities: (1) surveying of the available wind data and wind power system information, (2) developing models which quantitatively described wind distributions, wind power systems, and cost-benefit differences between conventional systems and wind power systems, and (3) applying the cost-benefit methodology to compare a conventional electrical energy generation system with systems which included wind power generators. Wind speed distribution data were obtained from sites throughout the contiguous United States and were used to compute plant factor contours shown on an annual and seasonal basis. Plant factor values (ratio of average output power to rated power) are found to be as high as 0.6 (on an annual average basis) in portions of the central U. S. and in sections of the New England coastal area. Two types of wind power systems were selected for the application of the cost-benefit methodology. A cost-benefit model was designed and implemented on a computer to establish a practical tool for studying the relative costs and benefits of wind power systems under a variety of conditions and to efficiently and effectively perform associated sensitivity analyses

    IL-1R1 is required for dendritic cell-mediated T cell reactivation within the CNS during West Nile virus encephalitis

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    Infections of the central nervous system (CNS) with cytopathic viruses require efficient T cell responses to promote viral clearance, limit immunopathology, and enhance survival. We found that IL-1R1 is critical for effector T cell reactivation and limits inflammation within the CNS during murine West Nile virus (WNV) encephalitis. WNV-infected IL-1R1(−/−) mice display intact adaptive immunity in the periphery but succumb to WNV infection caused by loss of virologic control in the CNS with depressed local Th1 cytokine responses, despite parenchymal entry of virus-specific CD8(+) T cells. Ex vivo analysis of CD4(+) T cells from WNV-infected CNS of IL-1R1(−/−) mice revealed impaired effector responses, whereas CD8(+) T cells revealed no cell intrinsic defects in response to WNV antigen. WNV-infected, IL-1R1(−/−) mice also exhibited decreased activation of CNS CD11c(+)CD11b(−)CD103(+) and CD11c(+)CD11b(−)CD8α(+)Dec-205(+) cells with reduced up-regulation of the co-stimulatory molecules CD80, CD86, and CD68. Adoptive transfer of wild-type CD11c-EYFP(+) cells from WNV-infected CNS into WNV-infected IL-1R1(−/−) mice trafficked into the CNS restored T cell functions and improved survival from otherwise lethal infection. These data indicate that IL-1R1 signaling promotes virologic control during WNV infection specifically within the CNS via modulation of CD11c(+) cell–mediated T cell reactivation at this site

    Unique and redundant functions of NKp46+ ILC3s in models of intestinal inflammation

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    Group 3 ILCs (ILC3s) are innate sources of IL-22 and IL-17 and include lymphoid tissue-inducer (LTi)-like and NKp46(+) subsets. Both depend on RORγt and aryl hydrocarbon receptor, but NKp46(+)ILC3s also require Notch and T-bet for their development and are transcriptionally distinct. The extent to which these subsets have unique functions, especially in the context of T cell– and B cell–sufficient mice, remains largely unclear. To investigate the specific function of NKp46(+)ILC3s among other ILC3 subsets and T cells, we generated mice selectively lacking NKp46(+)ILC3s or all ILC3s and crossed them to T cell–deficient mice, thus maintaining B cells in all mice. In mice lacking T cells, NKp46(+)ILC3s were sufficient to promote inflammatory monocyte accumulation in the anti-CD40 innate colitis model through marked production of GM-CSF. In T cell–competent mice, lack of NKp46(+)ILCs had no impact on control of intestinal C. rodentium infection, whereas lack of all ILC3s partially impaired bacterial control. Thus, NKp46(+)ILC3s have a unique capacity to promote inflammation through GM-CSF–induced accumulation of inflammatory monocytes, but are superseded by LTi-like ILC3s and T cells in controlling intestinal bacterial infection

    Risk of cancers of the lung, head and neck in patients hospitalized for alcoholism in Sweden

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    Alcoholic patients are at increased risk of cancers of the head and neck but little information is available on the magnitude of the risk for specific sites and for different histological types. We followed 182 667 patients with a hospital discharge diagnosis of alcoholism during 1965–1994, for an average of 10.2 years. We compared their incidence of site- and histological type-specific cancers of the oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and lung with that of the national population. The standardized incidence ratio (SIR) of cancer of the oral cavity and pharynx was 5.33 (95% confidence interval [CI] 5.04–5.64, based on 1207 cases). The SIRs of laryngeal and lung cancer were 4.21 (95% Cl 3.78–4.68, 347 cases) and 2.40 (2.29–2.51, 1880 cases), respectively. The SIR was highest for cancers of the hypopharynx, floor of the mouth, mesopharynx and base of the tongue. The relative excess of lung cancer was similar for squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. Low age at first hospitalization was associated with higher SIRs for all sites under study. 25 years after first hospitalization for alcoholism, the cumulative probability of developing a lung cancer was in the order of 5%, for oral and pharyngeal cancer it was 2.5%, and for oesophageal or laryngeal cancer 1% each. Our study shows that the risk of head and neck cancer among heavy drinkers is highest for sites in direct contact with alcohol. The high risk of head and neck neoplasms may justify specific medical attention. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http://www.bjcancer.co

    The importance of the exposome and allostatic load in the planetary health paradigm

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    In 1980, Jonas Salk (1914-1995) encouraged professionals in anthropology and related disciplines to consider the interconnections between "planetary health," sociocultural changes associated with technological advances, and the biology of human health. The concept of planetary health emphasizes that human health is intricately connected to the health of natural systems within the Earth's biosphere; experts in physiological anthropology have illuminated some of the mechanisms by which experiences in natural environments (or the built environment) can promote or detract from health. For example, shinrin-yoku and related research (which first emerged from Japan in the 1990s) helped set in motion international studies that have since examined physiological responses to time spent in natural and/or urban environments. However, in order to advance such findings into planetary health discourse, it will be necessary to further understand how these biological responses (inflammation and the collective of allostatic load) are connected to psychological constructs such as nature relatedness, and pro-social/environmental attitudes and behaviors. The exposome refers to total environmental exposures-detrimental and beneficial-that can help predict biological responses of the organism to environment over time. Advances in "omics" techniques-metagenomics, proteomics, metabolomics-and systems biology are allowing researchers to gain unprecedented insight into the physiological ramifications of human behavior. Objective markers of stress physiology and microbiome research may help illuminate the personal, public, and planetary health consequences of "extinction of experience." At the same time, planetary health as an emerging multidisciplinary concept will be strengthened by input from the perspectives of physiological anthropology.Peer reviewe

    Statistical HOmogeneous Cluster SpectroscopY (SHOCSY): an optimized statistical approach for clustering of ¹H NMR spectral data to reduce interference and enhance robust biomarkers selection.

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    We propose a novel statistical approach to improve the reliability of (1)H NMR spectral analysis in complex metabolic studies. The Statistical HOmogeneous Cluster SpectroscopY (SHOCSY) algorithm aims to reduce the variation within biological classes by selecting subsets of homogeneous (1)H NMR spectra that contain specific spectroscopic metabolic signatures related to each biological class in a study. In SHOCSY, we used a clustering method to categorize the whole data set into a number of clusters of samples with each cluster showing a similar spectral feature and hence biochemical composition, and we then used an enrichment test to identify the associations between the clusters and the biological classes in the data set. We evaluated the performance of the SHOCSY algorithm using a simulated (1)H NMR data set to emulate renal tubule toxicity and further exemplified this method with a (1)H NMR spectroscopic study of hydrazine-induced liver toxicity study in rats. The SHOCSY algorithm improved the predictive ability of the orthogonal partial least-squares discriminatory analysis (OPLS-DA) model through the use of "truly" representative samples in each biological class (i.e., homogeneous subsets). This method ensures that the analyses are no longer confounded by idiosyncratic responders and thus improves the reliability of biomarker extraction. SHOCSY is a useful tool for removing irrelevant variation that interfere with the interpretation and predictive ability of models and has widespread applicability to other spectroscopic data, as well as other "omics" type of data
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