6,528 research outputs found

    Environmental Regulation: An Examination of John Locke’s Ordered Liberty and Government Intervention

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    Since the last financial crisis banks have been more restrictive about lending to companies, leading to companies seeking alternative funding. In this thesis we evaluate the Swedish market for property-related lending focusing on corporate bonds. We investigate if the view on corporate bonds differ between real estate companies and banks and also the development of the Swedish market for property-related lending. The thesis is based on interviews with people in the real estate- and bank industry as well as previous research. The Swedish bond market is undeveloped but it is going through a growing stage. In Swedish history banks have played an important roll developing the Swedish economy thus the Swedish financial market is bank dominated. Because of new bank regulations after the financial crisis, the price on loans went up leading to companies seeking alternative financing. This has led to an increase in corporate bonds issued by real estate companies. There has been an increase in the number of real estate companies issuing bonds as more investors, such as funds, have entered the bond market leading to an opportunity for smaller real estate companies to successfully issue bonds.Efter senaste finanskrisen har banker blivit mer restriktiva med utlÄning till företag, vilket har lett till att företag söker alternativ finansiering. I den hÀr uppsatsen granskar vi den svenska marknaden för fastighetsrelaterad utlÄning med fokus pÄ obligationslÄn. Vi undersöker om synen pÄ obligationslÄn skiljer sig mellan banker och fastighetsbolag samt hur den svenska kreditmarknaden för fastighetsrelaterad utlÄning utvecklas. Uppsatsen bygger pÄ intervjuer med personer i fastighets- och bankbranschen samt tidigare forskning om Àmnet. Den svenska obligationsmarknaden Àr outvecklad men pÄ stark tillvÀxt. Bankerna har historiskt sett haft en central roll i svenska nÀringslivet vilket har lett till att den svenska finansiella marknaden Àr bankdominerad. Efter finanskrisen har dock företag sökt alternativa finansieringsmöjligheter pÄ grund av skÀrpta krav pÄ banker som lett till dyrare lÄn för företagen. Detta har lett till att antal emitterade obligationer för företag inom fastighetsbranschen ökat. Fler och fler emittenter tar sig in pÄ obligationsmarknaden i samband med att nya investerare, exempelvis kreditfonder, Àntrat marknaden vilket har skapat möjlighet för Àven mindre fastighetsbolag att framgÄngsrikt emittera obligationer

    Invariant random subgroups of strictly diagonal limits of finite symmetric groups

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    We classify the ergodic invariant random subgroups of strictly diagonal limits of finite symmetric groups

    Gauge Symmetry and Gravito-Electromagnetism

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    A tensor description of perturbative Einsteinian gravity about an arbitrary background spacetime is developed. By analogy with the covariant laws of electromagnetism in spacetime, gravito-electromagnetic potentials and fields are defined to emulate electromagnetic gauge transformations under substitutions belonging to the gauge symmetry group of perturbative gravitation. These definitions have the advantage that on a flat background, with the aid of a covariantly constant timelike vector field, a subset of the linearised gravitational field equations can be written in a form that is fully analogous to Maxwell's equations (without awkward factors of 4 and extraneous tensor fields). It is shown how the remaining equations in the perturbed gravitational system restrict the time dependence of solutions to these equations and thereby prohibit the existence of propagating vector fields. The induced gravito-electromagnetic Lorentz force on a test particle is evaluated in terms of these fields together with the torque on a small gyroscope. It is concluded that the analogy of perturbative gravity to Maxwell's description of electromagnetism can be valuable for (quasi-)stationary gravitational phenomena but that the analogy has its limitations.Comment: 29 pages no-fig

    Adding memory to pressure-sensitive phosphors

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    Mechanoluminescence (ML) is the phenomenon describing the emission of light during mechanical action on a solid, leading to applications such as pressure sensing, damage detection and visualization of stress distributions. In most cases, this mechanical action releases energy that was previously stored in the crystal lattice of the phosphor by means of trapped charge carriers. A drawback is the need to record the ML emission during a pressure event. In this work, we provide a method for adding a memory function to these pressure-sensitive phosphors, allowing an optical readout of the location and intensity of a pressure event in excess of 72 h after the event. This is achieved in the BaSi2O2N2:Eu2+ phosphor, where a broad trap depth distribution essential for the process is present. By merging optically stimulated luminescence (OSL), thermoluminescence (TL) and ML measurements, the influence of light, heat and pressure on the trap depth distribution is carefully analysed. This analysis demonstrates that mechanical action can not only lead to direct light emission but also to a reshuffling of trap occupations. This memory effect not only is expected to lead to new pressure sensing applications but also offers an approach to study charge carrier transitions in energy storage phosphors

    Subleading Regge limit from a soft anomalous dimension

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    Wilson lines capture important features of scattering amplitudes, for example soft effects relevant for infrared divergences, and the Regge limit. Beyond the leading power approximation, corrections to the eikonal picture have to be taken into account. In this paper, we study such corrections in a model of massive scattering amplitudes in N = 4 super Yang-Mills, in the planar limit, where the mass is generated through a Higgs mechanism. Using known three-loop analytic expressions for the scattering amplitude, we find that the first power suppressed term has a very simple form, equal to a single power law. We propose that its exponent is governed by the anomalous dimension of a Wilson loop with a scalar inserted at the cusp, and we provide perturbative evidence for this proposal. We also analyze other limits of the amplitude and conjecture an exact formula for a total cross-section at high energies.Comment: 19 pages, several appendices, many figure

    Crystal structure, thermodynamics, magnetics and disorder properties of Be-Fe-Al intermetallics

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    The elastic and magnetic properties, thermodynamical stability, deviation from stoichiometry and order/disorder transformations of phases that are relevant to Be alloys were investigated using density functional theory simulations coupled with phonon density of states calculations to capture temperature effects. A novel structure and composition were identified for the Be-Fe binary {\epsilon} phase. In absence of Al, FeBe_5 is predicted to form at equilibrium above ~ 1250 K, while the {\epsilon} phase is stable only below ~ 1650 K, and FeBe_2 is stable at all temperatures below melting. Small additions of Al are found to stabilise FeBe_5 over FeBe_2 and {\epsilon}, while at high Al content, AlFeBe_4 is predicted to form. Deviations from stoichiometric compositions are also considered and found to be important in the case of FeBe_5 and {\epsilon}. The propensity for disordered vs ordered structures is also important for AlFeBe_4 (which exhibits complete Al-Fe disordered at all temperatures) and FeBe_5 (which exhibits an order-disorder transition at ~ 950 K).Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in J. Alloy Compd. on 14 March 201
