726 research outputs found

    Changements dans les entreprises et accès des seniors à la formation continue : une comparaison entre les années 1990 et 2000

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    Une version courte a été publiée dans la Revue Française d'Économie : Greenan N., Narcy M., Robin S., 2012, " Changements au sein des entreprises et accès des seniors à la formation continue dans les années 1990 et 2000 ", in dossier " L'évaluation des politiques publiques ", Revue française d'économie, vol. 27, n° 1, juillet, pp. 129-162.This paper examines whether dynamic work contexts in manufacturing are associated with specific age-training profiles. During the 1990s, we observe a comparative disadvantage of blue collar workers and clerks aged 50 to 59 with regards to training in ICTs. This is no longer visible over the following decade. By contrast, we identify a lower incidence of training in the main task for older workers. These results invite us to think about the specific training needs, when confronted to a changing work environment, of employees who have accumulated more experience.Cet article examine si la dynamique des contextes professionnels dans l'industrie est associée à des profils spécifiques de formation selon l'âge. On observe, au cours des années 1990, un déficit de formation à l'informatique pour les ouvriers et employés de 50-59 ans dans les entreprises ayant un usage avancé des technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC), déficit qui n'est plus visible pendant la décennie suivante où l'on identifie en revanche un moindre accès des seniors à la formation à la tâche principale. Ces résultats invitent à réfléchir aux besoins spécifiques en formation, face aux changements du travail, des salariés ayant accumulé plus d'expérience

    Characterizing the Landscape of Musical Data on the Web: State of the Art and Challenges

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    Musical data can be analysed, combined, transformed and exploited for diverse purposes. However, despite the proliferation of digital libraries and repositories for music, infrastructures and tools, such uses of musical data remain scarce. As an initial step to help fill this gap, we present a survey of the landscape of musical data on the Web, available as a Linked Open Dataset: the musoW dataset of catalogued musical resources. We present the dataset and the methodology and criteria for its creation and assessment. We map the identified dimensions and parameters to existing Linked Data vocabularies, present insights gained from SPARQL queries, and identify significant relations between resource features. We present a thematic analysis of the original research questions associated with surveyed resources and identify the extent to which the collected resources are Linked Data-ready

    Dynamic similarity promotes interpersonal coordination in joint-action

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    Human movement has been studied for decades and dynamic laws of motion that are common to all humans have been derived. Yet, every individual moves differently from everyone else (faster/slower, harder/smoother etc). We propose here an index of such variability, namely an individual motor signature (IMS) able to capture the subtle differences in the way each of us moves. We show that the IMS of a person is time-invariant and that it significantly differs from those of other individuals. This allows us to quantify the dynamic similarity, a measure of rapport between dynamics of different individuals' movements, and demonstrate that it facilitates coordination during interaction. We use our measure to confirm a key prediction of the theory of similarity that coordination between two individuals performing a joint-action task is higher if their motions share similar dynamic features. Furthermore, we use a virtual avatar driven by an interactive cognitive architecture based on feedback control theory to explore the effects of different kinematic features of the avatar motion on the coordination with human players

    Behavioural Adjustment in Response to Increased Predation Risk: A Study in Three Duck Species

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    Predation directly triggers behavioural decisions designed to increase immediate survival. However, these behavioural modifications can have long term costs. There is therefore a trade-off between antipredator behaviours and other activities. This trade-off is generally considered between vigilance and only one other behaviour, thus neglecting potential compensations. In this study, we considered the effect of an increase in predation risk on the diurnal time-budget of three captive duck species during the wintering period. We artificially increased predation risk by disturbing two groups of 14 mallard and teals at different frequencies, and one group of 14 tufted ducks with a radio-controlled stressor. We recorded foraging, vigilance, preening and sleeping durations the week before, during and after disturbance sessions. Disturbed groups were compared to an undisturbed control group. We showed that in all three species, the increase in predation risk resulted in a decrease in foraging and preening and led to an increase in sleeping. It is worth noting that contrary to common observations, vigilance did not increase. However, ducks are known to be vigilant while sleeping. This complex behavioural adjustment therefore seems to be optimal as it may allow ducks to reduce their predation risk. Our results highlight the fact that it is necessary to encompass the whole individual time-budget when studying behavioural modifications under predation risk. Finally, we propose that studies of behavioural time-budget changes under predation risk should be included in the more general framework of the starvation-predation risk trade-off

    Autophosphorylation at serine 166 regulates RIP kinase 1-mediated cell death and inflammation

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    Receptor interacting protein kinase 1 (RIPK1) regulates cell death and inflammatory responses downstream of TNFR1 and other receptors, and has been implicated in the pathogenesis of inflammatory and degenerative diseases. RIPK1 kinase activity induces apoptosis and necroptosis, however the mechanisms and phosphorylation events regulating RIPK1-dependent cell death signaling remain poorly understood. Here we show that RIPK1 autophosphorylation at serine 166 plays a critical role for the activation of RIPK1 kinase-dependent apoptosis and necroptosis. Moreover, we show that S166 phosphorylation is required for RIPK1 kinase-dependent pathogenesis of inflammatory pathologies in vivo in four relevant mouse models. Mechanistically, we provide evidence that trans autophosphorylation at S166 modulates RIPK1 kinase activation but is not by itself sufficient to induce cell death. These results show that S166 autophosphorylation licenses RIPK1 kinase activity to induce downstream cell death signaling and inflammation, suggesting that S166 phosphorylation can serve as a reliable biomarker for RIPK1 kinase-dependent pathologies

    The Management of Cyanotic Spells in Children with Oesophageal Atresia

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    Cyanotic spells, also known as blue spells, dying spells, or apparent life-threatening events, refer to a bluish tone visible in the mucosal membranes and skin caused by an oxygen decrease in the peripheral circulation. Although this decrease may be transient and benign, it may also be indicative of a severe underlying problem that requires immediate intervention. Children with oesophageal atresia (OA) are at risk for a number of coexisting conditions that may trigger cyanotic spells. This current article will focus on the management of cyanotic spells both in children with innominate artery compression and those with tracheomalacia

    Attosecond electron-spin dynamics in Xe 4d photoionization

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    The photoionization of xenon atoms in the 70-100 eV range reveals several fascinating physical phenomena such as a giant resonance induced by the dynamic rearrangement of the electron cloud after photon absorption, an anomalous branching ratio between intermediate Xe+^+ states separated by the spin-orbit interaction and multiple Auger decay processes. These phenomena have been studied in the past, using in particular synchrotron radiation, but without access to real-time dynamics. Here, we study the dynamics of Xe 4d photoionization on its natural time scale combining attosecond interferometry and coincidence spectroscopy. A time-frequency analysis of the involved transitions allows us to identify two interfering ionization mechanisms: the broad giant dipole resonance with a fast decay time less than 50 as and a narrow resonance at threshold induced by spin-flip transitions, with much longer decay times of several hundred as. Our results provide new insight into the complex electron-spin dynamics of photo-induced phenomena

    Vulnerabilidades y desigual proceso de reconstrucción después del sismo de Pisco del 15 de agosto de 2007 en la provincia de Chincha, Perú

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    El proceso de reconstrucción después del sismo que afectó al Perú el 15 de agosto de 2007 resulta siendo profundamente desigual. En efecto, a más de un año del desastre, muy pocas familias están en capacidad de reconstruir sus viviendas. Están excluidos de la reconstrucción los más pobres y sobre todo aquellos que no pudieron apoyarse en buenas redes sociales y de poder. Es lo que revela una encuesta realizada dirigida a 1 703 familias damnificadas de la provincia de Chincha. La encuesta muestra también que la vulnerabilidad de la población, ya elevada antes del sismo, se ha incrementado desde entonces, en razón del aumento de la precariedad de las familias, del incremento de la vulnerabilidad de las construcciones y de una cohesión social debilitada.Le processus de reconstruction ayant fait suite au séisme qui a affecté le Pérou le 15 août 2007 s’avère profondément inégalitaire. En effet, très peu de familles sont en mesure de reconstruire plus d’un an après la catastrophe. Les plus pauvres et, surtout, ceux qui n’ont pas été en mesure de s’appuyer sur les bons réseaux sociaux et de pouvoir, se voient exclus du processus de reconstruction. C’est ce que révèle une enquête réalisée auprès de 1 703 familles sinistrées de la province de Chincha. L’enquête montre également que la vulnérabilité de la population, déjà élevée avant le séisme, s’est accrue depuis, en raison du renforcement de la précarité des familles, de l’accroissement de la vulnérabilité du bâti et d’une cohésion sociale remise en cause.The rebuilding process following the seismic event which affected Peru on August 15, 2007 was deeply inegalitarian. Indeed, very few families were able to rebuild even more than one year after the disaster. The poorest, especially the ones who were not able to rely on the support of the social and power networks, were excluded from the rebuilding process. A survey was carried out with 1703 disaster victim families of the Chincha province and it shows that the population vulnerability, which was already high before the earthquake, increased because of the reinforcement of family precariousness, of the increase in vulnerability of constructions, and the fact that the social cohesion has been weakened
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