1,000 research outputs found

    L'expérience québécoise

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    Quebec is the only Canadian Province to have affirmed its rights in the area of immigration by creating in 1968 a Department of Immigration. The Department has as its fundamental mission to provide a framework of support and orientation for immigration in the Province. The expression "humanitarian immigration" applies to two categories of people : refugees, as defined by the Geneva Convention, and more imposing those persons who, without being refugees, are selected for immigration due to humanitarian reasons. In recent years Quebec has welcomed 12 000 to 20 000 persons who have come to Canada claiming refugee status. The people of Quebec have shown openness and generosity in insuring newcomers with financial support and diverse means of welcome ranging from health care and housing to legal aid. The Quebec experience inspires thought on the relativity of the generosity and the fundamental contradiction of humanitarian immigration. The solution to the problem posed by the existence in the world of twelve million refugees can not be found only through immigration, but rather for a major part, by the recognition and guarantee of the respect of Human Rights

    The strategic management of sudden changes in the competitive environment: The case of the French dairy industry

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    The thesis defended is that sudden changes in the competitive environment constitutes more an opportunity than a constraint for pro-active companies. A neo-institutional framework is chosen to analyse the strategic management of such sudden changes. We focus on the sudden change in regulation the dairy industry experienced in 1984 (i.e. the restriction of raw materials by the fixing of milk quotas in 1984). The longitudinal study of a family dairy business – the Laconie society- complemented by a sectorial analysis has allowed us to analyse the effects of milk quotas on the strategy of these businesses. A phenomenon of coercive isomorphism is noted, as all the dairy firms launched into diversification. Simultaneously, we notice an obvious interaction between quotas (coercive institution)- and abilities and organizational identity (cognitive institution). Confronted to sudden changes in the competitive environment the firms have, of course, been forced to evolve. However, the firms which had based their preceding development on their ability to anticipate, innovate, and change their organizational identity have been able, in a later stage, to transform these constraints into opportunities. The interaction between the environment and the strategic policy of the firms is obvious. It originates, in particular, from the permanent involvement of the firm in the social and economic sphere, as well as its organizational identity and the manager’s family. The concepts of involvement, isomorphism and interaction between the environment and strategic policy are called upon to conduct this research

    Approches actuelles de l'histoire de la géographie en France. Au-delà du provincialisme, construire des géographies plurielles

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    International audienceApproches actuelles de l'histoire de la géographie en France (1980-2005). Au-delà du provincialisme, construire des géographies plurielle

    La creación de los Annales de Géographie (1891). Estrategia universitaria y geografía humana

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    Les Annales de Géographie sont l'une des rares revues qui subsistent en France de la période d'engouement géographique des années 1870-1890. Elles ont traduit pendant près d'un siècle la vitalité de l'«Ecole française de géographe»; depuis deux décennies, de nouvelles revues nationales animent les débats dans la discipline. La création des Annales de Géographie relève d'une stratégie de rupture avec les lobbies liés aux sociétés de géographie et aux intérgts économiques et militaires. Elles ont contribué de maniére décisive à l'institutionnalisation d'une géographie universitaire dont l'objectif, dans le contexte de la Troisième République, était à la fois scientifique et pédagogique. Les Annales de Géographie et le groupe de Normaliens qui soutient la revue autour de Vidal de la Blache ont aussi été instituantes par leur invention de la géographie humaine et de la dualité geographie physique-géographie humaine.Annales de Géographie is one of the rare periodicals left from the time of geographical enthousiasm in the 1870s- 1890s. The journal has illustrated for almost a century the vitality of the ccFrench geographical schoob; during the last twenty years, new French serials have animated the debates in the field. The founding of Annales de Géographie can be explained as a strategy to break away from the lobbies linked to geographical societies or to economic and rnilitary interests. The journal has contributed in a decisive manner to the institutionalization of an academic geography whose purpose was, in the context of the Third Republic, both scientific and pedagogic. Annales de Géographie and the group of scholars from the Ecole normale supérieure that supported the journal around Vidal de la Blache were also creative by the invention of c<human geography,, and of the duality between physical and human geography.Los Annales de Géographie son una de las pocas revistas que subsisten en Francia de las creadas en el periodo de entusiasmo de los años 1870-1890. Durante cerca de un siglo tradujeron la vitalidad de la «Escuela francesa de geografia»; desde hace dos decenios nuevas revistas nacionales animan los debates en nuestra disciplina. La creación de los Annales de Géographie es consecuencia de una estrategia de ruptura con los lobbies ligados a las sociedades de geografia y a los intereses económicos y militares. La revista contribuyó de una manera decisiva a la institucionalizaci6n de una geografia universitaria cuyo objetivo, en el contexto de la Tercera República, era a la vez científico y pedagógico. Los Annales de Géographie y el grupo de normalistas que sostienen la revista alrededor de Vidal de la Blache también fueron innovadores por su invención de la geografia humana y de la dualidad geografia física-geografia humana.Els Annales de Géographie són una de les poques revistes que subsisteixen a França de les creades en el període d'entusiasme dels anys 1870-1890. Durant prop d'un segle van traduir la vitalitat de l'«Escola francesa de geografia»; des de fa dos decennis, noves revistes nacionals animen els debats en la nostra disciplina. La creació dels Annales de Géographie és conseqüència d'una estratègia de ruptura amb els lobbies lligats a les societats de geografia i als interessos econòmics i militars. La revista va contribuir de manera decisiva a la institucionalització d'una geografia universitària l'objectiu de la qual, en el context de la Tercera República, era a la vegada científic i pedagògic. Els Annales de Géographie i el grup d'alumnes de l'Escola Normal que sostenen la revista al voltant de Vidal de la Blache van ser també innovadores per llur invenció de la geografia humana i de la dualitat geografia fisica-geografia humana

    Elisée Reclus visited and revisited

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    This article shows contrasts in the contemporary reception of Reclus'figure, analyses the place of Reclus during the rise of geography and geographers (1860-1910) and the similarities and differences between his and Vidal de la Blache's conceptions of some main issues of their time (ecology, metropolis, globalisation).En s'appuyant sur les travaux présentés dans divers colloques commémorant le 100e anniversaire de sa disparition, l'article montre comment s'opposent aujourd'hui plusieurs points de vue sur Reclus, puis il analyse la place qu'il a effectivement occupée comme géographe dans la période d'affirmation de la discipline en France (1860-1910) et il compare les postures du géographe anarchiste avec celles du leader de l'école française de géographie, Vidal de la Blache, sur des sujets qu'ils considèrent tous deux comme des enjeux de l'époque (écologie, rôle des villes, mondialisation en cours

    Annotations du séjour de Vidal de La Blache en Catalogne (1906) / Apunts de l'estada de Vidal de la Blache a Catalunya (1906)

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    L'abril de 1906 el geògraf Paul Vidal de La Blache realitza un viatge per Espanya. Al llarg del trajecte pren notes i dibuixa esquemes dels paratges que visita. Aquí es presenten els apunts presos durant la seva breu estada a Catalunya, principalment a Barcelona (serra de Collserola) i Montserrat. Són un bon exemple de la metodologia i la forma d'abordar el treball de camp per part de Vidal.In April 1906 the geographer Paul Vidal de La Blache took a journey through Spain. Along the way, he took notes and drew diagrams of the sites he visited. Here are presented the notes he took during his brief stay in Catalonia, mainly Barcelona (with Collserola mountains) and Montserrat. They are a good example of the Vidal?s fieldwork methodology.En abril de 1906 el geógrafo Paul Vidal de La Blache realiza un viaje por España. A lo largo del trayecto toma notas y dibuja esquemas de los parajes que visita. Aquí se presentan los apuntes que tomó durante su breve estancia en Cataluña, principalmente en Barcelona (sierra de Collserola) y Montserrat. Son un buen ejemplo de la metodología y la forma de abordar el trabajo de campo por parte de Vidal

    Veuvage et déviance Une approche comparée des stratégies d'entreprise

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    Nous souhaitons présenter en commun ici un travail qui s'appuie sur des recherches réalisées séparément, dans deux disciplines distinctes, l'histoire de l'art et l'histoire du management. Les recherches que nous présentons portent en outre sur deux époques et deux milieux d'activité distincts : Noémie Etienne a en effet conduit une recherche sur le milieu des restaurateurs d'œuvres d'art à Paris dans la deuxième moitié du XVIIIème siècle. Paulette Robic a pour sa part mené une recherche sur l'histoire d'une entreprise familiale française, créée au début du XXème siècle et présente depuis la fin des années 50 dans le secteur de la lingerie féminine

    Veuvage et déviance Une approche comparée des stratégies d'entreprise

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    Nous souhaitons présenter en commun ici un travail qui s'appuie sur des recherches réalisées séparément, dans deux disciplines distinctes, l'histoire de l'art et l'histoire du management. Les recherches que nous présentons portent en outre sur deux époques et deux milieux d'activité distincts : Noémie Etienne a en effet conduit une recherche sur le milieu des restaurateurs d'œuvres d'art à Paris dans la deuxième moitié du XVIIIème siècle. Paulette Robic a pour sa part mené une recherche sur l'histoire d'une entreprise familiale française, créée au début du XXème siècle et présente depuis la fin des années 50 dans le secteur de la lingerie féminine.Histoire ; gestion ; veuve

    Identification of nonmonotonic behaviors and stick-slip transition in liquid crystal polymers

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    International audienceThe recent identification of shear-induced phases in the isotropic melts of liquid crystal polymers shows that these materials are expected to display original nonlinear behaviors. We have investigated the flow behavior of a nematic sidechain polymer above its isotropic-nematic transition temperature. Nonlinear rheology and bire-fringence measurements indicate the appearance, above a critical shear rate, of the shear-induced isotropic-nematic phase transition. The rheological behavior of this induced phase is characterized by undamped time-periodic shear stress oscillations. These sustained oscillations are interpreted in terms of a stick-slip mechanism alternating high-friction static state and low-friction kinetic state. PACS number͑s͒: 83.80.Xz, 47.20.Hw, 83.50.Ax, 64.70.Md Polymers are non-Newtonian fluids ͓1͔ whereas liquid crystals do not behave as simple fluids close to phase transitions ͓2͔. When these two complex fluids are coupled to form a melt of sidechain liquid crystal polymers ͑SCLCPs͒, the resulting rheological behavior is expected to be peculiar. The very first flow studies ͓3͔ have indeed indicated that SCLCP melts display strong nonlinear behaviors above the isotropic-nematic transition temperature (T NI). This behavior looks similar to the well-studied shear-induced behavior of giant micelle solutions which display a shear-induced IN transition above T NI ͓4,5͔. The SCLCP shear-induced transition was revealed by flow birefringence and via the existence of a stress plateau in the stress versus shear rate curve. The stress plateau can be explained by entering an unstable flow region; above a critical shear rate, the region is characterized by a decreasing stress with increasing shear rate. The system is then supposed to phase separate into homogeneous bands ͑shear banding͒ to maintain the imposed shear rate ͓5͔. The existence of such nonequilibrium states opens the question of identification of the coupling parameters associated with the critical shear rate. Clearly, the shear induced SCLCP critical times are not associated with the lifetime of the pretransi-tional fluctuations, suggesting a coupling with slower time scales which could be rather consistent with the existence of macroscopic heterogeneities as proposed by Collin et al. ͓6͔. The shear-induced phase conformation of the polymer main chain was also determined using small angle neutron scattering. For a LC polymer characterized in the equilibrium nem-atic phase by a perpendicular main chain/mesogen coupling ͑oblate conformation͒, we observed that the initially perpendicular coupling is inverted in the shear-induced nematic phase to a parallel coupling with the main-chain conforma-tion becoming prolate ͓3͔. This structural rearrangement can be proposed as a working hypothesis to explain the appearance of shear-induced transitions in SCLCP isotropic melts. The purpose of the present paper is to analyze the flow behavior produced above T NI by a SCLCP whose main-chain conformation is already prolate in the equilibrium nematic phase ͓7͔. The experimental techniques used are nonlinear rheology and flow birefringence. A nonequilibrium phase compatible with shear-banding is identified together with the observation of a second nonlinear behavior corresponding to an oscillating regime. The SCLCP chosen, PA 4-CN, is characterized as a prolate nematic polymer ͓7͔. The monomers have been synthesized at the Laboratoire Lé on Brillouin and polymerized by Poly-merExpert via controlled radical polymerization. The polymer described here corresponds to a molecular weight of M W ϭ85 800 and a polydispersity index of Iϭ1.1. This molecular weight corresponds to a nonentangled polymer and no rubbery plateau was found in viscoelastic measurements. This PA 4-CN presents the following succession of me-sophases: Tg-30 °C-N-116 °C-I and corresponds to the formul

    The influence of retail format on relationship continuity among fashion retailers and their suppliers

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    Este artigo identifica os principais fatores determinantes da intenção de continuidade do relacionamento entre varejistas de moda e seus fornecedores. O exame da bibliografia, que aborda a literatura sobre canais de distribuição, marketing industrial e marketing de relacionamento, possibilitou desenvolver as bases para a investigação dos fatores determinantes da continuidade do relacionamento para formatos varejistas distintos. Partindo do pressuposto de que a confiança ocupa papel central na continuidade do relacionamento, tema convergente entre os pesquisadores do marketing de relacionamento, este estudo investigou o fenômeno da confiança, seus principais fatores determinantes e suas conseqüências, nos diversos relacionamentos entre organizações do varejo de moda e seus fornecedores. Os dados foram coletados por meio de questionários aplicados em 154 gerentes de produto de 29 empresas pertencentes a quatro distintos formatos do varejo de vestuário: butiques, lojas de departamento, lojas populares e hipermercados. Os resultados indicam que os gerentes de produtos atribuem pesos distintos aos seis fatores influenciadores da confiança, dependendo do formato varejista a que pertencem.This paper presents the underlying determinants of relationship continuity among fashion retailers and their suppliers. Bibliographical review has focused on channel, industrial and relationship marketing literature and identified trust as a key role player for relationship continuity. Survey data has been collected from 154 product managers working in 29 fashion retail firms, belonging to 4 distinct retail formats: high and low end specialty shops, department stores and hypermarkets. Data has been grouped in factors and their influence over intention to stay measured under factor analysis and multiple regression techniques, respectively. Six correlated factors to dependent variable have been identified: supplier competencies, sales rep characteristics, willingness to agree, supplier values, product development and agility. Retailers, depending on the retail format, assign different weighs to these six determinants