422 research outputs found

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    Tuesday\u27s Child: My Experience as a Behavioral Intervention Intern

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    This presentation will describe my experience as a behavioral intervention intern at Tuesday’s Child, a non-profit organization specializing in behavioral management and emotional regulation. Throughout my time at Tuesday’s Child, I have learned the meaning of being flexible, learning to quickly transition from teaching to counseling to advocacy in a matter of minutes. Through this experience, I have learned that every child has the potential to be successful in life if they are given the individual support and care they need to thrive

    Companionable Learning: The Development Of Resilient Wellbeing From Birth To Three

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    What is wellbeing, and how does it develop? What situations and experiences in the first three years help to build resilient wellbeing in adolescence and young adulthood? This mixed-method research study investigated the development of resilient wellbeing from birth to three. A review of the literature established that children’s very early environments and relationships make a lasting impact on their long-term development. The review generated an ‘a priori’ set of constructs as the components of wellbeing. Three studies were undertaken, with three main objectives: to put to the test the ‘a priori’ constructs, and in the process to elaborate them; to identify situations and experiences from birth to three which facilitated the development of the foundations of wellbeing; and to identify implications for research, policy and practice in relation to the wellbeing of the youngest children and their families. Study 1 was a survey in which one hundred mothers of children under five were interviewed; Study 2 involved nine case study families over a period of twelve months, collecting video and audio data; and Study 3 was a series of focus group seminars in which researchers, policy makers, managers and practitioners were consulted. The ‘companionable’ approach taken in the research was found to be a fruitful process, with the ‘voices’ of the babies and very young children being an important aspect of the video data. The proposed conceptual model was found to be a robust framework within which to explore the development of resilient wellbeing. Among the situations and experiences that were found to be fundamentally important in the development of individual wellbeing were companionable learning, or ‘diagogy’; and companionable play. Wellbeing was found to be not only individual but also collective, in families and in communities

    Reconfiguring Red: Class discourses in the new millennium TV adaptation of The Red Detachment of Women

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    This paper uses a case study of the 2006 TV series remake of the Maoist classic The Red Detachment of Women to examine the way the reproduction of the Red Classics in the reform era has functioned to maintain Party foundation myths that validate and morally legitimise its continued rule while accommodating a major shift in class politics in Chinese society. By tracing the change in the identity of the central hero, Hong Changqing, from working class child labourer and son of an ordinary seaman to a middle class, wealthy, overseas Chinese with family origins in the local gentry, the paper argues that the TV series functions to consolidate the symbiotic relationship between the Party and China's new middle class, while promoting a consumer lifestyle and consigning the working class to the margins of social and political power

    Reconfiguring Red

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    This paper uses a case study of the 2006 TV series remake of the Maoist classic The Red Detachment of Women to examine the way the reproduction of the Red Classics in the reform era has functioned to maintain Party foundation myths that validate and morally legitimise its continued rule while accommodating a major shift in class politics in Chinese society. By tracing the change in the identity of the central hero, Hong Changqing, from working class child labourer and son of an ordinary seaman to a middle class, wealthy, overseas Chinese with family origins in the local gentry, the paper argues that the TV series functions to consolidate the symbiotic relationship between the Party and China’s new middle class, while promoting a consumer lifestyle and consigning the working class to the margins of social and political power

    Application of the Technology Acceptance Model and the Technology–Organisation–Environment Model to examine social media marketing use in the South African tourism industry

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    Abstract: Background: In tourism globally there is a growing interest in social media marketing research. However, most previous research on social media marketing has focused on large tourism enterprises such as chain hotels, leaving out small tourism businesses such as travel agencies and tour operators. Objective: The aim of this research was to establish factors that influence attitude towards the use of social media marketing by travel agencies and tour operators in South Africa. Method: The study adopted a quantitative approach through the use of questionnaires. Data used in the analysis was collected from a total of 150 travel agencies and tour operators by means of a structured questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis and one‐way ANOVA were used for data analysis..

    The influence of perceived justice on recovery satisfaction in the airline industry

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    Abstract: This study examines the influence of perceived justice on customer satisfaction with service recovery and on the future behavioural intentions of customers in the airline industry. The study uses an exploratory research design that is quantitative in nature. Questionnaires were used to collect data, and structural equation modelling was used for hypothesis testing. The study revealed that the three dimensions of perceived justice, namely interactional, distributive and procedural justice, influence satisfaction with service recovery in the South African airline industry. However, only interactional and distributive justice had a positive influence on future behavioural intention

    Coaches Coaching Psychological Skills – Why Not? A Framework and Questionnaire Development

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    Item previously deposited in Bangor University repository at: https://research.bangor.ac.uk/portal/en/researchoutputs/coaches-coaching-psychological-skills--why-not-a-framework-and-questionnaire-development(2e6a0ac3-abf7-4348-a405-b287e372524f).htmlItem not available in this repository.Rosie Arthur - ORCID: 0000-0003-0651-4056 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0651-4056This study is part of a program of research investigating coaches delivering psychological skills (PS). Here, 3 studies feature an original conceptualization of coaching PS and the development and validation of 2 questionnaires capturing the coaching of PS. The authors conducted a qualitative investigation to establish a conceptual framework that included the fundamental coaching of PS behaviors (CPS-F) and the needs-supportive coaching of PS (CPS-NS). They then tested the factor structure of 2 subsequently developed questionnaires via a Bayesian structural equation modeling approach to confirmatory factor analysis across 2 samples and ran tests of invariance, concurrent, discriminant, and predictive validity. The CPS-F questionnaire showed an excellent fit for a 3-factor model, whereas the CPS-NS demonstrated an excellent single-factor fit. Significant relationships with theoretically related constructs suggested concurrent, discriminant, and predictive validity. The findings are expected to significantly further research into our understanding of coaches coaching PS.We would like to thank Sport Wales and the School of Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences for funding this researchhttps://doi.org/10.1123/jsep.2017-019841pubpub

    "It's all a Giant Web" : syncretism, agency and (re)connection in a contemporary Pagan community

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    Les anthropologues ont examinĂ© le syncrĂ©tisme religieux, soit l’incorporation d’élĂ©ments de sources diverses, au sein des religions du monde depuis plusieurs dĂ©cennies. Cependant, trĂšs peu d’intĂ©rĂȘt a Ă©tĂ© accordĂ© au paganisme contemporain, un Nouveau Mouvement Religieux hautement syncrĂ©tique. À travers les rĂ©cits de plusieurs paĂŻens/nes contemporain/es Ă  MontrĂ©al, j’examine comment et pourquoi les pratiquants sont inspirĂ©/es Ă  faire le choix d’incorporer divers Ă©lĂ©ments provenant de sources religieuses et non religieuses. Le recours Ă  des sources diffĂ©rentes reflĂšte l’effort de crĂ©er une expĂ©rience religieuse plus profonde et personnelle. La crĂ©ativitĂ© impliquĂ©e dans la construction d’une pratique spirituelle et d’un systĂšme de croyance personnels est souvent conduite par un dĂ©sir de (re)connexion, que ce soit Ă  la terre, aux ancĂȘtres, ou bien Ă  une communautĂ©. Les acteurs acquiĂšrent un sentiment accru d’agentivitĂ© dans ce processus. Ma participation dans cette communautĂ© a influencĂ© mes expĂ©riences de recherche; j’examine Ă©galement ma position en tant qu’anthropologue chez soi.Anthropologists have been examining religious syncretism—the process of combining elements from diverse sources—in religions of the world for decades, but very little attention has been given to one highly syncretic New Religious Movement: contemporary Paganism. Through the narratives of several contemporary Pagans in Montreal, Quebec, I explore how and why practitioners are inspired to make choices to incorporate diverse elements from religious and non-religious sources; recourse to other sources represents an effort to create a deeper, more personally meaningful religious experience. The creativity involved in constructing one’s own spiritual practice and belief system is often driven by a desire for (re)connection—to the earth, to one’s ancestors, to a community—and a greater sense of personal agency is gained through this process. Being a participant in this community greatly shaped my research experience as well, and I explore my position as an anthropologist at home along side these narratives
