63,753 research outputs found

    An investigation of a mathematical model of an optically pumped Ti(3+):Al2O3 laser system

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    During the last several years, solid state lasers were developed that have the potential for meeting rigorous performance requirements for space-based remote sensing of the atmosphere. In order to design a stable and efficient laser and to understand the effect on laser output of changes in the physical and design parameters, an understanding of the development of the dynamical processes of the laser is necessary. Typically, the dynamical processes in a laser system are investigated via rate equations describing the evolution of the occupancy in the electronic levels and of the photon density in the laser cavity. There are two approaches to this type of study. Most often, for the sake of simplicity, the spatial variations of the dynamic variables in the laser system are disregarded and the mathematical model consists of a system of first order nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODE). The second approach is to take into account both spatial and temporal variations in the dynamic variables in the laser cavity. The resulting model consists of a first order semilinear system of partial differential equations (PDE). The model which was studied was studied was generic in the sense that it was a four-level laser system, but the parameters used in the numerical study were specific to Titanium-doped sapphire. For simplicity, a constant, spatially uniform pumping scheme was considered. In addition, a simplification of the model was made so that it treats a single lasing wavelength with a narrow bandwidth. The purpose was to investigate both versions of the mathematical model and to determine whether the numerical solutions are similar both qualitatively and quantitatively. The systems of ordinary differential equations were solved numerically using a Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg algorithm which was very efficient for typical values of the physical parameters. A numerical scheme, based on the Modified Euler method, for computing solutions to the system of partial differential equations was developed and implemented. The PDE model was solved numerically at the expense of greatly increased computer time

    r-Process Lanthanide Production and Heating Rates in Kilonovae

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    r-Process nucleosynthesis in material ejected during neutron star mergers may lead to radioactively powered transients called kilonovae. The timescale and peak luminosity of these transients depend on the composition of the ejecta, which determines the local heating rate from nuclear decays and the opacity. Kasen et al. (2013, ApJ, 774, 25) and Tanaka & Hotokezaka (2013, ApJ, 775, 113) pointed out that lanthanides can drastically increase the opacity in these outflows. We use the new general-purpose nuclear reaction network SkyNet to carry out a parameter study of r-process nucleosynthesis for a range of initial electron fractions YeY_e, initial specific entropies ss, and expansion timescales τ\tau. We find that the ejecta is lanthanide-free for Ye≳0.22−0.30Y_e \gtrsim 0.22 - 0.30, depending on ss and τ\tau. The heating rate is insensitive to ss and τ\tau, but certain, larger values of YeY_e lead to reduced heating rates, due to individual nuclides dominating the heating. We calculate approximate light curves with a simplified gray radiative transport scheme. The light curves peak at about a day (week) in the lanthanide-free (-rich) cases. The heating rate does not change much as the ejecta becomes lanthanide-free with increasing YeY_e, but the light curve peak becomes about an order of magnitude brighter because it peaks much earlier when the heating rate is larger. We also provide parametric fits for the heating rates between 0.1 and 100 days100\,\text{days}, and we provide a simple fit in YeY_e, ss, and τ\tau to estimate whether the ejecta is lanthanide-rich or not.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    SkyNet: A modular nuclear reaction network library

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    Almost all of the elements heavier than hydrogen that are present in our solar system were produced by nuclear burning processes either in the early universe or at some point in the life cycle of stars. In all of these environments, there are dozens to thousands of nuclear species that interact with each other to produce successively heavier elements. In this paper, we present SkyNet, a new general-purpose nuclear reaction network that evolves the abundances of nuclear species under the influence of nuclear reactions. SkyNet can be used to compute the nucleosynthesis evolution in all astrophysical scenarios where nucleosynthesis occurs. SkyNet is free and open-source and aims to be easy to use and flexible. Any list of isotopes can be evolved and SkyNet supports various different types of nuclear reactions. SkyNet is modular so that new or existing physics, like nuclear reactions or equations of state, can easily be added or modified. Here, we present in detail the physics implemented in SkyNet with a focus on a self-consistent transition to and from nuclear statistical equilibrium (NSE) to non-equilibrium nuclear burning, our implementation of electron screening, and coupling of the network to an equation of state. We also present comprehensive code tests and comparisons with existing nuclear reaction networks. We find that SkyNet agrees with published results and other codes to an accuracy of a few percent. Discrepancies, where they exist, can be traced to differences in the physics implementations.Comment: 39 pages, 11 figures, published in ApJ Supplement Serie

    The introduction of space technology power systems into developing countries

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    Between 1978 and 1984, NASA-Lewis was responsible for the design, fabrication, installation and operational support of 57 photovoltaic power systems in 27 countries. These systems were installed in locations not served by a central power system and ranged in size from 40 W for powering street lights to 29 kW for providing power to a complete village. Several of the system projects had socio/economic studies components that provided for an assessment of how the introduction of both electricity and a novel high technology power system affected the users and their society

    Optical Measurements on Solid Specimens of Solid Rocket Motor Exhaust and Solid Rocket Motor Slag

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    Samples of aluminum slag were investigated to aid the Earth Science and Applications Division at the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). Alumina from space motor propellant exhaust and space motor propellant slag was examined as a component of space refuse. Thermal emittance and solar absorptivity measurements were taken to support their comparison with reflectance measurements derived from actual debris. To determine the similarity between the samples and space motor exhaust or space motor slag, emittance and absorbance results were correlated with an examination of specimen morphology

    The development of facility standards for common outpatient procedures and implications for the context of abortion.

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    BackgroundIn recent years, an increasing number of states have enacted laws that impose specific requirements for facilities in which abortions are performed. In this study, we sought to understand the processes used to develop facility standards in the context of other, less politically charged areas of health care and consider implications for the context of abortion.MethodsWe conducted key informant interviews with 20 clinicians and accreditation professionals involved in facility standards development for common outpatient procedures (endoscopy, gynecology, oral surgery, plastic surgery). We examined the motivations for and processes used in facility standards development, use of scientific evidence in standards development, and decision-making in the absence of evidence. Interview data were thematically coded and analyzed using an iterative approach.ResultsIn contrast to U.S. state laws that target abortion facilities, standards for other outpatient procedures are commonly set by committees of clinicians organized by professional associations or accreditation organizations. These committees seek to establish standards that ensure patient safety without placing unnecessary burden on clinicians in practice. They aim to create evidence-based standards but can be hampered by lack of relevant research. In the absence of research evidence, committees rely on their clinical expertise and sense of best practices in decision-making. According to respondents, considerations of potential harm (e.g., deeper levels of sedation, invasiveness), rather than the specific procedure, should prompt additional requirements.ConclusionsIf facility standards in the context of abortion were developed through processes similar to other outpatient procedures, 1) professionals who perform the procedure would be involved in standards development and 2) in the absence of clear research evidence, the expertise of clinicians, and the guidelines and standards of other organizations, are used to describe a best practice standard of care

    Medium modification of the charged current neutrino opacity and its implications

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    Previous work on neutrino emission from proto-neutron stars which employed full solutions of the Boltzmann equation showed that the average energies of emitted electron neutrinos and antineutrinos are closer to one another than predicted by older, more approximate work. This in turn implied that the neutrino driven wind is proton rich during its entire life, precluding rr-process nucleosynthesis and the synthesis of Sr, Y, and Zr. This work relied on charged current neutrino interaction rates that are appropriate for a free nucleon gas. Here, it is shown in detail that the inclusion of the nucleon potential energies and collisional broadening of the response significantly alters this conclusion. Iso-vector interactions, which give rise to the nuclear symmetry energy, produce a difference between the neutron and proton single-particle energies ΔU=Un−Up\Delta U=U_n-U_p and alter the kinematics of the charged current reactions. In neutron-rich matter, and for a given neutrino/antineutrino energy, the rate for νe+n→e−+p\nu_e+n\rightarrow e^-+p is enhanced while νˉe+p→n+e+ \bar{\nu}_e+p\rightarrow n+e^+ is suppressed because the QQ value for these reactions is altered by ±ΔU\pm\Delta U, respectively. In the neutrino decoupling region, collisional broadening acts to enhance both νe\nu_e and νˉe\bar{\nu}_e cross-sections and RPA corrections decrease the νe\nu_e cross-section and increase the νˉe\bar \nu_e cross-section, but mean field shifts have a larger effect. Therefore, electron neutrinos decouple at lower temperature than when the nucleons are assumed to be free and have lower average energies. The change is large enough to allow for a reasonable period of time when the neutrino driven wind is predicted to be neutron rich. It is also shown that the electron fraction in the wind is influenced by the nuclear symmetry energy.Comment: Version submitted to PRC, 10 pages, 6 figures (Additional discussion of RPA effects added


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    This paper presents a pipeline that aims at illustrating the procedure to realize a 3D model of a complex building integrating the UAV and terrestrial images and modifying the 3D model in order to publish to Google Earth in an interactive modality so as to provide better available models for visualization and use. The main steps of the procedure are the optimization of the UAV flight, the integration of the different UAV and ground floor images and the optimization of the model to be published to GE. The case study has been identified in a building, The Eremo di Santa Rosalia Convent in Sicily which hash more staggered elevations and located in the hills of the hinterland and of which, the online platform only indicate the position on Google Maps (GM) and Google Earth (GE) with a photo from above and a non-urban road whose GM path is not corresponding with the GE photo. The process highlights the integration of the models and showcases a workflow for the publication of the combined 3D model to the GE platform
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