2,020 research outputs found

    Las nuevas políticas sociales en América Latina y el desarollo de cuidadanía: una perspectiva de interfaz

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    Documento Elaborado para el Taller Agencia, Conocimiento y Poder: Nuevas Direcciones Wageningen 14t y15 de Diciembre, 2001 La política social en América Latina se encuentra en una coyuntura crucial ya que al descentralizarse se flexibiliza incluyendo en su administración a otros actores además del gobierno central. Un importante enfoque para entender estos cambios es hacerlo desde la perspectiva de Interfaz que ha sido desarrollada en Wageningen. Si bien esta perspectiva ha sido principalmente aplicada a desarrollo rural, su aplicación en temas de política social y desarrollo urbano es igualmente valiosa. La esencia de la perspectiva de interfaz es, como Long (1999: 21) lo señala, “explorar cómo las discrepancias de interés social, interpretación cultural, conocimiento y poder son intermediados, perpetuados o transformados en puntos críticos de confrontación y cooperación." Confrontación y cooperación son aspectos inevitables de la implementación de la política social ya que tanto oficiales de gobierno como personal que trabaja en servicios de salud y educación deben poner en práctica al nivel local políticas nacionales con, por lo menos, el apoyo tácito de población socialmente heterogénea. Mas aún, la naturaleza de la relación entre implementadores de política y las poblaciones objeto de tal política es tan importante como el contenido mismo de la política. El impacto de políticas sociales de educación, salud o empleo, por ejemplo, a menudo depende tanto del involucramiento y participación de los individuos y comunidades como de la asistencia material que dicha política provee. Tales consideraciones también se aplican a otras áreas de política pública como en el campo del fomento productivo. Yo, sin embargo, sostengo que en el enfoque en relaciones e interacciones es una herramienta esencial para entender el impacto de las políticas sociales en América Latina. De hecho es en la naturaleza de tales relaciones, mas que en el contenido formal de la política social donde han ocurrido los cambios más dramáticos de las últimas dos décadas

    Estrategias familiares, pobreza urbana y prácticas ciudadanas. Un análisis comparativo

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    Ciudad de México. Años veinte, incluso treinta. La independencia ha triunfado, y también nuevos parámetros sociales. Una nueva sociedad se advierte, apunta, surge. Nuevos valores se descubren. Conflictos viejos y nuevos se funden, se mixtifican, se amalgaman. Aspectos recientes irrumpen, otros se transforman, los más aparecen pausadamente. El objetivo de este artículo es intentar mostrar una panorámica, lo más amplia posible, de diversos aspectos de sociabilidad en la ciudad de México durante los años veinte del Ochocientos. En especial, aquellos que indican el nacimiento y la consolidación de los aspectos fundamentales que definen a la sociedad contemporánea

    An Efficient and Chemoselective method to generate arynes

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    Arynes hold immense potential as reactive intermediates in organic synthesis as they engage in a diverse range of mechanistically distinct chemical reactions. However, the poor functional group compatibility of generating arynes or their precursors has stymied their widespread use. Here, we show that generating arynes by deprotonation of an arene and elimination of an “onium” leaving group is mild, efficient and broad in scope. This is achieved by using aryl(TMP)iodonium salts (TMP = 2,4,6-trimethoxyphenyl) as the aryne precursor and potassium phosphate as the base, and a range of arynophiles are compatible. Additionally, we have performed the first quantitative analysis of functional group compatibility for several methods to generate arynes, including the method developed here and the current state of the art. Finally, we show that a range of “sensitive” functional groups such as Lewis and Brønsted acids and electrophiles are compatible under our conditions

    Grasses as Biofactories: Scoping out the Opportunities

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    Plant biopharming is set to dominate commercial recombinant protein expression for specific proteins. The choice of plant species depends on a multitude of factors and is determined on a case- by-case basis. As a leaf based expression system grasses would have to compete predominantly with tobacco and alfalfa. The grass-endophyte symbiosis offers a number of unique possibilities for biopharming

    Proposing the Interactivity-Stimulus-Attention Model (ISAM) to Explain and Predict the Enjoyment, Immersion, and Adoption of Purely Hedonic Systems

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    Traditional TAM research primarily focuses on utilitarian systems where extrinsic motivations chiefly explain and predict acceptance. We propose a theoretical model, ISAM, which explains the role of intrinsic motivations in building the user attention that leads to hedonic system acceptance. ISAM combines several theories with TAM to explain how interactivity acts as a stimulus in hedonic contexts—fostering curiosity, enjoyment, and the full immersion of cognitive resources. Two experiments involving over 700 participants validated ISAM as a useful model for explaining and predicting hedonic system acceptance. Immersion and PE are shown to be the primary predictors of behavioral intention to use hedonic systems. Unlike traditional utilitarian adoption research, PEOU does not directly impact BIU, and extrinsic motivations are virtually non-existent. The implications of this study extend beyond hedonic contexts, as users of utilitarian systems continue to demand more hedonic features and enjoyment is often more important than PEOU

    Grasses as Biofactories: Scoping out the Opportunities

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    Key points 1. Plant biopharming is set to dominate commercial recombinant protein expression for specific proteins. 2. The choice of plant species depends on a multitude of factors and is determined on a caseby- case basis. 3. As a leaf based expression system grasses would have to compete predominantly with tobacco and alfalfa. 4. The grass-endophyte symbiosis offers a number of unique possibilities for biopharming

    Developing young people's sense of self and place through sport

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    Previous research has recognized positive health implications, both physical and mental, as an outcome of participation in leisure pursuits. They provide opportunities for self-expression and stress reduction, as well as an environment in which people can socialize. Leisure activities, specifically sport activities, can play a significant role in young people's identity development. This paper explores the leisure activities in which young people in Adelaide, Australia participate. It examines the role of leisure activities in terms of young people's identity and feelings towards their hometown. This study consisted of semi-structured focus groups conducted with 24 senior high school students, followed by a survey resulting in 226 useable responses. Respondents were aged between 16 and 18 years of age. From the range of activities identified and explored, the results revealed sports activities to have the greatest impact on young people's lives. The results demonstrated that frequency of participation has a significant effect on young people's involvement levels and how they identify with the activity