24 research outputs found

    Le barriere allo sviluppo della dialisi peritoneale non esistono

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    La dialisi peritoneale è una metodica in uso in Italia dagli anni '70; dalle prime sconfitte dovute all'inesperienza, siamo giunti oggi, se non ieri, a una metodica sicura e con una mole di letteratura favorevole. Malgrado ciò, la percentuale di utilizzo di tale metodica è assestata da molto tempo sul 10% e con un trend in negativo in questi ultimi anni. Non si comprende come una tecnica così semplice e, al tempo stesso, così efficace non riesca ad avere un suo rispettabile spazio. Molto è stato scritto sulle cosiddette "barriere" al suo sviluppo, tra le quali si annoverano cause sociali, economiche e organizzative. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è di dimostrare con degli esempi che, se barriere ci sono, queste sono rappresentate solo dall'inesperienza e dalla mancanza totale di volontà di chi dirige una struttura di nefrologia

    Social distancing, mask use, and transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, Brazil, April–June 2020

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    We assessed the associations of social distancing and mask use with symptomatic, laboratory-confi rmed severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection in Porto Alegre, Brazil. We conducted a population-based casecontrol study during April–June 2020. Municipal authorities furnished case-patients, and controls were taken from representative household surveys. In adjusted logistic regression analyses of 271 case-patients and 1,396 controls, those reporting moderate to greatest adherence to social distancing had 59% (odds ratio [OR] 0.41, 95% CI 0.24– 0.70) to 75% (OR 0.25, 95% CI 0.15–0.42) lower odds of infection. Lesser out-of-household exposure (vs. going out every day all day) reduced odds from 52% (OR 0.48, 95% CI 0.29–0.77) to 75% (OR 0.25, 95% CI 0.18–0.36). Mask use reduced odds of infection by 87% (OR 0.13, 95% CI 0.04–0.36). In conclusion, social distancing and mask use while outside the house provided major protection against symptomatic infection

    Metabolic syndrome in overweight children from the city of Botucatu - São Paulo State - Brazil: agreement among six diagnostic criteria

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The metabolic syndrome has been described in children; however, a standard criterion has not been established for its diagnosis. Also, few studies have been conducted to specifically observe the possible existence of agreement among the existing diagnostic criteria. The purpose of the study is to evaluate agreement concerning prevalence rates of the metabolic syndrome diagnosed by six different criteria in overweight schoolchildren in the city of Botucatu - SP -Brazil.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This is a cross-sectional study on 128 overweight schoolchildren. Clinical examination included anthropometry, pubertal staging evaluation, and blood pressure. Triacylglycerol, glycemia, HDL-cholesterol, insulin levels, and HOMA-IR were determined. The Kappa index, the Mann-Whitney test and the chi-square test were used for statistical analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome varied from 10 to 16.5% according to different diagnostic criteria. Results were similar for boys and girls and pubertal stage. Great agreement was observed among the six different diagnostic criteria for the metabolic syndrome.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Different diagnostic criteria, when adopted for subjects with similar demographic characteristics, generate similar and compatible prevalence. Results suggest that it is possible to adopt any of the analyzed criteria, and the choice should be according to the components available for each situation.</p

    Updated cardiovascular prevention guideline of the Brazilian Society of Cardiology: 2019

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    Sem informação113478788

    Validade do peso auto-referido : estudo de população urbana de adultos, Brasil

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    Para avaliar a validade do peso auto-referido em inquéritos de prevalência de obesidade, o mesmo foi comparado com o peso medido de 659 adultos, residentes em Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil, em 1986-87. Ambos os pesos foram obtidos por entrevistador, na casa do participante, na mesma ocasião. A média das diferenças entre peso auto-referido e peso medido foi pequena (-0,06 +/-3,16 kg; média +/- desvio padrão) e a correlação entre eles alta (r=0,97). Sessenta e dois por cento dos participantes referiram seu peso com erro 30) por peso referido, foi de 10% e a por peso medido, de 11%. Concluindo, a validade do peso auto-referido é aceitável para inquéritos de prevalência realizados em contextos similares.In order to evaluate the validity of self-reported weight for use in obesity prevalence surveys, self-reported weight was compared to measured weight for 659 adults living in the Porto Alegre county, RS Brazil in 1986-87, both weights being obtained by a technician in the individual's home on the same visit. The mean difference between self-reported and measured weight was small (-0.06 +/- 3.16 kg; mean +/- standard deviation), and the correlation between reported and measured weight was high (r=0.97). Sixty-two percent of participants reported their weight with an error of < 2 kg, 87% with an error of < 4 kg, and 95% with an error of < 6 kg. Underweight individuals overestimated their weight, while obese individuals underestimated theirs (p<0.05). Men tended to overestimate their weight and women underestimate theirs, this difference between sexes being statistically significant (p=0.04). The overall prevalence of underweight (body mass index < 20) by reported weight was 11%, by measured weight 13%; the overall prevalence of obesity (body mass index [] 30) by reported weight was 10%, by measured weight 11%. Thus, the validity of reported weight is acceptable for surveys of the prevalence of ponderosity in similar settings