344 research outputs found

    Pérdida de las neuronas dopaminérgicas esencefálicas por la inactivación del gen Nurr1

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    Nurr 1 es un factor de transcripción que se expresa predominantemente en el cerebro. En el presente trabajo se clonó y caracterizó el gen murino nurr1 y se determinó mediante hibridación in situ su patrón de expresión durante el desarrollo embrionario y en el cerebro del ratón adulto. Además, utilizando la tecnología de inactivación de genes mediante recombinación homóloga, se generó un modelo animal murino carente de nurr1. La inactivación de este gen es letal y resulta en la degeneración de las neuronas dopaminérgicas en la región ventral mesencefálica, y como onsecuencia se pierde la síntesis del neurotransmisor dopamina

    NMDA Receptors in Astroglia: Chronology, Controversies, and Contradictions from a Complex Molecule

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    The neurocentric theory dismissed for decades the role of glia in information handling within the central nervous system (CNS). Nevertheless, almost 3 decades ago, this started to change and today astrocytes are considered relevant players for this function. Astrocytes “listen” to neuronal communication, regulate it, and respond at the cellular and synctitial level. Ionotropic glutamate NMDA receptor (NMDAR) is critical in CNS. It mediates synaptic neuronal communication and it is involved in different mechanisms. However, NMDAR is also expressed by astrocytes, but its functional role in these cells has not been deeply investigated and has been a matter of debate in the last decades. In this chapter, we briefly outline NMDAR intracellular transduction pathways initiated by Ca2+ flux. Then, we review chronologically NMDAR expression and function in astrocytes that have been a source of controversies and apparent contradictions. Finally, some insights are presented regarding NMDAR in astrocytes in the context of the tripartite synapse concept and the recently described Ca2+ flux–independent metabotropic-like NMDAR function in astrocytes. Given the complex molecular nature of NMDAR, its critical role, and the relevance of astrocytes, the study of astrocytic NMDAR promises to provide further understanding of CNS physiology and pathology

    Saccharomyces cerevisiae for Control and Prevention of Diarrhea in Grazing Calves.

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    Two homogenous Cuban Siboney groups (20 grazing animals each), approximately 180 days old were made up to assess the probiotic effect of  Saccharomyces cerevisiae  on diarrhea prevention and control. The experimental group received sugar cane meal  ad libitum,  and  100 ml  of liquid culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae,  variety C-40 (1.3 × 108 ufc/g), mixed/kg of Norgold/animal. No yeast was supplied to this group. During the four months of assessment the diarrhea episodes were produced from two to three days on average (18 days total). Twenty -five epi-sodes were observed in the control group, from three to five days (88 days total).  S. cerevisiae  has a probiotic effect on grazing calves, helps reduce the incidence of diarrhea, and lasts less when it occurs

    The Use of Peptides in Veterinary Serodiagnosis of Infectious Diseases: A Review

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    Articulo de Revisión BibliográficaPeptides constitute an alternative and interesting option to develop treatments, vaccines, and diagnostic tools as they demonstrate their scope in several health aspects; as proof of this, commercial peptides for humans and animals are available on the market and used daily. This review aimed to know the role of peptides in the field of veterinary diagnosis, and include peptide based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (pELISA), lateral flow devices, and peptide latex agglutination tests that have been developed to detect several pathogens including viruses and bacteria of health and production relevance in domestic animals. Studies in cattle, small ruminants, dogs, cats, poultry, horses, and even aquatic organisms were reviewed. Different studies showed good levels of sensitivity and specificity against their target, moreover, comparisons with commercial kits and official tests were performed which allowed appraising their performance. Chemical synthesis, recombinant DNA technology, and enzymatic synthesis were reviewed as well as their advantages and drawbacks. In addition, we discussed the intrinsic limitations such as the small size or affinity to polystyrene membrane and mention several strategies to overcome these problems. The use of peptides will increase in the coming years and their utility for diagnostic purposes in animals must be evaluated

    El crecimiento como premisa para la incorporación a la reproducción de la novilla lechera

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    The objective was to define the dependence on the time of incorporation and the growth rate from birth to at least the first birth. 425 pairs of measurements were processed, average daily gain (gmd) as independent variable, weight and age of incorporation to reproduction, which were processed by the CurveExpert Software 1.34 (1993) using the inverse model Y = ai + bi / x + ci / x 2 for the European Holstein breed with adult weight between 550 and 600 kg. For intermediate Holstein-Cebu intermediate crosses, the values ​​were adjusted for the genetic potentials of milk production, live weight and average daily gain (gmd); (adult live weight = 500 kg.), being processed by the same previous model. For the simulation process, optimal values ​​of average daily gain (gmd = 500 gr./d) were used, which allows the female to be incorporated at 325 kg of live weight and at an age of 18.5 months that guarantees age at the first birth of 29 months, births not less than 85% and long productive life at intermediate crossings. The average daily gain (gmd) and birth rate varied from 500 to 275 gr, / d and from 85 to 45 gr. / d respectively. The main results show highly significant dependence p <0.001 (Inverse Model) for average daily gain (gmd), incorporation weight and age at incorporation, for European Holstein and Intermediate Crossings respectively. Weights of 300 kg at ages of 15 months when the adult weight is 500 kg., With gmd of 600 gr. / d until incorporation into reproduction. For average daily gain (gmd) of 500 gr. / d - weight of incorporation of 325 kg and age of 18.5 months (for intermediate crossings). All parameters of the functions found with R 2> 0.999 are shown in all cases. From the simulation studylosses of 3 and 4 births are deducted in 8 and 11 years of productive life, by varying the birth rate from 85% to 45% and the average daily gain (gmd) from 500 to 275 gr. / d. It concludes high dependence average daily gain (gmd) / weight - age incorporation; minimum average daily gain (gmd) of 500 gr is recommended. / d, so there is an urgent need to increase said actual average daily gain (gmd) from 325 - 370 gr. / d.El objetivo fue definir la dependencia del momento de la incorporación y el ritmo de crecimiento desde el nacimiento al menos hasta el primer parto. Se procesaron 425 pares de mediciones, ganancia media diaria (gmd) como variable independiente, el peso y la edad de incorporación a la reproducción, que fueron procesados por el Software CurveExpert 1.34 (1993) utilizando el modelo inverso Y = a i + b i /x + c i /x 2 para la raza Holstein Europea con peso adulto entre 550 y 600 kg. Para los cruces intermedios Holstein-Cebú medios, se ajustaron los valores por los potenciales genéticos de la producción de leche, el peso vivo y la ganancia media diaria (gmd); (peso vivo adulto = 500 kg.), procesándose por el mismo modelo anterior. Para el proceso de simulación se partió , de valores óptimos de ganancia media diaria (gmd = 500 gr./d) lo que permite incorporar la hembra a 325 kg de peso vivo y a una edad de 18.5 meses que garantiza edad al primer parto de 29 meses, natalidades no menores del 85 % y larga vida productiva en cruces intermedios. La ganancia media diaria (gmd) y la natalidad variaron de 500 a 275 gr, /d y de 85 a 45 gr. /d respectivamente. Los principales resultados muestran dependencia altamente significativa p<0.001 (Modelo Inverso) para ganancia media diaria (gmd), peso incorporación y edad a la incorporación, para Holstein Europeo y Cruces intermedios respectivamente. Pesos de 300 kg a edades de 15 meses cuando el peso adulto es de 500 kg., con gmd de 600 gr. /d hasta la incorporación a la reproducción. Para ganancia media diaria (gmd) de 500 gr. /d – peso de incorporación de 325 kg y edad de 18.5 meses (para cruces intermedios). Se muestran todos los parámetros de las funciones encontradas con R 2  > 0.999 en todos los casos. Del estudio de simulaciónse deducen pérdidas de 3 y 4 partos en 8 y 11 años de vida productiva, al variar la natalidad del 85 % al 45 % y la ganancia media diaria (gmd) de 500 a 275 gr. /d. Se concluye alta dependencia ganancia media diaria (gmd) / peso – edad incorporación; se recomienda ganancia media diaria (gmd) mínima de 500 gr. /d, por lo que urge la necesidad de aumentar dicha ganancia media diaria (gmd) real actual de 325 – 370 gr. /d


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    Chlamydophila abortus ( Cp. abortus ) es una bacteria causante del Aborto Enzoótico Ovino; la importancia zoonótica de Cp. abortus ocurre durante el manejo de animales enfermos. El presente trabajo estima la prevalencia de personas con anticuerpos contra Cp. abortus en grupos de riesgo laboral expuestos y los posibles factores de riesgo. Se condujo un estudio trasversal en d os grupos de personas expuestas. En el grupo A se incluyeron a 86 propietarios de rebaños y trabajadores. El grupo B por 52 profesionales de Medicina Veterinaria. Los títulos de anticuerpos se determinaron mediante ELISAr y se aplicó un cuestionario a los participantes para establecer los factores de riesgo. La prevalencia de anticuerpos contra Cp. abortus en productores y profesionistas fue de 6.52% (IC 95% 3.02 - 12.01%). Por grupo de riesgo la prevalencia en productores fue de 4.45% (IC 95% 1.28 11.48) y en profesionistas 9.62% (IC 95% 3.19 21.02), en mujeres 5.07% (IC 95% 1.99 11.29) y 1.44% en hombres; sin mostrar diferencias (P > 0.05). Se concluye que la prevalencia de anticuerpos frente a Cp. abortus en profesionistas y productores de ovinos es baja y los factores de riesgo no mostraron diferencias significativas

    Linfadenitis caseosa: factores de virulencia, patogénesis y vacunas. Revisión

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    Caseous lymphadenitis is a disease that affects sheep and goat production worldwide. The etiological agent is a Gram-positive, facultative intracellular bacterium called Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis biovar ovis. The disease can occur with a cutaneous or visceral development, causing deterioration in the physical condition of the animal, as well as losses in the production of milk and meat, carcass confiscation, skin rejection and consequently, great economic losses. The study of virulence factors and pathogenesis mechanisms have made it possible to understand this disease, as well as to establish the target molecules for the development of new vaccines. There are commercial vaccines available globally; however, the protection conferred by them has not been effective in controlling the disease. Currently, the use of new technologies has allowed the obtaining and characterization of proteins with immunogenic potential for the development of new vaccines, which could be an alternative to increase protection. In the present work, the main factors of virulence of Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, their implications in the pathogenesis and the current trends in the vaccine formulations are presented.La linfadenitis caseosa es una enfermedad que afecta la producción ovina y caprina a nivel mundial. El agente etiológico es una bacteria Gram positiva, intracelular facultativa denominada Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis biovar ovis. La enfermedad puede cursar con un desarrollo cutáneo o visceral, provocando deterioro en la condición física del animal, así como pérdidas en la producción de leche y carne, decomiso de las canales, rechazo de las pieles y como consecuencia, grandes pérdidas económicas. El estudio de los factores de virulencia y los mecanismos de patogénesis han permitido comprender esta enfermedad, así como establecer las moléculas diana para el desarrollo de nuevas vacunas. Existen vacunas comerciales disponibles a nivel mundial; sin embargo, la protección conferida por éstas no ha sido eficaz en el control de la enfermedad. Actualmente el uso de nuevas tecnologías ha permitido la obtención y caracterización de proteínas con potencial inmunogénico para el desarrollado de nuevas vacunas, las cuales podrían ser una alternativa para incrementar la protección. En el presente trabajo se exponen los principales factores de virulencia de Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, sus implicaciones en la patogénesis y las tendencias actuales en las formulaciones vacunales