27 research outputs found

    Document as a multifaceted knowledge object

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    The definition of document and its evolution over time and within different disciplinary fields influences and determines norms, safeguarding and protection profiles and also disciplinary boundaries, without, to date, any adequate theoretical reflection and any universally accepted semantics. An attempt to define at the very least a state of the art represents the unavoidable condition towards the re-establishment of text and documentary disciplines within an epistemic framework in the making. The terminological definition influences and determines the very concept of archive which, in a digital context, increases its innate polysemy and requires a deep conceptual redefinition.  

    Covid, document production and administrative efficiency: a case study

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    The article outlines the document production process in some Italian research institutions and compares it to the same pre-pandemic time span by analyzing whether or not the work organization models that have been adopted have had an impact on the completion time of administrative procedures. The aim was to verify the trend of the performance indicators after the pandemic impact and how the absence of employees at work may have influenced the organizational models. Within specific administrative realities, human relationship is often a pillar to carry out activities correctly. The transition to the management of remote procedures carried out totally in digital form caused inevitably important consequences on the expected results

    A foundation terminology at the basis of morbidity coding in primary care: methodological issues

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    Harmonizing medical terminologies is a time-consuming but critical process to ensure information interoperability and full understanding of the meaning conveyed. This work proposes a methodology for integrating different terminological resources, both standardized and non-standardized, to create a foundation terminology to be used as reference for morbidity coding in primary care. The strength of this work is given by both the establishment of relationships between natural and structured/coded languages and the integration of lay terminologies. The resulting foundation terminology can be integrated in automatic coding systems based on rules and used by general practitioners (GPs) in the search of morbidities and related encoding

    The concept of original of a digital document in the interceptions in criminal trial

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    L'attuale regolamentazione italiana definisce con precisione il concetto di "copia" e "duplicazione" di un documento digitale, tuttavia non definisce chiaramente il concetto di "documento originale". Ciò causa problemi in tutti quei contesti nei quali è necessario esibire l'originale come prova, come nel caso delle intercettazioni nei processi penali. Un punto di partenza per gli studi iniziali potrebbe essere uno sguardo alle legislazioni su questo argomento in altri paesi.The current Italian regulation defines quite precisely the concept of “copy” and “duplicate” of a digital document however it does not clearly define the concept of “original document”. This causes problems in all those contexts in which it is necessary to exhibit the “original” as evidence as in the case of interceptions in criminal trials. A starting point for opening studies could be a look to the legislations on this subject in other countries

    Towards a rule-based support system for the coding of health conditions in the patient summary

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    In the frame of federated and interoperable Electronic Health Records (EHRs), specific coding systems are mandatory for filling out healthcare documents such as the Patient Summary (PS). PS cannot be automatically generated from the patient’s EHR data, because of the sensitivity of its content. For this reason it needs to be validated by a General Practitioner (GP), who is the sole responsible of this document. The literature shows that the practice of coding is recognized as a difficult task for GPs and it often generates coding errors and misspecifications of clinical data. To overcome this issue, a support system based on standardized and formalized coding rules for the domain of application is proposed, to facilitate a more accurate coding process without breaking the law

    ALPHA: an eAsy inteLligent service Platform for Healthy Ageing

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    Dementia is one of the biggest global public health challenges facing our generation. Alzheimers disease (AD) is the most frequent cause of dementia in elderly people over 65 years of age. The typical characteristic of AD is impairment of memory. As the disease progresses, other cognitive domains such as language, praxis, visuo-spatial and executive functions become involved, eventually resulting in global cognitive decline. Behavioral Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) problems are constant in AD and have highly negative impact on the quality of life of patients and their families. ALPHA project aims at developing an intelligent situation-aware system to collect and process information about Alzheimer Disease patients? life style. Starting from various data provided by caregivers and a set of non-invasive sensors and devices. ALPHA will provide clinicians with new quantitative and qualitative information about patients? abnormal behavior which, along with medical data, will enhance the accuracy and reliability of monitoring and assessing the patient?s health status. Clinicians will be supported by a suite of specifically designed tools and interfaces to analyze the metadata captured, improve management of personalized care plans and better interact with patients and caregivers. Studies of antique records of former psychiatric hospital will enable us towiden the knowledge of behavioral disorders thus allowing to compare the ancient ones and the curcurrent and to probabilistically determine relation between type of dementia and behavioral disorders

    Towards a rule-based support system for the coding of health conditions in the Patient Summary

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    Abstract. In the frame of federated and interoperable Electronic Health Records (EHRs), specific coding systems are mandatory for filling out healthcare documents such as the Patient Summary (PS). PS cannot be automatically generated from the patient's EHR data, because of the sensitivity of its content. For this reason it needs to be validated by a General Practitioner (GP), who is the sole responsible of this document. The literature shows that the practice of coding is recognized as a difficult task for GPs and it often generates coding errors and misspecifications of clinical data. To overcome this issue, a support system based on standardized and formalized coding rules for the domain of application is proposed, to facilitate a more accurate coding process without breaking the law

    Proceedings of the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2018

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    On behalf of the Program Committee, a very warm welcome to the Fifth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-­‐it 2018). This edition of the conference is held in Torino. The conference is locally organised by the University of Torino and hosted into its prestigious main lecture hall “Cavallerizza Reale”. The CLiC-­‐it conference series is an initiative of the Italian Association for Computational Linguistics (AILC) which, after five years of activity, has clearly established itself as the premier national forum for research and development in the fields of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing, where leading researchers and practitioners from academia and industry meet to share their research results, experiences, and challenges

    Libri, documenti e altre storie. L'insegnamento della Documentazione nelle universitĂ  italiane

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    The teaching of Documentation in Italian universities does not have a highly significant role in percentage terms - about 10% - with respect to the total of about 128 teaching courses activated in the Disciplinary Sector M-STO/08, (Archive systems regulation, Bibliography and Library Sciences), to which the discipline is traditionally related. This can largely be attributed to a lack of transversal relations among subjects within the disciplinary sector and to the fact that it is ascribed - something which is not the case in other European countries - to the information sciences and those professional spheres which are different from those which are documentary

    The will of Paul Otlet

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    Paul Otlet’s will, made up of 67 versions written across nearly a thirty-year time span, with numerous annotations, additions and revisions, represents an essential document in order to be able to retrace, from an intimate and personal point of view, both the life and thought of the Belgian bibliographer and his personal archive, which he identifies as his true spiritual legacy. Considered right from the outset as an inseparable whole and clearly distinguishable from the rest of his library, the order and preservation criteria and the destination and use of the individual parts are described. The backlash of the two wars he witnessed, the devastation of the Mundaneum as well as the removal of the collections, the loss of collaborators and personal doubts are intersected with philosophical and technical notations in an unquestionably fascinating text.Il testamento di Paul Otlet, composto da ben 67 versioni redatte nel corso di quasi un trentennio, con numerose postille, aggiunte e revisioni, rappresenta un documento privilegiato per ripercorrere, da una angolatura intima e personale, la vita e il pensiero del bibliografo belga e del suo archivio personale che identifica come il suo vero lascito spirituale. Considerato fin dall’inizio come un tutt’uno inscindibile e nettamente distinto dalla sua biblioteca, ne vengono descritti i criteri di ordinamento e conservazione e la destinazione e l’utilizzo delle singole parti. Gli echi delle due guerre delle quali fu testimone, la devastazione del Mundaneum e l’asportazione delle collezioni, l’abbandono dei collaboratori e i dubbi personali si intersecano con notazioni filosofiche e tecniche in un testo indubbiamente affascinante