28 research outputs found

    The consumer food market in Italy: a dynamic representation through agent- based modeling

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    The research aim was the construction of a simulation agent-based model, which reproduces the food market at consumer level in a local context. The model characterizes the behavior of two categories of agents: consumers and food retail shops. The intent of the model is to reproduce the current status of expenditure for food products in a certain territorial context and to investigate how the agents behavior adapts to the changes of the market conditions. The application case concerned the opening of a farmers markets, predicting the positioning of this novel store in the local context and the changes in the consumer habits


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    Feasibility study for interspecialistic collaboration in active research of urothelial neoplasms of professional origin

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    Introduction: In Italy only a small fraction of cancer is reported to the supervisory body and recognised as professional by the insurance institution. Among the causes of this sub-notification, especially for lowgrade etiologic fractional cancers such as bladder cancers are the lack of knowledge of carcinogenicity in the occupational field and the consequent incomplete medical history collections. Objectives: Diagnosis of occupational bladder neoplasms and activation of systematic surveillance of tumors of professional origin through an "active research" program. Methods: From July 2010 to July 2017, all patients diagnosed with Bladder Cancer in the departments of Urology of Area Vasta 3 ASUR Marche underwent a first interview and a further anamnestic study in selected cases.When an occupational exposure was recognised, more information for preventive, social security and criminal justice has been acquired. Results: The study highlighted 18 cases of bladder tumors due to occupational exposure to aromatic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which are the most important risk factor for BC after tobacco smoking. Conclusions: Our study confirmed that active research is an useful tool both for the activation of epidemiological surveillance and for the regional registration of professional tumors. In addition active research of occupational exposure allow obtaining information that can be used for preventive purposes, for criminal justice and for the initiation of medico-legal actions and improvement of working conditions aimed at guaranteeing workers' rights

    La prevención de las patologías del asbesto: perspectivas operativas de la cooperación italiana con los países de américa latina

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    El propósito del presente artículo es valorar la tesis de que el impacto en la salud de la exposición a fibras de asbesto presentes en los lugares de trabajo y en el ambiente, requiere contramedidas basadas en la evidencia científica y la cooperación internacional. La evidencia científica adquirida en el ámbito internacional sobre el asbesto, la experiencia pluridecenal madurada en Italia sobre este tema, así como la conciencia de que la adopción de medidas para combatir los efectos en la salud causados por la exposición a asbesto, deben ser verificadas considerando la especificidad de los diversos contextos nacionales y locales en América Latina. Constituyen la base para la identificación de las cuatro principales directrices de intervención (Promoción del acceso a la documentación sobre el asbesto; Realización de intervenciones para reducir la exposición al asbesto; Vigilancia sanitaria de los sujetos expuestos; Detección del mesotelioma) que pueden ser desarrolladas en el ámbito de la cooperación técnico-científica entre Italia y los países de América Latina. La integración de las capacidades de los investigadores colombianos e italianos permitirá obtener estos resultados, contribuyendo al proceso de eliminación del asbesto, ya en curso en América Latin

    DC Grids : Motivation, Feasibility and Outstanding Issues : Status Report for the European Commission Deliverable : D5.4

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    Wind energy is already a mainstay of clean power generation in Europe, with over 100GW of capacity installed so far, and another 120GW anticipated by 2020 according to various analysts. Much of this capacity is expected to be installed offshore, as it is a windier and the source is steadier compared to onshore wind energy. Hence, offshore wind has been envisaged as making a critical contribution to Europe’s demand for electrical energy and to minimising the carbon emissions associated with meeting that demand

    Research Trends and Future Perspectives in Marine Biomimicking Robotics

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    Mechatronic and soft robotics are taking inspiration from the animal kingdom to create new high-performance robots. Here, we focused on marine biomimetic research and used innovative bibliographic statistics tools, to highlight established and emerging knowledge domains. A total of 6980 scientific publications retrieved from the Scopus database (1950–2020), evidencing a sharp research increase in 2003–2004. Clustering analysis of countries collaborations showed two major Asian-North America and European clusters. Three significant areas appeared: (i) energy provision, whose advancement mainly relies on microbial fuel cells, (ii) biomaterials for not yet fully operational soft-robotic solutions; and finally (iii), design and control, chiefly oriented to locomotor designs. In this scenario, marine biomimicking robotics still lacks solutions for the long-lasting energy provision, which presently hinders operation autonomy. In the research environment, identifying natural processes by which living organisms obtain energy is thus urgent to sustain energy-demanding tasks while, at the same time, the natural designs must increasingly inform to optimize energy consumption

    Developing technological synergies between deep-sea and space research

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    Recent advances in robotic design, autonomy and sensor integration create solutions for the exploration of deep-sea environments, transferable to the oceans of icy moons. Marine platforms do not yet have the mission autonomy capacity of their space counterparts (e.g., the state of the art Mars Perseverance rover mission), although different levels of autonomous navigation and mapping, as well as sampling, are an extant capability. In this setting their increasingly biomimicked designs may allow access to complex environmental scenarios, with novel, highly-integrated life-detecting, oceanographic and geochemical sensor packages. Here, we lay an outlook for the upcoming advances in deep-sea robotics through synergies with space technologies within three major research areas: biomimetic structure and propulsion (including power storage and generation), artificial intelligence and cooperative networks, and life-detecting instrument design. New morphological and material designs, with miniaturized and more diffuse sensor packages, will advance robotic sensing systems. Artificial intelligence algorithms controlling navigation and communications will allow the further development of the behavioral biomimicking by cooperating networks. Solutions will have to be tested within infrastructural networks of cabled observatories, neutrino telescopes, and off-shore industry sites with agendas and modalities that are beyond the scope of our work, but could draw inspiration on the proposed examples for the operational combination of fixed and mobile platforms

    Evaluating Compost from Digestate as a Peat Substitute in Nursery for Olive and Hazelnut Trees

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    This study deals jointly with three aspects of environmental, agricultural and energy sustainability: (a) Biogas is a booming energy source worldwide, resulting in an increasing production of digestate, its main by-product; (b) The extraction of peat, mainly used for nursery substrates, is being banned due to the destruction of natural habitats and release of GHGs; (c) Compost can represent a replacement of peat and contributes to the containment of GHGs. This study has verified how a compost obtained from digestate can be used as a substitute for peat in the nursery sector. While previous studies have evaluated compost use on just one species at a time, this study compared the same compost on two very different species: olive tree and hazelnut tree, both with growing interest for new tree plantings. Two concentrations of compost in the potting substrate of nursery seedlings were evaluated: 30% and 45% by weight, measuring the effect on some growth parameters during the growing season. The trials showed responses positive for olive and substantially negative for hazelnut: olive trees manifested better growth parameters with 45% compost, as opposed to hazelnut, where the addition of 45% compost worsened all growth parameters. A general conclusion can be drawn: in the nursery sector, compost can be used to replace peat, but this replacement can almost never be 100 percent, having instead to calibrate the percentage of replacement according to the characteristics of the compost and the individual edaphic needs of the plant species

    Do Sustainability Standards Exclude Small Farms? Modelling the Kenyan Floricultural Sector

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    This study simultaneously addresses two issues: (a) defining what counts as ‘small farms’ in the rose sector, taking the geographical and socioeconomic context into account and (b) whether the requests for certification form barriers for small farms. We focus on small farms, as they are of fundamental importance for social and economic development and significantly contribute to the environmental sustainability of agriculture and land use. An agent-based model is used for analyzing an agricultural production and supply chain. The model identifies the minimum farm size needed to cover increased costs due to sustainability certifications. The model is applied to the case study of rose production in Kenya. Kenya is one of the world’s leading flower producers. Almost all Kenya’s floricultural production is exported, and the export of stem roses accounts for about 80% by weight of Kenya’s floricultural exports. Environmental and social sustainability certification is increasingly required for farms, especially those in developing countries that want to export their products. Our findings suggest that sustainability standards disadvantage small Kenyan rose farms and constitute a further obstacle to their entry into the international rose market. In this specific context, standards limit market access for farms smaller than 4 hectares. The agent-based model proposed in this study can be adjusted to help determine the definition of ‘small farms’ in need of extra support in other sectors

    Malignant pleural mesothelioma in bakers and pastry cooks

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    Background The occurrence of malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) among bakers and pastry cooks has never been documented. Case reports We detected eight cases of MPM in bakers, pastry cooks, and biscuit cooks engaged in making, baking/cooking, and selling pastry/bread in two hospital-based series (Rome and Orbassano/Turin, Italy; period 1990-1997; 222 cases). Field-investigations revealed asbestos-containing material (ACM) in ovens for baking bread, that were manufactured prior to the 1980s. Conclusions It is suggested that there is a possible new association of the risk of having worked as a baker or pastry cook and MPM. Presumptive source of exposure to asbestos was the use of asbestos-insulated ovens. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc