256 research outputs found

    Opinião de professores do ensino médio, de uma escola do Distrito Federal, sobre a inclusão de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais em suas salas de aula

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, 2015.No início da década de 90, a educação especial começou a ganhar um caráter mais inclusivo. Nessa nova perspectiva, as instituições de ensino deveriam respeitar as especificidades de cada estudante, e proporcionar ao mesmo, aprendizagem e um desenvolvimento global. Porém, os professores da educação básica continuam afirmando que não foram preparados para trabalhar com educandos com necessidades educacionais especiais. Com o intuito de proporcionar aos estudantes das licenciaturas a oportunidade de estar inserido na realidade escolar, o Ministério da Educação e Cultura (MEC) criou o Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID). O maior objetivo desse programa é a inclusão de licenciandos na realidade das escolas públicas, desde o início da sua graduação. Todo esse trabalho foi desenvolvido durante a participação da autora no PIBID. Este trabalho tem como objetivo identificar a opinião dos professores do Ensino Médio sobre a inclusão educacional e quais as dificuldades enfrentadas por eles nesse processo. A pesquisa realizada é fundamentada na Epistemologia Qualitativa de González Rey. Foi aplicado um questionário a 20 professores com o intuito de saber sua opinião sobre a inclusão educacional e as suas dificuldades. Ao longo dessa pesquisa, verificamos que a inclusão ainda é um desafio. Dos nove professores que responderam ao questionário, percebemos que três tinham postura contrária à inclusão. Os demais professores se mostraram mais dispostos e participativos


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    The research aims to answer the following question: What is the effectiveness of mergers and acquisitions in the Brazilian market as external corporate governance mechanism? The main objective of the study is to verify if mergers and acquisitions operations in Brazilian market may act as an external mechanism of corporate governance, replacing managers and, as a consequence of changes in management, improving financial performance. The study is exploratory, qualitative in its approach, supported by documentary research on secondary data concerning an intentional sample of Brazilian companies aiming to identify the effect of M&A operations on the corporate governance structure of the acquired firm and on its financial results. Data obtained on the website of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), related to Brazilian M&A operations in the period 2005-2010, were analyzed. Although M&A operations in Brazil were found to have disciplinary nature in our sample of firms in the studied period, our results are inconclusive regarding the effectiveness of these transactions and external governance mechanisms

    Characterization and kinetics studies of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) myoglobin

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    The colour of buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L.) meat is darker than bovine meat. Since meat colour depends on the concentration of myoglobin (Mb) and its oxidation state, we have determined the main structural and functional properties of buffalo Mb. Buffalo Mb was purified from longissimus dorsi muscles and its molecular mass determined by ESI Q-TOF mass spectrometry. The molecular mass 17,034.50 was 86.20 Da higher than the bovine Mb. This was confirmed by analysing its primary structure, using a combined approach based on Edman degradation and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Comparing the amino acid sequences of both Mbs, we found three amino acid differences out of 153 amino acid residues. One is a conservative substitution (Dbov141Ebuf), and the other two (Abov19Tbuf and Abov117Dbuf) are nonconservative. These amino acid substitutions are unlikely to cause structural changes because they are located far from the heme binding pocket, as revealed by the 3D structure of buffalo Mb elaborated by homology modelling. Stability analyses show no difference with the bovine Mb for helix E and only minor differences in the stability values for helices A and G. Moreover, autoxidation rates of purified buffalo and bovine myoglobins at 37 °C, pH 7.2, were almost identical, 0.052 ± 0.001 h- 1 and 0.054 ± 0.002 h- 1, respectively, as were their oxygen-binding Kd values, 3.7 ± 0.1 μM and 3.5 ± 0.1 μM, respectively. The percent of MetMb values were almost identical. The results presented here suggest that the darker buffalo meat depends on factors other than the oxidation rate of its Mb, as, for example, the Mb content (0.393 ± 0.005 g/100 g of tissue) and consequently MetMb, which are almost twice as high as bovine meat (Mb: 0.209 ± 0.003 g/100 g of tissue). © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Kinetics of amyloid aggregation of mammal apomyoglobins and correlation with their amino acid sequences

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    AbstractIn protein deposition disorders, a normally soluble protein is deposited as insoluble aggregates, referred to as amyloid. The intrinsic effects of specific mutations on the rates of protein aggregation and amyloid formation of unfolded polypeptide chains can be correlated with changes in hydrophobicity, propensity to convert α-helical to β sheet conformation and charge. In this paper, we report the aggregation rates of buffalo, horse and bovine apomyoglobins. The experimental values were compared with the theoretical ones evaluated considering the amino acid differences among the sequences. Our results show that the mutations which play critical roles in the rate-determining step of apomyoglobin aggregation are those located within the N-terminal region of the molecule

    Risco para violência autoprovocada: prenuncio de tragédia, oportunidade de prevenção

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    In Brazil, more than 30 self-inflicted deaths per day were registered in 2012, with an estimated number of suicide attempts being 10 to 20 times higher, requiring intersectoral strategies to prevent new cases and follow at-risk groups. The objective of this study was to analyze the association of factors considered of risk for suicide attempt in people attending at a referral hospital in the northern region of Ceará, using the population-based case-control method. We included 153 cases and 153 controls admitted between August 2013 and August 2015, matched by gender, age and origin. Data collection was carried out by means of an appropriate form and information was processed using SPSS. Young adults prevailed, without significant difference by gender, in the sample of cases. Exogenous intoxication emerged as the leading method, and love and family conflict were the main reasons. Leisure proved to be a protective factor. The risk factors were ‘previous suicide attempt’, ‘having some kind of a mental disorder’, ‘family history of self-injurious behavior’ and ‘drug abuse’. Many of the controls reported suicidal ideation at some point in their lives. Screening is recommended from the most striking predictors and awareness-raising for notification.En Brasil, se registraron más de 30 óbitos auto-provocados por día en 2012 siendo la estimativa para los Intentos de Suicidio entre 10 y 20 veces mayor, lo que exige estrategias intersectoriales para prevenir nuevos casos y hacer un seguimiento de los grupos de riesgo. El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la asociación de factores considerados de riesgo con el intento de suicidio en personas atendidas en un hospital de referencia de la región norte de Ceará a partir del método caso-control de base poblacional. Fueron incluidos 153 casos y 153 controles admitidos entre agosto de 2013 y agosto de 2015 emparejados por sexo, edad y procedencia. La recolección de los datos fue realizada mediante un formulario propio y las informaciones procesadas por el SPSS. En la muestra de casos prevalecieron los adultos jóvenes sin diferencia significativa por sexo. Se destacó como método la Intoxicación Exógena y las motivaciones por conflictos amorosos y familiares. El ocio demostró ser protector. Los factores de riesgo fueron ‘intento de suicidio anterior’, ‘ser portador de algún trastorno mental’, ‘histórico familiar de comportamiento auto-lesivo’ y ‘abuso de drogas’. Muchos de los controles refirieron ideas suicidas en algún momento de su vida. Se recomienda el seguimiento a partir de los predictores más impactantes y la sensibilización para la notificación.No Brasil, foram registrados mais de 30 óbitos autoprovocados por dia em 2012 sendo a estimativa para as Tentativas de Suicídio cerca de 10 a 20 vezes maior o que exige estratégias intersetoriais para prevenir novos casos e acompanhar os grupos de risco. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a associação de fatores considerados de risco com a tentativa de suicídio em pessoas atendidas em um hospital de referência da região norte do Ceará a partir do método caso-controle de base populacional. Foram incluídos 153 casos e 153 controles admitidos entre agosto de 2013 e agosto de 2015 pareados por sexo, idade e procedência. A coleta de dados foi realizada por um formulário próprio e as informações processadas pelo SPSS. Na amostra de casos prevaleceram os adultos jovens sem diferença significativa por sexo. Destacou-se como método a Intoxicação Exógena e as motivações por conflitos amorosos e familiares. O lazer demonstrou-se protetor. Os fatores de risco foram ‘Tentativa de suicídio anterior’, ‘ser portador de algum transtorno mental’, ‘histórico familiar de comportamento autolesivo’ e ‘uso abusivo de drogas’. Muitos dos controles referiram ideação suicida em algum momento da vida. Recomenda-se o rastreamento a partir dos preditores mais impactantes e a sensibilização para notificação

    Donation after Circulatory Death in Paediatric Liver Transplantation: Current Status and Future Perspectives in the Machine Perfusion Era

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    Efforts have been made by the transplant community to expand the deceased donor pool in paediatric liver transplantation (LT). The growing experience on donation after circulatory death (DCD) for adult LT has encouraged its use also in children, albeit in selective cases, opening new perspectives for paediatric patients. Even though there has recently been a slight increase in the number of DCD livers transplanted in children, with satisfactory graft and patient outcomes, the use of DCD grafts in paediatric recipients is still controversial due to morbid outcomes associated with DCD grafts. In this context, recent advances in the optimization of donor support by extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and in the graft preservation by liver machine perfusion could find application in order to expand the donor pool in paediatric LT. In the present study we review the current literature on DCD liver grafts transplanted in children and on the use of extracorporeal donor support and liver perfusion machines in paediatrics, with the aim of defining the current status and future perspectives of paediatric LT

    Short-term preservation of canine preantral follicles : effects of temperature, medium and time

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    The use of the large pool of preantral follicles is a promising alternative to provide high numbers of fertilizable oocytes to reproductive biotechnology. This issue is particularly important to canids, since current rates of success of in vitro techniques using oocytes are very limited, and many species within this family are threatened by extinction. The aim of this study was to evaluate effects of temperature, medium and time on morphology and viability of canine preantral follicles during short-term preservation. Canine ovaries were cut into fragments which were incubated in 0.9% NaCl solution or in minimum essential medium (MEM) at 4, 20 or 38 °C for 2, 6, 12 or 24 h. Afterwards, preantral follicles were analyzed by histology, transmission electron microscopy and viability testing using trypan blue, calcein-AM and ethidium homodimer-1. Percentages of morphological normal and viable follicles were maintained similar to control (time 0 h) after incubation in 0.9% NaCl at 4 or 20 °C for up to 6 h and at 38 °C for 2 h. Using MEM, such preservation was possible for 12 h at 4 or 20 °C, and for 6 h at 38 °C. These results indicate that preservation of canine preantral follicles might be better accomplished through hypothermic (4 or 20 °C) storage in MEM, which ensures maintenance of morphology and viability for up to 12 h

    Longitudinal virological and immunological profile in a case of human monkeypox infection

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    In a male with severe proctitis, monkeypox virus DNA was detected in skin lesions, blood, nasopharynx, and rectum, underlying the generalized viral spreading. Rectal involvement was still found when skin lesions disappeared. At the early-stage, increase of cytotoxic and activated T-cells, while reduction of CD56dimCD57+NK cells compared to recovery time-point was observed
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