12 research outputs found

    Perception of nurses on humanization in nursing care in immediate puerperium

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    Objective: To study the perception of nurses about the humanization of postpartum care in a public hospital in Seridó region, Rio Grande do Norte (RN). Method: this is an exploratory and descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The subjects were nurses who attend postpartum women during the postpartum period in hospital settings. Results: in the perception of nurses, humanization corresponds to adopting a different position before care, with the establishment of relationships wrapped in feelings of empathy, respect and affection. It also emerged the understanding that this is a complex process that involves the articulation of different levels of care, management of health institutions and good condition of infrastructure and human resources. Conclusion: the humanization is seen primarily as a subjective practice gifted of affective feelings toward the mothers, although enlarged conceptions have arisen

    Instrumento para avaliar o cuidado de graduandos de enfermagem à pessoa com ferida

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    OBJETIVO Apresentar o processo de construção e validação de um instrumento para avaliar o cuidado à pessoa com ferida para aplicação com graduandos de enfermagem. MÉTODO Pesquisa metodológica, quantitativa, com aplicação da técnica Delphi em duas rodadas. A primeira com 30 juízes e a segunda com 18. A análise foi feita com o coeficiente Kappa ≥0,80, o índice de validade de conteúdo >;0,80, além do teste de Wilcoxon para comparações dos índices entre as rodadas. RESULTADOS Verificou-se que, das 20 categorias do instrumento, 18 apresentaram melhores escores na fase Delphi 2. Quanto aos requisitos de avaliação, constatou-se que os escores na segunda fase foram maiores em sete dos 10 itens. CONCLUSÃO A partir da avaliação dos juízes, foi definida uma versão do instrumento com índices de concordância e validade adequados, que poderá contribuir com a avaliação do cuidado de graduandos de enfermagem à pessoa com lesão cutânea.OBJETIVO Presentar el proceso de construcción y validación de un instrumento para evaluar el cuidado a la persona con herida a fin de aplicarlo a los graduandos de enfermería. Método: Investigación metodológica, cuantitativa, con aplicación de la técnica Delphi en dos rondas. La primera con 30 jueces y la segunda con 18. El análisis se hizo mediante el coeficiente Kappa ≥0,80, el índice de validez de contenido >;0,80, además de la prueba de los rangos con signos de Wilcoxon para comparaciones de los índices entre las rondas. RESULTADOS Se verificó que, de las 20 categorías del instrumento, 18 presentaron mejores puntajes en la fase Delphi 2. En cuanto a los requisitos de evaluación, se advirtió que los puntajes en la segunda fase fueron mayores en siete de los 10 ítems. CONCLUSIÓN Desde la evaluación de los jueces, se definió una versión del instrumento con índices de concordancia y validez adecuados, la que podrá contribuir con la evaluación del cuidado de graduandos de enfermería a la persona con lesión cutánea.OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to present the process of construction and validation of an instrument for evaluating the care provided to people with wounds, to be used with undergraduate nursing students. METHOD Methodological study, with quantitative approach, using the Delphi technique in two rounds, the first with 30 judges and the second with 18. The analysis was made with Kappa coefficient ≥0.80, and content validity index greater than >;0.80, also using the Wilcoxon test for comparison of the indices between the rounds. RESULTS It was found that of the 20 categories of the instrument, 18 presented better scores in the second Delphi round. Scores were greater in the second round in seven of the ten evaluation categories. CONCLUSION Based on the evaluation by the judges, a version of the instrument was defined with adequate indices of agreement and validity, which will be able to help in evaluating care of people with cutaneous injury given by undergraduate nursing students

    Nursing care to woman in immediate puerperium: a narrative description

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    Objective: To describe the nursing care provided in the immediate postpartum though perceptions of nurses in a public hospital. Method: descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Study participants were nurses who attend the institution postpartum. Qualitative data were analyzed based on thematic content analysis. Results: from the analysis of discourses, categories encompassing the dimensions of the process of nursing work emerged: Managing; Assisting/intervening; Investigating/researching; and the teaching/learning in the nursing actions. Managing nursing actions underlies up in classical management theories; assistance is marked by biologism; there is lack of research in the work process; educational practices are based on the traditional health model and there is a shortage of actions on Continuing Education. Conclusion: the nursing practice must be based on articulated processes to generate practices that make up the entirety of health actions

    Validity of instruments used in nursing care for people with skin lesions

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    Objective To validate the content of two instruments used to evaluate nursing care for people with skin lesions. Methods Content validation study comprised of two stages: the first was the development of the instruments, beginning with a literature review; the second, content validation by means of an evaluation conducted by 30 judges/experts. For analysis, the Kappa coefficient ≥ 0.61 and content validity index ≥ 0.75 were adopted. Results The judges presented nine suggestions regarding the instrument’s categories. All items of the questionnaire and the observation script reached acceptable rates of content validity and concordance. Some categories attained scores above the given value, confirming the validity of the content. Conclusion The instruments showed satisfactory content validity rates, and can be used to measure the skills and knowledge of nursing care provided to people with skin lesions

    Utilização da caderneta de saúde do adolescente: percepção de profissionais

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    Objective: To analyze the perception of professionals about the use of the Caderneta de Saúde do Adolescente (CSA). Methods: A descriptive study with a qualitative approach was carried out in 2018 in the city of Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil, in which 17 professionals participated, including 12 members of the health team and five multi-professional residents in Basic Care of the Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF). Data were collected with a semi-structured interview containing data on the characterization of the professionals and a guiding question about the professionals' perception of the CSA. The application of the content analysis methodology resulted in the identification of two thematic categories: Conceptions of professionals about the Caderneta de Saúde do Adolescente; Difficulties of professionals regarding the use of the Caderneta de Saúde do Adolescente. Results: The main difficulties of using the CSA were the lack of professional qualification, the resistance of the parents/guardians who judged the immature children to receive the information about the subjects addressed and the absence of the adolescents in the ESF. Conclusion: The study provided reflections on professional practice, improvements in access to care and registration of health care for the adolescent public.Objetivo: Analizar la percepción de profesionales sobre la utilización de la Libreta de Salud del Adolescente (LSA). Métodos: Estudio descriptivo y de abordaje cualitativo realizado en 2018 en la ciudad de Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil, en el cual participaron 17 profesionales (12 miembros del equipo de salud y cinco residentes multiprofesionales de la Atención Básica de una Estrategia de Salud de la Familia – ESF). Se recogieron los datos a través de entrevista semiestructurada con datos sobre la caracterización de los profesionales y una cuestión orientadora sobre la percepción de los profesionales acerca de la LSA. La aplicación de la metodología del análisis de contenido ha resultado en la identificación de dos categorías temáticas: Concepciones de los profesionales sobre la Libreta de Salud del Adolescente; Dificultades de los profesionales sobre la utilización de la Libreta de Salud del Adolescente. Resultados: Se observó como las principales dificultades del uso de la LSA la falta de capacitación profesional, la resistencia de los padres/responsables que juzgan sus hijos inmaturos para recibir las informaciones sobre los temas abordados y, aún, la ausencia de los adolescentes en la ESF. Conclusión: El estudio ha proporcionado reflexiones de la práctica profesional, las mejorías para el acceso a la atención y el registro de los cuidados de salud del público adolescente.Objetivo: Analisar a percepção de profissionais acerca da utilização da Caderneta de Saúde do Adolescente (CSA). Métodos: Estudo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, realizado em 2018, na cidade de Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil, do qual participaram 17 profissionais, sendo 12 membros da equipe de saúde e cinco residentes multiprofissionais em Atenção Básica de uma Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF). Coletaram-se os dados com entrevista semiestruturada contendo dados sobre caracterização dos profissionais e uma questão norteadora sobre a percepção dos profissionais acerca da CSA. A aplicação da metodologia da análise de conteúdo resultou na identificação de duas categorias temáticas: Concepções dos profissionais acerca da Caderneta de Saúde do Adolescente; Dificuldades dos profissionais acerca da utilização da Caderneta de Saúde do Adolescente. Resultados: Observou-se como principais dificuldades de uso da CSA a falta de capacitação profissional, a resistência dos pais/responsáveis que julgam os filhos imaturos para receberem as informações sobre os temas abordados e, ainda, a ausência dos adolescentes na ESF. Conclusão: O estudo proporcionou reflexões sobre a prática profissional, melhorias no acesso ao atendimento e o registro dos cuidados à saúde do público adolescente