2,719 research outputs found

    Diabetes and covid-19: more than the sum of two morbidities

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) pandemic has caused a public health emergency worldwide. Risk, severity and mortality of the disease have been associated with non-communicable chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus. Accumulated evidence has caused great concern in countries with high prevalence of this morbidity, such as Brazil. This text shows the picture of diabetes in Brazil, followed by epidemiological data and explanatory hypothesis for the association between diabetes and covid-19. We emphasized how the burden of these two morbidities in a middleincome country has aggravated this pandemic scenario. The comprehension of this association and biological plausibility may help face this pandemic and future challenges

    Nutrição não sai de moda

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    Cushing e prêmio ABE&M 2006

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    Distinct breakfast patterns on satiety perception in individuals with weight excess

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    ABSTRACT Objectives: Western dietary pattern predisposes to weight gain, insulin resistance and cardiometabolic diseases. Promoting satiety via modifications in diet composition could be useful to fight weight gain. Mediterranean diet which is recognized to be cardioprotective contains high fiber and unsaturated fat contents. We compared the effects of distinct breakfast patterns on satiety of individuals at cardiometabolic risk, and examined the correlation of satiety level after each breakfast intervention period with glucose parameters. Materials and methods: In this 10-week cross-over clinical trial, 54 individuals with weight excess were submitted to 2 types of 4-week isocaloric breakfasts (2-week washout), one typically Brazilian and a modified one, differing concerning fiber and types of fatty acids contents. Clinical data were collected before and after each breakfast. A satiety scale was applied at fasting and 10, 30 and 120' after breakfast consumption. Repeated measures ANOVA, Student t test or non-parametric correspondents were used; correlations were tested by Pearson or Spearman coefficients. Results: Anthropometric variations after breakfasts were not significant. Only after the modified breakfast, reduction in blood pressure levels was observed. The satiety level did not show significant variation across each period or between the breakfasts. Non-significant correlation between satiety and glucose, insulin and HOMA-IR values after each intervention period was observed. Conclusion: We conclude that different breakfast compositions do not alter satiety level, which is not correlated to glucose parameters in overweight individuals. Stronger modifications of daily meals might be necessary to differentiate satiety levels under distinct dietary patterns. Arch Endocrinol Metab. 2016;60(4):333-4

    Distinct breakfast patterns on satiety perception in individuals with weight excess

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    ABSTRACT Objectives: Western dietary pattern predisposes to weight gain, insulin resistance and cardiometabolic diseases. Promoting satiety via modifications in diet composition could be useful to fight weight gain. Mediterranean diet which is recognized to be cardioprotective contains high fiber and unsaturated fat contents. We compared the effects of distinct breakfast patterns on satiety of individuals at cardiometabolic risk, and examined the correlation of satiety level after each breakfast intervention period with glucose parameters. Materials and methods: In this 10-week cross-over clinical trial, 54 individuals with weight excess were submitted to 2 types of 4-week isocaloric breakfasts (2-week washout), one typically Brazilian and a modified one, differing concerning fiber and types of fatty acids contents. Clinical data were collected before and after each breakfast. A satiety scale was applied at fasting and 10, 30 and 120' after breakfast consumption. Repeated measures ANOVA, Student t test or non-parametric correspondents were used; correlations were tested by Pearson or Spearman coefficients. Results: Anthropometric variations after breakfasts were not significant. Only after the modified breakfast, reduction in blood pressure levels was observed. The satiety level did not show significant variation across each period or between the breakfasts. Non-significant correlation between satiety and glucose, insulin and HOMA-IR values after each intervention period was observed. Conclusion: We conclude that different breakfast compositions do not alter satiety level, which is not correlated to glucose parameters in overweight individuals. Stronger modifications of daily meals might be necessary to differentiate satiety levels under distinct dietary patterns

    Vitamins and minerals with antioxidant properties and cardiometabolic risk: controversies and perspectives

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    No processo celular de obtenção de energia, são gerados compostos chamados espécies reativas de oxigênio (ERO) que, em excesso, podem causar danos celulares. Estresse oxidativo resulta do desequilíbrio no estado de óxido-redução a favor da oxidação. Dos mecanismos de defesa antioxidante, participam enzimas endógenas e algumas vitaminas e minerais. A vitamina E encontra-se no plasma e na partícula de LDL, protegendo lipídeos da oxidação. Estudos observacionais relataram associação inversa entre ingestão de vitamina E e risco cardiometabólico (RCM). Entretanto, ensaios clínicos não comprovaram a eficácia de sua suplementação nos desfechos cardiometabólicos. A vitamina C participa do sistema de regeneração da vitamina E, mantendo o potencial antioxidante plasmático. Dados sobre os benefícios de sua suplementação na redução do risco cardiometabólico são inconclusivos. A atividade antioxidante dos carotenoides é responsável, em parte, por seu papel protetor contra doenças cardiovasculares e cânceres. A suplementação desse nutriente também não trouxe resultados consistentes no que se refere à redução do RCM. A participação do zinco e do selênio na defesa antioxidante vem sendo estudada mais recentemente, mas a sua suplementação em indivíduos com níveis séricos normais e ingestão adequada na dieta desses minerais não parece ser necessária. De um modo geral, há muita controvérsia sobre o papel desses micronutrientes no RCM. Estudos epidemiológicos sugerem que o consumo de substâncias antioxidantes provenientes da dieta ou dietas ricas em frutas e hortaliças diminui o RCM. Mais estudos são necessários antes de se recomendar o uso de antioxidantes isolados na forma de suplementos para tal finalidade.Oxygen reactive species (ROS) are generated during cellular processes. In excess, they may cause damages to the cell. Oxidative stress is an imbalance in the redox state that favors oxidation. Endogenous enzymes and some vitamins and minerals participate in the plasma antioxidant defense. Vitamin E is found in the plasma and in the LDL particle, avoiding lipid peroxidation. Observational studies reported an inverse association between vitamin E consumption and cardiometabolic (CM) risk. However, clinical trials were not able to prove the efficacy of its supplementation on CM endpoints. Vitamin C participates in the vitamin E regeneration system, keeping the plasma's antioxidant potential. Data about beneficial effects of its supplementation in CM risk reduction are inconclusive. The antioxidant activity of carotenoids is partially responsible for its protective role against cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Supplementation of this nutrient did not provide consistent findings in terms of CM risk reduction. Recently, zinc and selenium's participation in the antioxidant defense has been studied, yet its supplementation in individuals with normal levels and adequate ingestion of these nutrients does not seem necessary. In summary, the role of these micronutrients for CM risk is still very controversial. Epidemiological studies suggest that diets rich in antioxidants, or simply in fruit and vegetables intake, can reduce CM risk. Further studies are needed before recommending antioxidant supplements for this purpose

    Sodium intake and metabolic syndrome: a systematic review

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    Estudos recentes mostram que restrições na ingestão de sódio podem aumentar a resistência à insulina (RI) e induzir alterações nas lipoproteínas séricas e em marcadores de inflamação semelhantes às encontradas na síndrome metabólica (SM). Realizou-se uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre os efeitos da restrição do consumo de sódio sobre a SM ou a RI. Nove artigos foram incluídos na revisão. A restrição no consumo de sódio associou-se ao aumento da RI em dois artigos e a diminuição em três outros. Em sete dos nove artigos, a restrição na ingestão de sal determinou redução da pressão arterial e em dois artigos ocorreram efeitos adversos em marcadores da SM. A maioria dos estudos mostrou efeitos benéficos da restrição moderada de sódio da dieta associados ou não a outras modificações nutricionais ou ao aumento da atividade física. Novos estudos são necessários para avaliar os efeitos de reduções moderadas no consumo de sódio sobre a SM e a RI.Recent studies have shown that sodium intake restrictions may increase insulin resistance (IR) and induce changes on serum lipoproteins and on inflammation markers that are similar to those found in metabolic syndrome (MS). We performed a systematic review of literature regarding the effects of restricting sodium intake on MS or on IR. Nine articles were included in the review. Restriction of sodium consumption was associated with increase insulin resistance in two articles and with decrease in three others. In seven of nine articles, salt intake restriction determined blood pressure reduction, and in two articles adverse effects on markers of MS were found. Most studies showed beneficial effects of moderate sodium intake restriction, associated or not to others nutritional modifications or increased physical activity. Further studies are needed to evaluate the effects of moderate sodium consumption reductions on MS and IR

    Study on the frequency of caries and associated factors in type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    Subjects with diabetes mellitus (DM) are more prone to certain disturbances of oral cavity but there are controversies concerning caries. This cross-sectional study investigated the frequency of caries and associated factors, in a sample of population with or without type 1 DM, including non-diabetic (53 women, 31 men) and 30 diabetic subjects (19 women, 11 men) aged 17-28 years. Diagnosis of dental caries was based on the DMF-T index (D= decay; M= miss; F= fill; T= teeth); in addition, a plaque control record (PCR) was obtained. A preponderance of female sex was found within the groups studied but such proportions did not differ when comparing diabetic and non-diabetic groups. Mean ages were 21.0 ± 2.2 and 19.5 ± 1.8 years, respectively for subjects without and with DM (p< 0.05). Education level was higher in the non-diabetic group as well as the DMF-T index (10.5 ± 5.8 vs. 6.7 ± 5.7, p< 0.01). Linear regression analysis (n= 114) showed significant associations of DMF-T with age, sucrose intake, daily frequency of tooth brushing, of dental floss use, PCR and of visits to the dentist. By ANOVA model with age as a covariate the non-diabetic condition (p= 0.047), sucrose index and PCR (r²= 0.820) were independently associated with the DMF-T. In the diabetic-specific model, with only the diabetic subjects included and sucrose index as a covariate, DM duration, fundus abnormality and PCR were significantly associated with the presence of caries (r²= 0.816). The sample of type 1 diabetic subjects suggest that they are less prone to caries than non-diabetics, despite having a higher frequency of meals, less tooth brushing and dental floss use. We speculate that DM duration may contribute to the occurrence of caries and restricted sucrose consumption to lower frequency of caries in diabetic subjects.Indivíduos com diabetes mellitus (DM) são mais susceptíveis a doenças da cavidade bucal, havendo controvérsias quanto à cárie. Este estudo transversal investigou a freqüência de cárie e fatores associados em amostra portadora ou não de DM tipo 1, incluindo-se 84 jovens não-diabéticos (53F / 31M) e 30 diabéticos (19F / 11M) entre 17-28 anos. O diagnóstico de cárie baseou-se no índice de CPO-D (dentes C= cariados; P= perdidos; O= obturados); além deste, foi obtido registro de controle de placa (RCP). Nos grupos estudados houve predomínio do sexo feminino, embora estas proporções não tenham diferido entre os grupos diabético e não-diabético. As médias de idade foram de 21,0 ± 2,2 e 19,5 ± 1,8 anos, respectivamente para indivíduos sem e com DM (p< 0,05). A escolaridade foi mais elevada no grupo não-diabético, assim como o índice de CPO-D (10,5 ± 5,8 vs. 6,7 ± 5,7; p< 0,01). A análise de regressão simples (n= 114) mostrou associações significantes da CPO-D com idade, consumo de sacarose, número de escovações diárias, uso do fio dental, RCP e de visitas ao dentista. Em modelo de ANOVA, tendo a idade como co-variável, associaram-se significantemente à CPO-D a condição não-diabética, índice de sacarose e RCP (r²= 0,820). No modelo que incluiu apenas o grupo com DM, tendo o índice de sacarose como co-variável, o tempo de DM, anormalidade da fundoscopia e RCP associaram-se significantemente à cárie (r²= 0,816). A amostra de indivíduos diabéticos sugere que estes apresentam menos cáries que os não-diabéticos, apesar de realizarem maior número de refeições e menor uso de escovação e fio dental. Especula-se que a duração do DM possa contribuir para ocorrência de cárie e o consumo restrito de sacarose para menor freqüência de cárie em portadores de DM.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Departamento de Medicina PreventivaUSPUNIFESP, Depto. de Medicina PreventivaSciEL

    Studies of Gene Variants Related to Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, Dyslipidemia, and Obesity: Implications for a Nutrigenetic Approach

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    Obesity is currently considered a serious public health issue due to its strong impact on health, economy, and quality of life. It is considered a chronic low-grade inflammation state and is directly involved in the genesis of metabolic disturbances, such as insulin resistance and dyslipidemia, which are well-known risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, there is evidence that genetic variation that predisposes to inflammation and metabolic disturbances could interact with environmental factors, such as diet, modulating individual susceptibility to developing these conditions. This paper aims to review the possible interactions between diet and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes implicated on the inflammatory response, lipoprotein metabolism, and oxidative status. Therefore, the impact of genetic variants of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-(PPAR-)gamma, tumor necrosis factor-(TNF-)alpha, interleukin (IL)-1, IL-6, apolipoprotein (Apo) A1, Apo A2, Apo A5, Apo E, glutathione peroxidases 1, 2, and 4, and selenoprotein P exposed to variations on diet composition is described